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Interpretation of magnetic data using tilt-angle derivatives

Ahmed Salem1, Simon Williams1, Derek Fairhead1,2, Richard Smith3, and Dhananjay Ravat4

ware have become widely available, these techniques are being used
ABSTRACT more extensively.
Utilizing first-order derivatives of the magnetic field, Euler de-
We have developed a new method for interpretation of convolution was first presented by Thompson 共1982兲 for profile data
gridded magnetic data which, based on derivatives of the tilt and by Reid et al. 共1990兲 for gridded data. The method has come into
angle, provides a simple linear equation, similar to the 3D wide use as an aid for interpreting magnetic data 共FitzGerald et al.,
Euler equation. Our method estimates both the horizontal lo- 2004兲. The main advantage of the Euler method is that it can provide
cation and the depth of magnetic bodies, but without specify- automatic estimates of the source location of the causative magnetic
ing prior information about the nature of the sources 共struc- anomalies. However, it requires an assumption about the type of
tural index兲. Using source-position estimates, the nature of body that is the nature source. In practice, this is achieved by speci-
the source can then be inferred. Theoretical simulations over fying a structural index ␩ to define the source type in generalized sit-
simple and complex magnetic sources that give rise to noise- uations, setting a good strategy for discriminating, and selecting
corrupted and noise-free data, illustrate the ability of the meaningful solutions. Recent extensions to the Euler method allow
method to provide source locations and index values charac- ␩ to be estimated from the data, with the calculation of Hilbert trans-
terizing the nature of the source bodies. Our method uses sec- forms of the derivatives 共Nabighian and Hansen, 2001兲.
ond derivatives of the magnetic anomaly, which are sensitive Thurston and Smith 共1997兲 presented the SPI method, which re-
to noise 共high-wavenumber spectral content兲 in the data. quires second-order derivatives of the field. The SPI method uses a
Thus, an upward continuation of the anomaly may lead to re- term known as the local wavenumber to provide a rapid estimate of
duce the noise effect. We demonstrate the practical utility the depth of buried magnetic bodies. The local wavenumber was de-
of the method using a field example from Namibia, where fined as the spatial derivative of the local phase. The SPI method
the results of the proposed method show broad cor- works on gridded data, but assumed a contact model 共␩ ⳱ 0兲. Later
relation with previous results using interactive forward extensions to the method 共Smith et al., 1998; Thurston et al., 2002兲
modeling. enabled calculation of ␩ , but these required third-order derivatives.
The calculation of third-order derivatives from gridded data is prob-
lematic so the use of profile data was advocated by Smith et al.
共2005兲 and Smith and Salem 共2005兲.
INTRODUCTION Very recently, several new approaches have been developed that
deal with depth determination and structural index estimation simul-
One important goal in the interpretation of magnetic data is to de- taneously. One method 共Fedi, 2007兲 calculates the field at many alti-
termine the type and the location of the magnetic source. This has re- tudes and scales the field by a power law of the altitude. The depth
cently become particularly important because of the large volumes and index can be obtained by finding extreme points. Another meth-
of magnetic data that are being collected for environmental and geo- od 共Stavrev and Reid, 2007兲 assumes 共like the Euler method兲 homo-
logical applications. To this end, a variety of semiautomatic meth- geneous potential fields, but applies a similarity transform.
ods, based on the use of derivatives of the magnetic field, have been Salem et al. 共2005兲 presented the enhanced local wavenumber
developed to determine magnetic source parameters such as loca- method 共ELW兲 for interpreting profile magnetic data. Based on the
tions of boundaries and depths 共e.g., see references in Blakely, 1995; 2D Euler equation 共Thompson, 1982兲, they showed that deconvolu-
Nabighian et al., 2005兲. As faster computers and commercial soft- tion of the derivatives of the local phase can provide automatic esti-

Manuscript received by the Editor 11 April 2007; revised manuscript received 8 August 2007; published online 16 November 2007.
GETECH, Leeds, U.K. E-mail:;
University of Leeds, School of Earth & Environment, U.K. E-mail:
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© 2008 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.

L2 Salem et al.

mates of the source location regardless of the nature of the sources. lute value of the total horizontal gradient. This fact makes calculat-
The tilt angle is similar to the local phase, used in the ELW method ing the tilt angle similar to an automatic-gain-control filter: both op-
for profile magnetic data. The local phase uses the sign of the hori- erations tend to equalize the amplitude output of the magnetic anom-
zontal gradient, whereas the tilt angle uses the absolute value. alies across a grid or a profile 共Verduzco et al., 2004兲. Our method
The purpose of this paper is to show that the derivatives of the tilt utilizes the derivatives of the tilt angle to provide a direct estimate of
angle can provide an automatic estimate of the source location from the source location using the definition of the 3D Euler equation sim-
gridded magnetic data. Our objectives are to derive information ilar to Salem et al. 共2005兲 for profile data. The 3D form of Euler’s
about depth of the magnetic sources and the structural index 共␩ 兲. We equation can be defined 共Thompson, 1982; Reid et al., 1990兲 as
use second-order derivatives of the field. Thus our method has po-
tential advantages over methods requiring third-order derivatives. ⳵M ⳵M ⳵M
共x ⳮ xo兲 Ⳮ 共y ⳮ y o兲 Ⳮ 共z ⳮ zo兲
⳵x ⳵y ⳵z
⳱ ␩ 共B ⳮ M兲, 共6兲
The tilt angle 共Miller and Singh, 1994; Verduzco et al., 2004兲 is
where x, y and z are the observation coordinates, xo, y o, and zo are the
defined as
source coordinates, B is base level and ␩ is a value that describes the

