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American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics) 114:154 ±158 (2002)

Further Evidence for the Association Between

Attention-De®cit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the
Dopamine-b-Hydroxylase Gene
Tatiana Roman,1* Marcelo Schmitz,2 Guilherme V. Polanczyk,2 Mariana Eizirik,2 Luis A. Rohde,2
and Mara H. Hutz1
Departamento de GeneÂtica, Instituto de BiocieÃncias, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre,
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
ServicËo de Psiquiatria da InfaÃncia e AdolesceÃncia, Departamento de Psiquitria e Medicina Legal,
Hospital de ClõÂnicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Attention-de®cit/hyperactivity disorder KEY WORDS: ADHD; dopamine-b-hydro-

(ADHD) is a very common and heteroge- xylase; DBH gene; associa-
neous psychiatric disorder of childhood tion; susceptibility
with marked inattentive, hyperactive, and
impulsive symptoms. The DBH gene, the
locus that encodes the enzyme dopamine-b- INTRODUCTION
hydroxylase (DbH), seems to be an impor-
tant candidate gene for association studies, Attention-de®cit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a
since DbH catalyzes the conversion of dopa- very common and heterogeneous psychiatric disorder of
mine to norepinephrine. The aim of this childhood with marked inattentive, hyperactive, and
study was to test for association between the impulsive symptoms. Although the precise causes of
DBH gene and ADHD in a sample of 88 ADHD are not well understood, family, twin, and
Brazilian nuclear families. Haplotype rela- adoption studies strongly support a role for genetic
tive risk (HRR) analysis of the DBH TaqI components in its etiology [Thapar et al., 1999]. These
restriction site polymorphism showed a observations have motivated a great number of mole-
preferential transmission of the TaqI A2 cular investigations. Initial association studies have
allele in our whole ADHD sample (x2 ˆ 3.61, focused on genes that regulate dopamine neurotrans-
one-tailed P ˆ 0.03). The signi®cant effect of mission, based on the dopamine theories for ADHD
the A2 allele was stronger when only [Levy, 1991; Castellanos, 1997]. Dopamine transporter
families with no ADHD parental diagnosis gene (DAT1) and dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4)
were considered (x2 ˆ 5.42, one-tailed have been the most investigated genes of the dopami-
P ˆ 0.01). Our results suggest a contribution nergic system. Although there are several reports of
of this gene to ADHD susceptibility, par- association with this disorder, the data are con¯icting
tially replicating previous ®ndings that [Swanson et al., 2000; Faraone et al., 2001]. More
have demonstrated an association between recently, pharmacological, biochemical, and neuropsy-
the DBH TaqI A2 allele and ADHD. chological ®ndings have suggested that noradrenergic
ß 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. imbalances are likely important in ADHD [Pliszka
et al., 1996; Barkley, 1997; Biederman and Spencer,
1999]. Despite the increasing body of literature that
suggests a noradrenergic involvement in the disorder,
few association studies have investigated the effect of
norepinephrine genes [Comings et al., 1996, 1999; Barr
et al., 2001; Xu et al., 2001]. These studies have
Grant sponsor: Programa de Apoio a NuÂcleos de ExceleÃncia; examined different a adrenergic receptors genes, and
Grant sponsor: Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos; Grant the results are also inconsistent.
sponsor: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientõ®co e Since changes in both dopaminergic and noradrener-
TecnoloÂgico; Grant sponsor: FundacËaÄo de Amparo aÁ Pesquisa do
Estado do Rio Grande do Sul; Grant sponsor: Fundo de Incentivo aÁ gic networks could be underlying the pathophysiology
Pesquisa e Eventos±Hospital de ClõÂnicas de Porto Alegre. of ADHD, dopamine-b-hydroxylase (DbH), the enzyme
*Correspondence to: Tatiana Roman, Departamento de GeneÂt- that catalyzes the conversion of dopamine to norepi-
ica, Instituto de BiocieÃncias±UFRGS, Caixa Postal 15053, 91501- nephrine, may be implicated in the development of the
970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. E-mail: disorder. This enzyme is expressed within the secretory
Received 31 July 2001; Accepted 10 October 2001 vesicles of norepinephrine and epinephrine-producing

