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10, 1973

The Influence of Anchor Inclination on Pull-out Resistance

of Clays
Departmetlt of Civil otld Strlictliral Et~gineeritrg,Utziversity of Sllefield, Shefield, Eriglrnd SI 3JD
Received May 8 , 1973
Accepted July 17, 1973

A theoretical model is described that was used t o examine the influence of anchor inclination o n
pull-out capacity. Use was made o f previous general findings for pile shaft adhesion prediction in stiff
clays. It is shown that the adhesion available at the anchor shaft - clay interface depends on: (1) the
in situ stress state in the ground; (2) anchor inclination; and (3) the initial shear stress existing in the
ground in the direction of the anchor shaft. The possible importance of the reported trends is considered.

On dtcrit un n~odklethtorique qui a CtC utilise dans I'ttude de I'influence de I'inclinaison d'un ancrage
sur sa rtsistance a I'arrachement. On a fait usage des observations anttrieures concernant I'adhtrence
de pieux dans les argiles raides. On montre que I'adhtrence lnobilisable a I'interface argile-ancrage
est fonction ( I ) des contraintes en place (2) de I'inclinaison de I'ancrage et (3) des contraintes de cisaille-
ment initiales existant dans le sol dans la direction de I'ancrage. L'importance possible des tendances
observees est considtrte. [Traduit par le journal]

When load is applied to an anchor, shear
stresses are developed at the anchor shaft -
soil interface. When the shear strength of the
soil is reached along the length of the anchor
shaft failure 0ccurs.l The magnitude of the
shear stresses which may be developed at the
anchor shaft - soil interface is known to
depend on factors which include the geometry
of the anchor, its method of construction, the
mechanical and physical properties of the soil
adjacent to the anchor shaft, and the time
elapsed since the application of the applied
load. Very tentative suggestions based on em- uv
pirical approaches have been put forward by FIG.1. Stress state in a soil mass.
Hanna ( 1968), Meyerhof and Adams ( 1968),
Littlejohn (1970), Bassett (1 970), Adams effective stresses at any depth Z below a
and Radharkrishna (1971 ), VesiC (1971 ), and horizontal ground surface, Fig. 1, are given by
Adams and Glyn (1972) for computation of
the ultimate pull-out resistance of an anchor in
To date in clay soils anchor use has been
restricted to heavily over-consolidated and very where ;7 is the average density of the overlying
stiff clays such as the London clay and glacial material, ii is the pore water pressure at the
tills. It is well known, Skempton (1961), that point being considered, and KO,by definition, is
the stress state in such soils is one where the the coefficient of earth pressure at rest. With-
effective vertical stress is less than the effective out a knowledge of the value of KO the stress
horizontal stress. The vertical and horizontal state of a particular soil cannot be quantified
and consequently the analysis of a number of
'It has been assumed in this analysis that the very geotechnical engineering problems must be in-
small proportion of the ~ ~ l t i n ~ pull-out
ate load taken complete. By an ingenious method Skempton
in 'suction' at the anchor base can be neglected. (196 1) was able to infer the variation of the
Can. Ceotech. J.. LO. 663 (1973)
the average adhesion developed on the shafts
of bored piles in clay, Skempton (1959) and
Tomlinson ( 1970), for example. An empirical
coefficient a was introduced which related the
average adhesion to the average undrained
shear strength of the clay along the pile shaft.
A range of a values from less than 0.3 to
fhOp ~ e al.
t greater than 1.0 depending on soil type and
method of pile construction, was found. From
this range of cx values a value of 0.45 was even-
tually suggested for design purposes and this
value is often used.
FIG.2. Variation of KO value with depth in Lon- In an introduction to a discussion on the
don Clay (Cole and Burland 1972). prediction of the load carrying capacity of piles
Burland (1972) argued that there was 1:ttle
stress state for a site at Bradwell in the London fundamental justification for relating shaft ad-
Clay, Fig. 2. Recent analytical work using the hesion to undrained shear strength. He gave
finite element method, Cole and Burland three reasons as follows:
( 1972), has shown independently that the ini- 1. the major shear distortion is confined to
tial stress state in the London Clay formation is a relatively thin zone around the pile shaft and
similar to that suggested by Skempton. drainage to or from this zone will take place
In use ground anchors are installed at in- rapidly during loading of the pile;
clinations from vertical through to horizontal 2. the boring of a hole in the ground and its
but the more usual inclination is about 15 or subsequent filling with concrete must disturb
20" to the horizontal for the support of retain- and remold the soil adjacent to the pile shaft;
ing walls. With increase in the size of anchor and
projects and the demand for a check of the 3. there is no simple relationship between
design working load by field testing, anchor test the undrained and drained shear strengths of a
programs may be performed prior to the start soil sample.
of an anchoring contract and the results of such If the assumption is made that fallure at the
tests used to calibrate analytical predictions. anchor shaft - soil interface occurs under
The most convenient inclination for test an- drained conditions then the adhesion stress
chors is usually vertical, yet the results of such mobilized will depend on the effective normal
tests may have to be extrapolated to confirm stress on the anchor shaft. It is still not known
the suitability of these anchors when used at how the drilling of a hole in a soil and its
different inclinations to the vertical. Because subsequent filling with grout either under
most, if not all, of the very stiff and heavily gravity or under pressure, affects the normal
over-consolidated clays possess an initial stress effective stress in the ground. Bassett (1970)
state which is anisotropic, it follows that the has suggested possible stress fields surrounding
pull-out capacity of anchors installed at dif- a grouted anchor but so far no serious attempt
ferent inclinations to the vertical must be has been made to measure the effective earth
different. In this short note some consideration pressure state adjacent to the anchor shaft let
is given to this general problem following the alone predict it mathematically.
effective stress approach of Chandler (1 968) Following the assumption of Chandler
and Burland (1972) for bored piles in clay. ( 1968) and Burland (1972) that the effective
No claim is being made that this analysis is normal stress on the anchor shaft is propor-
rigorous but it may serve as a starting point for tional to the initial in situ vertical effective
more detailed study. stress in the ground, the problem is greatly
simplified. Consider an anchorage zone of
Shaft Resistance of an Anchor length 1 located at an average depth Z below
During the 1950's and 1960's much infor- ground surface as shown in Fig. 3, and con-
mation of an empirical nature was collected on sider a small element of the anchor shaft -
666 CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 10, 1973