⳵M anomaly attenuation rate commonly known as the structural index.
Taking the derivatives of the 3D Euler equation in the x, y, and z di-
␪ ⳱ tanⳮ1 , 共1兲 rections, we obtain
⳵h ⳵ 2M ⳵ 2M ⳵ 2M
共x ⳮ xo兲 2 Ⳮ 共y ⳮ y o兲 Ⳮ 共z ⳮ zo兲
⳵x ⳵ y⳵ x ⳵ z⳵ x

冑冉 冊 冉 冊
⳵M ⳵M 2
⳵M 2 ⳱ ⳮ 共␩ Ⳮ 1兲 , 共7兲
⳱ Ⳮ , 共2兲 ⳵x
⳵h ⳵x ⳵y
and ⳵ M /⳵ x, ⳵ M /⳵ y, and ⳵ M /⳵ z are the derivatives of the magnetic ⳵ 2M ⳵ 2M ⳵ 2M
field M in the x, y and z directions. We define the rate of change of the 共x ⳮ xo兲 Ⳮ 共y ⳮ y o兲 2 Ⳮ 共z ⳮ zo兲
⳵ x⳵ y ⳵y ⳵ z⳵ y
tilt angle ␪ with respect to the x, y, and z directions as the wavenum-
bers: ⳵M
⳱ ⳮ 共␩ Ⳮ 1兲 , 共8兲
kx ⳱
1 ⳵ M ⳵ 2M
⳱ 2
A ⳵ h ⳵ x⳵ z
⳵M ⳵M
⳵z ⳵h
冉 冊 ⳮ1


⫻ 冉 ⳵ M ⳵ 2M
⳵ x ⳵ x2

⳵ M ⳵ 2M
⳵ y ⳵ y⳵ x
冊冊, 共3兲 共x ⳮ xo兲
⳵ 2M
⳵ x⳵ z
Ⳮ 共y ⳮ y o兲
⳵ 2M
⳵ y⳵ z
⳵ 2M
Ⳮ 共z ⳮ zo兲 2

ky ⳱
1 ⳵ M ⳵ 2M
⳱ 2
A ⳵ h ⳵ y⳵ z
⳵M ⳵M
⳵z ⳵h
冉 冊 ⳮ1
⳱ ⳮ 共␩ Ⳮ 1兲
. 共9兲

冉 冊冊
Multiplying equations 7 and 9 by
⳵ M ⳵ 2M ⳵ M ⳵ 2M

冉 冊
⫻ Ⳮ , 共4兲
⳵ x ⳵ x⳵ y ⳵ y ⳵ y2 1 ⳵M ⳵M
and A2 ⳵ z ⳵ x


1 ⳵ M ⳵ 2M ⳵M ⳵M
冉 冊 ⳮ1 and

冉 冉 冊冊
kz ⳱ ⳱ 2 ⳮ
⳵z A ⳵ h ⳵ z2 ⳵z ⳵h 1 ⳵M 2

冉 冊冊
⳵ M ⳵ 2M ⳵ M ⳵ 2M A2 ⳵ x
⫻ Ⳮ , 共5兲
⳵ x ⳵ x⳵ z ⳵ y ⳵ y⳵ z respectively, and subtracting the first from the second, we obtain

A⳱ 冑冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊
⳵M 2

⳵M 2

⳵M 2
冉 冉 冊
共x ⳮ x0兲 ⳵ 2M ⳵ M
⳵ x⳵ z ⳵ x

⳵ 2M ⳵ M ⳵ M
⳵ x2 ⳵ x ⳵ z

⳵x ⳵y
is the total gradient of the magnetic field.
Ⳮ 冉 冉 冊
共y ⳮ y 0兲 ⳵ 2M ⳵ M
A2 ⳵ y⳵ z ⳵ x

⳵ 2M ⳵ M ⳵ M
⳵ y⳵ x ⳵ x ⳵ z

冉 冉 冊 冊
The tilt angle has many interesting properties 共Cooper and Cow-
an, 2006兲. For example, due to the nature of the arctan trigonometric 共z ⳮ z0兲 ⳵ 2M ⳵ M 2
⳵ 2M ⳵ M ⳵ M
Ⳮ ⳮ ⳱ 0.
function, all tilt values are restricted to values between ⳮ␲ /2 and A2 ⳵ z2 ⳵ x ⳵ x⳵ z ⳵ x ⳵ z
␲ /2 regardless of the amplitude of the vertical derivative or the abso- 共10兲
Tilt-angle derivatives L3