ß 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

DOI 10.1002/ajmg.10194
Association Between ADHD and the DBH Gene 155

neurons and neurosecretory cells. DbH is also present MATERIALS AND METHODS
in human plasma and cerebrospinal ¯uid (CSF), where
its activity and level are highly stable and correlated.
Serum and CSF DbH levels seem to be under a strong Patients were drawn from the ADHD outpatient
genetic control. Both the major genetic determinant of clinic at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Division
these DbH biochemical phenotypes and the structural of Hospital de ClõÂnicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). A
gene encoding DbH (DBH locus) are tightly linked to consensus diagnosis of ADHD, based on the fourth
the ABO locus on chromosome 9q34 [Cubells et al., edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual,
1998]. This evidence suggests that DBH is a quantita- revised (DSM-IV) [American Psychiatric Association,
tive trait locus (QTL) exerting a large effect on DbH 1994] criteria, was achieved through a three-stage
levels. Recent data, showing associations between process, described in detail previously [Roman et al.,
allelic variation at DBH and plasma DbH activity in 2001]. Brie¯y, it comprised: a) evaluation with a semi-
three distinct human populations, strongly support structured interview (Schedule for Affective Disorders
this conclusion [Zabetian et al., 2001]. Since DbH body and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children, Epidemio-
¯uid levels have already been reported to be lower in logical Version±K-SADS-E) [Orvaschel, 1985] modi®ed
patients suffering from a variety of psychiatric condi- to assess DSM-IV criteria and applied to the parents by
tions, such as schizophrenia, psychotic depression trained research assistants; b) discussion of each
(reviewed in Cubells et al. [1997]), and conduct disorder diagnosis derived through the K-SADS-E in a clinical
(reviewed in Comings et al. [1996]), it is possible that committee chaired by one of us (L.A.R.); and c) clinical
similar alterations might be related to ADHD. There- evaluation of ADHD and comorbid conditions using
fore, the DBH locus seems to be an important candidate DSM-IV criteria by a child psychiatrist. In addition to
gene in association studies with this disorder. this diagnostic procedure, parents completed the Child
Several polymorphisms have been described in this Behavior Checklist (CBCL) [Achenbach, 1991], a be-
locus, all of which are correlated with the levels of DbH havior symptom checklist that assesses children's
activity [Wei et al., 1997; Cubells et al., 1998, 2000; behavioral problems and social competencies. For pro-
Zabetian et al., 2001]. However, the effect on the DbH bands who were attending school, teachers completed
levels of the TaqI restriction site polymorphism the Attention Problems scale of the CBCL-Teacher
[D'Amato et al., 1989; Wu et al., 1997] is not completely Report Form (TRF) [Achenbach, 1991], which includes
understood. The possibility that this variant might be items related to ADHD in the classroom. Cognitive
associated to ADHD was investigated by Comings et al. evaluation based on vocabulary and block design
[1996, 1999] in a sample of probands with Tourette subtests of the Weschler Intelligence Scale-third edi-
syndrome. In both studies, an additive effect of the tion (WISC-III) was applied by a trained psychologist
DBH gene on continuous ADHD scores was detected. to estimate the probands overall IQ [Weschler, 1991].
The presence of at least one TaqI B1 allele (absence of Information about socio-demographic data was system-
the TaqI site) was associated with the highest ADHD atically collected from the parents. The parents were
scores. However, the affected subjects did not seem also evaluated for past (childhood) or present diagnosis
the most appropriate for ADHD molecular studies, of ADHD by a child psychiatrist, using the ADHD
since this disorder was assessed as a comorbidity of module from the K-SADS-E, modi®ed to assess DSM-IV
Tourette syndrome. The DBH TaqI polymorphism was criteria. Familiality was de®ned as the presence of at
also investigated by Daly et al. [1999] in a sample of least one parent with a positive diagnosis of ADHD.
ADHD children and their parents, using the haplotype- Parents who ful®lled all criteria except age-of-onset
based haplotype relative risk method (HHRR). They of impairment criterion were included in the parental
found an association with the TaqI (present) DBH allele ADHD group to increase its sample size, since retro-
(A2) in their sample that was stronger for families with spective recall of the exact moment when the symptoms
at least one parent who was retrospectively diagnosed began is frequently imprecise, and recent research do
as ADHD. These authors also detected linkage dis- not support the validity of this criterion [Barkley and
equilibrium of the DBH gene with ADHD in combined Biederman, 1997; Rohde et al., 2000].
type probands, when the transmission disequilibrium This investigation was approved by the Ethical
test (TDT) was applied. Even though the studies from Committee of HCPA and by the Coordinating Commit-
Comings et al. [1996, 1999] and Daly et al. [1999] have tee of the Graduate Program in Genetics and Molecular
probably examined the same TaqI site of the 5th intron, Biology of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
both the different nomenclature of the alleles (A and B) Parents provided written informed consent and pro-
and the characteristics of the samples prevent compar- bands provided verbal assent to participate.
isons among their ®ndings.
The aim of this study was to test for association
between the DBH TaqI polymorphism and ADHD in a
sample of nuclear families obtained through the High molecular weight genomic DNA was extracted
affected children. Subgroups of probands de®ned by from whole blood by a salting out procedure [Miller
the combined type of the disorder and the presence of et al., 1988]. The TaqI polymorphism in intron 5 of the
familial history of ADHD were also evaluated. Based on DBH gene was ampli®ed by the polymerase chain
the literature, we hypothesized that the DBH TaqI A2 reaction (PCR) using the primers and conditions
allele is associated with ADHD. described by Daly et al. [1999]. The 464 base pair (bp)
156 Roman et al.