pressure at rest, p is a dimensionless coefficient

which is a function of the anchor shaft inclina-
tion, 0, and 4,' is the drained angle of friction
of the soil at the anchor shaft - soil interface.
The total pull-out load, (2, is
[4] Q = o,'pKo tan +,I, 2nr dl

Denoting the area of the anchorage zone by A,

the pull-out load becomes
Q = Ap(r,'[(Ko tan 4,') average]
FIG. 3. Geometry of the inclined anchor problem.
where a,,' is the average vertical initial effective
soil interface, Fig. 4. If a,,' is the effective stress in the ground at mid-height of the
normal stress on the interface the adhesion will anchorage zone. Using Burland's notation
be given by whereby the quantity [ ( K Otan 4,') average] is
denoted by ,G, then
[3] Cat = on' tan 4,' = o,'pKo tan 4,'
where a,;' is the initial vertical effective stress [5-~ p =+C
in the ground, KO is the coefficient of earth Po"


= sine Cos e [I - KO] for KO< I

= u,,' sin e cos 8 [K,-I ] KO> I

cQI = On1 tan #a'

=p KO tan $a'

FIG. 4. ( A ) Initial stress states on element of anchor shaft, ( B ) adhesion mobilized on

element of anchor shaft.

FIG. 5. Variation of average adhesion with KOvalue and anchor inclination, @.

When the anchor is in a vertical direction the [8] zi = o,' sin 0 cos O(1 - K O )
effective normal stress on the anchor shaft is
for normally consolidated soils with KO < 1 and
ull', and when it is in a horizontal direction, the
cffective normal stress is For any angle of for soils with KO> 1 7 ; becomes

inclination of the anchor to the horizontal, 6, [ g ] z i = o,' sin 0 cos @(KO- 1)

a normal and a shear stress act on the shaft,
the direction of the initial shear stress being The available adhesion at the anchor shaft -
dependent on the value of KO. The effective soil interface therefore is IC,' + 7 , and for KO
normal stress a,,'is related to u,', aH', and 8 as < 1 , T~ is negative while for KO > 1, T~ is posi-

follows : tive. The ratio of the average adhesion mo-

bilized to the maximum average adhesion
[6] o H r ( l- cos2 0 ) ovrcos2 0 = o,,' available is
and hence the adhesion mobilized on the plane [lo]
inclined at 6 to the horizontal is
177 Ca = ovftan +ar(Ko(l- cos2 0 ) + cos2 0 ) C1ll = - sin 8 cos O(1 - K O )
( K o ( l - cos2 0 ) + cos2 0 ) tan +,'
Because the plane of the anchor shaft is not a
principal pike for 0 < 0 < 9 0 ° , an initial for the case of K O< 1
shear stress, T ~ acts,
, Fig. 4, and is of magnitude and
668 C A N . GEOTECH. 1. VOL. 10, 1973

FIG.6 . Variation of mobilized adhesion ratio with K Ovalue and anchor inclination, 0.