Multiplying equations 8 and 9 by kh ⳱ 冑k2x Ⳮ k2y . 共16兲

冉 1 ⳵M ⳵M
A2 ⳵ z ⳵ y
冊 and 冉 冉 冊冊
1 ⳵M
A2 ⳵ y
The total horizontal derivative of the tilt angle is sharper than the to-
tal derivatives of the field 共A兲 and generates better defined maxima
centered over the 2D body edges 共Verduzco et al., 2004兲. The peak
respectively, followed by their subtraction, we obtain locations of the grid of kh are found using a method for detecting the

冉 冉 冊 冊
peaks of a grid similar to that of Blakely and Simpson 共1986兲. Our
共x ⳮ x0兲 ⳵ 2M ⳵ M 2
⳵ 2M ⳵ M ⳵ M method uses the same Euler deconvolution’s strategy of applying a

A2 ⳵ x⳵ z ⳵ y ⳵ x⳵ y ⳵ y ⳵ z moving data window to the magnetic anomaly. In contrast with the

冉 冉 冊 冊
Euler deconvolution method, in our approach the moving data win-
共y ⳮ y 0兲 ⳵ 2M ⳵ M 2
⳵ 2M ⳵ M ⳵ M dow spans only the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the data points falling
Ⳮ ⳮ
A2 ⳵ y⳵ z ⳵ y ⳵ y2 ⳵ y ⳵ z within a specified distance of the kh peak locations to estimate the

冉 冉 冊 冊
source location parameters 共x0,y 0,z0兲. Once the source location 共x0,
共z ⳮ z0兲 ⳵ 2M ⳵ M 2
⳵ 2M ⳵ M ⳵ M y 0, and z0兲 has been obtained, a value for the structural index is esti-
Ⳮ ⳮ ⳱ 0.
A2 ⳵ z2 ⳵ y ⳵ y⳵ z ⳵ y ⳵ z mated using one of equations 7, 8 or 9. The choice of data window
size is a function of the data quality and the degree of interference of
anomalies from nearby sources. For isolated anomalies, a larger data
Adding 10 and 11 we obtain window can be used to overcome the effect of noise. For multiple

冉冉 冊 冉 冊冊
neighboring sources, a smaller-size data window is appropriate to
共x ⳮ x0兲 ⳵M 2
⳵ 2M ⳵ M ⳵ M ⳵ 2M ⳵ M ⳵ 2M reduce interference effects. The solution is accepted based on the
ⳮ 2 Ⳮ
A2 ⳵h ⳵ x⳵ z ⳵z ⳵x ⳵x ⳵ y ⳵ x⳵ y following criteria:

冉冉 冊
共y ⳮ y 0兲

⳵ 2M
⳵ y⳵ z

⳵ M ⳵ M ⳵ 2M
⳵ z ⳵ x ⳵ x⳵ y
1兲 an accepted range based on the structural index 共e.g., 0 to 2 for
2D sources兲
an accepted range for the depth 共e.g., source depths that the in-

冊冊 冉冉 冊
⳵ M ⳵ 2M 共z ⳮ z0兲 ⳵M ⳵ M
2 2
terpreter may accept as a possible solutions兲
Ⳮ Ⳮ 3兲 an acceptable estimates of horizontal source coordinates that
⳵ y ⳵ y2 A2 ⳵h ⳵ z2

冉 冊冊
should be close to the location of the detected kh peak
⳵ M ⳵ M ⳵ 2M ⳵ M ⳵ 2M 4兲 an acceptable threshold of the estimates of the standard devia-
ⳮ Ⳮ ⳱ 0. 共12兲
⳵ z ⳵ x ⳵ x⳵ z ⳵ y ⳵ z⳵ y tion from the least-squares solutions depending on the quality
of the data 共e.g. Thompson, 1982兲
Dividing 12 by ⳵ M /⳵ h and substituting with the definitions of the tilt
angle derivatives 共equations 3–5兲, we obtain Other criteria are possible and are being investigated.

kxx0 Ⳮ ky y 0 Ⳮ kzz0 ⳱ kxx Ⳮ ky y Ⳮ kzz. 共13兲 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

