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Microsoft Visual Basic 6.

0 Application for Savings and Loans Management In Koperasi Karyawan PT

PLN (Persero) Semarang Area

The purpose of this final project is to create a Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 application for the
process of savings and loan management at Koperasi Karyawan PT PLN (Persero) Semarang
Area to simplify the management of savings and loans. Data collection methods used are
interviewed, observation and literature review.. The writing methods used are description and
exposition. The type of data used are primary and secondary data. For the preparation of the
savings and loan applications done by several stages. System analysis input design, output
design and preparation of reports. The result of preparation and design applications, saving and
loans Koperasi Karyawan PT PLN (Persero) Semarang Area is input management, saving and
loans that will generate reports member, reports mutations deposits, savings statements, loan
statements and income reports.

Keywords: Applications, corporations, Savings, Loans


Along with business development, the need for fast and accurate information is very
high. Computers are tools that can store, process, and produce information that is in accordance
with a series of instructions that have been given previously by the user. In the business world
computerized systems are now preferred over manual systems, because the output obtained is
more accurate than the manual system which is also more complicated and takes a long time in
the process.

Savings and loans are one of the main activities of the cooperative. Good recording and
management is very necessary so that there are no recording errors that harm many parties.
Manually recording will create many obstacles and require a long time in the process. The use of
computers to record and manage savings and loan transactions will be very effective and
efficient compared to manual recording. At the Employee Cooperative of PT PLN (Persero) Area
Semarang still using the manual recording so that it creates several obstacles, such as recording
errors, the resulting report is not thorough, and when checking data again and searching for data
takes a long time so it can cause data inaccuracies.

To overcome the obstacles that occur in the Employee Cooperative of PT PLN (Persero)
Area Semarang, a computerized savings and loan system is needed. With a computerized system
it is expected to be able to produce information about the management of savings and loan data
that is up to date quickly and precisely, so that it becomes more relevant, timely, and trustworthy.
To design a computerized savings and loan system requires a programming application that is
quite simple and easy to learn. Of the many existing programming languages Microsoft Visual
Basic 6.0 is one programming language that is quite simple and easy to learn, besides that, it can
also be used to create applications that are simple or complex, in small, medium and large scale.
Based on the description above, the title of the final project to be proposed is " Microsoft Visual
Basic 6.0 Application for Savings and Loans Management In Koperasi Karyawan PT PLN
(Persero) Semarang Area”.

2.1. Basic concepts of Accounting information systems

2.1.1. Definition of System
The system is a series of components are coordinated to achieve a set of goals (Krismiaji,
2010:1). While the system according to Diana and setyawati (2011:3) was a series of parts that
mutually depend and work together to achieve a particular goal.

2.1.2. Definition of information systems

Understanding information systems according to Romney in the book Krismiaji (2010:16) is
organized ways to collect, enter, process and store data, and ways that organized to store,
manage, control, and report the information in such a way so that an organization can achieve the
goals that have been set.

2.1.3. The components of the information system

Generally, according to Krismiaji (2010:16) a system has eight components:
a. Purpose
b. Input
c. Output
d. Data Storage
e. Data Processing
f. Instructions and procedures
g. Users
h. Security and surveillance

2.2. The cooperative

2.2.1. Definition of cooperatives
UU No. 25 tahun 1992 Year of the cooperative stating that "Cooperative is a business entity that
included those of a legal entity or a cooperative, with the underpinning its activities based on the
principles of the cooperative movement as well as the people's economy, which based upon the
principle of family ". Cooperative fosters the well-being of Members in particular and society in
General, as well as parts that are an integral part of the national economy of a democratic order
and justice.

Cooperative Loan is a co-operative which has a single effort i.e. hold deposits and loan servicing
members. The saving (save) will get in Exchange for services and for borrowers subject to merit.
Loan repayment is done by mengangsur. The magnitude of the services for depositors and
borrowers is specified by the meeting of members. From this, the cooperative business activities
can be said to be "of, by, and for members".

2.2.2. the Savings Cooperative

According to UU No. 17 Tahun 2012 about perkoperasian States that "the deposit is an amount
of money deposited by the Member to the Cooperative Loan, by acquiring the services of the
Cooperative Loan Agreement". In general the deposits on a cooperative can be distinguished as
a. Deposits Of Principal
b. Mandatory Deposit
c. Voluntary Deposit

2.2.3. The cooperative Loans

According to UU No. 17 Tahun 2012, that meant loans in cooperatives is "money is the provision
of Loans by Loan to members of the Cooperative as the borrower based on the agreements,
which require the borrower to pay off a short-term given time and pay for the service ".

2.3. Documentation Technic

According to Krismiaji (2010:67) "Documentation includes a narrative form, the flow chart,
charts and other written material, explaining how a system works." Documentation technique
often used to design the system is flow chart (flow chart documents, flow chart, flow chart
system programs), data flow diagrams, tables and more.