PCR fragments were digested with TaqI for two hr at allele. The genotype frequencies in these individuals
658C, and the digested products were separated using were 0.12, 0.56, and 0.32 for A1A1, A1A2, and A2A2
2% agarose gels. TaqI identi®ed a bi-allelic polymorph- individuals, respectively. These frequencies were under
ism with an undigested band of 464 bp (allele A1) and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
two bands of 300 bp and 164 bp (allele A2). A 100 bp We used the HRR method to test for the biased
ladder was used to score the alleles. We used the allele transmission of the DBH TaqI alleles from parents to
terminology ``A1'' (TaqI absent) and ``A2'' (TaqI pre- offspring. The transmissions for the HRR tests could
sent), as used by Daly et al. [1999], to avoid confusion. be determined unambiguously in 82 families. The data
are presented in Table I. The HRR analysis in the whole
sample con®rmed the association between the DBH
Statistical Analyses
gene and ADHD previously described by Daly et al.
Allele frequencies were estimated by counting, and [1999]. The A2 allele was signi®cantly more trans-
the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was calculated based mitted than not transmitted (99 to 83; one-tailed
on these allele frequencies by the goodness-of-®t Chi- P ˆ 0.03). Preferential transmission was also observed
square test. The haplotype relative risk (HRR) statis- when the inattentive and the hyperactive/impulsive
tics [Terwilliger and Ott, 1992] was performed for type probands were excluded from this analysis (one-
family-based association analysis. This method was tailed P ˆ 0.03, data not shown). This was not an
chosen to avoid any potential effect of population unexpected ®nding because the great majority of the
strati®cation. Both trios composed by father, mother, sample (77%) was of the ADHD combined type. In an
and affected child and parent/proband pairs were attempt to further replicate the ®ndings from Daly et al.
included in the HRR analyses. Heterozygote parent/ [1999], sub-sets of probands de®ned by the presence
proband pairs with the same genotype were excluded and the absence of familial history of ADHD were also
because the transmission status of parental alleles evaluated (Table I). No preferential transmission was
could not be determined [Schaid and Sommer, 1994; observed in the families with ADHD parental diagnosis
Curtis and Sham, 1995]. As we had a previous hypo- (one-tailed P ˆ 0.42). However, the signi®cant associa-
thesis of association, a one-tailed signi®cance level of tion with the A2 allele was maintained in families
5% was used for each test. where there was no familial history of the disorder
because it was transmitted 62 times and not trans-
RESULTS mitted 47 times (one-tailed P ˆ 0.01). These ®ndings
differ from those reported by Daly et al. [1999]
We genotyped 88 ADHD probands and 155 parents regarding similar sub-groups of ADHD families.
assessed from 67 mother, father, and affected child
trios, and 21 parent/child pairs. Whereas most of
the probands presented DSM-IV ADHD combined type
(77%), 16% of the probands were of the inattentive In the present study, an association between the
type, and 7% of the hyperactive/impulsive type of DBH TaqI A2 allele and ADHD was detected in a
the disorder. The age ranged between four and 17 sample of Brazilian ADHD families, suggesting a role
years, and males accounted for 87% of the sample. for this gene in the susceptibility for this disorder. The
Eighty-six percent of the subjects were from European effect was similar when both the whole sample and only
descent. Only 25% of the probands did not meet DSM-IV ADHD combined type probands were consid-
diagnostic criteria for other psychiatric disorders. The ered. A greater in¯uence of the A2 allele was observed
most common comorbid condition was oppositional when families with no ADHD parental diagnosis were
de®ant disorder (41%), but anxiety disorders (15%), evaluated. Moreover, there was no association with the
conduct disorder (14%), and bipolar disorder (8%) also DBH gene in the families that had at least one parent
co-occurred with ADHD. The mean IQ in the subjects with a positive diagnosis of ADHD.
was 91. Forty-one percent of the families had ADHD The ®nding regarding our whole sample con®rms the
parental diagnosis. previous report from Daly et al. [1999]. Our study can
The allele frequencies in the unrelated Caucasian be considered a true replication of their work, since we
parents were 0.40 for the A1 allele and 0.60 for the A2 used the same family-based method and laboratory