The linear equation 13 is similar to the conventional 3D Euler equa- In this section, we apply our method to interpreting noise-free and
tion, with the advantage that it does not require any prior information noise-corrupted magnetic data produced by simple and complex
about the source geometry. geologic settings. The first theoretical example 共Figure 1a兲 consists
Various methods have been proposed for application of the Euler of three sources — a vertical-sided prism 共labeled A兲 at a depth of
deconvolution method. A standard approach uses a progressively 3 km with a magnetization of 0.4 A/m, a vertical thin dike 共labeled
moving window 共selected observations兲 and the solutions that are B兲 at a depth of 5 km with a magnetization of 5 A/m, and a second
displayed are those that satisfy certain selection criteria. In each win- prism 共labeled C兲 at a depth of 7 km with a magnetization 0.6 A/m.
dow, there are n data points having a known location 共x,y,z兲 and tilt In this test, the magnetization is assumed induced by a field with an
angle derivatives or wavenumbers 共kx,ky,kz兲. Hence, for each win- inclination of 90°. Figure 1b shows the tilt angle, while Figure 1c and
dow, we have a matrix equation d displays its total horizontal and vertical gradients, respectively.
Following the strategy outlined above, we estimated of source loca-
Gm ⳱ d, 共14兲 tions and structural indices using a window size of 11⫻ 11 grid
points. Solutions are computed for windows whose center points are
where d is an n ⫻ 1 vector whose ith element is given by
within 2 km of peaks in the grid of kh, and solutions are rejected if the
kxixi Ⳮ kyiy i Ⳮ kzizi , 共15兲 estimated structural index is outside the acceptable range for 2D
sources 共from 0 to 2兲. Noise and errors may shift the indices from the
G is an n ⫻ 3 matrix of tilt angle derivatives whose ith row has ele- ideal range. Therefore, the acceptance range may be slightly expand-
ments: gi1 ⳱ kxi, gi2 ⳱ kyi, and gi3 ⳱ kzi, i ⳱ 1, . . . ,n, and a three-di- ed 共for example, from ⳮ0.2 to 2.2兲. Figure 1e and f displays the plan
mensional vector m ⬅ 关x0 y 0 z0兴T contains the unknown source loca- view of the estimates of the source locations and structural indices,
tion parameters. respectively. The average depths are 3.02 Ⳳ 0.07 for prismatic
Equation 14 is an overdetermined system and can be solved in a source A, 5.28 Ⳳ 0.04 for thin dike B, and 6.91 Ⳳ 0.51 for prismatic
least-squares sense using standard techniques of linear inversion. source C. The results demonstrate the validity of the proposed strate-
Here, we suggest a simple strategy to automate the method and reject gy to accept an estimated solution as a possible solution for noise-
poorer solutions. In this strategy, we first calculate the total horizon- free data. Our method provides accurate estimates of source depth
tal derivative term kh of the tilt angle as and structural index for both the prism edges 共0.04 Ⳳ 0.05 for model
L4 Salem et al.

A and 0.06 Ⳳ 0.05 for model C兲 and the thin dike 共1.06 Ⳳ 0.02 for Figure 2a shows the total field anomaly data that has been corrupt-
model B兲. Some inaccurate solutions are produced at the corners of ed with noise having a standard deviation of 2 nT and upward con-
the prisms, where the two edges act as interfering sources. It is worth tinued to 4 km. Figure 2b–d show the tilt angle, total horizontal gra-
noting that while many existing methods would produce accurate es- dient of the tilt angle, and vertical gradient of the tilt angle derived
timates of source depth for magnetic contacts and dikes, a number of from the calculated total field anomaly data 共Figure 2a兲. The noise
these methods require that the source geometry is already known. produces many additional peaks in the grid of kh even after upward
Because our method relies on second order derivatives of the ob- continuation 共Figure 2c兲. However, only windows located over the
served field, we studied the effect that noise in the data has on the re- prism edges yield estimates of source location with structural indi-
sults. For this example, we used a vertical-sided prism centered at ces within the acceptable range 共ⳮ0.2 to 2.2兲. The accepted source
x ⳱ 250 km, y ⳱ 250 km, with its top at a depth of 5 km and coordinates are shown in plan view in Figure 2e, with the corre-
effectively infinite depth extent. The prism has a magnetization of sponding structural index estimates shown in Figure 2f. Figure 2g
0.1 A/m, and the inducing field has an inclination of 60° and a decli- and h shows the perspective views of the estimated source depths
nation of 0°. The total field anomaly is calculated on a regular grid and structural indices, illustrating the scattering of the solutions esti-
with a spacing of 1 km. The anomaly was corrupted with Gaussian mated at different data window positions. All depth values shown in
noise with zero mean and a range of standard deviations, from these and subsequent plots have been adjusted for the appropriate
0.2 to 2 nT 共note that the standard deviation of the original magnetic upward continuation distance.
grid is 47.1 nT兲. For each noise-corrupted data set, the same strategy Figure 3 shows the effect of noise with different standard devia-
was used for the application of the derivatives of the tilt angle. tions on the estimates of source depth and structural index for two
Solutions were calculated using a window size of 11⫻ 11 grid different continuation distances, 2 km and 4 km. The plotted points
points for windows whose center points are located within 3 km of represent the mean percentage error in estimated depths 共Figure 3a兲,
peaks in the grid kh, and solutions are rejected if the estimated struc- standard deviation in depth 共Figure 3b兲, the mean structural index
tural index is outside the acceptable range for 2D sources 共ⳮ0.2 to 共Figure 3c兲, and standard deviation in structural index 共Figure 3d兲,
2.2兲. Even for relatively low levels of noise 共e.g., standard deviation for all estimates derived around the prism edges. The total number of
0.2 nT兲, no solutions are found along the prism edges. In common accepted solutions varies for different noise levels and is always
with similar methods relying on high order derivatives for profile greater than 4000. In our tests, for relatively small amounts of noise,
data 共e.g., Salem and Ravat, 2003兲, we found that upward continua- the depth estimates using the 2 km upward continuation distance are
tion of the noise-corrupted data stabilizes the results. closer to the depth of the source, and have a smaller standard devia-

