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Department of Electrical and ECSE 352 Electromagnetic Waves and Optics

Computer Engineering

2 4 Power and Energy Transport


R f
References: Hayt
H t and
d Buck
B k 12

©Andrew Kirk 2.4-1

Department of Electrical and ECSE 352 Electromagnetic Waves and Optics

Computer Engineering
Optical Fiber for Lightwave Communication
1959: American Optical and Elias Snitzer
Metropolitan/Local Area Networks
single mode fiber Whenever we want to use electromagnetic waves in any sort of system, we are
using them to transfer energy over a distance. This is true whether we are looking
1966: Kao demonstrates loss < 20 dB/km at a telephone
l h li
line, a microwave
i oven or an optical
i l fiber.
fib Similarly,
Si il l if we are
concerned about the effects of unwanted electromagnetic waves(for example as
stray reflections on a transmission line in a printed circuit board) we need to know
how much power they are carrying with them, relative to the signal power. Here
2 mm we will calculate the energy that is transported through space by an EM wave,
wave and
as a result obtain an expression for the power flowing in and out of a volume when
Core an EM wave passes through it. Waves have a direction and so electromagnetic
New York City MAN power flow is also directed. This is called the Poynting vector. Because a wave
Encapsulation Cladding oscillates in time, the instantaneous power measured at a point is also a function of
i However, more oftenf we are interested
i d in
i the
h time-averaged
i d power rather
than the instantaneous value. As a wave travels through a lossy medium it will
lose power to the medium in the form of heat (this is what a microwave oven is
doing). We will see that by calculating the power that emerges from the lossy
material and subtracting it from the power that enters the material,material we can
calculate the absorbed power. Since the human body is a lossy medium for most
EM wave frequencies there are safety issues associated with maximum permitted
levels of EM radiation exposure, and we will also briefly look at these.
Charles Kao
Nobel Laureate in Physics
2009 Long-Haul Submarine Cable Maps
©Andrew Kirk 2.4-3 ©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-4
Learning outcomes Contents

After taking this class you should be able to: • The relationship between electric field amplitude
• Recognize
R i ththatt EM waves ttransportt energy and
d power.
through space • The Poynting vector
• Define the Poynting
y g vector • Instantaneous and time averaged electromagnetic
• Calculate the Poynting vector from wave power
• Power loss in a lossy medium
• Calculate power absorbed by a lossy medium due to
an EM wave • Maximum permitted levels of exposure to EM
• Explain the difference between instantaneous and radiation
time-averagedd power d density
• Explain basic health and safety issues associated
with EM waves.

©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-5 ©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-6

Radio power
• The transmitter mast on Mount Royal is specified as 100
kW. The IEEE safety limit for r.f. power is 2 W/m2.
• How close can you stand to the transmitter ?
• How much power reaches us here ?
• What is the electric field in the classroom due to that
transmitter ?

©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-8

Power and field values Energy transport from a volume (1)

• What is the
potential V V=volume, S=surface
difference across
a laser beam ?!

• E and H fields carry energy in and out of the

volume through S
• Energy is also dissipated in the form of Joule
h ti

©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-9 ©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-10

Energy transport from a volume (2) Derivation of Poynting vector

 P  ds   t   E  12 H 2 dV   E 2 dV
1 2
1. Energy change
Describe power as a flux through S: 2
V P D B
  E  dV   H  dV   E  J dV 2 Substitute D,H
2. DH
t V
t V

S     E    H  J dV   H    E    E  J dV
 P  ds   t  W e  Wm dV   P dV V V V 3. Maxwell

   E    H dV   H    E 4. E.J cancels
Energy in V stored Conduction (Ohmic)
in E and H fields losses

 P  ds   t   E
 12 H 2 dV   E 2 dV  P  ds      E  H 
5 Vector identity

©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-11 ©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-12
Derivation of the Poynting vector (2) Instantaneous power density

What is the power density at any particular time ?