TABLE I. HRR Analyses of DBH A2 Allele for the Whole Sample of ADHD Probands,* for Families With ADHD Parental Diagnosis
(FH‡),{ and for Families With no Familial History of ADHD (FH ){

Full sample FH‡ FH

A2 A1 Total A2 A1 Total A2 A1 Total

T 99 50 149 31 22 53 62 26 88
NT 83 66 149 32 21 53 47 41 88
Total 182 116 298 63 43 106 109 67 176
82 patients from 67 trios and 15 parent/child pairs; w2 ˆ 3.61, one-tailed P ˆ 0.03.
30 patients from 23 trios and 7 parent/child pairs; w2 ˆ 0.04, one-tailed P ˆ 0.42.
44 patients (only trios); w2 ˆ 5.42, one-tailed P ˆ 0.01.
T, transmitted; NT, not transmitted.
Association Between ADHD and the DBH Gene 157

procedures and a similar clinical assessment. The investigations are needed to clarify the exact involve-
particular effect of the DBH gene in the combined type ment of the DBH gene in ADHD (familial or non-
probands reported by Daly et al. [1999] was also seen in familial?) and to understand the functional signi®cance
our combined type patients. As already noted, the effect of this polymorphism. The search for other polymorph-
of the A2 allele in this sub-set was similar to that isms within the gene that could be in linkage disequili-
observed in our whole sample, which simply could be brium with the TaqI RSP increasing the susceptibility
due to the predominance of this type of the disorder. to ADHD is also open for further investigations.
However, it is possible that the DBH gene affects the
two ADHD domains, i.e., inattention and hyperactivity/
impulsivity. Both dopamine and norepinephrine sys-
tems seem to underlie the pathophysiology of ADHD, The authors thank Drs. ClaÂudia M. Szobot, Natalia
probably with distinct in¯uences on each set of Soncini, SõÂlvia O. Martins, and Silza Tramontina and
symptoms [Pliszka et al., 1996; Barkley, 1997]. Since the staff of the AmbulatoÂrio de TerapeÃuticas ClõÂnicas,
the DbH enzyme converts dopamine to norepinephrine, ServicËo de Psiquiatria da InfaÃncia e AdolesceÃncia,
coupling both systems, this enzyme could be considered Departamento de Psiquiatria e Medicina Legal, Hospi-
a link between the two ADHD domains. Thus, a tal de ClõÂnicas de Porto Alegre for help in data
pronounced effect of the DBH locus in samples where collection, and to Maria IneÃs S. Martins for technical
both inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive symptoms assistance.
are overrepresented would not be surprising.
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