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Subdural H e m a t o m a of the Posterior Fossa

R e v i e w of the Literature with Addition of T h r e e C a s e s

Department of Neurological Surgery, Boston City Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

N COa~PARrSON to the large n u m b e r of B a r n e t t and Meirowsky 2 in their s t u d y of

I head injuries t h a t are seen in the hospi-

tal and at a u t o p s y , t r a u m a t i c lesions of
surgical consequence to the posterior fossa
K o r e a n W a r casualties found wounds of the
cerebellum in 3.8 per cent of patients. P r o b -
ably the first successful o p e r a t i v e case of
are relatively rare and, of those, subdural subdural h e m a t o m a in the posterior fossa
h e m a t o m a over cerebellar hemispheres prob- was described b y Neisser a n d Pollack ~2 in
ably represents one of the rarest forms of 1904. T h e patient, with a history of head-
hemorrhagic space-occupying lesion. T h e ache, vomiting and unsteadiness for a few
rarity of this lesion coupled with its confus- weeks, was a d m i t t e d to hospital in coma. I n
ing clinical p r e s e n t a t i o n justifies a review of addition to the signs indicating i n v o l v e m e n t
the subject and the reporting of 3 new cases. of the posterior fossa, left facial weakness of
I n the neurosurgical unit of the Boston the u p p e r - m o t o r neuron t y p e was present.
C i t y Hospital o v e r a 15-year period (1948- After negative exploration o v e r the right
196~) 1589 p a t i e n t s were hospitalized be- m o t o r area, the posterior fossa was trephined
cause of extensive h e a d injuries. Subdural twice and 180 gm. of clotted and semiliquid
h e m a t o m a s over the cerebral hemispheres blood were removed. T h e operation was
were verified in 53~ of these patients. Sub- followed by a complete recovery. T h e same
dural collection of blood in the posterior authors mentioned ~ other patients manifest-
fossa was found in 3 cases only (0.57 per ing cerebellar signs and a chronic course; in
cent). I n 1960, M c K i s s o c k et al. 19 reported on t h e m trephination of the posterior fossa
389 cases of subdural h e m a t o m a , of which revealed blood in the subdural space, the
were in the posterior fossa. Ciarla, Greviewing a m o u n t and character of which were not
the results of ~ 1 5 autopsies, found p a c h y - clarified. In 1913 Ciarla 6 presented a single
meningitis h e m o r r h a g i c a interna a b o v e the case of t r a u m a t i c pachymeningitis hemor-
t e n t o r i u m in 163 cases and only twice in the rhagica in the posterior fossa, and in the
posterior fossa. Vance, 33 on the basis of 507 following years other authors 1,5,7,1~ .14.19.21-32
autopsies on p a t i e n t s in w h o m d e a t h was added more cases, bringing the t o t a l n u m b e r
a t t r i b u t e d to head t r a u m a , stated t h a t "sub- reported to 31.
dural hemorrhages below the t e n t o r i m n were
caused b y cerebellar lacerations a n d were R e p o r t of C a s e s
rather rare. M o s t of t h e m were insignifi- Case 1. E.D., a 47-year-old white male, was ad-
c a n t . " I n the statistics of Fisher et at., 11 of mitted on June ~9, 1954 and died on June 30,
1954. Shortly before admission the patient was
135,000 hospitalized patients only 300 were struck on the forehead with a baseball bat, and on
a d m i t t e d because of t r a u m a to the occipital falling to the ground he struck his occiput on a
region a n d in 4 of t h e m subdural h e m a t o m a curbstone. He did not lose consciousness and
of the posterior fossa was present. W e b s t e r there was no headache or vomiting.
et at., ~4 in an analysis of 300 cases of pene- Examination. On admission he was fully con-
scious, alert and talking, but slightly confused. A
t r a t i n g cranial wounds during World W a r small laceration of the occipital scalp was recog-
I I , f o u n d cerebellar wounds in only 10. nized. The neurological findings at this time were
negative except for a slightly larger left pupil.
Pulse rate was 1~0, blood pressure 1~0/90, and
Received for publication May 12, 1964. respiratory rate ~0. Roentgenograms showed no
466 Julius E. Ciembroniewicz
evidence of fracture of the skull. The laceration of consciousness. T h e decision to open t h e
his scalp was sutured and the patient was ad- p o s t e r i o r fossa w a s m a d e after several explo-
mitted to one of tile general surgical wards in
r a t i o n s t h r o u g h s u p r a t e n t o r i a l b u r r holes
good condition. Half an hour later he suddenly
became comatose and unresponsive. Neurological failed to reveal a lesion.
examination at that time revealed flaccid ex-
tremities and absence of muscular reflexes. Plan- Case 2. D.E., an 84-year-old white male, was
tar responses were absent. Pupils reacted to light, admitted on Feb. 3, 1960 and died on Feb. 5,
