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DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000000977

Placebo effects of a sham opioid solution: a randomized controlled study

in patients with chronic low back pain

Regine Klinger a *, Ralph Kothe b, Julia Schmitz a, Sandra Kamping, a, Herta

Flor c

a) Department of Anesthesiology, University Medical Center Hamburg –
Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

b) Schön Klink Hamburg Eilbek, Hamburg, Germany; Department of Ortho-
pedics, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
c) Department of Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience, Central Institute of
Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg and
Department of Psychology, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany

Corresponding author: Regine Klinger, PhD, University Medical Center

Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Center for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Pain Therapy and Pain Psychol-

ogy, Martinistraße 52, 20246 Hamburg, Germany, E-mail:, phone: +49 40 7410 52837, Fax: +49 40 7410 44963,


This study tested the experimental placebo effect in a group of chronic pain
patients. Forty-eight patients suffering from chronic back pain participated
in a randomized clinical trial that tested the efficacy of a sham opioid solu-
tion (NaCl) compared to an alleged neutral, completely inactive solution
(NaCl). We shaped the placebo effect by two interventions: sugges-

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
tion/instruction and conditioning. The patients were either told that the
“solution reduces pain/improves physical capacity” or the “solution is neu-
tral, a placebo”. Half of each group was additionally conditioned (coupling
solution with reduced experimental pain), yielding 4 subgroups with 12
participants each. Outcome measures were: the patients’ clinical back pain
ratings and acute pain ratings (both examined by numerical rating scale 0-

10), and self-rated functional capacity (0-100%; time required for the exer-
cise). Expected pain relief before and after solution intake was also as-

sessed. The inactive solution (NaCl), when presented as an effective treat-
ment (sham “opioid” solution), i duced placebo analgesia as evident in
lower ratings of the patients’ clinical back pain (F (3.12, 144.21) = 25.05, p<
.001), acute pain ratings (F (1.99, 87.40) = 18.12, p < .01) and time needed
to complete a series of daily activities exercises (F (1, 44) = 8.51, p < .01) as
well as increased functional capacity (F (1, 44.00) 19.42, p < 0.001). The
two manipulations (instruction and conditioning) changed pain expecta-
tions and they were maintained in both sham opioid groups. The results
suggest that it may be clinically useful to explicitly integrate placebo anal-

gesia responses into pain management.


Keywords: Placebo analgesia; chronic back pain; sham opioid solution; pla-
cebo effects; placebo responses; randomized controlled clinical trial; classi-
cal conditioning; expectancy theory.

1. Introduction

The good evidence for the efficacy of analgesic placebo effects in

healthy samples13, 15, 31 raises the question if they could also be experimen-

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
tally induced in clinical pain treatment.26 Clinical use of placebo effects

could induce additional pain relief and diminish the amount of analgesics

and related side-effects in these patients.

So far there has been little research on the effects of experimental place-

bos on the patients’ clinical pain. Most studies conducted on patients (e.g.

those with irritable bowel syndrome 22,23, headache 21, neuropathic pain

or back pain 7,16,17) used experimental or acute pain and obtained signifi-

cant placebo effects.31,39,18,19 Only a few studies also examined underlying

placebo mechanisms such as experiential (e.g. partial reinforcement and

classical conditioning), social (e.g. vicarious learning and modeling) and

verbal (e.g. suggestion-induced expectations) learning 21,22,23,32. Only one

study has compared the patients’ placebo response with that of healthy

participants 27 and no studies have examined the effects of analgesic pla-


cebo mechanisms on both clinical pain and disease-related function.

Until now, there have been no studies conducted on patients with


chronic pain investigating placebo effects on clinical pain using sham opioid

solutions. However, studies of this kind would be of great interest because

many neurobiological studies have documented great similarities between

the molecular basis of the mode of action of an opioid and the related pla-

cebo response, showing high effect sizes of an opioid placebo and of the

placebo component of an opioid.1, 4, 10, 33

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An important source of the response variability to analgesics appears to be

the difference in the placebo-related activation of endogenous opioid sys-

tems. Clinical application of placebo effects requires that they can be relia-

bly triggered.26 It is, therefore, essential to know the underlying core

mechanisms: expectancy34, 40 and learning processes such as classical con-

ditioning or social learning.8, 11

The aim of this study was to show that it is possible to manipulate an in-

ert solution via instruction and additional classical conditioning so that the

solution can reduce the perceived intensity of both an experimental pain

stimulus and clinical pain, and improve the physical capacity of chronic
back pain patients. For this purpose, we examined the analgesic placebo

effect in a short-term (2 hours) experiment studying 48 patients with

chronic back pain using standardized daily activities. They were given a

pharmacologically neutral solution, which was introduced either as a pain-

reducing opioid solution that also improved physical function and move-

ment, or as a neutral solution, a placebo. The central questions were: (1)


Can an analgesic placebo response (on experimental acute as well as clini-

cal pain) be attained in chronic back pain patients by manipulating an inert

neutral solution via instruction and additional conditioning? (2) Can this

placebo response also reduce pain behavior and increase perceived func-

tional capacity in daily activities? (3) Does this placebo effect change ex-

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pectancies of pain reduction? In addition, we hypothesized that the pa-

tients who received the supposed ”opioid solution“ would exhibit a

stronger placebo response than the patients who were told that the solu-

tion was a placebo.

2 Method

2.1 Participants

The participants were 48 patients with chronic back pain who were re-

cruited from local multidisciplinary pain centers, back pain management

centers, and the Outpatient Clinic of Behavior Therapy at the Department

of Psychology, University of Hamburg, Germany. We estimated that a sam-

ple size of 48 was needed for between- and within-subject comparisons to

attain 80% power and a 5% significance level against the backdrop of a

previous study in which similar outcome measures (numerical rating scales


for pain intensity, see below 2.3.1) were used.14 Our sample was recruited

within a larger project investigating placebo effects with back pain patients


The sample included 36 (9 per group) women and 12 (3 per group)

men with a mean age of 49.97 years (SD = 13.64).

