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“Environmental Planning Board Examination”

2006 PIEP-FEU Capability-Building and Review Course, May 8-13, 2006

Exam Set Area Two

1. The demographic information below can be directly sourced from the National Statistics Office:
i. Historical Growth of Population iii. Population Density by Barangay
ii. Household Population by Age Group, Sex iv. Population 15 Years Old and Over by Sex/Type of Activity

a. i, ii & iii b. ii, iii & iv c. i, ii & iv d. i, iii & iv e. all of the above

2. Urbanization level refers to the:

a. percentage of the urbanized area to the total land area
b. percentage of the urban activities to the total cultural activities of the area
c. percentage of urban population to the total population in the area
d. percentage of urban professionals to the total working age of the area.

3. Given the population of urban barangays of a town in Quezon at 35,112 with a total population of 256, 900, the
urbanization level of the area is:

a. 13.67% b. 13% c. 73.16% d. 73 %

4. A built-up area is defined as a contiguous grouping of ______ or more structures:

a. five (5) b. ten (10) c. fifteen (15) d. twenty (20)

5. Given a CBD of a town in Tarlac to be 40 sq. km. with a population of 12,000 for the CBD and 50,000 for the whole
town , what is its built-up density (persons per sq. km.):

a. 1,250 b. 300 c. 950 d. 350 e. 1,500

6. Given the towns below with the following sex ratio, which town has the least no. of males:

a. Lucban- .9 b. Sariaya 1.11 c. Lucena - .85 d. Tayabas 1.21

7.. The following are designated according to the 1987 Constitution as non-disposable and & non-alienable land:
i. Agricultural land ii. National parks iii. Unappropriated land iv. Mineral lands v. Forest lands

a. i,ii & iii b. i, iii & iv c. ii & iv d. ii, iv & v e. all of the above

8. Some of the Rationale for the Formulation/Revision of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan are the following:
i. To comply with the requirements of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Urban Development
and Housing Act of 1992 (RA7279)
ii. To translate socio-economic policies and plans
iii. To guide the orderly development of a community/barangay to promote the health safety, welfare and
convenience of the population
iv. To promote sustainable development
v. To allocate land urban settlements, industries and other urban uses on land most suitable
for agriculture and farming purposes

a. i,ii & iii b. i, iii & iv c. ii & iv d. ii, iii & iv e. all of the above

“The Environmental Planning Board Examination”: AREA TWO- Planning Processes, Techniques& Strategies 1
PIEP-FEU Capability-Building and Review Course, May 8-13, 2006, CPE Committee, En.P. Joel R. Oaña, Chair
9. A planning period of five (5) years shall be adopted for the following local government units that experience a rapid
pace of development in their respective areas:
i. highly urbanized cities iv. independent component cities
ii. fourth to sixth class municipalities v. first to third class municipalities
iii. component cities

a. i,ii & iii b. i, iii & iv c. ii & iv d. i, iii, iv & v e. all of the above

10. The local plans shall have the following hierarchical relationships to the other plans existing in the country:
i. National plans shall promote the goals and objectives provided for in the regional and shall provide the
guidelines for the preparation of city and municipal plans
ii. The city and municipal plans shall be consistent and supportive of the goals and objectives of the provincial
and shall provide the guidelines for the development of plans for part city and municipality such as the
iii. Provincial plans shall promote the goals and objectives provided for in the regional and shall provide the
guidelines for the preparation of city and municipal plans
iv. Regional plans shall consistent with the planning goals and objectives set forth in the National Physical
Framework Plans of which its forms part and shall furthermore, provide the guidelines to plans of smaller
scale such as the metropolitan area
v. The barangay plan shall consistent with the planning goals and objectives set forth in the city of municipal plan
of which its forms part and shall furthermore, provide the guidelines to plans of smaller scale such as a
neighborhood or community

a. i,ii & iii b. i, iii & iv c. ii, iii & v d. i, iii, iv & v e. all of the above as arranged