the left much more than the right. Pulse rate was 1960. Shortly before admission he was struck on
80, blood pressure 150/90 and respiratory rate the head with a club which rendered him un-
6-8/min. Lumbar puncture revealed pink fluid conscious for half an hour.
under a pressure of 350 mm. of water. Examination. On admission the patient was
The clinical impression was that of acute epi- lucid and alert, complaining only of some head-
dural or subdural hematoma over the left cerebral ache. He did not vomit. A few small lacerations
hemisphere. He was transferred to the neuro- of the scalp were over the forehead and a larger
surgical unit. one in the occipital area. Neurological findings at
Operation. Burr holes were made in the parietal, that time were negative except for an extensor
temporal and frontal areas. The only abnormality plantar response on the right side. Roentgeno-
found was marked brain edema. The posterior gram of the skull disclosed a linear fracture in the
fossa was then explored, revealing a discolored right parietal area, and the patient was admitted
dura mater under great pressure. When the dura to the general surgical service with a diagnosis of
mater was incised a copious amount of solid blood cerebral contusion.
clot extruded itself, and immediately the patient's Course. About 6 hours later, while sitting up in
labored and irregular respirations became less bed, he started to vomit and suddenly became
stertorous and soon assumed a regular rhythm. unresponsive and apneic. He was intubated and
The clot was estimated at over 30 cc. and when respirations were maintained by positive pressure.
almost completely removed the presumed source Neurological examination revealed a deeply co-
of bleeding, a small artery over the upper part of matose patient not responding to painful stimuli,
the right cerebellar hemisphere, was uncovered. flaccid in all extremities and totally areflexic.
The bleeding was controlled with coagulation. Pupils were equal, very small and did not react
Course. The following day the patient was to light.
deeply comatose. The left pupil was slightly larger The patient was transferred to the neurosur-
than the right. Both pupils, however, reacted to gical unit with the diagnosis of brain edema,
light. Pulse rate was 110, blood pressure 150/60, brain-stem compression and possible expanding
and respiratory rate 18. About e0 hours after lesion of the posterior fossa.
operation the patient suddenly stopped breathing Operation. After negative exploration through
and despite intubation and artificial respiration, burr holes over the line of fracture of the skull,
he expired. Postmortem examination disclosed a both lateral ventricles were tapped through the
swollen brain, weighing 1580 gin., with recurrent burr holes in the parietal area with the recovery
blood clot in the posterior fossa, herniation of of grossly bloody fluid under pressure of 300 mm.
tonsils, and a flattened hemorrhagic pons. A linear of water. Approximately 80 cc. of fluid were
fracture of the skull on the right side extended drained from each of the ventricles. The posterior
from the occiput into the foramen magnum. fossa was explored. The dura mater over both
cerebellar hemispheres was bluish and strongly
bulging. After incision of the dura mater about
Comment. T h e p a t i e n t s u s t a i n e d a severe 40 cc. of fresh subdural clot extruded itself. A
i n j u r y t o t h e occipital area, w h i c h h o w e v e r small area of laceration with a cortical hematoma
d i d n o t p r o d u c e unconsciousness. O n a d m i s - was found over the right cerebellar hemisphere.
sion, n e u r o l o g i c a l findings were e n t i r e l y Cerebellar tonsils were found herniated through
the foramen m a g n u m and were necessarily re-
n e g a t i v e a p a r t from slight anisocoria. F i h n s
moved. The cerebellum started to pulsate again.
of t h e s k u l l failed to reveal t h e f r a c t u r e which The subdural clot was found to extend down to
w a s l a t e r f o u n d o n a u t o p s y . A f t e r a short the level of Ce and to compress the spinal cord
lucid interval, the patient suddenly became severely. I t was removed by suction. The wound
d r o w s y a n d lapsed i n t o deep c o m a r a p i d l y . was closed in the usual manner.
Course. During the operation the patient's con-
A t t h i s stage t h e r e were no l a t e r a l i z i n g signs,
dition deteriorated. Blood pressure had to be
a p a r t f r o m m a r k e d anisocoria. Signs of cere- maintained with large amounts of Levophed and
b e l l a r d y s f u n c t i o n were n o t n o t i c e d , p r e s u m - no spontaneous respirations were recorded. Four
a b l y e s c a p i n g d e t e c t i o n because of t h e u n - hours after operation the patient expired.

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