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Second Draft

“The impact of lack appliying English in daily activities in learning English

as foreign language for English college students of English Department of
Walisongo State Islamic University”

Most of college students in English Department may still feel confused

about their mastery of English itself. Even they have already learned more and
comprehensively in college, they are still lack of English language knowledge. It
cannot be avoided that English are considered as foreign language which is not
usable communicating language in Indonesia, This feeling of worry is one of effect
of the lack of application of English in their daily lives. However, this lack of
application can be caused by several influences in the social, cultural, and
background of the students. Therefore, in this article we will discuss more about the
influence of the lack of application of English in the daily lives of students and also
its cause which aims to provide a sense of awareness to students so that they are
more able to implement English as their daily life. This application can also provide
broader insights including knowledge of English to college students

For the earlier thing we will be introduced by what English language is.
English is one of International language in the world. English is a contxtual
language . it means that , every words in english can be understood and give a sense
when it is appropiate with the context. It is considered that learning this language
is one of difficult thing as foreign language.

As the reason why English language is difficult to be learned as a foreign

language. It may be help students if they apply English in their daily. Here are
several Elaborations of implementing English in daily activities that can be
practiced in order to enhance the students knowledge of English itself. The earlier
example is using a little bit conversation with the close friend if you are still aware
of the mistakes in using English language. The next elaboration is naming or
labelling the students’ ownership by using English language which is making the
students improve their vocabularies reagarding the environtment. The more given
example are changing the original into the English text and speaking consicousely
in daily conversation with classmate in process of learning and outside the

The example of appliying english is much as the writer told before.

However, the students are not implementing English language in the process of their
learning. In this case, there are several factors that cause the lack of implementation
of English in a day, including the use of communication language that understands
language that is still lacking to practice it or implement it. The social environment
can also cause a lack of implementation of English in daily life. The other factor is
not or lack of media to implement English. Media here can mean people or things.

With the existence of these factors, it will cause some effects or reactions
to the application of English in everyday life for students. What can be done like
someone who runs in the area and he does not want to start any way. The sentence
can be interpreted by several examples. Likes to question the trust in making
presentations or giving arguments using English. Excessive worry over the lack of
understanding of the material provided ... the next effect is silence during the
learning process in the classroom. It is expected that students still feel afraid to
express their feelings or express their words using the normal English language to
support them in expressing themselves using their first language. So that is way that
the lack implementing English in our daily activities must be forbidden due to this
can create negative effects that continue and progress for learning English for
English college students.
Further more, As the learner of English langugae as foreign foreign we must be able
to realize that this language is a foreign language for us. Olhe because of that we
have to give more of our focus when learning English. One way is to implement
what we have learned in school and make it our daily activities. So that it eliminates
a number of things that can occur when there is a lack of implementation in the
English learning process. With the aim that students get more insight into English
based on their experience of applying

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