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Title Of New Product:

Smoking Kills

Programme Duration:

6 - 10 minutes

An Executive Summary (Aims Of Product, Outline Of Ideas,


The aim of the product is to convince people to either stop

smoking, or to refrain from starting to smoke in the future. This
will be done through the use a storyline that easy to relate to
and shocking facts that will be shown in between scenes. These
facts will present the reality of smoking and the effect it has on
your body, which will hopefully convince people to stop, or
refrain from smoking.

Product Description:

The product is a video advertisement to promote an anti-

smoking message. It will portray 2 different people who are the
same age, showing the visual effects of smoking, and informing
the audience of how bad smoking can be by including facts.
One character will be a young healthy looking man, and the
other will be a man who looks much older and unhealthier than
the other.

As I am a student my budget for the anti-smoking video isn’t
very high. I will try to make the best use of any resources I can
find for free or at a low price so that I don’t go massively over
budget when making the video.

Details Of Production Company. What Resources And Personnel

Are Needed?

 Production Company – The production company consists of three

people. Myself, Georgia Chadwick, and Shannon Barlow. Together
we will be setting up the scene and recording the video.

 Resources – For my video I will need a variety of props. This

includes a table cloth, a birthday cake, and candles. To record the
video I will be using an iPad, and to edit the video I will be using
iMovie editing software.

 Personnel – The personnel needed for my video is 2 actors, 3

producers, and a few extras. One actor will look young and the 2nd
actor will look slightly older. The extras will be a few people who
are of different genders, but around the same age as each other.

How you might market and distribute the programme

I could use social media to market and distribute the programme. By

creating a short trailer for the video and posting it across social media I
may be able to go viral and reach a wider audience. It would also be a
good method of distributing as my target audience is young adults, who
are likely to use social media on a daily or regular basis. Therefore this
method would be effective for reaching them.

I could also create posters to promote my video and its anti-smoking

message. This would also help advertise the programme as not everyone
has social media, therefore by using this traditional method I am able to
reach a bigger audience. I could place these posters in popular local
areas which would give them a good chance of being seen by the

Images and graphics to create visual support to the planning

ideas Examples of existing products that may be drawn on for
inspiration in terms of form, etc.

Details Plot Outline

The video begins by showing Steve stood behind a table,
looking bland (not particularly or overly happy) as he celebrates
his 20th birthday. In the background you can hear his family and
friends singing happy birthday to him with cheerful tones in
their voices. The scene fades to black and a fact about smoking
appears on the screen.

It then cuts back to Steve for a close up shot of him blowing out
his candles. He coughs loudly as he does so, due to the effect
the smoking has had on his body. A dramatic sound effect plays
in the background to emphasise the dramatic atmosphere in the
scene. Another fact soon appears on the screen, informing the
audience about the dangers of smoking.

The next scene then portrays a different man celebrating his

birthday. His name is Chris and he is also celebrating his 20th
birthday. However, Chris looks notably different to Steve, despite
them being the same age. Chris looks younger, healthier, and
happier due to the fact that he does not smoke. He appears
happy as his family and friends sing happy birthday to him.

After another smoking fact appears on the screen, the video

then shows Chris again, this time for a close up shot of him
blowing out the candles. He appears to do it with ease, and
doesn’t cough or have any troubling blowing out the candle, like
Steve did. The video ends with a final fact about smoking, and
then the credits play.
Character Profiles

Chris Smith (Non-smoker):

Chris Smith is a 20 year old man from Liverpool. He has had a
relatively happy and healthy life and has never suffered from any
serious illnesses. He mostly eats healthy food and regularly
exercises. Instead of going on nights out with friends and
drinking alcohol, Chris and his friends prefer to stay in and have
movie nights instead, cooking their own heathy food and snacks.
Chris doesn’t drink alcohol or do any drugs. However most
importantly for the video, Chris has never smoked a cigarette,
and has no family members or friends that smoke. He also
mainly likes to visit and stay in places where smoking is not
allowed, which he does to decrease the amount of second hand
smoke he may inhale from people on the streets around him.
Steve Green (Smoker):

Steve Green is a 20 year old man from Liverpool. He has lived a

particularly unhealthy lifestyle and often falls ill due to his
lifestyle choices. Steve doesn’t stick to healthy eating and often
consumes food and drinks that are high in sugar. He also
regularly goes on nights out with his friends and enjoys drinking
alcohol and smoking with them. Steve has been smoking since a
young age, since he was around the age of 14. This has
massively impacted his life and is a big factor in the reason why
he has a lot of health problems. Alongside this, you can also see
the difference in Steve’s appearance in comparison to Chris.
Even though they are the same age there is a notable difference
in their appearance, with Steve looking a lot older than Chris
due to the physical effect smoking has had on him.
Set Design

The location for the video will be a section of an empty room.

There will be a table in the room which will be covered by a
tablecloth and will have a birthday cake with a candle sitting on
top of it. The reason for having the room be quite empty besides
the character and the table is so that the focus of the audience
can be kept where I want it to be. Keeping the focus on the
character and the cake is important as they are the key parts to
the storyline and I don’t want anything to distract the audience
from that. This room will also fit the theme of my video as it is
set in a party/function room, and these types of places are
usually quite empty, apart from tables and chairs. Therefore using
an empty room and just having a table in the frame will allow
for the audience to believe it is actually being filmed in a
party/function room. For my video this will be the only location
needed as all the scenes can be filmed in the same place.
Title Ideas
Your title needs to be sorted and you need to create 3 different title pages in photoshop with
appropriate fonts.

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