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Assessment and reflection

Teaching is a rewarding profession, a cycle of receiving and giving, being able to relay
the information one has acquired throughout their tertiary years from teachers, onto
students. The content acquired will selectively transform into critical thinking, analysing
and evaluating ideas and concepts, generating a dimension for creativity and
development. But, how can a teacher evaluate whether the educational goals and
standards of the lessons are being met? Therefore, asking students to demonstrate their
understanding of the content is a crucial part to the learning process.

Literature suggests that assessment is an important factor for learning, it provides

feedback to teachers and/or students to use in various ways such as decisions about
future placements, advancement in learning, learning needs and differentiation,
curriculum requirements and communicates to students what they can and cannot do,
thus, endeavour on alternatives suitable to their needs. Furthermore, it allows teachers to
reflect on their teaching strategies: “are the students learning what is being taught?” “are
there ways to teach the content better?” therefore teachers need to precisely choose
what they are assessing, the purpose for the assessment and which content is being
assessed and most importantly how they will assess it.

Teachers can use the information and data collected from student assessments to
provide the best modes of pedagogy. Assessment provides information on and about
students, who is lacking help and who is outstandingly achieving, from such a resource
the teacher could adjust and modify her lesson plans to accommodate for all learners
with the necessary needs, to achieve best learning outcomes.

Development concerning school education in Australia regarding national efforts to

reform curriculum, assessment and reporting, have been in process over the past decade
(Klenowski, 2011). Klenowski (2011) suggests that State efforts have been challenged via
higher stakes assessment, reinforced by national testing and international comparative
analyses of student achievement data, to emphasise on assessment to promote learning
while fulfilling curricula and ticking off standards.

Recent research findings suggest:

“how the focus on learning can be maintained by avoiding an over-interpretation
of test results in terms of innate ability and limitations and by encouraging teachers to
adopt more tailored diagnosis of assessment data to address equity through a focus on
achievement for all” Such efforts are challenged as political pressures related to the
Australian government's implementation of national testing and national partnership
funding arrangements tied to the performance of students at or below minimum
standards become increasingly apparent. (Klenowski, 2011).

On the other hand, other literature suggests how assessment is a devotion of lots of time
and energy consumed way too late in student’s learning to have any impact on future
progress (Boud & Falchikov, 2008). Students go through an entire term of learning new
content and assessment occurs at the very end of the term, students receive results for
the term that just ended without having a chance to reflect on where they went well and
where extra attention could have assisted in better results. The next term encompasses
new content with new assessments irrespective of the previous term. It makes me question
how this assessment process will be of any benefit to any student willing to strive to
achieve. We over-emphasize on giving marks and the entire grading function while
under-emphasizing on learning functions and providing useful advice and guidance.

Students, because of assessment, are compared with one another where high achieving
students receive the high grades and low ability students receive the low grades.
Indirectly portrayed as competition rather than personal improvement, it demonstrates to
low ability students that they are underachievers and lack ability to perform, therefore are
de-motivated as a result, believing that they are unable to learn and fall out of learning
(Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall & Wiliam, 2011). Student's learning needs are disregarded, a
teacher’s need to upload marks to create records for student learning is given greater
priority than analysing student’s work to differentiate for learning needs. Also, some
teachers do not reflect on other teacher’s assessment records of their students (Black,
Harrison, Lee, Marshall & Wiliam, 2011).

Based on an article by David Boud (2018), which reflects on a study conducted by Sue
Toohey on teachers: asking them to write an autobiography focusing on their experiences
of being assessed, he clearly labelled the results as devastating. The teachers reflected on
their hurt, and how it “did not encourage them to persist and overcome adversity it
caused them to lose confidence, it dented their self-esteem and led them never to have
anything to do with some subjects ever again” (Boud, 2018). This was a reflection on
everyday assessment practices which we regard as perfectly normal. Just summing up
from that, if assessment had such a profound effect on the successes of the system, how
much greater must be the negative effects on their less academically accomplished

It brings us to our next topic, year 12 exams! Commonly known as Higher School
Certificate (HSC) which is a measure of one’s academia, an entirely standardised test. A
former teacher, Pasi Sahlberg, who is now Finland's education policy advisor, describes
standardisation as the worst enemy of curiosity (Stroud, 2017). Students attempt the test to
achieve a magical number, high enough to get them into University. For some, that
magic number appears and is not in balance with their expectations and what they had
envisioned as their path to university becomes a vague vision, a form of inhibition to their
hopes and dreams. Is the test a fair measure of Student’s ability, does every student have
a fair chance to succeed or are we asking a monkey, an elephant, a seal and a fish to
climb the same tree?

