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Disease Tiếng Việt Main reservoirs Usual mode of

transmission to humans
Anthrax Bệnh than livestock, wild animals, direct contact, ingestion
Animal influenza Cúm gia súc livestock, humans may be reverse zoonosis
Avian influenza Dịch cúm gia cầm poultry, ducks direct contact
Bovine tuberculosis Bệnh lao bò cattle milk
Brucellosis Bệnh Brucella cattle, goats, sheep, pigs dairy products, milk
Cat scratch fever Sốt mèo cào cats bite, scratch
Cysticercosis Cysticercosis cattle, pigs meat
Cryptosporidiosis cattle, sheep, pets water, direct contact
Enzootic abortion farm animals, sheep direct contact, aerosol
Erysipeloid pigs, fish, environment direct contact
Fish tank granuloma fish direct contact, water
Campylobacter poultry, farm animals raw meat, milk
Salmonella poultry, cattle, sheep, pigs foodborne
Giardiasis humans, wildlife waterborne, person to
Glanders horse, donkey, mule direct contact
Haemorrhagic colitis Viêm đại tràng xuất huyết ruminants direct contact (and
Hantavirus rodents aerosol
Hepatitis E Viêm gan E not yet known not yet known
Hydatid disease dogs, sheep ingestion of eggs excreted
by dog
Leptospirosis rodents, ruminants infected urine, water
Listeriosis cattle, sheep, soil dairy produce, meat
Louping ill sheep, grouse direct contact, tick bite
Lyme disease Bệnh Lyme ticks, rodents, sheep, deer, small tick bite
Lymphocytic rodents direct contact
Orf sheep direct contact
Pasteurellosis Nhiễm trùng huyết dogs, cats, many mammals bite/scratch, direct contact
Plague Tai họa rats and their fleas flea bite
Psittacosis Bệnh truyền nhiễm birds, poultry, ducks aerosol, direct contact
Q fever Sốt Q cattle, sheep, goats, cats aerosol, direct contact,
milk, fomites
Rabies Bệnh dại dogs, foxes, bats, cats animal bite
Rat bite fever Cơn sốt cắn (sốt Haverhill) rats bite/scratch, milk, water
(Haverhill fever)
Rift Valley fever cattle, goats, sheep direct contact, mosquito
Ringworm Nấm ngoài da cats, dogs, cattle, many animal direct contact
Streptococcal sepsis Nhiễm khuẩn huyết cầu khuẩn pigs direct contact, meat
Streptococcal sepsis Nhiễm khuẩn huyết cầu khuẩn horses, cattle direct contact, milk
Tickborne Viêm não do ve rodents, small mammals, livestock tickbite, unpasteurised
encephalitis milk products
Toxocariasis dogs, cats direct contact
Toxoplasmosis cats, ruminants ingestion of faecal
oocysts, meat
Trichinellosis pigs, wild boar pork products
Tularemia rabbits, wild animals, environment, direct contact, aerosol,
ticks ticks, inoculation
Ebola, Crimean- Virut Ebola variously: rodents, ticks, livestock, direct contact, inoculation,
Congo HF, Lassa primates, bats ticks
and Marburg viruses
West Nile fever wild birds, mosquitoes mosquito bite
Zoonotic diphtheria Bệnh bạch hầu cattle, farm animals, dogs direct contact, milk


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