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Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current

VSA Questions
1. Hans Christian Oersted

2.Yes,current flowing through the conductor produces magnetic effect.

3. Properties of magnetic field lines:-

 They originated from North Pole to South Pole of a magnet , by convention.

 These lines are closed and continuous.

4. Bar magnet produces magnetic field, in which the compass shows defection.

5. Electromagnet works on the principle of Maxwell’s Right Hand Thumb Rule.

6. The combination of a solenoid and a soft iron core is a Electromagnet.

7.No, steel can’t be used for making electromagnet.

8.Fleming discovered that current carrying conductor experiences a magnetic a

mechanical force.

9. Maximum force exerted when the current carrying conductor is held perpendicular
to the direction of the magnetic field .

10. Less force is experienced when the current carrying conductor is kept parallel to
the magnetic field.

11.The rule used to find the direction of force is Fleming’s Left Hand Rule.

12.The transformation of electrical energy into mechanical energy takes place in the
case of electric motor.

13. The commutator is to reserve the direction of current flowing through the coil,
after every half rotation.
14. The carbon brushes are used to maintain contact with the ring and the external

15.Electromagnetic Induction is used to induce the current by using a Bar magnet,

Galvanometer, and a coil.

16. The other name of electric generator is Dynamo.

17. The transformation of mechanical energy to electrical energy takes place in

electrical generator.

18. The work produced by a turbine can be used for generating electrical power when
combined with a generator.

19. The three main types of geothermal plants include dry steam power stations, flash
steam power stations and binary cycle power stations, all of which use steam turbines
to produce electricity.

20. The main fuel sources are used in a thermal power plants are coal, oil, natural
gas, nuclear, and solar.

21. Nuclear fuel is the fuel that is used in a nuclear reactor to sustain a nuclear chain
reaction. These fuels are fissile, and the most common nuclear fuels are the
radioactive metals uranium-235 and plutonium-239.

22. Magnetic fields give power to other particles that are touching the magnetic field.
In physics, the magnetic field is a field that passes through space and which makes a
magnetic force move electric charges and magnetic dipoles.

23. Electromagnetism is a branch of physics involving the study of the electromagnetic

force, a type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles.

24. Electric current produces magnetic force which can also be termed as magnetic
effect. The magnetic effect of electric current is known as electromagnetic effect.

25. Magnetic field can be observed.

26. Curved lines used to represent a magnetic field, drawn such that the number
of lines relates to the magnetic field's strength at a given point and the tangent of any
curve at a particular point is along the direction of magnetic force at that point.

27. No, it is not in straight line.

28. It concluded that the current carrying wire produces a magnetic field around its
surface. The compass needle showed deflection when it was placed nearby current
carrying wire. This shows that magnetic field produced by current carrying wire.

29. If field lines ever intersect at any point, there will be two tangents to the field line
curve at that point, which is contradictory, as there can only be one net magnetic field
vector having only one direction at any point in space .Field lines of both electric
and magnetic origin do not intersect ever.

30. A current carrying conductor creates a magnetic field around it, which can be
comprehended by using magnetic lines of force or magnetic field lines. The nature of
the magnetic field lines around a straight current carrying conductor is concentric
circles with center at the axis of the conductor.

31. Electric current produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field can be visualized
as a pattern of circular field lines surrounding a wire. One way to explore the direction
of a magnetic field is with a compass, as shown by a long straight current-carrying
wire in.

32. a cylindrical coil of wire acting as a magnet when carrying electric current.

33. Clock rule states that if the current at any face of the loop flows in clockwise
direction, that face behaves like a south pole. If the current at any face of the loop
flows in anticlockwise direction that face behaves like a north pole.

34. the field lines around a current carrying solenoid is similar to that produced by a
bar magnet this means that a current carrying solenoid behaves as a the field lines
around a current carrying solenoid is similar to that produced by magnet this means
that current carrying solenoid behaves as having north pole and South Pole the strong
magnetic field produced inside a solenoid can be used to magnetize a piece of magnetic
material like soft iron when placed inside the coil .

35. The strength of the magnetic field is stronger inside the solenoid as compared to
outside. The field lines inside the solenoid are parallel straight lines which indicate
that the magnetic field is uniform inside the solenoid.

36. Draw the diagram given in book.

This shows the magnitude and direction of a solenoid.