Total horizontal gradient of

Total magnetic Tilt angle
a) TMI intensity (nT) b) Tilt angle (radians) c) kh tilt angle (km-1)
400 400 1.5 400
250 0.4
350 350 1.0 350
Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

300 300 0.5 300 0.3
150 0.25
350 350 0 350
200 200 -0.5 200 0.15
50 0.1
150 150 -1.0 150
100 100 -1.5 100
150 200 250 300 350 400 150 200 250 300 350 400 150 200 250 300 350 400
Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km)
Vertical gradient of f)
d) kz tilt angle (km-1)
e) Depth (z0) Depth (km) Structural index (η) Structural index
400 400 10 400 2.2
350 0.2 350 350
Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

0.15 7.5 1.6

300 0.1 300 300
350 0 350 5.0 1.0
200 -0.1 200 200
2.5 0.4
150 -0.2 150 150
0 -0.2
100 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
150 200 250 300 350 400
Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km)

Figure 1. 共a兲 Noise-free total magnetic intensity, obtained from the proposed method, at the pole for the synthetic model consisting of three sim-
ple sources 共dashed lines兲; 共b兲 tilt angle; 共c兲 total horizontal derivative; 共d兲 vertical derivative of tilt angle; 共e兲 estimates of the source location;
and 共f兲 structural index.
Tilt-angle derivatives L5

tion. As the standard deviation of the noise increases, a greater con- the bounding surface between the sedimentary section 共assumed to
tinuation distance produced more accurate and less scattered esti- be nonmagnetic兲 and the magnetic basement. A magnetization grid
mates of depth and structural index. divides the basement into terranes and intrusions, all with vertical
contacts truncated at the top of the magnetic basement surface.
The Bishop model The topography grid is derived from a digital elevation model
共DEM兲 for a 10.5 by 10.5 km area of the Volcanic Tablelands, north
The Bishop 3D basement model has been used by various authors
of Bishop, California. The DEM was scaled up to produce a 3D test
to test methods of estimating source depths from magnetic data 共Wil-
liams et al. 2002, 2005; Fairhead et al., 2004; and Reid et al., 2005兲 model with dimensions 315 by 315 km on a 500-m grid, representa-
and has been the subject of a workshop at the 2006 SEG annual meet- tive of a basin-scale magnetic basement surface 共Figure 4a兲. The to-
ing. The aim of the Bishop model is to provide a data set that shares pographic surface datum was then shifted such that the highest point
the complexity of real magnetic data sets, but where our depth esti- has a depth of a few hundred meters below datum 共zero兲 and the
mates can still be compared to the correct depths. The magnetic data deepest point lies just above 10 km depth. This topographic surface
are constructed from two input data sets. A topography grid defines has been taken as the top of the magnetic basement with a magneti-

Total magnetic Total horizontal gradient of

a) TMI intensity (nT)
b) Tilt angle
Tilt angle
c) kh
tilt angle (km-1)
450 250 450 1.5 450 0.2
400 200 400 400 0.18
Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

350 350 350
150 0.14
300 300 300 0.12
250 250 0 250 0.1
200 200 200
0 -0.5 0.06
150 150 150
-50 -1.0
100 100 100 0.02
50 -100 50 -1.5 50 0
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km)
Horizontal position x (km)

d) kz
Vertical gradient of
tilt angle (km-1)
e) Depth (z0) Depth (km) f) Structural index (η) Structural index
450 0.2 400 0 400 2.2
400 0.15
350 350
Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

350 0.1 2.5 1.6

300 0.05 300 300

250 0 250 5.0 250 1.0

200 -0.05
200 200
150 -0.1 7.5 0.4
100 -0.15 150 150

50 -0.2 -0.2
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 100 100 100
150 200 250 300 350 400 150 200 250 300 350 400
Horizontal position x (km)
Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km)

g) Depth (km)
h) Structural index
Depth (z0) 0 Structural index (η) 2.2

2.5 2.0 1.6

Structural index

Depth (km)

-5 1.0
5.0 1.0
-10 0
400 7.5 400 0.4
300 400
300 300
200 300
200 200 200
Horizontal 100 100 Horizontal -0.2
position position 10.0 Horizontal 100 100 Horizontal
y (km) x (km) position position
y (km) x (km)

Figure 2. 共a兲 Total magnetic intensity for the synthetic model containing a single prism source, corrupted by noise with 2 nT standard deviation
and upward continued by 4 km; 共b兲 tilt angle; 共c兲 total horizontal derivative of tilt angle; 共d兲 vertical derivative of tilt angle; 共e兲 plan view of
source location estimates; 共f兲 structural index estimates; 共g兲 3D view of source location estimates; and 共h兲 structural index estimates.
L6 Salem et al.