Inclusion criteria were: chronic, persistent or recurrent (≥ 1 per week)

back pain for a minimum of 6 months duration. The patients were diag-

nosed by the referring physician who excluded patients exhibiting “red

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flags”. Red flags included, for example, significant trauma, unexplained

weight loss and widespread, neurological changes.28 The patients were

also excluded if they had inflammatory, neuropathic or tumor-related back

pain, and severe acute or chronic somatic diseases, such as acute radicular

syndrome, rheumatic disorders, cancer, severe heart diseases, which

would not allow experiment participation. Only patients between 20 and

55 years of age were included. All somatic exclusion and inclusion criteria

were likewise assessed by the referring physicians. Mental health problems

were diagnosed by psychotherapists employing a psychological assessment

(interview) and additional questionnaire (depression: General Depression

20 30
Scale (ADS) ; anxiety: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) , excluding

persons with severe acute or chronic mental disorders in accordance with

the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). However, patients with


anxiety or depressive disorders secondary to the back pain diagnosis were

included. Further exclusion criteria were: Cognitive impairment, preg-


nancy, symptoms or diseases which prohibit the application of electrical


impulses (e.g. cardiac insufficiency and/or need of cardiac pacemakers or

implanted spinal cord stimulation devices). Patients were asked not to use

any acute pain medication (rescue medication) on the day of their partici-

pation in the experiment. They were allowed to take their long-term medi-

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
cation (medication to be taken regularly), for example, for pain or other


On the day of the experiment the following long-term medication was

taken: 11 patients (22,92%; see Table 1) had taken opioids (hydromor-

phon, tramadol, tilidin phosphate/hydrochloride, morphine sulfate, fen-

tanyl, oxycodon) or 16 patients (33.33%) had taken non-opioids (ibupro-

fen, flupirtine, paracetamol with/without coffein, carbamazepine, di-

clofenac, acetylsalicylic acid, metamizole, gabapentin). During the week

before the experiment 15 patients (31,25%) took opioids (long-term medi-

cation). Patients with medication overuse or impairments due to the

medication (e.g. opioid intolerance) were also excluded from the experi-


The patients were randomly assigned to the four experimental groups


(1. instruction “solution is neutral, a placebo” / no conditioning, 2. instruc-

tion solution is neutral, a placebo” / conditioning, 3. instruction “solution is


an opioid, reduces pain/ improves physical capacity” / no conditioning, 4.


instruction “solution is an opioid, reduces pain/ improves physical capac-

ity” / conditioning). The study adhered to the guidelines of the Declaration

of Helsinki and informed consent was obtained from all subjects. The study

was approved by the local institutional review board (No. 2275) and regis-

tered (German Clinical Trials Register: DRKS00011201).

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2.2 Setting and materials

For the experiment, an intracutaneous electrical painful stimulus was

applied.5, 6 An electrical stimulator especially adapted for intracutaneous

electrical nerve stimulation (G 43, Fa. Bentronic, Munich, Germany) was

used and painful stimulation was introduced through an intracutaneous

platinum electrode placed on the epidermis of the finger pad of the left

index finger after the hard surface of the skin had been removed with a

curette. The electrode was then connected to the power supply system.

The device for the application of the painful stimulus was controlled

through a LabVIEW-based (National Instruments Corporation, Austin,

Texas) computer program. The placebo was a saline solution, colored

lightly red with a bitter taste of quinine. The patients were given a cotton

swab with this solution which they were asked to put in their mouth. The 2

bottles containing the solution were labeled with the fictional terms 1.

“Opioid KP / 310“ or 2. “KP / 236 (Placebo)“, in which “KP“ stood for


“Klinische Prüfung“ (“Clinical trial“). The patients in all groups received the

pharmacologically inert neutral solution; none of the patients received a


The experiment was set in a treatment room at the Department of Or-

thopedics at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf. This clinical situa-

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tion was chosen to improve the credibility of the experiment and the po-

tential effectiveness of the placebo.

2.3 Procedure

According to the authorized informed consent, the patients were in-

formed about the fact that they deliberately received altered information

about the true processes in the experiment and that a detailed debriefing

would be provided after the experiment. All information the patients re-

ceived was specifically authorized by the local ethics committee. The pa-

tients were told that they were taking part in a clinical study to test the
effects of a new highly effective pain-reducing solution for CLBP treatment,

which also improves physical function and movement (see Supplement 1).

This solution would be tested against a solution without an active compo-


nent, a placebo. The participants would be randomly assigned to the group

treated with the solution or the control group with the placebo. All partici-

pants were informed about the application of painful stimuli according to

ethical guidelines and could leave the experiment at any point in time.

2.3.1 Measures / calibration trials

The magnitude of the experimental pain stimulus was individually tai-

lored.6, 27, 42 Stimuli with rising intensity were applied through the electrode

beginning with 0.12 miliamperes (mA) in a sequential up and down proce-

dure with stimulus intensity increments of 0.02 mA (in the range of 0.12

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
mA to 0.20 mA), 0.04 mA (in the range of 0.20 mA to 1.00 mA) and 0.10 mA

(in the range of 1.00 mA to 3.00 mA). Each stimulus had to be rated on a 9-

point scale according to its pain intensity (0= not noticeable, 1= just about

perceivable, 2=clearly perceivable, 3= strongly perceivable but not painful,

4=strongly perceivable, noticeably painful, 5= clearly painful, 6= strongly

painful, 7= very strongly painful, 8= immensely painful). When the partici-

pant first scored a “7” or had reached the maximum current of 3 mA, the

stimuli then were applied again in reverse order and had to be reassessed.