11. The local government units can adopt these methodologies in their CLUP formulation as stated in the Guidelines.
i. Integration of Barangay Development iv. Political Leader Prerogative Approach
(Bottom to Top approach) v. Provincial Land Use plan as basis (Top to Bottom)
ii. Do-Nothing Approach
iii. Dominant Business Interest Approach

a. i,ii & iii b. i & v c. iii, ii & v d. i, iii, iv & v e. all of the above

12. The actual land use survey may be conducted by using any of the following as mentioned in the Guidelines:
i. on-foot survey ii. population survey iii. windshield survey iv. household survey v. aerial survey

a. i,ii & iii b. i, iii & v c. iii, ii & v d. i, iii, iv & v e. all of the above

13 In the analysis of Existing Situation, the other natural features that should looked into after assessing the
geographic location, topography and slope are:
i. vegetation ii. climate iii. amount of rainfall iv. soil v. hydrogeologic map

a. i,ii & iii b. i, iii & v c. iii, ii & v d. ii, iv & v e. all of the above

14 Which below are not matching in their color and land use category
i. Built-up area- pink iv. Forest-olive green
ii. Mining quarrying-brown v. Agro-industrial - yellow
iii. Tourism -red

a. i,ii & iii b. i, iii & v c. iii, ii & v d. ii, iv & v e. all of the above

15. The Land Capability Classification Map is one of the analytical maps that serve as input in the land use analysis.
The other maps are:
i. Land Suitability Map iv. Population Density Map
ii. Geographic Map v. Infrastructure Map
iii. Land Management Unit Map

a. i,ii & iii b. i, iii, iv & v c. ii, iii, iv & v d. ii, iv & v e. all of the above
“The Environmental Planning Board Examination”: AREA TWO- Planning Processes, Techniques& Strategies 2
PIEP-FEU Capability-Building and Review Course, May 8-13, 2006, CPE Committee, En.P. Joel R. Oaña, Chair
16. As presented in the Guidelines there are ten steps in the CLUP Process. With the data collection as the first step
enumerate in order the fourth to sixth step of the process:
i. Detaling of chosen strategy iv. Goal and Objective Setting
ii. Situation Analysis v. Evaluation of Alternative Spatial Strategy
iii. Set Spatial Strategies

a. i,ii & iii b. i, iv & v c. ii, iii & v d. iv, iii & v e. ii, iv & v

17. The eighth step of the CLUP Process is the Review/Adoption & Approval Process, what is the step before these
and those after in order of the process.
i. Goal and Objective Setting iv. Monitoring of Land Use Changes
ii. Land Use Implementation v. Evaluation of Alternative Spatial Strategy
iii. Detaling of Chosen Strategy

a. i,ii & iii b. i, iv & v c. ii, iii & v d. iv, iii & v e. iii, ii & iv

18. The methods of selecting the preferred strategy in land use planning are:
i. Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (SCBA) iv. SWOT Analysis
ii. Planning Balance Sheet Analysis (PBSA) v. Goals Achievement Analysis
iii. Land Suitability Analysis (LSA)

a. i,ii & iii b. i, iv & v c. i, ii, iii & v d. iv, iii & v e. ii, iii, iv & v

19. PD 1586 established the

a. the Practice of the Profession of Environmental Planning in the Philippines
b. the Environmental Protection and Management System in the Philippines
c. the Environmental Impact Statement System in the Philippines
d. the Environmental Science and Research System in the Philippines
e. the Environmental Impact Fund System in the Philippines

20. It is a section in the EIS that details the prevention, mitigation, compensation, contingency and monitoring
measures to enhance positive impacts and minimize negative impacts of a proposed project or undertaking.
a. Environmental Impact Assessment d. Initial Environmental examination
b. Environmental Management Plan e. Environmental Impacts
c. Environmental Risk Assessment

21. The following are Environmentally Critical Projects except

a. Smelting plants d. Manila Bay Reclamation
b. Fishpond development project e. San Roque Dam
c. Intramuros

22. The following are Environmentally Critical Areas except

a. Tubattaha Reef b. Boracay Island c. Laguna Lake d. University Belt e. Baguio City

