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Scene Master 60^Plus

Manuals and More

Catalog No. 602-005 (Amber)

602-001 (Color)

Flexible by design. . .
manual plus memory. ..
monochrome or color.

O Copyr qht May 1990 lFFColortran, lnc.

Scene Master 60'"PlLts
The ideal combination of manual and memory sysfems. . .

n n

Faster, more Reliable ln Manual Operation you can control 60 channel levels.
While one scene is always live on stage, you can preset
The SCENE IVASTER 60 Plus Lighting Console is the next scene by using the SET NEXT and SET LAST
designed to be a useiul and versatile combinalion of keys. Each scene is automatically recorded for later
manual and memory controls for lighting designers. The playback.
Console's panel provides 60 Manual Controllers to control
l\,4emory Operation increases your Jlexibility by allowing
channels or act as 60 submaslers, Crossfaders to you to light an entire event or show in advance and store
manually control the lade up and fade down, an Effects
Fader to control channel levels during an effect or an the lighting setups in the memory (CMOS RAM). The
inlernal memory comes with a battery; if you lose power lo
effects tesl, a Grand Master Fader to adjust the intensity
your console, the show information stored in the memory
levels {or all channels and submasiers, and a Blackout
chip is not erased.
Swilch. The Control Keypad is used to enter commands
and informalion during Memory Operation; the Wheel is During Memory Operation, in addition to the same conhol
used to adjust levels previously set; twenty Bump Buttons of the channels as in manual setup, you have keyboard
allow you to instantly bring the submasters up to their commands to bring lights up on stage, edit your cuesheet,
fullest levels. The Console also has Fade Takeover select submasters/effects and change the dimmer to
capability which allows you to complete timed fades channel patching. Lighting looks may be created using
manually. The console is equipped with a high resolution actual lights on stage, which are retlected in the STAGE
monitor, in either color or amber. display, or may be "written blind" in the PREVIEW display.
12 t. Chonn@l/Submost@r 'tC..t..' ,:!.t.,ri;
Monuo Conlroll@rs i l, ItFt F-- r-rl !6
7 la aran'ai 'r rl-.irrrr,,..r' Tlt :- :ir l'Lr '.,-r,rl r. --
Irll-rl ll r:r.r .rr: o ': :_.-i-rr -a a!r'?i: i rr'.:ail
it ar.aa.- r' l)ai l ! ai .iraa it:: !-:al ii araa.r :.ll
a-r.l,! !l:r aarnha arr'l
aaaf iarifra .,r (,r'r.arar: l 7. Displog Hegs
a ll'a'n ar a
aha:ri, ra. -a i- :4 a., tal,: a alr. rr! l
!r,mL.5tar !l-ri)rrir,r i!t l- :i_/itaa::: hir : i ,' i,ca
lIr .,r.-..r l.,,r,r :'r L-a ./4.' . :ar n.,r :i'a:.:r|: Tl il
rl i I Ll f! .,rri.r :' lri-r(
2. Bump Buttons Pia"ral. 5 "..-'
.i Ea. j :riTl
:,,it'l''1,,: 1
i.ralra ir,r: a a lJ,a-lr 8. Rocord HeVs
lr.: r:t.rLl iar,: ar'a L:aal
r:iial i| :,Lr.r'ij Llci tit- r-ra ra.aorn a!
) ,a)-f..-.-tat., + hra_a- i_ril
a.r:: a'r.l !!it,Ira:i?r:
la ira' f,r .r.rr -. |.: i.r I :.r .! ihe,
Sat N@xl/5@l Lost H@Vs r rc Fi i iL,i iii :,ll:
Ihe!(i\i):-o r5.. I llT o'rri'.'Il

-i5T r. 1:.r'c .l:aal . :ra 9. Control H@Vs

prara:tdL-ro iar ..raaftr na T,a aar. i l.?.r: a'.1 fh.
tLrr:: Th: !€l l,la): . .r.1... :a t: Lt.r, t-t ,:a c
Ji)r lo:a:r!a :rr.t.trri:-n: aLa
irrai: ia..Tar lhai::al a-ra, . -,ir.:1.1r?:i ll !1. ar'- a ra
h. lei r f:T l..r! o i-!: I lLli- llar.ll a.iea F"lu
-rrJir"i:F F!.1
qcu :c oN: or , h.r r_e ir lHil- 5l- t
ir- i-ftt !t'. itr :r
4. Fodors
rtrr -l l r'q a|a lral
llorr o'l fi:r ili'r ir.,iriar a iilL-: I lrra.ra,tn a)