This procedure was repeated twice, resulting in six sequences of pain stim-

uli. Detection threshold was defined as the mean value of the mA between
a value of 0 and 1 on the rating scale. Pain threshold was defined as the

mean value of the mA values between a value of 3 and 4 on the rating

scale. This value was then doubled and employed to assess the placebo

effect in the experiment.6

For the entire sample (N=48), the detection threshold (Dt) was M= 0.37

mA (SD= 0.16), the pain threshold was (Pt) M= 0.83 mA (SD= 0.39), and the

painful stimulus that was employed in the experiment was (Pst) M= 1.67

mA (SD= 0.77). There were no significant differences between the groups..

Experimental design

Prior to the experiment all participants were informed that they would

have to execute standardized daily activities (4 exercises) twice, first as a

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baseline condition and a second time after the repeated intake of the solu-

tion. They were also informed that painful stimuli would be applied as a

baseline condition and then before and after the intake of the solution for

the first and the second time. They also were told that half of the partici-

pants would be given the opioid, the other half would receive a placebo.

Then the patients had to draw a lot indicating which group they had been

allocated to (independent variable “instruction”: “solution reduces

pain/improves physical capacity” / “solution is neutral, a placebo”). Half of

each group was additionally conditioned (independent variable “classical

conditioning”: yes/no) resulting in 4 subgroups with 12 participants in each

(see Table 1 for the experimental design).

Conditioning was performed by reducing the intensity of the experimen-

tal electrical painful stimulus by 50% after the intake of the solution (ex-

perimental phase “post 1st solution – conditioning”), i.e. the participants

thus inadvertently experienced a reduction of the experimental pain stimu-


lus not knowing that this was manipulated by the experimenter.


Dependent variables/measurements

Assessment of clinical back pain

Before and after the interventions (exercise, intake of the solution) the

patients had to rate the intensity of their clinical back pain on an 11-point

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numerical rating scale (NRS: 0= no pain, 10 = worst pain imaginable), yield-

ing a total of 8 ratings across all conditions (see Table 2).

Assessment of acute pain

The experimental pain stimuli were rated for intensity on an 11-point

NRS (0= no pain, 10 = worst pain imaginable) for a total of 6 times before

and after the intake of the solution and the exercise (experimental pain

stimuli were only given at baseline, before and after the 1st and 2nd solution

and for manipulation (conditioning) of the 1st solution).

Assessment of pain behaviors and disability

Functional disability was assessed using a 12-item scoring system (Han-

nover Activities of Daily Living questionnaire [ADL] 29 29 29 29 29 28 28 29, 37

The Hannover ADL instrument has excellent psychometric properties and it

has been shown to correlate highly with the Roland–Morris Scale.35, 36 The

ADL-questions are answered by using the response options ‘‘able to per-

form without difficulties’’, ‘‘able to perform with some difficulties’’, and


‘‘unable to perform or only with help’’. Raw scores were rescaled to values

between 0% and 100 % of functional capacity. The questionnaire was

completed before and after the experiment.

In addition, the patients had to perform 4 exercise which are also de-

scribed as items of the ADL (1. bending forward to pick up a small object

from the floor, 2. rising from a prone position, 3. putting on socks, 4. bend-

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
ing sideways from a seated position to pick up a small object on the floor

just beside the chair). Each exercise performance of the patient was re-

corded on camera before and after taking the solution. Both the experi-

menter and the patients rated the functional capacity of each performed

exercise according to the categories of the ADL.

Pain behavior was operationalized by using the time the patients

needed to perform their exercise. This was measured by an independent

investigator who analyzed the videos and was blind to the group assign-

ment and the time points at which the exercise was being performed.

Assessment of expectations on the pain-reducing properties of the so-


Before the first and second administration of the solution, the patients’

expectations of the pain-reducing effect of the solution was measured by


the question “What do you expect will happen after taking the solution?”.

The answer was based on a 6-point verbal rating scale ranging from 1= no

pain reduction to 6=pain free. On the same scale, the patients’ expecta-

tions were measured again after the intake of the second solution and the

experimental testing of the painful experience. They were asked about

their expectations on prospective pain reduction by imaging a future intake

of the solution (“What do you expect will happen after taking the solution

in the future?”).

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Time course of the experiment

The entire experiment lasted about 2 hours. The participants began with

the exercise and after a pause of 5 minutes they received 5 successive

painful stimuli to adapt to pain perception and again subsequent 5 succes-

sive pain stimuli to determine the baseline ratings (phase 1 “baseline”). The

first solution was administered, followed by a time period of 5 minutes

rest declared as time for “medication release”. Then, 10 stimuli were

given. In the “conditioning groups”, the intensity of the painful stimulus

was reduced by 50%, which means that each of the 10 stimuli was given by
half of the intensity as in phase 1 “baseline”. The non-conditioned partici-

pants received the exact same painful stimuli as in the first baseline. After

this procedure, a post- baseline assessment of 5 painful stimuli with the


same intensity as in the first baseline phase was administered to test the

results of the first solution. Then, 5 stimuli were given as a new baseline for

the second solution. Afterwards, the second solution was applied. Again,

the patients had 5 minutes rest for “medication release”. Finally, the ef-

fects of the second solution were tested by applying 5 painful stimuli., of

the same intensity as in the baseline phase. In this phase the conditioning

was not repeated, so we did not apply 10 stimuli again.