zation intensity defined by an additional grid 共Figure 4b兲. The base- The overall pattern of estimated depths 共Figure 4g兲 correlates rea-
ment is assumed to extend down to 20 km depth and be overlain by sonably well with the model basement depth. The estimates of the
nonmagnetic sediments. structural index 共Figure 4h兲 are consistently in the range 0–0.5 over
Figure 4c shows the magnetic response for a basement suscepti- the two linear magnetization contrast sources in the basement, but
bility varying from 1.26 ⫻ 10ⳮ2 to 1.0 ⫻ 10ⳮ1 SI units and an ambi- show considerable scatter for other sources. For any individual
ent geomagnetic field with strength 50000 nT, inclination 90°, and source, the structural index values show a considerable amount of
declination 0°. The data are not corrupted by random noise, and have scatter. For nonhomogeneous sources, we would expect the structur-
not been filtered. Figure 4d shows the tilt angle, while Figure 4e and f al index to vary with the position of the data window relative to the
displays its total horizontal and vertical gradients respectively. The source 共Ravat, 1996兲, so it is not surprising that window locations at
edges of features in the model such as strong magnetization contrasts different distances and different relative locations from a source give
correspond to zero-crossings in the grid of kz 共Figure 4f兲, though different structural index estimates.
there are many additional zero-crossings that do not have an obvious The vertical scatter in the depth estimates is difficult to determine
correlation to features in the model basement. Peaks in the grid of kh from Figure 4g alone, so we illustrate the degree of correlation be-
共Figure 4e兲 show a strong spatial correlation with the model base- tween the depth estimates and true basement relief further with two
ment structures — furthermore, the peak amplitudes are generally cross sections. Figure 5a shows a northwest-southeast cross section
highest in the north-west part of the data where the model basement through the Bishop model 共profileA兲, perpendicular to the two linear
is shallowest, and have lower amplitudes in areas where the model terrane boundaries, whereas Figure 5b shows an east-west cross sec-
basement depth is deep. tion 共profile B兲, perpendicular to the dominant trend of topographic
Figure 4g and h shows the estimates of the source location and features in the model basement. For each cross section, the points
structural index based on Euler deconvolution of the tilt angle. These plotted are all source location estimates within a band extending
results are derived using a window of 15 ⫻ 15 grid points 共7 4 km either side of the profile, projected onto the profile perpendicu-
⫻ 7 km兲. Solutions are calculated for windows with center points lar to the profile direction.
located within 1 km of peaks in the grid of kh. We accept solutions We use these cross sections to compare the results of our method
with those derived from 3D Euler deconvolution 共Reid et al., 1990兲.
according to the following criteria: if the x- and y-coordinate esti-
The strategy for deriving these solutions is, where possible, consis-
mates of the sources locations lie within 2.5 km of peaks in the grid
tent with that used for derivatives of the tilt angle method. The win-
of kh, if the estimated depth lies between 0 km and 15 km, and if the
dow size is 15 ⫻ 15 points, and solutions are derived only for win-
estimated structural index is between ⳮ0.2 and 2.2. We also use the
dows with center points located within 1 km of peaks in the grid of
standard deviation of the depth estimated from the least-squares so-
kh. To generate 3D Euler solutions we must assume a structural in-
lution. We reject solutions if the standard deviation of the estimated
dex, and for a model with different source geometries this choice
depth is greater than 12% of the estimated depth.
will always be problematic. For the purposes of
this comparison, we used a structural index of
a)14 b)
zero 共which should be appropriate for the vertical
Standard deviation of depth estimates (km)

susceptibility contrasts兲. Using a larger structural

Mean percentage depth error (%)

12 1.0
index yielded estimates of source location that
0.8 were deeper, but with a similar amount of scatter-
8 ing in the solutions. Solutions from the 3D Euler
6 deconvolution were accepted if the x, y locations
0.4 were within 2.5 km of peaks in the grid of kh, if
the estimated depths were between 0 km and
2 0.2
15 km, and if the standard deviation of the esti-
0 0 mated depth was less than 10% of the estimated
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Standard deviation of random noise (nT)
depth. For both the proposed and classic 3D Euler
Standard deviation of random noise (nT)
c) d) deconvolution methods, the plotted profiles show
Standard deviation of structural index estimates

0.1 0.2 all calculated solutions in gray, with the accepted

0.08 0.18
solutions 共based on the strategies described
Mean of structural index estimates

