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12 Essentials of Good Communication - Presentation

1. 12 Essentials Of Good Communication
2. Find out the real purpose of your communication
3. See that your ideas are clear before communicating
4. Where appropriate, consult others in planning communications
5. Be sincere and honest in your communication
6. Communicate in a simple, clear and effective way
7. Know the basic content of your message and consider any possible overtones
8. Study all the conditions, physical and human whenever you communicate
9. Whenever possible, convey something of help or value to the receiver
10. Communicate in advance as much as possible
11. Ensure your actions are consistent with your communications
12. Follow up all communications promptly
13. Do more than be understood. Be a good listener
14. The End If you really want to excel you need to communicate well With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Essentials Of Effective Communication - Presentation

1. Essentials of Effective Communication Or C’s of Good communication By- Namita singh
2. Essentials of communication
 Qualities which are essential for a good letter are collectively called C’s of
communication b’coz most of them begins from letter “C”
 Letters are written for getting & giving Quotation, Making& answering enquires
contracting potential consumers, persuading potential customers to buy , making&
answering complaints , making credit enquires , collecting dues maintaining relation
with the various members of public.
3. Correctness
o A letter must be correct in every aspect
o In spelling, grammer and use of language- Incorrect language spoils the message and
distracts reader.
o In appearance & form of layout- Poor & untidy layout , uneven space, creates poor
impression .
o In the information it conveys- Wrong & incomplete information is the most harmful thing in
the letter
4. Clarity
o The message of the letter must be clear at first reading. There should be clarity of thoughts
and clarity of language.
o The information explosion of today takes up so much of everyone’s time, people
appreciates letter that takes very little time to read & understand.
5. Cont.. Clarity
o Example-“Please state from what date the patient was ordered to stay in bed”
o Simple form- When Patient is asked to take bed rest.
o Clarity depends on 5 Factors-
o Simple common everyday words which common man can understand.
o Short and simple sentence.
o Proper punctuations
o Logical sequence
6. Conciseness-
o It means expressing much in few words; In business writing it means keeping to the point,
using as few words as possible without sacrificing clarity and completeness. It can be
achieved by-
o Leaving out unnecessary words
o Leaving out unnecessary details
o Example- “We would appreciate receiving the goods as early as possible since
arrangement have to be made for export so that they will reach oue foreign customer.
7. Cont……. Conciseness
o Please dispatch the goods so as to reach us by 7 September since we have to ship them
to Mexico by the 17 th .
o We can concise the message by giving correct details instead of the vague phrases
8. Courtesy
o It is the consideration for the other people’s feeling. It is seen in an individual’s behaviour
with others.
o In the letter, the style, the manner & the choice of words reflects the courtesy of the writer.
o Use courtesy words like please, thanks and sorry.
o Express appropriate feeling according to the situation.
o Use phrases like- “ We appreciate your promptness in sending the goods”
9. Completeness
o One must send the complete message providing all necessary facts & figure.
o Incomplete communication annoyes the receiver.
o Incompleteness creates the misunderstanding.
10. Customer’s point of view
o Letter must contains information which customer’s are interested in receiving.
o It should not contain irrelevant information.
o Whatever we communicate it should be value to the receiver.
o Our awareness of the needs of the receiver will make him more receptive.


1) The idea to be communicated should be clearly formed and the

facts and figures centering on that idea should be formulated in

positive and precise terms.

2) Communication will have the desired response if involves

participation of others concerned with the contents of the


3) Communication should not be offensive in content and high handed

in its approach.
4) Communication channel should be appropriate depending on the

nature and purpose of contents to be conveyed.

5) Communication should be so strategically planned that it motivates

the communication to act upon it.

See all topics On Communication

Effective Communication

plays one of the crucial roles of ensuring a company can achieve its goal and objectives. Just for a
moment, imagine that due to bad ineffective communication, many of staff do not understand what the
management are trying to convey to them! It will be disastrous

Following are the essential qualities for achieving excellence in communication.

1.Command of Languages

An average Indian mostly learns three languages in the normal course.

• The Mother Tongue-Specific to one’s community, i.e. Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil
etc. The language one learns to speak from parents, family members and close relatives is
one’s mother tongue. This is not only the first communication medium but also a great
bonding factor. It is easiest to master at an early age.

• Hindi being the National language becomes the second language to learn. Thanks to the
growing interstate mobility and tourism, Hindi is making its presence felt even in non-Hindi
speaking Regions.

• Last but not the least, English has emerged as the strongest link language, at the National
and International levels. It is the common coveted medium of communication amongst the
educated and modern upwardly mobile population.

• In nutshell good knowledge of one regional knowledge, Hindi and English is imperative for
an Indian to be successful in life.

• Knowledge of one or more foreign languages gives anyone a definite edge over others.

What does command of language mean?