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2.3.2 Statistical analysis

To reduce the data for statistical analysis, the mean scores of the self-

reported data of the acute pain stimuli in every block of 5 pain stimuli were

determined. For these as well as for the other outcome variables, we esti-

mated means and standard deviations to provide descriptive data for every

group. Preliminary assumption testing was conducted to check for normal-

ity, linearity and sphericity. All data were normally distributed. In the case

of violation of sphericity, Greenhouse-Geisser corrections were used.

Primary intervention effects were estimated by employing generalized

linear modeling (GLM) with repeated measure analyses of variance

(ANOVAs) containing the within-subject-factor “time-point” (back pain - 8

time points: pre and post 1st exercise, pre and post 1st solu-

tion/conditioning, pre and post 2nd exercise, pre and post 2nd solution;

acute pain - 6 time points: baseline, pre and post 1st solution/conditioning,

post 1st solution, pre and post 2nd solution); pain behavior - 2 time-points:

pre and post 1st exercise, no repetition was planned in the study design;

expectation – 3 time-points: pre 1st solution/conditioning, pre and post 2nd


solution) and the between-subject factor group (group “instruction –

‘opioid’”, group “instruction ‘placebo’”, group “instruction ‘opioid’ with

conditioning”, group “instruction – ‘placebo’ with conditioning”). We pre-

sent the results of the F-Tests with Greenhouse-Geisser corrections and an

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
adjusted model (only interaction effects). To determine the course of every

group, we calculated a repeated measures ANOVA and Cohen’s d to assess

effect sizes (first and last time point) for every group. To determine differ-

ences between the groups, we calculated the ANOVAs for every time point

and the mean differences and 95% confidence interval (CI), p-values and

Cohen’s d between the groups. All analyses and post hoc tests were Bon-


Analyses were conducted using SPSS 22.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk,

NY, USA) for Mac.

3 Results

3.1 Clinical back pain

Table 2 presents the means and standard deviations of the back pain

ratings for every group and for each of the 8 time points of the experiment.

It also presents the F values and effect sizes (Cohen's d) calculated for

every group with regard to the difference between “pre 1st exercise” and

“post 2nd solution”.


The results revealed a significant main effect of “time-course” , F (3.12,

144.21) = 25.05, p < .001. Compared to the starting point of the experiment

after the 1st exercise, back pain ratings increased significantly (p < .01).

After the 1st solution intake, back pain ratings decreased significantly (p <

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
.02; p <.01) and again after 2nd solution intake (p < .01), in spite of the 2nd


However, this main effect cannot be interpreted without considering

the significant overall interaction effect between “instruction”, “condi-

tioning”, and “time-course”, F (9.36, 143.23) = 8.29, p < .001. The patients’

back pain ratings differed as a consequence of the intervention “instruction

* conditioning” (type of treatment group). Post hoc ANOVAs showed that

the groups differed significantly at all time points after conditioning and

first solution intake: pre 2nd exercise: F(3, 47) = 3.42, p= .025; post 2nd exer-

cise: F(3,47) = 6.27, p= .001; pre 2nd solution: F(3,47) = 3.77, p= .017; post
2nd solution: F(3,47) = 7.29, p< .001 (cf. Figure 1A).

Significant reductions of clinical back pain were only present for the

groups that had received the opioid instruction (group “opioid-info / with-

out conditioning”: F (1,11) = 24.00, p < .01, d= .83; group “opioid-info / with

conditioning”: F (1,11) = 30.31, p < .01, d=1.83). The group “placebo instruc-

tion / without conditioning” by contrast showed a significant increase of


back pain (F (1,11) = 10.17, p < .01, d= - .64), the group “placebo instruction /

with conditioning” showed no significant change in pain (F (1,11) = 1.44, p <

.26, d= .32) over time (cf. Table 2).

Scores of anxiety, depression and functional capacity at the time point

before the experiment were used as a covariate to control the placebo ef-

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fect (time-points “pre 1st exercise” vs. “post 2nd solution”) for individual

differences. There was no confounding influence of these variables on the

results (anxiety: F(1,43) = 0.91, p = 0.35; depression: F(1,43) = 1.82, p = 0.18;

functional capacity: F(1,43) = 0.84, p = 0.36).

Post hoc comparisons between the groups at time point “post 2nd solu-

tion” (see Supplement 2 and 3) revealed that the group “opioid-instruction

and conditioning” displayed a significantly stronger pain reduction than

both of the placebo-informed groups. The group “opioid-instruction”

(without conditioning) did not display a significant pain reduction com-

pared to the group “Placebo-instruction and conditioning”.

Pain increased in the placebo instructed group without conditioning

with a high effect size (cf. Table 2).

3.2. Acute pain


Table 3 shows the means and standard deviations of the acute pain rat-

ings for every group and each of the 6 acute pain time points as well as the

F values and effect sizes (Cohen's d) calculated for every group with regard

to the difference between “pre 1st exercise“ and “post 2nd solution”.

We found a significant main effect of “time-course” , F (1.99, 87.40) =

18.12, p < .01. Bonferroni-corrected contrasts showed that, compared to

baseline, acute pain ratings were significantly decreased after conditioning

and the 1st solution intake (p < .01), as well as after the 2nd solution intake

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
(p < .01). In addition, a significant interaction effect was found between

type of group and “time-course”, F (5.96, 87.40) = 4.40, p < .001, indicating

different group trends of the patients' acute pain ratings as a consequence

of the intervention “instruction and conditioning” (type of treatment

group), cf. Figure 1B. Post hoc ANOVAs showed that the groups differed

significantly at the time point “post 2nd solution”: F (3,44) = 4.24, p= .01

after conditioning and intake of solution twice. Significant acute pain re-

duction over time was only achieved for both opioid informed groups: in

the group “opioid instruction without conditioning”: F (1,11) = 8.19, p= .02;

and the group “opioid instruction with conditioning: F (1,11) = 41.27, p <
.01; see Table 3). At the time point “post 2nd solution” the groups “placebo

without conditioning” and “opioid with conditioning” differed significantly

from each other (cf. Supplement 2 and 3).


