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HASS poster activity: Who am I?

Teacher: Mr. Whitely

Student: Giah

Category 4 3 2 1
Required The poster includes All required All but 1 of the Several required
Elements all required elements are required elements elements were
elements as well as included on the are included on the missing.
additional poster. poster.

Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are more

grammatical grammatical grammatical than 2 grammatical
mistakes on the mistake on the mistakes on the mistakes on the
poster. poster. poster. poster.

Content - At least 5 accurate 4 accurate facts are 2-3 accurate facts 1 fact is displayed
Accuracy facts are displayed displayed on the are displayed on on the poster.
on the poster. poster. the poster.

Knowledge Student can Student can Student can Student appears to

Gained accurately answer accurately answer accurately answer have insufficient
all questions most questions about 75% of knowledge about
related to facts in related to facts in questions related to the facts or
the poster and the poster and facts in the poster processes used in
processes used to processes used to and processes the poster.
create the poster. create the poster. used to create the

Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are Some graphics Graphics do not
Relevance related to the topic related to the topic relate to the topic. relate to the topic.
and make it easier and most make it Most borrowed
to understand. easier to graphics are
understand. relevant.

Graphics - Graphics are all in All but some Most graphics are Some graphics are
Clarity focus and the graphics are in in focus and the in focus and
content easily focus and the content is content is
readable. content easily readable. somewhat
easily readable. readable.

Overall: 20/24

Giah Displayed a fantastic ability to complete the task. She used correct and relevant
information when creating her informative poster. It would have been nice to see her use
some of her own words instead of copying the stimulus information. She was able to apply
feedback in making her poster more relevant to the theme of the task. She required little to
no prompting and completed the task well with in the allotted time.

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