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Scope and Limitation

This is the part of the study where the researchers

are going to state the hindrances and prohibitions that

they had encountered. Such situation made the study limited

as to the number of respondents.

The study focuses on the experiences of parents who

are caring for their children with Down Syndrome in Butuan

City. During the data gathering, some difficulties were

encountered that prevented the collection of data from the

respondents thus the researchers opted to exclude them.

Difficulties such as: inability of the respondents to

attend the interview due to their lack of time; the

remoteness of the location of the respondents; respondent’s

refusal to the interview or unwillingness to cooperate.

The researchers were able to interview parents of a

child with Down Syndrome. Either the mother or the father

were interviewed. Most of the respondents interviewed were

parents of a child with Down Syndrome studying at Butuan

City SpEd Center.

The alloted data gathering period is one month. As

soon as the data gathered is saturated, data gathering will

be stopped.
Definition of Terms

Achievement- is something that is accomplished based on own

personal ability and limitations.

Apprehension- is the anticipation of the parent of things

unfavourable for the child with Down Syndrome.

Child with Special Needs- A child that needs extra care in

his/her Physical, Psychological and Emotional aspect.

Coping Mechanism- is a means of adapting to the

environmental stress that enhances the person’s control

over situation and behaviour or gives psychological


Down syndrome- also known as Trisomy 21. A disorder in

which a person is born with three copies of chromosome 21.

Clinical features include mild to severe mental

retardation, slanting eyes, a broad short skull, broad

hands and short fingers.

Discipline- is the training or conditions that parents set

to attempt to improve the behaviour of the child with Down


Grief- is the natural, human response of a person to a

significant loss. It is the psychological, behavioural,

social and physical reaction of a person to a loss of

something or someone.

Homeodynamics- is the constant changing of body components

while an overall equilibrium is maintained.

Life transition- life changes, adjustments and cumulative

experiences that occur in the lives of parents having a

child with Down Syndrome.

Metamorphosis- is a complete transformation from one stage

to the next in both human field and environmental field.

Orthopedically handicapped- are conditions of the skeletal

system that limits a child’s abilities.

Parents- a father or a mother. The one who takes care of a

child with Down Syndrome.

Parenting- is the aspect of raising a child.

Physical impairment- a dysfunction in the musculoskeleteal

or neurological system which affects the functional ability

of the child to move or coordinate movements.

Socialization- a need of a child with Down Syndrome. The

process of learning interpersonal and interactional skills

that are in conformity with values of the child’s society.

Spatial- is the occupying, or having character of space.

Therapy- the treatment of illness or disability as of Down

Syndrome; by rehabilitation or curative process.

Uncertainty- not definite; not confident on how the parents

will race the child with special needs.

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