Our current society is flourishing with technology, students carry google in their pockets
thus content is only a button away. Asking students to sit hours on end to commit to a
memory-based testing procedure is far from what we should be productively expecting
from these students for our society. What will we have achieved by asking these students
to regurgitate what they have memorised without creatively or critically thinking about
ideas and concepts. Also, now there are multiple pathways to University, so students are
not constrained to one way only process. We should be able to allow students to be
innovative and grade them based on their creations and creativity not on how much
they can write in three hours at the end of the month of October.

As a pre-service teacher I believe assessment is crucial to achieving a positive learning

habitus. But, in saying that I will aim to assess students to know them better as learners and
not just to fill up on columns of grades to create student records left to collect dust. I
attempt to incorporate more formative assessment throughout the learning process to
provide students with enough feedback to improve on their knowledge and
understanding and their working scientifically skills. Also to inform me as a teacher if I am
teaching the content in the right way and reflect on how I could make my lessons more
engaging while still being productive.
Moreover, I will use a strategy where in correlation with grades I will include sections to
clearly outline where improvement could be made and how to achieve best results in
near future. Finally, I hope to reinforce a growth mindset approach in my classrooms,
teach students that it is okay to make mistakes and that mistakes are made so we could
right them through effort, perseverance and grit. Knowledge is not encrypted but is
gained and anyone and everyone is accessible to it, if and only if they are willing to
embark on the adventure of trial and error.

Reference list

Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B., & Wiliam, D. (2011). Assessment for
learning. Berkshire: Open University Press.
Boud, D. (2018). Assessment and learning: contradictory or complementary?
Retrieved from
Boud, D., & Falchikov, N. (2008). Rethinking assessment in higher education. London:
Klenowski, V. (2011). Assessment for learning in the accountability era: Queensland,
Australia. Studies In Educational Evaluation, 37(1), 78-83. doi: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2011.03.003
Stroud, G. (2018). Year 12 exams: Our kids deserve better than this. Retrieved from
Stage 6 “school-based assessment task”

Chemistry – Year 12
Sample for implementation for Year 12, Term 4, 2018

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Half-yearly Titration Hydrocarbon Research Field

Examination Practical Report

Term 1, Week 4 Term 2, Week Term 2, Week 9 Term 3, Week

2 5
Outcomes assessed Outcomes Outcomes assessed Outcomes
CH11/12-2 assessed A student: assessed
CH11/12-3 CH11/12-2 CH11/12-1
CH11/12-4 CH11/12-3  analyses the structure of, and predicts CH11/12-2
CH11/12-5 CH11/12-5 reactions involving, carbon compounds CH11/12-3
CH11/12-6 CH12-13 CH12-14 CH11/12-4
CH11/12-7  develops and evaluates questions and
CH12-12 CH12-15
hypotheses for scientific investigation
 analyses and evaluates primary and
secondary data and information CH11/12-5
 solves scientific problems using primary and
secondary data, critical thinking skills and
scientific processes CH11/12-6
 communicates scientific understanding using
suitable language and terminology for a
specific audience or purpose CH11/12-7

Skills in Working
10 15 20 15 60%
Knowledge and
15 5 5 15 40%

Total % 25 20 25 30 100%
Context and Nature of the task
-develop a question for a scientific investigation on hydrocarbon.

-carry out secondary research

-record their investigation and research summary into their assessment booklet. These are provided for
each student for the assessment collected and marked during each lesson and submitted after
completion of the investigation.

- collect and analyse data from in-class investigation

Marking Criteria
Knowledge and understanding

CH12-14 Analyses the structure of, and predicts reactions involving, carbon compounds
 describe the processes involved in handling organic substances safely. Create a risk assessment.
 describe how to dispose of organic substances
 gather relevant information about the applications or uses of hydrocarbons


CH11/12-1 Develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation
 develop an applicable question for scientific investigation
Analysing data and information

CH11/12-5 Analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information
 assess relevance and reliability of gathered secondary information
 record relevant and useful information on hydrocarbons into their assessment booklet.
 record their uses and applications.
 evaluate the effect of the chosen hydrocarbon on society and the environment

Problem solving

CH11/12-6 Solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific
 articulate and use cause and effect relationships to justify interpretations made within the response and the
conclusions and recommendations made


CH11/12-7 Communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience
or purpose
 generate coherent ideas in a logical way and correctly use scientific terminology and principles
 present scientific information on the chosen hydrocarbon by creating a multimodal.
 Appropriately summarise and acknowledge sources.