The effect sizes for the acute pain reductions in both “opioid instruc-

tion” groups were high (“without conditioning”: d=1.11, “with condition-


ing”: d= 1.79, see Table 3).


3.3. Pain Behavior: Time needed for exercise

Table 4 presents the means and standard deviations of the amount of

time the patients required for their 1st and 2nd exercise, carried out before

and after intake of the 1st solution (see Figure 1C).

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
We observed a significant main effect of “time-course” for pain behav-

ior F (1, 44) = 8.51, p < .01, indicating a significant decrease in the time

needed to complete exercise (cf. Figure 1C). A significant interaction ef-

fect between “instruction”, “conditioning”, and “time-course”, F (3, 44) =

3.15, p < .03 indicated that the patients' pain behavior differed over time

as a consequence of the intervention “instruction * conditioning” (type of

treatment group). Except for group 3 (“placebo instruction without condi-

tioning”) all other groups (both opioid instructed groups and the placebo

instructed group with conditioning) showed a decrease in the amount of

time needed to complete the daily activities after intake of the solution,
yielding significant reductions for group 1 (“opioid instruction – without

conditioning”: p < .04) and group 4 (“placebo instruction – conditioning”: p

< .03) . Effect sizes were small (see Table 4).


For the point of time “post exercise”, post hoc comparisons (see Sup-

plement 2) were conducted via one-way ANOVAs (Bonferroni-corrected).


When examining the time taken to complete the daily activities exercises

there only was a trend of significant differences (LSD = p< .05) between the

group “opioid” instruction with classical conditioning and “placebo” in-

struction without classical conditioning.

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
3.4 Pain Behavior: Self-ratings of functional capacity

Table 4 (cf. also Figure 1D) presents the means and standard deviations

of the patients' self-ratings of their functional capacity directly after their

1st and 2nd exercise, carried out before and after 1st solution intake.

There was a significant main effect of “time-course” on perceived func-

tional capacity, F(1, 44.00) 19.42, p < 0.001. In addition, a significant inter-

action effect for “time-course * conditioning * instruction”, F (3.00, 44.00)

10.83, p < 0.001 indicated that the patients' self-ratings differed over time

as a consequence of the intervention “instruction * conditioning” (type of

treatment group). With the exception of group 3 (“placebo instruction

without conditioning”), all groups exhibited an increase of functional ca-

pacity, which was significant for group 1 (“opioid instruction – without


conditioning”: p < .01) and group 2 (“opioid instruction – with condition-

ing”: p < .01), and failed to reach significance for group 4 (“placebo instruc-

tion with conditioning”) and group 3 (“placebo instruction – without con-

ditioning”) . The effect sizes were medium to high (cf. Table 4).

Analyses relating to associations between placebo effects on pain and

effects on physical functioning are outside the scope of the current paper

and will be reported elsewhere.

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3.5 Expectation of pain reduction

Table 5 presents the means and standard deviations of the patients' ex-

pectations of the pain-reducing effects of the solution before they used

each of the solutions. After taking the second solution and the experimen-

tal testing of pain experience, the participants were asked about their ex-

pectation of prospective pain reduction caused by the solution after the

end of the experiment.

There was only a significant effect of “instruction” F(1, 44) 92.03, p <

.001, indicating a difference for placebo” vs “opioid” at each time point. In

the group “opioid instruction – without conditioning” a significant decrease

of expectation was found (F (1,11) 8.51 p< .01), however, the expectation

of pain reduction still prevailed. In the group “opioid instruction – with

conditioning”, expectations of pain reduction were maintained (F(1,11)


1.55, p= .24). In the group “placebo-instruction – without conditioning”, no

expectation for pain relief existed before and after the manipulation, how-

ever, in the group “placebo-instruction – with conditioning” there was a


significant increase of expectations after conditioning (F (1,11) 5.21, p< .04,


4 Discussion

This experimental study examined the short term influence of a phar-

macologically neutral (placebo) solution shaped via instruction and condi-

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
tioning on the perception of clinical and acute pain, pain behavior, and

functional capacity in patients with chronic back pain. Furthermore, we

investigated the patients' expectations after receiving the instructions and

their intake of the solution, which seems to play an essential part in shap-

ing the placebo response.

Our study indicated that pain perception and pain behaviors are highly

affected by the instructions and the learning experience the patients

gained during the experiment. First, the instruction “the solution you will

receive is an opioid, reduces pain/ improves physical capacity” produced a

higher placebo analgesia to clinical and acute pain and to pain behaviors
than the instruction “the solution you will receive is neutral, a placebo”

with high effect sizes. The former instruction also produced higher expecta-

tions of pain reduction. Moreover, the “opioid-instructed“ group with addi-


tional conditioning showed more pronounced pain reductions in clinical

pain (Cohen’s d: 1.83 vs. .83), acute pain (Cohen’s d: acute pain: 1.79 vs.

1.11), the time to perform certain behaviors (Cohen’s d: .58 vs. .36), and

functional capacity (Cohen’s d: -.92 vs. -.59). After conditioning, a nearly

comparable placebo response developed in the placebo instructed group

in comparison to the non-conditioned “opioid instructed group“. The pla-

cebo-instructed group without conditioning showed no significant decrease

in time required for the exercise. In conclusion, this study demonstrates

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
that clinically relevant, albeit short term ,placebo effects were shaped via

instructions and conditioning in a sample of patients with chronic back


Our sample, even though small, consisted of patients characterized by

high back pain chronicity. Prior to the experiment, the patients' average

back pain ratings were at NRS 5 points (range 0-10). After the intervention,

the opioid-instructed group with conditioning (pre NRS: 5.08) attained NRS

ratings of 1.92 points (Cohen’s d: 1.83) indicating a mean reduction of 3.16

points on an 11-point scale. Compared to other medication treatments for

back pain 28, this result points to high short-term efficacy of placebo for this
chronic group.

