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Fighting the Formidable

Tanya Ward Jordan

K. Jordan Photo Collections

I lifted my voice.
I made a choice to tell of an agency’s acts of racial INEQUALITY.
In reprisal, my Federal employer doomed me to a government office,
a storage room, so unbearable.

Yet, within the confined airless space,

my muted cries tugged at the ears of my ancestors,
who had suffered captivity and harm -- so incomparable.
And . . . in heavenly time,
beyond the Federal walls meant to CHILL me,
I emerged with S-T-R-E-N-G-T-H renewed.
Like a Phoenix rising from ashes, I APPEARED.
Although “man” plotted to silence me,
and celebrated their wicked revenge;
thinking me—breakable.
They knew NOTHING of how my God
had fashioned me for a DIVINE MISSION.

It is unmistakable.
God made me unshakable.

Each day, I awake into my PURPOSE.

Absolute in my quest for EQUALITY,

I formed the Coalition For Change

to support others with a common pain.

Today, I heal by helping others.

Joining in an alliance to battle an unjust GIANT that seems so—unstoppable.
Yet, I am guided forward, knowing . . .
In Christ, All Things are Possible!

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