ait rlrir ar: 'i-alirr I ' i',1 10. Plol/bock H@Vs

a.ii.r\,.l.t:... :. .:i t 2 ',, Tl_. a a!.in.l, f,rL/', .'?
flra i ra::i.tarar' Ll' Lai:d .a :larl a'ara !ln!
(rar: a ar' ri,raa,r :r: i r,:' a.,c.r lo -ra,.a ail al
a; ICl-]\l itarrl a! ai aL,a a':.alcaL'a
an llla: ar :rll,:i : r lf (l
_,, iic::e tii .'r-_ :'t rr: ril-i i,( ) Ti) (l.i
5 Ovqride 8,@Vs sTC ar.r .'irc i;!l
a';ara:! a ec' ', L:ea ic I ll. t!h@@l
c an -L-a c' i aioal al'oa: 'i? ,llhir-a nr-_! b:Lr.]r':i- .t
Scene L4aster 60 Plus Peripheral Options:
the lra:si.r.ler ol?ar,'rr : :4. a']o raa a 'alar I !
,rr lh
.r:?d lit arer'ala aair: i) ai :.lilI.cL:,:
: ntit I ia ala: .laa la oalt!:l er if|q
6. S(r@@n H@Vs (SoFL Fun<lion a!ic a il5 \rarL ic\rc llra
Hops) l-lh:rc lorlrii, ar
I l'e :: :trcor: k:1. cro LtciliLJarrJ lh,r .'.. ! r,l
oaoat-a, r' r'l].r Lra.)par I lhl i rair!i aii-rf)arrl aaa !
o'aar .l i.:c .t Th.r!(l
ll a a 12. Blockout
Hand Held Remote- Prinier- i) .a trlat aaa) lit (:r: :i)ll Tl_e ircloLr: :rL. i(h ', r'. al
Calalog No. 601 - 154 Catalog No.601 - 156 iLta: c. lc!. : in. l1o f.-r aanrrlrl, ! -, a llrai
allows channels to be provides hard copy a:ri - !ri per'arnri:al Irl :.laaar LLha r i.lar-a ao[.i'
selecled lrom a remote location printout of all 'ira!: l.!r\, :
ral al-r-a', o ' l-6,ita r i.a :., :f.!r :.ra-r
for lamp and focus check oul. recorded data.
a f irrci r' ararah:aroaa il . rli' r., .r- i:,. r
t) :c rrr