Marking Guidelines
Students: Range of Marks

 develop a question for a scientific investigation that is relevant and effective for the task
 demonstrate full knowledge and understanding of the science and chemistry of the
chosen hydrocarbon.
 Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of procedures required to safely handle and
dispose of organic substances
 evaluate the effect of the chosen hydrocarbon on society and the environment
 justify inferences made within the response and the conclusions and recommendations
 presents an in-depth assessment booklet inclusive to hydrocarbons and their uses and
 assess the relevance and reliability of the gathered information
 acknowledge sources with flare
 effectively use scientific terminology and principles

 develop a question for scientific investigation that is relevant

 demonstrate accurate knowledge and understanding of the science and chemistry of
the chosen hydrocarbon
Marking Guidelines
Students: Range of Marks

 demonstrates understanding required to safely handle and dispose of organic

 discuss the effect of the chosen hydrocarbon on society and the environment
 explain inferences made within the response and the conclusions and
recommendations made
 presents an assessment booklet that collates useful and relevant information referring
to hydrocarbons and their uses and applications
 describe the relevance and reliability of the gathered information
 use scientific terminology and principles
 appropriately acknowledge sources.

 develop a question for scientific investigation

 demonstrate sound knowledge and understanding of the science or chemistry of the
chosen hydrocarbon
 outlines the procedures required to handle and dispose of organic substances
 describe the effect of the chosen hydrocarbon on society and the environment 11–15
 describe inferences made within the response and the conclusions made
 presents an assessment booklet that outlines the applications or uses of hydrocarbons
 describe relevance or reliability of the gathered information
 use some scientific terminology
 acknowledge sources

 develop a question for investigation

 demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of the science or chemistry of the
chosen hydrocarbon or identifies the procedures required to handle and dispose of
organic substances
 outline the effect of the chosen hydrocarbon on society and the environment
 state inferences made within the response and the conclusions made 6–10
 presents an assessment booklet that identifies the applications or uses of hydrocarbons
 outlines the relevance or reliability of the gathered information
 use limited scientific terminology
 acknowledge some sources

 state a question for investigation

 gather some relevant information about the chemistry or application or use of
 present an incomplete assessment booklet that relates to hydrocarbons and their uses 1–5
and applications
 use some scientific terms
 attempt to acknowledge some sources

Teacher Comments




Student declaration
By submitting this task to be marked I acknowledge that:

1. The work I have submitted is my own and acknowledgement of sources has been made.
2. I am aware that my task may be submitted for plagiarism detection.
3. I am aware that when plagiarism has been detected a mark of zero is automatically awarded.
4. I have a copy of this assessment on me that I can provide the teacher if the original is lost or
5. When I submit this task I will also sign the teacher’s submission form to confirm submission of
the assessment by the due date.

Student’s signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________

Submission credit note

(For student to keep)

This is to certify that ……………………………………………… on the date ……………………

Submitted their assignment.

Teachers submission stamp:

Hydrocarbons scientific Investigation

 Develop a question for a scientific investigation that is relevant and effective.


Provided is a scaffold to assist you with your scientific investigation on hydrocarbons.

1.Complete the missing words in the following paragraph

A ______________________________ is an _________________compound consisting entirely

of____________________ and ___________________. Saturated hydrocarbons known
as_______________________ are the simplest of the hydrocarbon species and are composed
entirely of __________________bonds and are saturated with_____________________. The general
formula for saturated hydrocarbons is _________________________. Alkanes are the basis of
petroleum fuels and are either found as _______________________or
_____________________species. Hydrocarbons with the same molecular formula but
different structural formulae are called ____________________________.

2.What Is a hydrocarbon and what is its predominant use?


3. Name the 3 common hydrocarbons




4.Provide examples of the following hydrocarbons

Alkane alkene Alkyne

5.what does it mean for a hydrocarbon to be saturated and provide a diagram?

6.why does water not mix with liquid hydrocarbons?

7. what is the relationship between the number of carbon atoms and the boiling point of
an alkane?


8.Using primary and secondary resources gather relevant information about the
applications or uses of hydrocarbons.
9. Choose a Hydrocarbon to research. Name the hydrocarbon and provide a diagram.

Name: Diagram:

10.What safety procedures are required to safely handle organic substances? Including the Hydrocarbon,
you chose.

11. How do you dispose of organic substances? including the hydrocarbon you chose.


12. Evaluate the following statement made by Abdulrauf Rasheed Adebayo and Bassam:

i Exploration and Production – a Balance between Benefits to the Society
and Impact on the Environment

Abdulrauf Rasheed Adebayo and Bassam Tawabini (King Fahd University of Petroleum and
Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia)
“There is an increasing concern for alternate sources of fuel due largely to the environmental
impacts of hydrocarbon exploration, production and usage. Global warming and marine pollution
are the top on the list. However, the efforts and achievements of the industry over the years
towards safer operations and greener environment seem to be ignored or unacknowledged.”

13. After having gathered information on hydrocarbon application and use, use your
knowledge to examine the environmental, economic and sociocultural implications of
obtaining and using hydrocarbons from the Earth?



14.List the effect of the chosen hydrocarbon on society and the environment?

15.What conclusions and recommendations can y make about your chosen hydrocarbon?



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