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Pawanmuktasana - Part II


This series of Pawanmuktasana is mainly concerned with the Digestive System. The
digestive system plays an important role in the health of a particular person. One is
indeed fortunate if he/she has no problem with his/her digestive system. However these
days almost everyone complains of Constipation, Acidity, Excess wind or gas, the loss of
appetite. In this respect this group of Asanas will prove a real blessing. Yoga advocates
great emphasis on the healthiness of digestive systems. These Asanas are also helpful
regarding Varicose Veins, Asthma, Diabetes and even Sexual Disorders.

Points to remember:

 Remain extra cautious towards the mental counting and the muscle stretch.
 Never attempt to go for all the exercises simultaneously.
 Pause properly and feel the stretching sensation of muscles and the body parts
worked upon.
 Do not proceed further till your breathing returns to normal.
 Do not even conceive the notion of advance stage asanas while you are still in
the primaries.
 This is highly possible that your body may not have that much flexibility as
required by the exercise.
 One cannot master these asanas in just one go, only sustained and regular
practices can be helpful.
 The most important fact in this regard is that, retain your faith and devotion
towards Yoga.
 Pretty soon you will realize how amply you have been rewarded for this supreme

Pawanmuktasana - Part II

 High blood pressure.

 Heart problem
 Sciatica
 Back ache
Pg. 1

 Slip disc
 Abdominal surgery
 Hernia
 Testicle Disorder
 Appendicitis
 Menstruation
 After 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Corpse Pose (Shavasana):

All the asanas of this series have to be performed basically in the corpse pose or
Shavasana; wherefore before commencing the main exercises one must have
proper background of this primary pose.

 Lie down flat on the back keeping the legs slightly apart.
 Keep both the arms by the waist sides with palms down.
 Hold the neck and shoulder straight.
 Keep your eyes and lips naturally closed.
 Relax and breathe easy.
 Get conscious of your navel zone for a while.
 Experience the rise and fall of abdomen along with the breath.
 Just blank out all your thoughts.
 Sense the breath and nothing else.
 Count mentally from the 16 to 1 while inhaling and 1 to 15 when exhaling.
 Get conscious of your entire body when the mentally counting is over.
 Now mentally prepare yourself for the exercise.
 Open your eyes with deep slow breathe.
 Perform this exercise on a thick mat or folded blanket. Pawanmuktasana - Part II
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Raised Legs Pose (Utthanpadasana)

Variation I:

 Get in the primary pose of Shavasana with the palms flat on the floor.
 Keep your body straight and eyes open.
 Keep your ankle straight and the heel in contact with the floor.
 Now mentally prepare yourself for the exercise.
 Inhale deep and slow while raising your right leg at the comfort level.
 Keep your knees and the other leg straight.
 Stretch you right toe backward.
 Hold on for 5 seconds, count mentally and retain the breath.
 Now exhale slowly and bring down the leg easy on the floor.
 This is the first cycle of exercise.
 Do it ten times alternately with each leg.
 Move the leg upward and downward along with the breath, if possible.

Variation II:

 Remain in Shavasana pose with the palms flat on the floor.

 Inhale deep.
 Raise both the legs upward as much as comfortably possible.
 Keep the knee straight and the legs together.
 Now exhaling out slowly place back both the legs on the floor.
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Breathing Pattern:

 Inhale when you raise the leg.

 Hold the posture and the breath.
 Exhale when you lower the leg.


 On the synchronization of leg movement with the breath.

 The leg stretch and the mental counting in the final position.


 Tones up the thigh muscle and make them taut.

 Strengthens the digestive system, hip, pelvic, and the perineal muscles.
 Helps correct prolapse.
 Knocks out unnecessary fat from the waist zone.
 Moderates the hip elasticity among those women who has just delivered a baby.
 Beneficial for players helping them in maintaining their leg balance.


 High blood pressure.

 Hernia.
 Peptic ulcer.
 Abdominal surgery.
 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
 Menstruation. Pawanmuktasana - Part II
Pg. 4
Cycling Pose (Pada Sanchalanasana)

Variation I:

 Get in the primary pose of Shavasana.

