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Property of DAMUS LIMITED. No further reproduction or networking is permitted unless authorized by the Company, ASME BPUCILA-2015 sea MANDATORY APPENDIX 4 ROUNDED INDICATIONS CHARTS ACCEPTANCE STANDARD FOR RADIOGRAPHICALLY DETERMINED ROUNDED INDICATIONS IN WELDS 4-1 APPLICABILITY OF THESE STANDARDS ‘These standards are applicable to ferrtie, austenitic, and nonferrous materials. Table 4-1 Maxim Sie of Accopable Rounded yaximum Sine of ation Noarelevant Mheknas. Random in Less than mE © % oasn bee ans he nos 0063 nts he nora aes nay % oon az oun the ony a4 oon y ows alee ast & 0386 = 0210 nat She ase 0230 aot to 2 th oss a80 ost 3 ‘Acceptable Rounds ods. ls ls e 20 2 4 190 19 30, et JCENIWAL NOTE: Thi Table cotalas vxamples only CONTROLLED DOCUMENT 393 4-2. TERMINOLOGY (a) Rounded indications, indications with 9 maxcinsum length of three times the width or less on the radiograph are defined as rounded indications. These indications may be etrcular, elliptical, conical, or irregular in shape and may have talls. When evaluating the size of an indication, the til shall be included. The indication may be from any Imperfection in the weld, such as porosity, slag, or tungsten, (2) Aligned indications. A sequence of four or more rounded indications shall be considered to be aligned ‘when they touch a line parallel to the length of the weld drawn through the centor of the two outer rounded indications {fe} Thickness t isthe thickness of the weld, excluding any allowable reinforcement: For a but weld joining two mombers having different thicknesses at the weld, ¢ isthe inner of these two thicknesses. IF full penetration weld Includes a filet weld, the thickness ofthe throat of the fi- Jt shall be included tn 4-3 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (a) Image Density. Density within the image of the indi- cation may vary and Is nota erterion for acceptance oF rojection.. (8) Relevant Indications. (See Table 4-1 for examples) ‘Only those rounded indications wihich exceed the follow: ing dimensions shall be considered relevant. (2) Yoo for £ less than % in, (3 mm) (2) Youn. for € from Yin to % tn, (3 mum to 6 mm), (3) Ya in. for ¢ greater than 7, In, to 2 in, (6 mm to 50 mm). inc (4 Yao in, fort greater than 2 in, (50 mm) (©) Maximum Size of Rounded Indication. (See Table 4-1 for examples.) The maximum permissible size of any indication shal he J, or pein. (4 m9, whichever is smaller; except that an Isolated indication separated from an adjacent indication by 1 tn, (25 mm) or more may be Yat, or Yin. (6 mm), whichever is less. For t ‘renter than 2, (50 mun) the maxinom permissible size of an isolated indication shall be increased to % In. (40 mn),

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