37. Electromagnets are based on induced current.

38. An electromagnet is made from a coil of wire which acts as a magnet when an
electric current passes through it.

39. Iron core.

40. Steel will take much time to lose its magnetism after current flow is stopped
.While soft iron will quickly loose its magnetism after the current flow stops. So steel
can’t be used in electromagnet instead of soft iron.

41. It's possible to change the polarity of permanent magnets using simple equipment
and techniques.

42. It's possible to change the polarity of electromagnets using simple equipment and

43.No, the strength of the electric current can increased or decreased by varying the
magnitude of the current.

44. Fleming left hand rule.

45. Electrical energy to mechanical energy.

46. AC Motor & DC Motor.

47. AC Motor
48. DC Motor.

49.Faraday’s rotation experiment.

50.The system of split rings taken together is known as commentator

51. Soft iron produces very strong magnetic fields when the electric current is passed
through the coil.

52. Bar magnet, Horse shoe magnet.

53. The strength of the electromagnet decreases.

54.Soft iron


56.Electromagnetic induction.

57. The phenomena of producing electric current in a conductor by moving

perpendicular to a magnetic field or vice versa, is known an electromagnetic induction.

58. Electromagnetic induction.

59. The effect opposite to electromagnetic induction.

60. The electromagnetic induction is due to the relative motion between the magnet
and the coil.

61.The AC generator has 2 split rings.

62. The DC generator has 1 split ring which divided into two halves.


64. Nuclear fuel is material used in nuclear power stations to produce heat to power
turbines. Heat is created when nuclear fuel undergoes nuclear fission. Most nuclear
fuels contain heavy fissile actinide elements that are capable of undergoing and
sustaining nuclear fission.
65. Motor.


67. The strength of the induced current directly depends upon the following
factors. Strength of the magnetic field number of the turns in the coil, relative speed
between the coil and the magnet.

68. Tesla

69. Electromagnetic or magnetic induction is the production of an electromotive force

across an electrical conductor in a changing magnetic field.

70. A cylindrical coil of wire acting as a magnet when carrying electric current.


1. See book pg. On 232.

2. The direction of induced current in a straight conductor is given by Fleming’s
right hand rule. It states that spread the thumb, forefinger and the middle
finger of your right hand at right angle to one another in such a way that the
forefinger points in the direction of magnetic field, thumb gives the direction of
motion, then the direction in which the middle finger points, gives the direction
of induced current.
3. Direct current (DC) is the unidirectional flow of electric charge. A battery is
a good example of a DC power supply. ... A term formerly used for this type
of current was galvanic current. The abbreviations AC and DC are often used
to mean simply alternating and direct, as when they modify current or voltage.
4. Alternating current (AC) is an electric current which periodically reverses
direction, in contrast to direct current (DC) which flows only in one direction.
... The abbreviations AC and DC are often used to
mean simply alternating and direct, as when they modify current or voltage.
5. All in one Book pg. no 385
6. All in one Book pg. no 385 ,Maxwell’s right hand rule.
7. Repeated
8. All in one Book pg. no 386
9. In this case the magnetic field at any point due to current flowing through the
conductor depends on:
 the current carried by the conductor. Magnetic field B increases with an
increase in the current.
 the distance (r) of the point from the conductor. Magnetic field B
decreases with an increase in the distance r.
10. Factors on which the strength of a magnetic field produced by a current
carrying solenoid depends:
 Number of turns in the solenoid : The larger number of turns in the solenoid,
stronger is the magnetic field produced.
 Strength of current : The larger the current passed through the solenoid,
stronger is the magnetic field produced.
 Nature of the core material : By winding the coil over a soft iron cylinder,
called core, the magnetic field can be increased several thousand times.
11. Factors that affect thestrength of electromagnets are the nature of the core
material, strength of the current passing through the core, the number of turns of wire
on the core and the shape and size of the core.
12. If small compasses are used to map the magnetic field around a bar magnet, they
will point in the directions shown: away from the north pole of the magnet, toward the
south pole of the magnet.


1. Hans Christian Forested performed an important experiment which showed
that there was a connection between electricity and magnetism. When a current
was switched on through a wire, it made a compass needle turn so that it was at
right angles to the wire. The current had produced a magnetic field strong
enough to cause the compass needle to turn.
2. The path along which north pole moves in a magnetic field is called magnetic
lines of force or magnetic field line. They show the direction and strength
of magnetic field. If magnetic field lines are very close to each other in a
particular region, then the strength of magnetic field in that region, is very
Properties :-
 They seek the path of least resistance between opposite magnetic poles.
 They never cross one another.
 They all have the same strength.

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