 Close your eyes for a while.
 Remain conscious towards your entire body.
 Mentally prepare yourself for the exercise.
 Just imagine how you use your legs while cycling.
 Open your eyes, breathe deep and begin the practice.
 Raise the right leg little above the floor.
 Bend the knee and bring the thigh up to the chest.
 Now straighten your leg upward, sole towards the ceiling.
 Then lower the straight leg in forward movement.
 Bend the knee and bring it back to the chest to complete the cycling movement.
 Do not allow the heel to touch the floor during the movement.
 Repeat this ten times as forward stroke and ten times in reverse.
 Keep the other leg always straight.
Pawanmuktasana - Part II

 This is the first cycle of exercise.

 Repeat this with the left leg.
 If you are able to hold the body balance then attempt to perform this with both the
legs simultaneously.
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Breathing Pattern:

 Inhale when you straighten the leg.

 Exhale when you bend the knee and bring the thigh to the chest.

Variation II:

 Raise both the legs and keep them together throughout the practice.
 Bring the knees as close as possible to the chest on the backward movement.
 Straighten the legs fully on the forward movement.
 Slowly lower the legs together, maintaining the knees straight, until the legs are just
above the floor.
 Then bend the knees and bring them back on the breast.
 Practice 3 to 5 cycling movement and the same in reverse.
 Inhale deep if you experience cramps in the abdominal muscles.
 Then exhale and relax.
 Do not strain.

Breathing Pattern:

 Inhale while straightening the legs.

 Exhale while bending the legs to the chest.


 On the breath, mental counting, smooth movement and synchronization.

 The abdomen, hip, thighs and the lower back while relaxing.


 Good for hip and knee joints.

 Strengthens abdominal and lower back muscles.
Pawanmuktasana - Part II

 Tones up the thigh muscle.

 Bumps off extra fat around the waist area.
 Restrains the early ejaculation.
 Moderates the hip elasticity among those women who has just delivered a baby.
Pg. 6

 High blood pressure.

 Heart problems.
 Hernia.
 Appendicitis.
 Abdominal surgery.
 Menstruation.
 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

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Rocking and Rolling (Jhulana Ludhakana)

Variation I:

 Use thick mat for this exercise.

 Get in the primary pose of Shavasana.
 Close your eyes and relax.
 Remain conscious of your breathing.
 Mentally prepare yourself for the exercise.
 Bend both the knees little bit above the floor.
 Interlock the fingers of both hands and clasp them around the shin just below the
Pawanmuktasana - Part II

 Never exert on your spinal cord.

 This is the initial position.
 Both the sole should remain somewhat above the floor.
 Tilt your body carefully towards the right side of floor.
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 Allow the shoulder and the right ear to touch the floor.
 Now again come to the center.
 Again tilt your body towards the left.
 Allow the shoulder and ear to touch the floor.
 Come again to the center.
 This is the first cycle of exercise.
 Perform this ten times each in both the direction.

Variation II:

 Get in the Shavasana pose.

 Bend both knees, keeping soles above the floor. Push the knees towards your chest.
 Raise your hands to the shoulder level. Keep touching the floor.
 Inhale normally and turn your upper part of the body to the left and legs towards the
 Stretch your body as much as you can but do not exert too much.
 Exhale while coming to the center.
 Turn your upper part of the body to the right and lower part of the body towards left.
 Remain in the position for 2-3 seconds, and then come back to the center.
 Now get back to Shavasana pose.

Variation III:

 Get into the Shavasana pose.

 Breathe normally.
 Bend your knees, keeping soles above the floor. Push both the knees towards your
 Interlocking the fingers of both hands clasp them around the shins slight below the
 Keep your both of legs so pressed that the thigh constantly remains in touch with
your breast.
 Keep your eyes open during the entire exercise.
Pawanmuktasana - Part II

 Now try roll on your back.

 Make sure that you do not get hurt in the head part.
 Now get back in the squatting position.
 Initially this may appear somewhat difficult to return back in the squatting position
but after few practices you will be able to do it comfortably.
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 Perform this also for ten times.
 Get back in Shavasana pose when the exercise is over.

Breathing Process:

 Inhale deeply while bending your knee and in the center position.
 Exhale while turning to the left or right.


 Synchronization of movement.
 The effect on the back and the buttocks.


 Good massage of entire back, buttock and hip area.

 Knocks out the unnecessary fats of waist area.
 Gives fresh feeling performing this asana in the morning after brisk walk.