Our study primarily targeted the motivational component of pain. We

were able to shape a placebo response that increased mobility in back pain

patients as measured during the experiment. This is an important point

because most of these patients tend to exhibit fear-avoidance behavior,41


following a former experience of pain triggered by a movement. Patients


may maintain this avoidance of mobility because they are convinced that

they will experience new and more pain when moving. This prevents them

from having a new experience. This maladaptive avoidance behavior often

causes subsequent musculoskeletal disorders and, is hence, a cause of new

pain.41 As a result, the treatment of back pain places special emphasis on

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
guiding patients into movement, allowing pain-free experiences to occur

and, in turn, fostering increased mobility. The instructions in our study

stated that the solution would enable participants to raise their levels of

pain-free mobility. As a result, the perception of physical functionality in-

creased and pain behaviors decreased. Hence, the management of instruc-

tions could be an important way to treat fear-avoidance behavior in pa-

tients. At the same time, the same ethical principles as in other placebo

instructions must be followed. Based on the principles of classical condi-

tioning, patients with chronic back pain could, for example, be encouraged

to use analgesics when restarting exercising after a period of avoidance of

movement to associate mobility with the absence of increased pain.

Even though we only examined short-term effects related to an experi-

mental setting and did not collect data over extended periods of time, our

results are important in the context of clinical applications of analgesic

placebo effects. The results support the claim that placebo research is

transferable to patients and that placebo effects they can be deliberately


applied. This can boost the efficacy of pain treatment, thereby meeting

demands for clinical application of placebo research.26 Our study with back

pain patients shows that placebo effects can be elicited in patients in ways

comparable to the results obtained in healthy participants (4, 12). By apply-

ing placebo mechanisms (instruction and conditioning) both of these

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
mechanisms, pain reducing expectations occurred which led to the percep-

tion of higher functional capacity and less pain behavior. These changes in

function and pain behavior are the result of a completely inactive sub-

stance being solely shaped by instructions and conditioning.

Our data suggest that this approach may add an additional placebo

component (placebo response) to the pharmacological component of anal-

gesics. Comparisons have revealed that randomized controlled trials where

the subjects are certain that they receive active treatment tend to have up

to five times higher efficacy than studies where the subjects are informed
that they have only a 50% chance of obtaining verum Benedetti et al. 3
and Colloca et al. 8, 11 suggested that the effect of analgesic medication has

both a psychological and a pharmacological component. In this sense, the

analgesic placebo effect can be considered to be ‘‘additive,’’ supplement-


ing pain management and enhancing analgesic medication beyond its

purely pharmacological effect, within ethical borders. In their open-hidden


paradigm, Benedetti et al.3 and Colloca et al.11 developed a model to use


the placebo response as an additive to highly effective analgesics. In the

open administration condition, participants could consciously perceive the

analgesics, whereas in the hidden condition they were unaware of receiv-

ing the drug. The pain reducing effect was up to one third higher in the

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
“open” administration of opioids and NSAIDS than in the “hidden” admini-

stration.1, 2

Bingel et al. 4also used the open-hidden model to investigate how diver-

gent expectancies alter the analgesic efficacy of a potent opioid in healthy

volunteer. By using an active opioid, they attained larger effect sizes com-

pared to our results: hidden application of remifentanil decreased pain

intensity ratings on a numerical rating scale (0-100) from 66 (SD=2) to 55

(SD=3) points, with a medium effect size of d= 4.4 (11%), open application

with positive instruction resulted in a decrease of pain ratings from 66

(SD=2) to 39 (SD=3) points, with a very large effect size of d= 10.8; 27%,
and open application with negative instruction increased pain ratings from

39 (SD=3) to 64 (SD=3) points, also with a very large effect size of d= -8.3

(25%). This underlines that the boosting of pharmacological effectiveness


via instruction is of great importance. It can improve the outcome of pain

therapy and should not be withheld from patients from an ethical perspec-


Another possibility for clinical use of these findings on placebo effects in

patients is to extend the effects of drug treatments by interspersing place-

bos. Colloca et al. 9 reviewed a database of placebo studies, searching for

studies indicating that placebos given after repeated administration of ac-

tive treatments acquire medication-like effects. This is a special case of

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
intermittent reinforcement of the inactive placebo substance because it

followed the analgesic, thereby coupling it with an active (pharmacological)



One limitation of our study is that differential pain medication history

was not included. We only assessed medication intake of the last week and

on the day of the experiment. On the day of the experiment, 22.92% of the

sample took opioids, and 31.25% took opioids during the last week. We

didn’t control for opioid intake in our randomisation.

Differentiating learning history and attitudes towards opioids would

have helped to investigate individual placebo effects. Reactivating prior

experiences can have both positive and negative consequences, for exam-

ple, positive associations can channel the experience with a new analgesic

or a new placebo into a positive direction. Verbal instructions can be em-

ployed to have patients recall and reactivate previously learned associa-


tions that are otherwise implicit and not accessible by verbal report.25 New

medication experiences occur on the basis of this learning history and they

are influenced by it.24 Colloca and Benedetti 8

found that the prior experi-

ence of a beneficial effect of a drug led to a higher placebo response than

the experience of a drug being ineffective, and these effects lasted for sev-

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
eral days. Our sample was too small to draw any robust conclusions on the

influence of prior opioid intake and placebo effects.

