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Autumn Rice

Professor Kijrsten Goeller

1201 English Composition II

27 June 2019

Annotated Bibliography

For my research paper, I will be breaking down all the basics and knowledge you’ll need

to know about cannabidiol (CBD). I will be going into the history of the plant hemp (and t’s

cousin cannabis), what CBD is, whether or not CBD produces a high like THC, if CBD is

possible to help treating cancer, what diseases/conditions CBD improves, and about the

endocannabinoid system that is within all human bodies and promotes healing. I will give an

objective and educational stance on the benefits of CBD to the human body.

Abney, Tyler. Personal interview. 20 June 2019.

On June 20th, 2019 around 4:30pm, I interviewed Tyler Abney, a CBD educator who

works at The Columbus Botanical Depot in Columbus, OH, about all the different options there

are with taking CBD (Cannabidiol). Tyler is Columbus Botanical Depot’s wholesale manager

with 5 years of experience in the industry and was able to give me plenty of information about all

the different ways you can take CBD (such as through consumption, topically, or sublingually)

and the benefits CBD holds for the body.

The relevance and purpose he has is through a huge variety in knowledge through personal

stories of consumers who have gone to him for help of education about CBD. Tyler gives a
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personal touch to my research paper and educates an individual audience, with first-hand

experience with those who have used and use CBD regularly. I will be able to use this in my

research paper to answer questions about what is cannabidiol and how it’s helped people with

many different conditions/diseases.

Bauer M.D., Brent A. Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 20

Dec. 2018,

safe-and-effective/faq-20446700. Accessed 20 June 2019.

In “What are the benefits of CBD – and is it safe to use?” on Mayo Clinic’s website posted

on December 20th, 2018, Dr. Brent A. Bauer talks about how pure CBD does not contain

tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and has no psychoactive ingredients that marijuana does, giving

individuals a high. Dr. Bauer became a doctor at Mayo Clinic Medical School and is highly

respected amongst his colleagues and patients for his work and speaks to both a medical and

academic audience.

He goes over some of the risks in taking CBD like dry mouth, fatigue, diarrhea, reduced

appetite, and drowsiness. In some cases, is may have a reaction with certain pharmaceuticals like

blood thinners. Dr. Bauer has the authority in making these claims through his credibility from

Mayo Clinic as a doctor and his unbiased scientific findings and research. Research is still

limited, and some products actual testing of ingredients varied from what was on the label.
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I will use this article to answers questions about the differences in and whether or not CBD

gives someone a high like THC. This is also a piece about how CBD should have more research

done on it and should be made authentically to what it is sold as.

Grinspoon M.D., Peter. Harvard Health Blog, Harvard Medical School, 5 June 2019,

2018082414476. Accessed 20 June 2019.

In “Cannabidiol (CBD) – what we know and what we don’t” by Dr. Peter Grinspoon from

August 24th 2018, Dr. Grinspoon gives a solid foundation of knowledge over the legalities of

cannabidiol, evidence of health benefits, safety, and the bottom line knowledge in taking CBD.

The governments stand on CBD is confusing and still being discussed, the FDA is considering

what regulations should be put on it.

Dr. Grinspoon gives valuable and accurate information to my research paper in his

explanation of CBD being an essential component derived from the hemp plant, the cousin of the

marijuana plant. He is speaking to a medical and academic audience and is a credible source

from Harvard Medical School. Dr. Peter Grinspoon is an expert in the fields of physicians and

medical cannabis.

Johnson, Scott A. The Endocannabinoid System and Cannabis. Orem, Utah, Scott A. Johnson

Professional Writing Services, LLC. 12 March 2019.

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“The Endocannabinoid System and Cannabis” by Dr. Scott A. Johnson gives abundant

information on the alternative medicinal value Cannabis holds for the human body. This book

was published on March 12th, 2019 by Dr. Johnson who is a best-selling author of many

publications and has his doctorate in naturopathy. Dr. Johnson is talking to an open audience for

education and breaks down the basics of the endocannabinoid system and how it works. The

currency of his findings goes back to 2700 BC in Chinese medicine books of cannabis being

used for healing.