23. Water bodies can be characterized as ECAs if they have the following conditions:
i. utilized for water-based recreational activities iv. Within the controlled and/or protected areas declared
ii. tapped for domestic purposes by appropriate authorities
iii. have underground caves v. which support wildlife and fishery activities

a. i ii & iii b. ii, iii & iv c. ii, iv & v d. i, iv & v e. none of the above

24. The first three steps, in their order, in the conduct of the Environmental Impact Assessment are:
i. Identification and Assessment of Mitigating Measures
ii. Scoping iv. Site Characterization and Prediction of Impacts
iii. Post Auditing and Monitoring v. Pre-Screening

a. i,ii & iii b. ii, v & iii c. iv, v & i d. v, ii & iv e. i, ii & iv

“The Environmental Planning Board Examination”: AREA TWO- Planning Processes, Techniques& Strategies 3
PIEP-FEU Capability-Building and Review Course, May 8-13, 2006, CPE Committee, En.P. Joel R. Oaña, Chair
25. After the Evaluation of Impacts and Proposed Alternatives, the next three steps in the EIA procedures are:
i. Identification and Assessment of Mitigating Measures
ii. Preparation of EIS iv. Site Characterization and Prediction of Impacts
iii. Post Auditing and Monitoring v. Review of Submitted EIS

a. i,ii & v b. ii, v & iii c. iv, v & i d. v, ii & iv e. i, ii & iv

26. Based on our Common Future, the 1987 Report of the World Commission on Environment (also known as the
Brundtland Commisssion), it is defined as “ meeting the need of the present generation without compromising the
ability of the future generations to meet their own needs”

a. equitable development c. sustainable development

b. efficient development d. democratic development

27. The key actors in sustainable development are:

i. government ii. business iii. civil society iv. non-government orgs

a. i,ii & iii b. ii, iii & v c. i, ii & iv d. all of the above

28. Which of the following is a principle of sustainable development the Philippine Agenda 21 adheres to:

a. primacy of applying technology c. local cooperation

b. global cooperation d. representative democracy

29. In the urban context, it is the multidisciplinary, deliberate or thoughtful preservation, safeguard or protection
of a country’s historico-cultural heritage.

a. conservation c. restoration
b. preservation d. reconstruction

30. The essence of sustainable development is the harmonious integration of the following:
i. sound and viable economy iii. social cohesion/harmony
ii. responsible governance iv. ecological integrity

a. i,ii & iii b. i, ii & iv c. ii, iii & iv d. all of the above

31. In the travel simulation model which is the first and last step:
i. trip start-up ii. trip generation iii. trip assignment iv. trip distribution

a. i & iii b. ii & iii c. ii & iv d. i & iv

32. A traffic impact assessment is required for projects:

a. 10 hectares and above b. 20 hectares and above c. 30 hectares and above d. 40 hectares and above

33. If the location quotient of an industry in a region is high, it suggests that

a. the distribution of the industry in the region is very concentrated
b. the distribution of the industry in the region is dispersed
c. the distribution of industry in the region does not deviate much from the distribution
of other industries
d. the region has a larger share of the industry

34 .The rate used to discount the future streams of estimated cost and benefit is known as
a. social discount rate c. financial rate of return
b. inflation rate d. economic internal rate of return

“The Environmental Planning Board Examination”: AREA TWO- Planning Processes, Techniques& Strategies 4
PIEP-FEU Capability-Building and Review Course, May 8-13, 2006, CPE Committee, En.P. Joel R. Oaña, Chair
35. This represents the earning power of money invested in the project
a. internal rate of return c. annuity
b. net present value d. discounting

36. It is a set of accounts, usually in monetary form, prepared for an economy and widely used in the analysis of
inter-industry relationships.
a. regional accounts matrix c. economic base table
b. input-output table d. location quotient ratio