2.3.1. Flowchart
According to Krismiaji (2010:71) Flow Chart "is an analytical technique used to describe aspects
of information clear, precise, and logical. Flow chart using a series of standard symbols to
elaborate on the transaction processing procedures used by a company, as well as outlining the
flow of data within a system. "

2.3.2. Data Flow Diagram

According to Krismiaji (2010:68) "A DFD graphically describes the flow of data in an
organization. This technique is used to document the system used now and to plan for and
mendesai a new system. There is no standard way in drawing up the DFD, since different
problems require different methods. "

2.4 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 was one of RAD (Rapid Application Development) Tool that is used
to build a Windows-based visual applications. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 famous is very simple,
fast, easy to learn to build an interactive visual applications according to the needs of its users.

Supporting data required in the writing of the final project is obtained by a method of collecting
the relevant data. Data collection methods are used, namely:

a. Interview
Data collection in an interview which will be used to compose the final Task is to
interview directly with employees Cooperative Employees of PT PLN (Persero) Area of
Semarang on matters pertaining to the system save loan cooperative.
b. Observation
The collection of observational data is done by observing the management save loan on
Cooperative Employees of PT PLN (Persero) Area of Semarang.
c. Study of Library
Study library is a method of data collection is done by reading a book that is required for
a work. Data obtained with the study of literature namely readings or books about
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and books that deal with this final Task.

3.1. Methods of Writing

a) Descriptive Methods
In this final Task cooperative establishment, organizational structure, mission, and vision
& position description will be written by using a descriptive method.
b) Method of Exposition
The methods of the exposition will be used to perform the analysis of problems
encountered and then give a workaround using the program Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
application for system save loan on Cooperative Employees of PT PLN (Persero) Area of

4.1 Data Processing Procedure

Data processing on Cooperative Employees of PT PLN (Persero) Semarang Area consists of the
processing of data member, deposits, loans, and the making of the report. Flow chart documents
are used to find out how the occurrence of data processing save loan on Cooperative Employees
of PT PLN (Persero) Area of Semarang.

4.2 System Analysis

The stage of this system is the underlying information gathering stage he developed a new
system and was beginning to step on the stage of design and implementation of the system.
System analysis describes the design of the input, process and output used. the results obtained
from the analysis of the system will be used as the ingredients composing program design using
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.

4.2.1 The Design Of The Input

The design of the input media is a data entry required in the processing of the program and
making the desired reports in taking the conclusion. Inputs that are used in the management of
save loan is a form. As for the design of the input in the form of form-form consists of:
1. Login and Main Menu
2. Member
3. Deposits Form
4. Loans Form

4.2.2. Process Analysis

Analysis of the process describes the process to save and borrow the calculations used in the
software store it borrowed. Existing processes in the application store and loan Co-operative
Employees of PT PLN (Persero) Semarang Area are as follows:
1. Installment
2. Calculation of loan interest

4.2.3 The Design Of The Output

The design of the output generates output in the form of information in the form of reports
needed for taking a decision. The design of the output on the Cooperative Employees of PT PLN
(Persero) Semarang Area are as follows:
1. Report Data Members
As for the appearance of report data member can be seen in the following image:
Laporan Data Anggota
No. Nama Tgl_Masuk Alamat Telepon Bank No. Status
Anggota Rekening

Gambar 4.1 Format Laporan Data Anggota

Sumber : Data primer yang diolah, 2018
2. Data Stash Report
As for the appearance of the report the mutation deposits can be seen in the following
Laporan Simpanan Pokok & Sukarela
Tanggal No_Anggota Nama Pokok Sukarela

Gambar 4.2 Format Laporan Simpanan Pokok & Sukarela

Sumber : Data primer yang diolah, 2018


Laporan Simpanan Wajib
No_Anggota Nama Wajib Tanggal

Gambar 4.3 Format Laporan Simpanan Wajib

Sumber : Data primer yang diolah, 2018
3. Report Loan Data
The purpose of this report is to find out which loan transactions that took place during a
certain period in the cooperative. As for the appearance of report data on loan can be
seen in the following image:


Laporan Pinjaman Reguler
No_Anggota Nama Tanggal Pinjaman Jk_Waktu Angsuran Bunga

Gambar 4.4 Format Laporan Pinjaman Reguler

Sumber : Data primer yang diolah, 2018


Laporan Pinjaman Mendadak
No_Anggota Nama Tanggal Pinjaman Jk_Waktu Angsuran Bunga

Gambar 4.5 Format Laporan Pinjaman Mendadak

Sumber : Data primer yang diolah, 2018
4. The Installment Reporting
The purpose of this report is to know data installment loans paid cooperative members.
As for the appearance of the report in installments can be seen in Figure 4.6.
Laporan Angsuran Pinjaman
No.Anggota Nama AngsuranKe Angsuran Bunga Tanggal Jenis_Pinjaman