I will be using this source in my paper to explain the history in using cannabis for

healing, how the endocannabinoid system works, what cannabinoids are, and how they are

received in the human body. Dr. Johnson describes the endocannabinoid system as an ancient

system within human bodies that can be used to support healing of several different conditions,

diseases and overall health.

Kumar, Ujendra & Zou, Shenglong. “Cannabinoid Receptors and the Endocannabinoid System:

Signaling and Function in the Central Nervous System”. MDPI International Journal of

Molecular Sciences, 13 March 2018,

Accessed 27 June 2019.

“Cannabinoid Receptors and the Endocannabinoid System: Signaling and Function in the

Central Nervous System” by Ujendra Kumar and Shenglong Zou gives a scientific breakdown

behind the endocannabinoid system that is within all of our bodies. Kumar and Zou are speaking

to a scientific and medical audience about the breakdown make ups of multiple different

cannabinoids. They show us that there are receptors within our bodies that react with certain
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cannabinoids, and that the use of the endocannabinoid system can distribute those cannabinoids

properly to different parts of our body that promotes healing.

This science will debunk anyone’s misunderstanding of the cannabis plant simply being

to get high off of and educate those reading my research. There are many other genetic

breakdowns of the hemp and cannabis plant that react positively with the human body, with no

psychoactive traits. This accuracy and relevance of this information is important to me as I

further research accurate information about the scientific details behind CBD and answer

questions about the endocannabinoid system.

Smith M.D. MPH, Gregory L. CBD What You Need To Know. Lexington, KY, CreateSpace

Independent Publishing Platform. 29 August 2017.

“CBD What You Need To Know” by Gregory L. Smith, M.D. MPH, from August 2017,

gives reasoning on how CBD can help multiple different conditions and diseases. Gregory L.

Smith is a doctor, however, more specifically to his job title he is a medical cannabinoids

scientific advisor with years of practice and authority in discussing the benefits of using CBD.

Physically and mentally this book breaks down how cannabidiol (CBD) works through

the endocannabinoid system. I will be using this source in my research paper to answer questions

about some different conditions and diseases CBD has been proven to help with like epilepsy,

headaches, chronic pain, addiction, tapering off opioids, sclerosis, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal

conditions, arthritis, insomnia, anxiety, OCD, depression, psychosis, schizophrenia,

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neurodegenerative disease, cancer, autism, acne, and other skin conditions. Dr. Smith is speaking

to a medical and academic audience and his book serves great purpose in proving the benefits of


Weed The People. Abby Epstein and Ricki Lake. Mara Gordon, Tracy Ryan, Chico Ryder,

Angela Smith. Giancario Canavesio. 11 March 2018.

“Weed The People” is a documentary about several different sets of parents with children

with cancer who give their children regulated amounts of medical marijuana from cannabis. This

film was released on March 11th, 2018 and can be found through Netflix or purchased physically.

The filmmakers, Abby Epstein and Ricki Lake, follow families for years bringing relevance and

purpose to their stories of using cannabis with their terminally ill children in uncharted waters as

they run out of medical options to turn to. Doctors confirm that cannabis has impressive effects

on reducing cancer cells or getting rid of them completely, despite their misunderstandings in it

all due to lack of research studies.

These parents and doctors talk on a personal level to a public audience, educating them

about how there is enough research to show that using medical marijuana does help in so many

cases whether they contain mostly THC or CBD amongst other cannabinoids. This film also

discusses how on a federal level the government does not want more research done on schedule

one drugs (cannabis being on the same legal level as heroin) despite the scientific evidence there

is showing the benefits of using medical cannabis in some cases. These individuals fight against
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the stigma that is held over using cannabis by presenting evidence and sharing very personal

stories with their terminally ill children to the public.

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