0.06 0.16
above兲 plotted in black.
0.04 0.14
0.02 0.12
In profile A 共Figure 5a兲, depth estimates from
0 0.1 the derivatives of the tilt angle corresponding to
-0.02 0.08 magnetization contrasts in the basement at x
-0.04 0.06 ⳱ 70 km and x ⳱ 170 km form tight clusters
-0.06 0.04 slightly below the basement surface. The esti-
-0.08 0.02 mates of the structural index are around 0.5, high-
-0.1 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 er than we might expect for these source geome-
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Standard deviation of random noise (nT) Standard deviation of random noise (nT) tries. Other clusters of depth estimates, corre-
sponding to topographic features in the basement
Figure 3. Accuracy of depth and structural index estimates for simple prism model data surface, are scattered on either side of the base-
sets 共Figure 2兲 corrupted with different levels of random noise, using different continua- ment. The 3D Euler solutions for this profile show
tion distances; 共a兲 Percentage error in depth estimates; 共b兲 standard deviation of depth es- a similar amount of scatter, though a greater pro-
timates; 共c兲 error in structural index estimates; 共d兲 standard deviation of structural index
estimates. portion of source location clusters show no corre-
Tilt-angle derivatives L7

spondence with the true basement depth. For cross-section B 共Figure al. 共2004兲 in their work on the tilt angle. The 12 ⫻ 14 km study area
5b兲, the depth estimates from the derivatives of the tilt angle method contains the Erindi gold prospect, located on the eastern boundary of
at x less than 100 km 共where the basement surface is relatively shal- the Central Zone of the Damara Orogen. Gold occurrences in this
low兲 exhibit several kilometers of vertical scatter. The 3D Euler de- area are associated with metamorphism and magmatic intrusions
convolution solutions for this area are less scattered and generally lie within the Swakop Group marbles. The associated ore minerals are
within about 1 km of the model basement depth. For x greater than dominated by pyrrhotite, pyrite, and magnetite, thus the mineralized
100 km, the source locations from both methods form tighter clus- zones are highly magnetic. Basement is covered by extensive soil
ters located near the model basement. and calcrete, up to 10 m thick. The total magnetic intensity 共TMI兲
anomaly map is a 50-m grid derived from a survey with a flight-line
spacing of 200 m, flying height of 80 m, and flight-line direction
Field example north-south. The data were reduced to the pole 共Figure 6a兲 using a
We have applied the tilt angle derivatives method to aeromagnetic magnetic inclination of ⳮ62° and declination ⳮ12° 共Verduzco et
data from north-central Namibia, the same data used by Verduzco et al., 2004兲.

Magnetic Total magnetic

a) Depth Depth (km) b) Magnetic susceptibility susceptibility (x10-3SI) c) TMI intensity (nT)
12 100 654
500 500 500 104

Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

10 58
450 80 450
70 15
400 400 60 400 -19
6 50 -32
350 350 350
40 -37
4 300 30 300 -42
20 -51
2 250 250
250 10 -74
200 0 200 -154
200 0
50 100 150 200 250 300
50 100 150 200 250 300 50 100 150 200 250 300
Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km)
Horizontal position x (km)
Total horizontal
Tilt angle Vertical gradient of
d) Tilt angle (radians) e) kh
gradient of
f) kz tilt angle (km-1)
tilt angle (km-1)
1.5 0.6 500 0.4
500 500
Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

1.0 0.5
450 450 0.2
0.5 0.4 400
400 400 0.1
0 0.3 350 0
350 350
0.2 300 -0.1
-0.5 300
-1.0 250 0.1 250
200 0
200 -1.5 50 100 150 200 250 300 200 -0.4
50 100 150 200 250 300 Horizontal position x (km) 50 100 150 200 250 300
Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km)

g) Depth (z0) Depth (km) h) Structural index (η) Structural index

15 2.2
500 500

450 450
Horizontal position y (km)
Horizontal position y (km)

11.25 1.6
400 400
7.5 350 1.0

300 300
3.75 0.4
250 250

200 0 200 -0.2

50 100 150 200 250 300 50 100 150 200 250 300
Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km)

Figure 4. 共a兲 Topographic data of the Bishop model; 共b兲 magnetic susceptibility of model basement; 共c兲 total magnetic anomaly data of the Bish-
op model; 共d兲 tilt angle derivative; 共e兲 total horizontal derivative of the tilt angle; and 共f兲 vertical derivative of the tilt angle. 共g兲 Map view of the
estimated source location; and 共h兲 estimated structural index. Line segments AA⬘ and BB⬘ establish the location of the magnetic profiles shown,
respectively, in Figure 5a and b.
L8 Salem et al.