 Spinal problem.
 Abdominal surgery or pain.
 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Pawanmuktasana - Part II
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Universal Spinal Twist (Shave Udarakarshanasana)


 Get in the primary position of Shavasana.

 Relax and remain conscious towards normal breathing.
 Mentally prepare yourself for this asana.
 Place both the legs together.
 Stretch out your both the hands parallel to your shoulder with the palms touching
the floor
 Keep the spinal cord and the neck straight.
 Keep your eyes open.
 Bend your right knee.
 Place the right sole on the left thigh.
 Keep the right leg straight.
 Now raise your left hand and place the palm on the right knee.
 Inhale deep.
 This is the initial position.
 Exhale out and allow the right knee to be pressed normally on floor towards the left
 Keep your left leg straight.
Pawanmuktasana - Part II

 Maintain the shoulder on the floor.

 Turn the neck to the right.
 Pause for a while looking along the straight-arm and gaze at the middle finger of the
right hand.
 This is the final moment of asana.
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 Inhale deep and raise your knees to get in the primary position.
 Straighten your neck and the right leg.
 Out stretch your hands again parallel to the shoulder on the floor.
 Repeat this exercise with the left leg.
 Practice once to each side, gradually extending the holding duration.
 Get in the shavasana pose when the exercise is finally over.
 Relax and breathe easy.
 For the maximum benefit perform this after those asanas which are strenuous on the
lower back.

Breathing Pattern:

 Inhale in the initial position.

 Exhale when you push the knee to the floor and turn the head.
 Breathe deep and slow in the final position.
 Inhale while centering the body and exhale while straightening the leg.


 Physical - Breath and the affected part of the waist.

 Spiritual - on Manipur Chakra.


 Rectifies the disorders of hip joint.

 Relieves the strain and pain of the waist and pelvic area.
 Removes the unnecessary fats stored in the waist area.
 Eliminates the constipation by providing abdominal massage.
 Practice of this asana also enhances the utility of elbows.


 Pain around the hip area.

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Leg Rotation (Chakra Padasana)

Variation I:

 Get in the primary position of Shavasana.

 Breathe easy and keep your eyes open.
 Raise your right leg almost two feet above the floor.
 Keep your knees straight.
 Hold the other leg easy on the floor.
 Rotate the entire leg clockwise in as large circle as possible.
 Do not allow the heel to touch the floor at any time during the rotation.
 Rotate the leg clockwise and anti-clockwise, ten times.
 Balance your breath for a while.
 This is the first cycle of the practice.
 Do the same with left leg.

Variation II:

 Raise both the legs together and straight.

 Rotate both the legs in as large circle as possible.
 Do this first clockwise and then anti clockwise 3 to 5 times.

Pawanmuktasana - Part II

 On the mental counting of each round.

 Rotation of the legs.
 The effects of the asana on the hips and abdomen.
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 Solid massage for the abdomen, spinal cord and thigh muscle.
 Good for hip joint.
 Highly useful for sciatica patients.


 High blood pressure.

 Hernia.
 Peptic ulcer.
 Abdominal surgery.
 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
 Menstruation.

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Leg Lock Pose (Suptapawanmuktasana)

Variation I:

 Get in the primary pose of Shavasana.

 In this asana we are to bend the knees and touch them with the nose.
 Mentally contemplate and prepare yourself for the exercise.
 Remain conscious of your entire body.
 Inhale deep and hold the breath.
 Bend your right knee.
 Interlock the fingers of both hands and place it just below the shin of the right knee.
 Bring the thigh to the chest.
 Maintain the left leg straight on the ground.
 This is the initial position of the exercise.
 Raise the head and shoulders from the ground and try to touch the right knee with
the nose.
 Hold in this position for a while.
 Retain the breath and count mentally.
 Exhale slowly and relax.
 Slowly get back to Shavasana pose.
 If possible, keep your eyes closed.
 Repeat this with other leg also.
 Do this exercise ten times.
 Always better to start with the right leg as it presses the ascending colon directly.
Pawanmuktasana - Part II

 Follow with the left leg as it presses the descending colon directly.
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Variation II:

 Remain in Shavasana pose.