• Rich vocabulary-Effort should be made to increase one’s word power constantly.

• Good knowledge of grammar, i.e. tenses, sentence formation and usage of parts of
speech etc.

• Appropriate use of words and expressions

Frequent use of dictionary, thesaurus and grammar books, improves and enhances language

Communication whether written or spoken should originate from clear thinking. Reading and
writing are two habits that greatly help in developing clear thinking by eliminating confusion.

3.The Content or Subject Matter

The subject matter or content whether for a written or oral presentation or paper should be
developed carefully. Details only pertaining to the subject should be included. The source of
all the information and its validity should be ascertained.

Once the content matter has been sourced, it should be organized in such an order that one
idea leads to another, finally evolving into a logical and satisfactory conclusion.

Saying more in fewer words is the quality of great writers and speakers. In the modern age of
speed no one has the time for unnecessary details. But clarity must not be sacrificed for

6. K I S S (Keep it short and simple)

Short and simple sentences used to convey the message correctly, are far superior to the long
winding ones leading to confusion.

7.Good Expression
It Means appropriate use of words and expressions. Wrong use can land one into embarrassing
situations and sometime into dangerous ones.

8.Good body language-In case of oral presentations

A neat and pleasant demeanor, relaxed but smart posture, timely gestures and a frank and
direct eye contact with the audience keeps the interest of the audience alive. It also
sometimes makes up for any little slip on the part of the speaker.

9.Good Pronunciation
Whatever language one speaks, faultless pronunciation is always very impressive. Good Voice,
Tone and Pitch: -

• Some are born with good resonant voice but others can cultivate it through constant

• A sincere tone of voice always appeals to the audience.

• A good speaker knows how to control the pitch of his voice. Proper rise and fall of voice
add drama to speech and make it more interesting.

10. Self Confidence

It is the alchemy that can at times transform very ordinary speech into a success. But a self-
confident speaker having other attributes as well remains a winner throughout.

Apart form having the above-mentioned qualities, a good presentation and an impressive
piece of writing is always devoid of verbose and repetitions. It sustains the interest of its
audience/readers and generates requisite response.

Essentials of Communication
One of the most basic things we need to be able to do at work is communicate effectively.
One way to start the communication process is by being candid and self-disclosing. Tell others
how you feel about a situation and encourage their feedback.

Many management consultants would say that the successful functioning of a team, department
or group is directly related to how effectively the members communicate with one another in
group situations.

It seems that almost every organisation could have better communication between managers and

Employees often show concern about the quality and quantity of communication at work.

In a nutshell, effective communications in the workplace are those which enable us to

accomplish our goals.

Effective communication can help us play a more productive role. It helps us get greater
recognition for the tasks we accomplish, and ultimately, it can help those around us communicate
better. In general, positive communication leads to a more productive workplace.

Over time, communication, or lack of communication, tends to be blamed for nearly every
negative that a company experiences.

And there is no doubt that ineffective communication does cause problems. It often results in
poor co-operation and co-ordination, lower productivity, undercurrents of tension, gossip and
rumours, and increased staff turnover and absenteeism.

Some workers claim that management gives only lip service to open communication but does
little to really communicate with them.
Others contend their organisations believe that posting notices
on bulletin boards and sending out memos provide adequate
communication. Still others say that they receive vague
instructions that are difficult to follow.

Verbal interactive communication involves the two parties exchanging information using a
common spoken language. This may be done by speaking to a person face to face, using a radio
or a telephone. They must pass on clear, precise messages and listen carefully to each other.

It might be very basic, but two of the real fundamentals in communication are to listen well and
to speak clearly.

 Skilful listening makes other people feel heard, and it also ensures that you're getting
authentic, good quality information and are making deeper and more positive connections
with others. Poor listening happens often, and results in miscommunications and
 Speaking too quickly can make it difficult for people to understand what it is you are
trying to communicate. Similarly, speaking too slowly or speaking in a very individual
manner that other people are not familiar with, can create communication barriers.

Generally, people want to feel heard more than they care about whether you agree with them. It's
strange how many people complain about others not hearing them, yet they don't listen to others

Of course, what someone says and what we hear can be amazingly different! Our personal filters,
assumptions, judgments, and beliefs can distort what we hear. A good technique when listening,
is to repeat back or summarise to ensure that you understand. Restate what you think you heard
and ask, "Have I understood you correctly?" This is active listening.

To listen actively, you need to make eye contact and watch for non-verbal clues. Other tips for
good listening include:

 Think of the other person’s point of view (empathise);

 Take notes if required;
 Don’t interrupt, ask questions only when the other person has finished making his or her
 Ask questions to check your understanding; and
 Provide feedback.
Non-verbal communication messages can be expressed with gestures, facial expressions, signs,
signals and other methods. These can be important ways to communicate in some

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