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Our bodies keep giving us nudges on how harmonious our internal world is.

Starting with
relatively innofensive nudges and up to chronic or deadly diseases, we could use the symptoms
for our personal self growth, and I believe that by doing our inner work we are quite directly
releasing burdens and sufferings of the rest of the world. Let me explain why.

Just as the water in the sea could be decomposed into and analyzed by each drop it contains, the
humanity as a whole could be broken up into and analyzed though each individual it contains.
How many of us have looked at what is going on in another part of the world and felt helplessly
small in the face of terror? Yet, how many of us have both actively and passively ignored things
that made us cringe and were happening under our noses?

It is fairly easy to assume that bad things happen to unfortunate people and that our
participation in their life is very unlikely. But what if our work could start with paying more
attention to how you, me and those around us are treating one's own needs.

I had hard time finding information on how many people are being currently prescribed
medication (but it did flash several times in my research that in US it's about 70% of the whole
population. Alarming to say the least), there is plenty of data on how many people consume
illegal drugs a year, though. And I do not consider illegal drugs to be less of a numbing agent and
a method of escapism, it's just a lot more information to cover. Although the idea behind the use
(and abuse) of these substances is pretty similar to the prescription ones, in my opinion.

It is important to mention, that a medication does not irradicate the actual problem being
addressed, but simply corrects the symptom which is clear to the person analysing it. For
example, the most basic painkiller, something most of us have used at some point, does nothing
to the core pain itself and simply 'numbs' the brain receptor that informs us of the inflammation,
or whatever it is that's causing the pain in the first place. Meaning that the root cause of the
pain is still there and in specially bad scenarios, actually keeps thriving and expanding. Similarly
to the way we adress physical pain, the vast majority of people that treat mental and emotional
pain with prescription medication only tend to grow immune to the initial drug doses and
sometimes even the prescriptions as a whole.

What is the actual difference between people that hurt others and people that ignore their own
pain? The classic expression 'hurt people hurt' makes its way through at this point. There is no
relieving others of suffering until one is capable of doing same favor to oneself.

I am a firm believer that those who have recurrent physical symptoms can find a quite obvious
correlation to patterns of emotional distress, that more often than not can be traced back to
their belief systems.

We all have grown up in relatively limited contexts, where reality has been shaped by what was
being built around us. So when being confronted with a new idea, it is ok not to take it for
granted. and it is ok to get mad. and it is ok take time to forgive whoever you need to forgive.
But if you feel your life could be better, and you're willing to try - know that there will always be
someone willing to support you in your journey - whether you can ask for support in person or
you have to google it and find the people doing the work - you are covered. Because, just as in
the sea and drops metaphor - we are one. And there will always be someone on your side as
long as you're working towards wellness, truth and bigger love.

Fortunately for those who ARE interested in practicing some self-love and deeper understanding
of both their body and their psyche, many people over the years have dedicated themselves to
study the correlation between the body language and the metaphysical reasons for why it
sometimes shouts at us. And what a luxury to have loads of this information summarized and
available free of charge. I am including some links to articles that further develop these ideas in
the end of this text.

We are far more capable of helping the universal flow of justice and beauty flow if we only take a
minute to wonder about our real role in it.

And before closing this, let me leave it clear that I am aware that pain CAN be extreme and in
some cases going on without medication is unbearable and that medication didn't appear to
make our lives worse, quiet the opposite. It is giving up one's power completely to an external
authority that's not ok. No one and no thing could ever make it better if we don't believe we are
worthy of living a life where we have the authority to create a fulfilling, happy life versus just a
painless one. We really have to put in heart, thought and self-love to effect a change



A couple of links for further consutation:

(please be mindful of your diet, occupations and relationship dynamics to further understand
phenomena that might be affecting your wellbeing)

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