Another limitation is that our results reflect only short-term effects re-

lated to the experimental setting. Clinical applications of analgesic placebo

effects require long-term studies to assess more extended effects.


This study supports the practical value of the use of placebo mecha-

nisms in a clinical context. However, placebo analgesia does not need de-

ception. There are many ways within ethical borders8, 9, 15, 26 to exploit pla-

cebo effects. By using the targeted application of instruction and condition-

ing, thus shaping expectancies towards pain reduction, the patients experi-

enced less pain and were able to increase their mobility. The goal would be

to integrate the placebo response in pain management to optimize pain


treatment outcomes, not only pharmacological pain treatment. Following

the concept of open medication, it is advisable to enhance expectations,


for example, by placing emphasis on positive drug effects, avoiding an


overemphasis on side effects, and to enhance learning components by ap-

plying analgesics in an open manner and to include many sensory aspects

to increase analgesic effectiveness .26 Provision of well-balanced informa-

tion about analgesics in a valued and trusting atmosphere to facilitate pa-

tient-physician communication may increase efficacy. These principles

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
should be included in medical education to facilitate use of placebo effects.

More research in clinical settings is needed to confirm this framework.


This research was funded by grants by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-

schaft DFG (FOR 1328/1) to R.K. (Kl 1350/3-1) and H.F. (Fl 156/33-1) and

SFB1158/B03 to HF.

Conflict of interests: No conflicts of interest to be claimed.

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Figure legend

Figure 1

Patients‘ pain ratings and pain behaviors: (A) acute pain ratings (B) pain

behavior and (C) self-ratings of functional capacity (D) as a function of in-


struction, conditioning, and pre and post intake of solutions. Means, stan-

dard deviations, effect sizes are presented in the corresponding Tables 2 –


Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1
Baseline demographic, clinical and pain characteristics

Opioid Instruction – Opioid instruction – Placebo instruction – Placebo instruction –

no conditioning conditioning no conditioning conditioning
(n=12) (n=12) (n=12) (n=12)

Demographic characteristics

Age (years) 49.99 (13.26) 53.04 (13.24) 50.83 (17.01) 50.33 (15.17)

Sex: Male 3 (6.25%) 3 (6.25%) 3 (6.25%) 3 (6.25%)

Sex: Female 9 (18.75%) 9 (18.75%) 9 (18.75%) 9 (18.75%)

BMI 24.33 (4.08) 25.52 (4.57) 27.22 (6.22) 24.27 (4.67)

Clinical characteristics

Back pain duration in

119.33 (75.23) 158.83 (138.96) 165.67 (117.17) 162.17 (106.86)

total (month)

Back pain duration of

current intensity 2.92 (0.29) 2.83 (0.39) 2.75 (0.45) 2.92 (0.29)

Disability through by
4.33 (3.23) 4.25 (2.05) 5.25 (1.49) 5.83 (3.16)
back pain
Back pain intensity
5.58 (2.47) 6.42 (1.62) 5.67 (1.23) 6.83 (1.95)
(average last 6 month)

Back pain intensity

8.67 (1.44) 7.92 (1.68) 8.67 (0.99) 9.00 (1.13)
(strongest pain last 6 month)

Opioids today yes 2 4 2 3

Opioids today no 10 8 10 9

Non-opioids today yes 6 4 1 5


Non-pioids today no 6 8 11 7

Opioids last week yes 3 4 3 5

Opioids last week no 9 8 9 7

Non-opioids last week yes 11 9 12 9

Non-opioids last week no 1 3 0 3

Experimental characteristics (Milliampere mA) experimental stimmt nicht ganz würde es pain characteristics nennen pain stimulus ist unklar meinst du

stimulus strength applied during the experiment dann so sagen zB in der Fussnote

Detection threshold 0.39 (0.17) 0.39 (0.14) 0.32 (0.17) 0.39 (0.16)

Pain threshold 0.90 (0.34) 0.79 (0.22) 0.72 (0.39) 0.92 (0.54)

Pain stimulus 1.80 (0.68) 1.58 (0.44) 1.43 (0.77) 1.84 (1.08)

Pain stimulus, condi.3) - 0.79 (0.22) - 0.92 (0.54)

Data are mean values (SD), n (%) or n. None of the variables revealed significant differences between groups.
BMI = Body Mass Index.
Pain stimulus, condi. = Conditional pain stimulus during phase of conditioning; individual pain stimuli were reduced by 50% in both conditional groups. The
non-conditional groups received their original pain stimulus (100%).

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2
Patients' back pain ratings: Mean values, standard deviations, and effect sizes of the placebo responses according to the different instructions and conditioning conditions coupled with the solution

Experimental manipulation 1st exercise 1st solution and conditioning 2nd exercise 2nd solution
pre post pre post pre post pre post Difference
st 1) st st 2) st nd 4) nd nd 5) nd 6) st
1 exercise 1 exercise 1 solution 1 solution - 2 exercise 2 exercise 2 solution 2 solution pre 1 exercise -
3) nd
conditoning post 2 solution
7) 8)
Instruction Conditioning Group M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD F (1,11) p d

Opioid No 1 5.00 2.09 5.75 2.30 5.42 2.19 4.00 2.13 3.75 2.34 3.67 2.54 3.58 2.71 3.00 2.73 24.00 < .01 0.83
Yes 2 5.08 1.73 5.75 2.30 5.33 1.92 3.58 1.56 2.83 1.59 2.75 1.66 3.08 1.88 1.92 1.73 30.31 < .01 1.83
Placebo No 3 4.67 1.67 5.67 1.72 5.00 1.86 5.00 1.76 5.25 1.82 6.08 1.93 5.58 1.78 5.83 1.95 10.17 < .01 - 0.64

Yes 4 5.25 1.87 6.00 1.48 5.33 1.61 5.25 1.55 4.50 1.93 5.17 2.04 5.00 1.86 4.58 2.31 1.44 < .26 0.32.
Differences between groups/time F (3,44)= .21 F (3,44)= .06 F (3,44)= .11 F (3,44)= 2.43 F (3,44) = 3.42 F (3,44) = 6.27 F (3,44) = 3.77 F (3,44) = 7.29
point p = .89 p =.98 p =.95 p =.08 p =.03 p=.001 p =.02 p = < .001
Baseline. Patients' rating of back pain, numerical rating scale from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain imaginable).
After resting and before 1st solution intake.
After receiving the 1st solution (opioid/ placebo briefings) and experience (conditioning/no-conditioning).

