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August 15 - First Day of School 

● Present Blended classroom, explain Formative and videos 
● Students complete “First Day Formative” and are asked some initial survey 
questions in order to gather their initial perceptions 
○ Multiple Choice: How does the idea of a blended classroom make you feel? 
A. I’m excited to try it out! I’m on board with the idea. 
B. I’m down to try it, but we’ll see how it goes! 
C. I’m nervous and unsure about it. 
D. I’m not excited about it. I’m against the idea.   
○ Why? (open-ended/free response question so students can elaborate on 
their answer from the multiple choice question)  
○ What questions do you have concerning our blended classroom? 
(open-ended/free response) 
August 19 (First Day of Content) through September 5 - Unit 1 
● Students will sit with and work with the same group for the first nine weeks. 
Anything in class that is a “group” activity will be done with this group. 
● Two+ writing warm-ups per unit - Students write silently and independently for ~3 
minutes (depending on the prompt.) Then, students trade writing samples with a 
partner and silently and independently peer-edit, both for accuracy and clarity of 
writing, for ~2 minutes. Next, students discuss their answers and edits with their 
partner. Finally, teacher guides whole class through a discussion of the question. 
Students may be called on to share their thoughts with the class. 
● Group pow-wow every day after warm-up in which students will be discussing a 
specific question off of a Formative and documenting their thoughts on a discussion 
● Review days (September 3rd & 4th) - “Unfair game” 
○ Teacher will choose a question off of the review or a past Formative. 
Students will work with their group on the question and discuss the solution. 
○ Teacher will draw a name of student who will work (or stick their work under 
the document camera to project it) and explain the solution to the class. 
They can ask their team for support if needed but they must 
repeat/rephrase it in their own words. If they are successful, their team gets 
a point.   
○ This game is called the “Unfair game” because students’ names can be put 
back in and drawn again. Also, it’s fun to be able to make silly rules or add in 
fun things to the game and it all falls under the “unfair” umbrella. 
● Include writing questions on test review. Teacher will provide exemplar response on 
the answer key.  
September 6 through 23 (Unit 2) and September 24 through October 7 (Unit 3) - Repeat the 
Unit 1 cycle for each future unit 
Sometime in September - have initial goal setting conference with appraising principal. My 
goal will involve getting students to collaborate and communicate. I will share my action 
research plan with my appraiser.  
October 10 - Last day of the 1st nine weeks 
● Students take 1st nine weeks Survey via Formative 
○ Likert Scale Questions (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly 
disagree) followed by free-response question to elaborate/clarify what they 
■ I can learn effectively from the videos. 
■ I like learning from the videos.  
■ I like using Formative. 
■ I communicate my thought process regularly in class. 
■ I feel connected to other students in our class. 
■ I like the way we review for tests. 
○ Yes/No Question: Would you want your math class to use this same Blended 
model next year? 
○ Free Response/Open-ended Question: What suggestions do you have for 
me? What would need to happen in order for you feel positively about our 
Blended classroom? 
● Results will be recorded in a spreadsheet.  

October 11 - Day after survey 

● Conduct interviews with 9 students (pull during class or from their study hall.) Using 
their responses from the nine weeks survey, the following selection of students 
would be made for the interviews: 
○ high academic achiever, positive perceptions of blended 
○ high academic achiever, neutral perceptions of blended 
○ high academic achiever, negative perceptions of blended 
○ middle academic achiever, positive perceptions of blended 
○ middle academic achiever, neutral perceptions of blended 
○ middle academic achiever, negative perceptions of blended 
○ low academic achiever, positive perceptions of blended 
○ low academic achiever, neutral perceptions of blended 
○ low academic achiever, negative perceptions of blended 
● Questions would be open-ended and students would be pushed to elaborate and go 
into more detail with follow up questions. 
○ What do you like/dislike about the videos? 
○ What do you like/dislike about Formative? 
○ What do you like/dislike about what we do in class? 
○ What do you like/dislike about group work? 
● Answers will be recorded via voice recorder on iPhone. Meaningful quotes will be 
recorded into Google doc. 
● After getting survey results, I will reflect on student feedback and make changes as 
necessary (increasing the amount of writing/peer-editing, changing pow-wow 
structure, changing review day structure, etc.) 

Repeat this process three more times for each nine weeks grading period (end of 2nd nine 
weeks is in December, end of 3rd nine weeks is in March, end of 4th nine weeks is in May) 
Sometime in April/May - have summative conference with appraising principal. I will share 
the spreadsheet of survey results from throughout the year, reflect on my efforts, and set 
new goals. I will discuss the possibility of presenting during teacher inservice and sharing 
the results as well as what techniques and activities were effective so that other teachers 
might implement in their own classrooms. 

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