37. A ratio that measure output per worker is called

a. labor intensity c. efficiency
b. labor productivity d. labor enhancement

38. Along with the Network of Protected Areas for Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Development (NPAAAD),
it provides the physical basis for the proper planning of sustainable agriculture and fishery development and
in the identification of suitable crops, livestock and fish that can be economically grown and commercially developed
for local and international markets without creating irreversible environmental and human health problems
a. Watershed Areas c. Integrated Area Development
b. Comprehensive Land Use Plan d. Strategic Agriculture and Fishery Development Zone

39. If the Gini Coefficient of an industry’s distribution in a region is close to zero, it suggests that
a. the distribution of the industry in the region is very concentrated
b. the distribution of the industry in the region is dispersed
c. the distribution of industry in the region does not deviate much from the distribution
of other industries
d. the region has larger share of the industry relative to the other regions

40. The best measure of the economic worthiness and adaptation of a project as a basis of its acceptability is:
a. net present value c. EIRR
b. discounted rate d. FIRR

41. A tool of analysis developed as an effective way of choosing between alternative planning options by ensuring
the optimum allocation of available resources and maximum welfare to the community is

a. cost-benefit analysis c. shift-share analysis

b. linear programming d. sensitivity analysis

42. An Economic Base Ratio or Economic base Multiplier expressed in terms of employment indicates the total
number of jobs created in:
a. a region as a result of a number of jobs created in an industry
b. a set of industries as a result of a number of jobs created in an industry
c. the entire country as a result of a number of jobs created in a region
d. a region as a result of a number of jobs created in the entire industry

43. Input-Output Analysis describes the flow of goods from

a. the consumers to manufacturers c. the manufacturers to the consumers
b. the primary suppliers to manufactures to the d. the primary suppliers to the consumers

44. A Lorenz Curve can give a graphical indication of how

a. an industry’s out has grown in a region c. an industry is distributed in a region
b. an industry’s forward and backward linkages d. an industry’s exports compares with its import in the
have expanded in the region region

46. The basic economic activities generally classified in economic base studies are:
i. basic ii. secondary iii. tertiary iv. non-basic v. mixed

a. i, ii & iii b. ii, iii & iv c. iii, iv & v d. iv, v & i e. i,ii & v
“The Environmental Planning Board Examination”: AREA TWO- Planning Processes, Techniques& Strategies 5
PIEP-FEU Capability-Building and Review Course, May 8-13, 2006, CPE Committee, En.P. Joel R. Oaña, Chair
47. Gross National Product is the:
a. measure of the total output of goods and service of all Filipinos
b. measure of output of good and services within the Philippine borders
c. measure of all good and services produced for a society in a particular given period
d. measure of goods and services produced abroad

48. A municipality in Nueva Ecija has a cultivated rice area of 5,000 hectares with annual production of 20,000 metric
tons (MT). Its productivity per hectare shall be:

a. 4 MT b. .25 MT c. 8 MT d. .5 MT e. 6 MT

49. Given that an urbanizing town in Bulacan has an existing commercial areas of 1.5 hectares and agricultural area of
1,000 hectares and its projected increase in built up area in the next ten years is 200 hectares. What is the
commercial space requirement(in hectares) using a standard of 1.5 %?

a. 1 b. 1.5 c. 2 d. 10 e. 15

50. Some of the Site Selection for Commercial Area are:

i. The site must be located in the most desirable general area as established by the population survey
ii. The site must be owned by the government, or offers the possibility of expropriation
iii. Land cost must be in keeping with overall economic consideration
iv. The site must contain sufficient land to permit construction facilities to meet the sales potential
v.The structure must be hidden from major thoroughfare

a. ii & iii b. ii, iii & v c. iii & iv d. iv, v & i e. i,ii & v

In all pursuits the most important thing that we have and can control is
our attitude and mindset affirmed in our trust of ourselves and our Creator.
Be always inspired and challenged.
In time we will be what we envisioned ourselves to be in God’s will.

“The Environmental Planning Board Examination”: AREA TWO- Planning Processes, Techniques& Strategies 6
PIEP-FEU Capability-Building and Review Course, May 8-13, 2006, CPE Committee, En.P. Joel R. Oaña, Chair

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