Gambar 4.6 Format Laporan Angsuran Pinjaman

Sumber : Data primer yang diolah, 2018

4.2.4 The design of the database

The design database is useful for storing data that is input from application programs save
borrowed. As storage media Microsoft Visual basic 6.0 used Microsoft Access. In a Microsoft
Access database consists of several tables that are required as the basis for a particular data
storage. As for the required tables consisting of:
1. Database Members
As for the required database structure can be seen in the following table:
No Field Name Type Size Description

1. No_Anggota Double 8 No. Anggota

2. Nama text 30 Nama
3. Alamat text 50 Alamat
4. Telepon text 15 Telepon
5. Bank text 10 Bank
6. No_Rekening text 20 No. Rekening
7. Status text 10 Status
8. Tgl_Masuk date/time 8 Tanggal Masuk

2. Mistress Mutation Database

As for the required database structure can be seen in the following table:
The Database Principal Deposits & Voluntary
No Field Name Type Size Description
1. Tanggal date/time 8 Tanggal
2. No_Anggota double 8 No. Anggota
3. Nama text 30 Nama
4. Pokok double 8 Simpanan Pokok
5. Sukarela double 8 Simpanan Sukarela
Sumber : Data primer yang diolah, 2018

The Mandatory Deposits Database

No Field Name Type Size Description
1. No_Anggota Double 8 No. Anggota
2. Nama text 30 Nama
3. Wajib double 8 Simpanan Wajib
4. Bulan_Bayar text 15 Bulan pembayran
5. Tanggal date/time 8 Tanggal
Sumber : Data primer yang diolah, 2018
3. Balance Database Members
As for the required database structure can be seen in the following table:

Balance Database Members

No Field Name Type Size Description
1. No_Anggota Double 8 No. Anggota
2. Nama text 30 Nama
3. Pokok double 8 Simpanan Pokok
4. Wajib double 8 Simpanan Wajib
5. Sukarela double 8 Simpanan Sukarela
6. Reguler double 8 Pinjaman Reguler
7. Mendadak double 8 Pinjaman Mendadak

4. Reguler Loans Database

As for the required database structure can be seen in the following table:
Reguler Loans Database
No Field Name Type Size Description
1. No_Anggota double 8 No. Anggota
2. Nama text 30 Nama
3. Tanggal date/time 8 Tanggal
4. Pinjaman double 8 Pinjaman
5. Jk_Waktu double 8 Jangka Waktu
6. AngsuranKe double 8 Angsuran Ke
7. Angsuran double 8 Angsuran
8. Bunga double 8 Bunga

5. A Surprise Loan Database

As for the required database structure can be seen in the following table:
A Surprise Loan Database
No Field Name Type Size Description

1. No_Anggota double 8 No. Anggota

2. Nama text 30 Nama
3. Tanggal date/time 8 Tanggal
4. Pinjaman double 8 Pinjaman
5. Jk_Waktu double 8 Jangka Waktu
6. AngsuranKe double 8 Angsuran Ke
7. Angsuran double 8 Angsuran
8. Bunga double 8 Bunga

6. Database installment
As for the required database structure can be seen in the following table:
Installment Database
No Field Name Type Size Description
1. No_Anggota double 8 No. Anggota
2. Nama text 30 Nama
3. AngsuranKe double 8 Angsuran Ke
4. Angsuran double 8 Angsuran
5. Bunga double 8 Bunga
6. Tanggal date/time 8 Tanggal
7. Jenis Pinjaman text 10 Jenis Pinjaman

7. Setting Database
As for the required database structure can be seen in the following table:
Setting Database
No Field Name Type Size Description
1. Wpegawai double 8 Simpanan Wajib Pegawai
2. WPensiunan double 30 Simpanan Wajib Pensiunan
3. Bunga Reguler double 8 Bunga Reguler
4. Bunga Mendadak double 8 Bunga Mendadak
5. sPokok double 8 Simpanan Pokok

Application discussion of the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 system save loan Cooperative
Employees of PT PLN (Persero) Semarang Area be drawn the conclusion that the draft
application save loan that has been built is an application in the input and processed through
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and generate output in the form of a report that is processed through
Crystal Report 8.5. Input data the input data used are members, deposits, and loans. The resulting
report from the data in the input is in the form of report data members, report the mutation data,
reports deposits loans, installment loans, reports and earnings reports.

Save the application he developed with borrowed by using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and
Crystal Report 8.5 are expected to meet the needs of Cooperative Employees of PT PLN
(Persero) Area of Semarang in the processing of a transaction save loan for smooth cooperative
activities. The design of a computerized loan save system can generate information – information
report is more accurate, reliable and timely in normal use. In addition, applications save loan on
Cooperative Employees of PT PLN (Persero) Semarang Area is expected to increase the
effectiveness and efficiency of the performance of the employee Cooperative Employees of PT
PLN (Persero) Area of Semarang in the activities of the management save borrowed.

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