L== Colortran.
Specifications Tl,,t
Scene Master 60 Plus Specif ication
A. Descriplion 5. Submasle6 - 60 pie on submasleF which may be 2. Operalion as a mu ti'scene presel s accofi]piished as
selecled and selirom lhe keyboard. fo owsl
The conlrolconsole shallbe a micro-processor based
ighling conlro syslem, speciiically designed and 6. [4anua Bump Bullons - each key sw tches its a. Press Sel Nexl. The Preview display will come up on
co-slrucled'o'lhe co.Irol ol srage and slLd o oinr.:ng corresponding manua 10 lull as ong as the key is prcssed. lhe CRT in Cue 1. Set lhe eve s in Cle 1 on the
syslems. The console shal provide lorlhe contro oluplo manuals.
7. Sel Nexl - recoads the levels sel on the manuas 1or
512 d mmers on 60 channels. 41 easl 200 cues may be b. Press Sel Next. Cue 2 wi come up on the Preview
playback and calls up the next cle lo
be recorded.
recorded. display. Set the levels in Cue 2 on lhe manuals.
8. Sel Lasi' relurns access to prevlously he d levels Jor
c. Repeal lhis preselling procedurc 1or as rnany cues as
The consoe sha not requke the use olany periphera modlcalion on the manuals.
device, such as a disk drive or a casselle lo Junclion. The
9. Grand llasler - provldes a proporlional rnasleroflhe d. Cues rnay be played back al any lirie by movlng the
system operaling program shallbe slored in a
oulpul of lhe system ncluding manual or memory crosslader hand es 10 oppos le side.
prograrnmable read only memory. ln case olpowerlailure,
crossJades, submaslers, manua master and evelkeys. 3. The slyle oi openlion ls aclually simperlhan a
Gndom access memory sha be reta ned by an aulomallc
convenl ona lwo orlhree scene presel slnae the manLrals
batlery back!p power supply. 10. BlackoLrl - nstanlly culs off a syslem oltpul regardless
are aways set as the nexl scene ralher ihan lwo or three
of levelorigln
The conso e sha consjsl oia porlable holrsing, scenes la1er. Th s allows lhe maruas lo be selwlh
approx mate y 37 inches long and 14 inches deep and one The memory seclion has the tollowing conhol groupsi chanqes on y ralherlhaf wjlh allleve s speclied.
delached 12 nch color CRT wilh integral tiltl base. The CRT
11. A group of six keys lor calling !p vadous dispays on lhe Memory 0peralion:
shal be detached lo allow opt mum placement by the r.rser
for vjewing display inlormation and lo allow adaplalion lo
cFt 4. The conso e has the io ow ng ieatures when opeGled as
compacl iighting booth environrnents. 12. A gro!p olsix screen keys lor access lo dlllerenl a memory consoe:
lunclons ln each ofthe six syslem display and vaious sLrb-
The CBT shaLlbe graphics quaity co or monllorwilh a a. Sixty chafnels, 512 dimmels
displays. These keys shall change iunction n each disp ay
min mum 01640 dols per lne hori2onlal resolLiion and 350 b. Ai leasl lwo hlndred cLres
to locus the usels atlention on comfirands which are useful
ines vedical resolul on. c. Live and bind seiing oi cues and slbmaslers
in lhal dispay and to reduce congestion oilhe contro
d. Wheellevelsetl ng devlce
The console shallconssl ol a paifted and silkscreened s!rlace.
e. Recorded cue sheet wlth lade up.lade down and
al!minum control panel, exlrlded a !minum lronl and rear
13. An expanded numerc keypad used lo enlersystem delay limes
ralls, rnoded end caps and a sheel mela housjng- All j. Compele eflects package includ ng Chase, Negalive.
inlomalion and lo creale channel, cue, submaslel. and
electronics sha be secure y laslened 1o lhe hous ng and
eilecls lists. Alternale, Reverse, Build, and Bounce
shall beeasily rer.ovableservicing.
g. Dimmer 1o channel palching
14. Aconlnuous rolalonwhee wlhnon-s p tubber surface
The control panel sha hinge up from the houslng with the h. Cue playback va G0/ST0P or manualcrcsslader
and high nehia core ior setting level and adjls1ng rates.
release oltwo caplive screws, allow ng access lo the . Abiity lo lake cles out ol sequence
eleclronlcs and power suppy. allowing a mainlenance lo be 15. A cue keypad lor w ting or edil ng cues, and linring in lhe i. Abiity lo modily recorded lade limes
conducled lrom the lront oi lhe console. Re and bollom cLre sheel. k. Up lo sxly overapping submaslers and lwenly
access shall nol be required. submasler bump keys
16. A"G0 butloi iorslailing cles and a Slop/Reverse'
The console shall be equipped wllh a non-vo al le memory bLrllon ior slopping acl ve cle or slepping back through the 5. ln addilon 10 these iealures. all manLrallealures
lor cue slorage w th a 3-1i 2lnch, industry standard disk drive cue sheel. A'Go To Cue'bullon lorlaking cues oul oi pieviousLy descibed operate concufienly wilh memory
lsed jor brary slorage, utiizlng env ronmenta ly prolecled, sequeice. lealures.
high reliab lly disketles with hard plastic cases.
17. Becord - used lo record the evels on stage nlo cues or D. Backup:
B. Slandard Fealures subs. Selecls nert or lasl display.
Aslandard backup shallbe provided. Tlr s backup, comp ele
The controlconsole shall provide, but nol be im led to the 18. Rate - used to adjust rate ol I med lades. wilh its own power s!pply, shal allow the flrst 500 d mmers
io ow ng lealuresl lo be assgned to any oithe sxly potenllorneteG in the evenl
19. A keysw lch lor syslem "oii .'On' or'BackLrp and an
ol a iaiure in the rnain processor.
The left hall oilhe panel is lsed lor manual selling and lndicator lor dimmer nck airiow shallbe provided on the
playback. lace oi lhe conso e. E, Peripheral Funclionsl

The ighl halJ is used lorlhe memory sefling payback. C. Operalion The controlconsole shal be capab e oi s!ppoiing the
lolowing peripherals as a min mum:
The manual seclion has lhe lollowing conlrols: lVanua'Operalion:
a. A prinlerlor generaling a hard copy ol lhe cLre sheet,
1. Chafnelsls!bmastels'slxly manua polentiofireters {one 1. The Scene [4asler 60 has lhe lollowing ieal!res when
eflecls lisl and the palch.
lor each channel) are lsed loa setl ng channe leve s or as operaled as a man!alconso €:
b. A hand held remole device lor remole conlro ol lhe
ove apping submaslers.
a. Sixty channels,512 dimmers
2. Crossiader ' provides a dlpless lade between the evels b. lvlulli scene presels (2-120 presels) c. Femole CRT disp ay.
currcnt y on stage and the Io lowing cue. c. [,lanlalmasler
d. Split dipless crosslader
3. Fade Time - allows a lade time lo be sel lor operalion of
e. Fade time conlrol
lhe crosslader wilh manualcues.
l. Upto sixty overapp ng. pile on submasters
4. Ellecls Fader'provides manua conlro lor special eilecls. g. Twefty submaster bump keys
i. Grand rnasler and backout switch

Nole: Specificalion s!blect lo change rv thout nolice

Prinred n U.S.A
1 01 5 Chestnut St., Burbank, CA 91 506-9983' (B1 B) 843 1 200' FAX: (81 8) 954-8520

i=---- colortran, lnc. 40 B Comrnerce way, rorowa, N.J. 07s12 . Qa1) 256-7666 . FAX: (201) 2s6 oBBe

400 Ivlatheson Blvd. East, Llnil 1 , Mississauga, Oniar o L4Z 1 N8 ' (416) 890 0935 ' FAX: (416) 890-6261

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