4,' = 25" and where values of K Obetween 0.5

sin 8 cos 0(K, - 1) and 2 were considered. The value of adhesion
+ (K,(I - cos2 0) + cos2 0) tan+: is given in dimensionless terms in relation to
the adhesion for e = 0" (i.e. horizontal
for KO3 1. anchor).
There are four variables in Eqs. [ l l ] and To the average adhesion at the anchor inter-
[12], namely, e, KO,and a,',and 4,'. The mag- face thc initial shear stress due to the anisotropic
nitude of KO depends on the stress history of stress state in the ground must be added al-
the soil, the soil type, and the method of anchor gebraically to give the average shear stress
construction. The value of 4,' will be con- ~vllichis available. Figure 6 shows the variation
trolled by the soil type and the properties of of available shear stress ratio, R, for a range of
the anchor surface. Because the depth to the KOvalues and within a range 0 < e < 90". The
center of the anchorage zone, 2, is fixed (Fig. importance of both e and KO value is clearly
3 ) , a,' is a constant and e lies in the range O- demonstrated and these trends must cast some
90". The value of C,' can be expected to doubt on the validity of anchor test result
vary and by considering a range of possible extrapolation from one inclination to another.
values of KO and 4,' the likely variation of To date the author has been unable to
C,' with 0 results. This is shown in Fig. 5 for quantify these trends through a lack of any
field or laboratory test data. The trends must BISHOP,A. W., WEBB,D. L., and LEWIN,P. 1. 1965.
therefore be cofisidered tentative but it is also Undisturbed sanlples of London clay from the
Ashford Common Shaft: strength-effective stress
hoped that further thought will be given by relationships. Geotechnique, 1 5 ( 1), pp. 1-3 1.
engineers when they use vertical anchor load BURLAND, J. B. 1972. Prediction of the load carrying
tests to design inclined anchors. capacity of piles. Informal Discussion of the
That the value of KO can vary over wide Piling Group at the Inst. Civ. Eng., London,
liillits there is no doubt. What effect the instal- Engl. October 30.
CHANDLER, R. J. 1968. The shaft friction of piles in
latioil of an anchor has on the s~tbsequent cohesive soils in terms of effective stress. Civ.
effective stress field in its vicinity is still un- Eng. Public Works Rev., January 19, pp. 48-51.
known and for this reason no absolute reliance COLE, K. W., and Burland, J. B. 1972. Observation
must be placed in the values shown in Figs. 5 of retaining wall movements associated with a
large excavation. Proc. Fifth Eur. Conf. Soil
and 6 until they are calibrated by test results. Mech. Found. Eng., Madrid, Spain. 1 , pp. 445-
The trends do show, however, that if an aniso- 453.
tropic stress field exists in the clay near to the H A N N AT, . H . 1968. Factors affecting the loading
anchor shaft then the pull-out capacity of that behaviour of inclined anchors used for the sup-
anchor will dcpend on its inclination relative to port of tie back walls. Ground Eng. 1 ( 5 ) , h.
3 8-4 1.
the principal stress direction. Similar though LITTLEJOHN,G . S. 1970. Soil anchors. Proc. Conf.
sli~htlymodified trends are to be expected for Ground Eng., Inst. Civ. Eng., London, Engl.
anchors with multiplc ~~nder-reams along their p p 33-44.
shaft. Much research is required to quantify the MEYERHOF, G. G., and ADAMS,J. I. 1968. The ulti-
mate uplift capacity of foundations. Cdn. Geo-
n~echanismof load transfer to the clay and in tech. J . 5 ( 4 ) , pp. 225-244.
particular thc rate of pore water pressure dis- SKEMPTON, A. W. 1959. Cast in sit11 bored piles in
sipation at the anchor shaft. London clay. Geotechnique, 9 ( 4 ) , pp. 153-173.
1961. Horizontal stresses in a n over consoli-
dated Eocene clay, Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. Soil
ADAMS,J. I., and GLYN,T. W. 1972. A study of an- Mech. Found. Eng. Paris, France. 1 , pp. 351-
chorages for transmission tower foundations. Can. 357.
Geotech. J. 9 ( 1 ) , pp. 89-104. TOMLINSON, M. J. 1970. Some effects of pile driving
ADAMS,J . I., and RADH,\KRISHNA, H. S. 1971. Up- on skin friction. Proc. Conf. Behav. Piles. Inst.
lift resistance of augered footings in fissured Civ. Eng., London, Engl. pp. 107-114.
clay. Can. Geotech. J . 8 ( 3 ) , pp. 4 5 2 4 6 2 . VESIC, A. S. 1971. Break-out resistance of objects
BASSETT,R. H . 1970. Discussion. Proc. Conf. Ground enlbedded in ocean bottom. J. Soil Mech. Found.
Eng., Inst. Civ. Eng., London, Engl. pp. 89-94. Div. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng. 98 (1 I ) , pp. 1183-1205.

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