Figure 6b shows the tilt angle, with the total horizontal and verti- in the study area, interpreted as steeply dipping mineralization veins
cal gradients of the tilt angle in Figure 6c and d. The grid of kh 共Figure within the Swakop marble and metasediments. The veins can be
6c兲 is equivalent to the grids shown in Figures 4 and 5 of Verduzco et modeled with dike-like geometries, with depths-to-top varying
al. 共2004兲. The estimates of source location and structural index de- along strike from near outcrop up to 150 m depth 共Verduzco et al.,
rived from the derivatives of the tilt angle method are shown in Fig- 2004兲. Figure 7 shows profile NN⬘, defined in the same location as
ure 6e and f. These estimates are derived from 13⫻ 13 point win- profile P2 of Verduzco et al. 共2004兲. The plotted source locations
dows 共600⫻ 600 m兲, from window locations where the window have been extracted from a band 200 m on either side of the profile
center lies within 200 m of peaks in the grid kh. As before, we adopt- location, and projected onto the profile perpendicular to the profile
ed the following criteria to identify and accept solutions. We accept- direction. Verduzco et al. 共2004兲 presented two alternative models
ed solutions if the horizontal coordinate estimates were within for this profile, modeling the sources of the main anomalies both as
200 m of peaks in the grid of kh, if the estimated depths were be- thin dike-like bodies or broader blocks. The profile for solutions us-
tween 0 and 300 m, if the estimated structural index was between ing a window size of 13 ⫻ 13 points shows a cluster of source loca-
ⳮ0.2 and 2.2, and if the estimated standard deviation, as a percent- tions corresponding to the highest amplitude TMI anomaly on the
age of the estimated depth, was less than 25%. profile, and also corresponding to a thin dike at a depth of about 50 m
Estimates of the structural index vary between different features in the forward model. The estimated structural indices for these
共Figure 6f兲, with values typically in the range 0–1.5. The estimated source locations are generally in the range from 0.5 to 1, suggesting a
depth to magnetic sources 共Figure 6e兲 is consistently in the range source geometry similar to a thin dike. The modeled profiles present-
from 0 to 200 m beneath the surface, consistent with the interpreta- ed by Verduzco et al. 共2004兲 show several other structures, for which
tion of Verduzco 共2003兲 and Verduzco et al. 共2004兲. These authors our method produces solutions that appear scattered in cross-section
present the results of profile modeling through three linear features view but form part of a coherent linear trend in map view. These



Figure 5. The first panel in each group shows magnetic data for cross section 共a兲 AA⬘ and 共b兲 BB⬘, shown in Figure 4. The second and third panels
display the estimated source locations derived from tilt angle derivatives and 3D Euler deconvolution respectively. The true basement is shown
in black line. The fourth panel shows the estimated structural indices.
Tilt-angle derivatives L9

a) Total magnetic b) Tilt angle c) Total horizontal gradient of

intensity, RTP (nT)
RTP (radians) tilt angle (km-1)
1688 Tilt angle kh
7638 7638 1.5 15
33 7638
Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

7636 13 7636 1.0
7634 7634 0.5
-4 7634 10
7632 -12 7632 0 7632
7630 7630 -0.5 7630
-23 5
7628 -28 7628 7628
7626 7626 7626
652 654 656 658 660 662 664 666 -76 -1.5
652 654 656 658 660 662 664 666 652 654 656 658 660 662 664 666 0
Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km)
Vertical gradient of
d) kz tilt angle (km-1) e) f)
10 Depth (z0) Depth (km)
7638 Structural index (η) Structural index
7638 0.3 7638
Horizontal position y (km)
Horizontal position y (km)

Horizontal position y (km)

7636 6 7636 7636
4 0.225
7634 7634 1.6
2 7634

7632 0 7632 0.15 7632 1.0

7630 7630 7630
-4 0.075
7628 -6 7628 7628
-8 7626 0
7626 7626 -0.2
652 654 656 658 660 662 664 666 -10 652 654 656 658 660 662 664 666 652 654 656 658 660 662 664 666
Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km) Horizontal position x (km)

Figure 6. 共a兲 Reduced to the Pole magnetic anomaly data from north-central Namibia; 共b兲 tilt angle derivative; 共c兲 total horizontal derivative of
the tilt angle; 共d兲 and vertical derivative of the tilt angle. 共e兲 Map view of the estimated source location 共f兲; and structural index.

more subtle structures appear to be at the limit of resolution for our

method, even when a smaller window size is used. However, the
comparison between our results and the modeled profiles does sug-
gest that our method can be used to extrapolate the results of 2D pro-
file modeling in three dimensions with some confidence.


We present a new technique for the interpretation of gridded mag-

netic data based on derivatives of the tilt angle. The method yields a
linear equation to estimate the horizontal location and depth of mag-
netic sources without a priori information about the nature of the
sources 共structural index兲. Information about the nature of the sourc-
es is subsequently obtained by finding structural indices using the es-
timated source location parameters. The method was tested using
synthetic anomaly data with and without random noise over differ-
ent magnetic models. The method was also tested using the theoreti-
cal data of the Bishop model. In all cases, the method estimated the
source parameters with adequate precision. Because the method uti-
Figure 7. The upper panel shows magnetic data for cross-section lizes second order derivatives of the magnetic anomaly, it is sensi-
NN⬘ shown in Figure 6. The lower panels display the estimated tive to noise in the data. To produce more reliable results, we apply
source locations and structural indices, superimposed on the for-
ward-modeled interpretation 共shaded polygons兲 of Verduzco et al. an upward continuation of the magnetic anomaly field when signifi-
共2004兲. cant noise is present. As with many similar methods, our method is
L10 Salem et al.

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We greatly appreciate constructive and thoughtful comments of Salem, A., D. Ravat, R. Smith, and K. Ushijima, 2005, Interpretation of mag-
the associate editor Valéria Barbosa, reviewer Afif Saad, and three netic data using an enhanced local wavenumber 共ELW兲 method: Geophys-
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other anonymous reviewers. Smith, R. S., and A. Salem, 2005, Imaging the depth, structure, and suscepti-
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