 Bend your both the knees and hold the soles just above the floor.
 Interlock the fingers and clasp the hands on the shin just below the knees.
 Inhale deep and hold the breath.
 Now push the knees towards the chest.
 Realize the pressure on your abdomen.
 Raise the head and shoulder from the ground.
 Exhale slowly while trying to place the nose between the knees.
 Allow the knee to come so close that your thigh may touch the chest..
 Remain conscious towards the body balance.
 Slowly bring down the head, shoulder and legs in original position.
 This is the first cycle.
 Initially repeat this for ten times.
 Then lie down in Shavasana pose.


 Inhale deeply while bring the thigh to the chest.

 Exhale while touching the knee with the nose.


 On the breath and mental counting.

 Abdominal pressure and the movement.


 Strengthens the lower back muscle and loosen the spinal vertebrae.
 Enhance the digestive system with the abdominal massage.
 Effective in removing wind and constipation.
Pawanmuktasana - Part II

 Helpful in the treatment of impotency, sterility and menstrual problem.

 Best exercise for the spinal cord.
Pg. 16

 High blood pressure.

 Heart problems.
 Sciatica.
 Slip disc.
 Menstruation.
 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Pawanmuktasana - Part II
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Sleeping Abdominal Stretch Pose (Suptudarakarshana)


 Get in the primary pose of Shavasana.

 Mentally prepare yourself for the exercise.
 Keep your eyes open.
 Breathe normal and easy.
 Bend the knees and place the soles flat on the floor.
 Keep the knees and legs together throughout the exercise.
 Interlock the fingers of both hands and place them below your head.
 This is the initial position.
 Exhaling out bend the knees towards your left so that it touches the floor.
 Keep both of your legs together.
 Your right paw may spring up, which is quite natural.
 Now turn your neck towards right.
 This will provide uniform twisting stretch to the entire spine.
 This is the final position.
Pawanmuktasana - Part II

 Hold the breath and count mentally up to 3 seconds.

 Now inhale deep and raise both legs to the upright position.
 Keep the elbow and shoulder on the floor throughout the exercise.
 Repeat this in the right direction.
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 This is the first cycle.

Breathing Pattern:

 Exhale when you lower the legs to the sides.

 Hold the breath in the final position.
 Inhale when you raise the legs.


 On the breath and the mental counting in the final position.

 The twisting stretch on the spine and the abdominal muscles.


 Excellent stretch to the abdominal muscles and organs

 Improves the digestive system and eliminates the constipation.
 Removes the spinal problems by making them flexible.
 Relives the strain and stiffness due to prolonged sitting.
 Bumps off the extra fat around the waist.


 High blood pressure.

 Recent abdominal surgery.
 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

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Boat Pose (Naukasana)


 Get in the primary position of Shavasana.

 Relax and remain conscious of easy and natural breathing.
 Close your eyes and contemplate about the shape of a boat.
 Open your eyes with ease.
 Keep the legs and knees together.
 This is the initial position.
 Place both hands on the thighs and hold the elbows straight.
 Breathe deep and raise both the legs about one and half feet above the floor.
 Raise your neck and shoulder also about a foot.
 Hold the breath inside for a while.
 Straighten both of your arms with palms down.
 Let this appear as if you want to touch the toe fingers.
 Continue for a while in this pose.
 This is the final stage of the exercise.
 Generate tension in the whole body particularly on the shoulders and the back area
in this pose.
 The balance of your entire body should be on the lower waist area.
 Remain conscious towards your body balance.
 Exhale slowly.
 Place both the legs and shoulder back on the floor.
Pawanmuktasana - Part II

 Finally come back in the original position, keeping both the hands on thighs.
 This is the first cycle.
 Repeat this initially for five times.
 After the exercise is over, get back in Shavasana pose.
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Breathing Pattern:

 Inhale before raising the body.

 Retain the breath while raising, tensing and lowering the body.
 Exhale in the primary position.


 On the breath, movement and mental counting.

 The body balance and the tension of the body particularly the abdominal muscle.


 Stimulates the muscular, digestive, circulatory, nervous and hormonal systems.

 Tones up all the organs and removes lethargy.
 Restrains nervous tension and brings up deep relaxation.
 Perform after Shavasana to enhance the deeper state of relaxation.
 Practice early in the morning to have fresh feeling.


 High blood pressure.

 Pregnancy.

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