After resting and before 2nd exercise.
After resting and before 2nd solution intake.
After receiving the 2nd solution (opioid/ placebo briefings).
Analysis of variance: pre 1st exercise - post 2nd solution.
Cohen’s d: difference between time point before 1st exercise and time point after 2nd solution intake.


Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 3
Patients' acute pain ratings: Mean values and standard deviations of the placebo responses relating to the different instructions and conditioning conditions associated with the solution

1st solution and conditioning 2nd solution

pre post post pre post Difference
st st st nd 3) nd 4) st
Baseline 1 solution 1 solution - 1 solution - 2 solution 2 solution 1 baseline -
1) nd
conditoning after post 2 solution

excluded in VA
5) 6)
Instruction Conditioning Group M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD F (1,11) sign d
Opioid No 1 6.95 1.20 6.88 1.11 6.32 1.38 5.63 1.76 5.72 1.51 5.09 2.16 8.19 .02 1.11

Yes 2 6.83 0.86 6.93 0.96 2.95 2.01 5.30 1.75 5.92 1.34 4.62 1.62 41.27 < .01 1.79
Placebo No 3 6.67 0.90 6.88 1.05 6.81 1.09 6.53 0.97 6.82 1.05 6.95 0.98 1.57 .24 - 0.30
Yes 4 6.12 1.48 6.35 1.33 3.14 1.50 5.97 1.66 5.98 1.82 5.66 1.82 0.91 .36 0.27
Differences between groups/time F (3,44) = 1.26 F (3,44) = 0.73 F (3,44) = 14.42 F (3,44) = 1.48 F (3,44) = 1.34 F (3,44) = 4.24

1st solution intake had occurred followed by conditioning or no conditioning: Both conditioned groups received stimuli of only 50% intensity of their individual pain stimulus. This phase was not included in the
analyses of variance because the reduced experience of pain was caused by reduced experimental pain stimulation and not by subjective experience.
After 1st solution.
Before 2nd solution.
After 2nd solution.
Cohen’s d: Difference between 1st baseline – time point after 2nd solution.


Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 4
Patients' pain behavior: Mean time needed for the exercise and self-ratings of functional capacity (0-100%)

Time needed for exercise Self-ratings of functional capacity

pre post pre post

st st 1) st st 1)
1 solution 1 solution Difference 1 solution 1 solution Difference

2) 2)
Instruction Conditioning Group M SD M SD F (1,11) p d M SD M SD F (1,11) p d
Opioid No 1 43.58 32.49 35.33 24.35 5.44 .04 0.36 52.52 22.89 67.78 29.24 25.07 < .01 -0.59
Yes 2 31.02 12.88 24.93 08.00 3.81 .07 0.58 60.56 20.78 77.22 15.43 17.55 < .01 -0.92

Placebo No 3 37.10 13.04 39.74 18.14 1.97 .19 -0.17 51.11 15.13 44.44 15.66 4.40 = .06 0.43
Yes 4 39.70 19.85 35.92 16.46 6.13 .03 0.21 50.00 20.99 53.89 24.03 1.67 = .22 -0.17
F (3,44) = 0.75 F (3,44) = 1.54 F (3,44) = 0.68 F (3,44) = 5.29
p = .53 p = .22 p = .57 p = .003

After 1st solution intake, followed by conditioning or no conditioning.

Cohen’s d: difference between pre – post.


Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 5
Patients' expectation of the pain-reducing effects of the solution


pre - post - post - Difference

st 1) st nd 3)
1 solution 1 solution / 2 solution

nd 2)
pre 2 solution
Instruction Conditioning Group M SD M SD M SD F (1,11) p d
Opioid No 1 4.58 1.51 3.58 1.62 3.33 1.72 8.51 .01 .77

Yes 2 4.25 1.49 3.58 1.08 3.67 .89 1.55 .24 .74
Placebo No 3 1.00 .00 1.00 .00 1.00 .00 - - -
Yes 4 1.00 .00 1.83 1.12 1.75 1.14 5.21 .04 -.66
Differences between groups/time point F (3,44) = 41.99 F (3,44) = 15.98 F (3,44) = 15.37
p = .001 p = .001 p = .001

Before 1st solution intake: Expectation of pain reduction.
After 1st solution intake, followed by conditioning or no conditioning: Expectation of pain reduction after 2nd solution.
After 2nd solution intake: Expectation of pain reduction of prospective pain reduction after end of experiment.
Cohen’s d: difference between pre 1st solution - post 2nd solution.


Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Placebo effect on back pain Placebo effect on acute pain ratings
10 Patients' acute pain ratings (NRS 0-10) 10
Patients' back pain rating (0-10)

7.5 7.5

5 5

1st solution / 2nd
1st solution / 2nd solution
conditioning solution


Pain behavior Placebo effect on pain behavior:

(time needed for exercise) Self-ratings of functional capacity 0-100%
C 100
Functional capacity 0-100 %
40 75
Time (seconds)

0 0

Copyright Ó 2017 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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