This is the instantaneous power density.
 P  ds      E  H 
P  z , t   E  z , t   H  z , t  (W/m2 )
Write E and H explicitly
 P  ds   E  H 6. Divergence theorem

   
P  z , t    E z e jt   H  z e jt Take real part
x E
The Poynting vector: y
P  E  H (W/m 2 ) H P H  z, t   an  E0 e jk an R e jt H is related to E through 
z 
hi h may be
b complex
 e
©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-13 ©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-14

Instantaneous power density Time average power density and flux

Assume plane wave (Ex, traveling in z):

In many cases we want to know the average power density flowing
x E across a surface.
This is the time average power density: P z  
1 T
P  z , t dt
y av
T 0
Flux <S> measure the
cost  z     
Pav  z   a z
E0 E0  2z
P  z , t   a x E0e z
cost  z   a y e z
e cos  W/
W/m 2 amount of f power
 2 passing through a unit
area. It is the scalar
form of Pav
P  z, t   a z
E0 2 2z
e 
cos  cos2t  2 z     (W/m2)
Pav z  E  H*  W/m 2 
Can the instantaneous power density be zero ?
©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-15 ©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-16
Time average and instantaneous power Time average and instantaneous power
densityy density
y for complex
p impedance
Power density P(t) Power density P(t)
Time averageg power
p densityy Pav Time averageg power
p densityy Pav
Electric Field E (not to scale) Electric Field E (not to scale)

Pav, P (t) Pav, P (t)

(W/m2) (W/m2)
E (t) (V/m) E (t) (V/m)

=0.1, =10,  =377 Distance z (m) =0.1, =10,  =377+150j Distance z (m)
©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-17 ©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-18

Example (1)
• The transmitter mast on Mount Royal is specified as 100
kW. The IEEE safety limit for r.f. power is 2 W/m2.
• How close can you stand to the transmitter ?
• How much power reaches us here ?
• What is the electric field in the classroom due to that
transmitter ?

©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-20

Hint: assume that the power falls off according to the
inverse square law.
At a distance a spherical wave looks like a plane wave
What is the average power density at a radius R ?

©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-21 ©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-22

Example (2) Solution

You are talking on your cellphone in
the woods and walk behind a large
tree Assuming that the operating
frequency is 1 GHz, the signal is
linearly polarized and the amplitude
of the incoming
ncom ng signal
s gnal (on the far

side of the tree) is 1 V/m, how much

of the incoming signal power is
p in 1 m3 of the tree ?
(assume r=2.0, tan=0.001)

©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-23 ©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-24
How much radiation is
her head absorbing ?

©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-25

Safety Issues

• Most safety issues are concerned with heating effects

• IEEE ssafety
f t li
it of
f 2 W/
W/m2 is based
b s d on this
• There are also concerns that prolonged exposure to EM
waves at low levels may cause cancer
• However, no studies
d h
have so far
f shown
h a statistically
Last week, the ll
significant effect, and no mechanism isConference
known. on Distracted
Driving, the first of its kind in
• (although cell-phone users are much more likely to be
North America
America, took place in
l d in a car accident!)
d !) Toronto. David Strayer, a
psychologist with the University
of Utah, told the conference that
See for example talking
lki iinto a cellphone
ll h while
driving produced similar results
as driving under the influence of
October 15, 2005

©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-28

Summary: Power and energy transport Summary: Power and energy transport

• EM waves transport energy

• The direction of power flow is given by the
Poynting vector
• The Poynting vector describes power density
• In isotropic media this is the same direction as
the wave vector
• We can distinguish between instantaneous and
time average power
• Time average power is related to field amplitude
 
Pav  a z cos  W/m 2
©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-29 ©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-30

Learning outcomes For you to do:

After taking this class you should be able to: Problems based on this class:
• Recognize
R i ththatt EM waves ttransportt energy
through space • Problems: 12.18, 12.19
• Define the Poynting
y g vector
• Calculate the Poynting vector from wave Reading for next class (The Skin Effect): 12.4
• Calculate power absorbed by a lossy medium due to
an EM wave
• Explain the difference between instantaneous and
time-averagedd power d density
• Explain basic health and safety issues associated
with EM waves.

©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-31 ©AGK 2006 ECSE 352 2.4-32

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