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Komponen Teks:

I. Fungsi Sosial Teks

II. Struktur Teks
III. Unsur Kebahasaan

I. Fungsi sosial, mengidentifikasi:

1. Topik/Gambaran Umum

a) What is the topic of the text?

b) The topic of the text is ....
c) The text tells us about ....
d) What does the text mostly tell us about?
e) The text tells us about ....
f) What is the message about?

2. Tujuan/Fungsi/Pesan
a) The text is written to ....
b) What is the text written for?
c) The writer’s intention to write the text is to....
d) The writer wrote the text to ....

3. Latar Belakang/Alasan
a) Why did she write the message?
b) The writer wrote the text in order to ....

4. Akibat/dampak/manfaat adanya informasi tersebut

a) What do we get from the text?
b) What do we get by reading the text?
c) What is the benefit of reading the text?
d) What is the advantage of reading the text?
e) By reading the text the reader will ....

5. Sikap/Nilai yang diusung

a) What is the moral value of the text?
b) What can we learn from the text?

6. Peran dan fungsi pembicara/penulis

a) The text is written by a ....
b) The writer of the text above is likely a ....

7. Peran dan fungsi pendengar/pembaca/Target/sasaran penulisan teks

a) Who is the text addressed to?
b) The text will be useful for ....
c) The text is useful for....
d) The text is addressed to ....
8. Konteks penggunaan ( tempat ditemukannya teks, waktu, situasi)
a) The text is likely found at ....
b) The writer wrote the text in ....
c) The text can be found in/at....
d) Where can you find such a text?

II. Struktur teks, mengidentifikasi :

1. Pandangan/maksud/Pendapat yang menjadi ide utama

a) The main idea of paragraph two is ....
b) What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
c) The main idea of the third paragraph is....
d) What does the second paragraph tell us about?

2. Opini /karakter (narrative, descriptive, recount)

a) Based on the text, the writer’s brother is a....
b) Based on the text we know that the old woman is a....

3. Unsur Penting yang Menjadi Fokus (advertisement)

a) What product is advertised in the text?
b) What is so special about the hotel?

4. Tindak Lanjut setelah membaca teks

a) After reading the message, Dinda will likely....
b) What should Dinda do after reading the message?
c) What will the readers/the recipient likely do after reading the text?

5. Dampak apabila langkah-langkah tidak diikuti dengan baik (procedure)

 If we do not ...., it will likely...

6. Rincian argumentasi, latar belakang peristiwa (narrative, recount)

a) Why did Malin Kundang leave his village?
b) Why did the writer visit Borobudur?
c) Snow white escaped to the forest because...
d) The writer was frightened because....
e) A tiger is classified into a cat family because ....

7. Karakter tokoh utama dalam teks

a) Paragraph ... tells us that the man is a....
b) Cinderella was a kind hearted girl. It can be found in paragraph...

8. Rincian Langkah-langkah (Procedure Text), Pentingnya mengikuti langkah dan dampak jika
tidak mengikuti langkah.
a) Before slicing the onion, we have to ....
b) We have to stir the mixture gently in order to....
c) We should spray the water regularly to....
d) If we do not .... , It will likely...
9. Rincian Peristiwa (Narrative, Recount) Menentukan hal-hal yang terjadi dan tidak terjadi
berdasarkan teks.
a) How did the mother give lesson to her daughter?
b) What will likely happen to Cinderella if she did not return home at midnight?
c) What would likely happen if the writer did not come into the old house?

10. Rincian Deskripsi

a) What can we see in the top of the building?
b) How was the stupa of Borobudur formed?
c) What is the function of Orchid in medical field?
d) From the text we know that the farmer is a .... man.

11. Rincian Unsur-unsur

a) The drug should be stored in ....
b) The product is used for ....

12. Plot, Alur Pikiran

a) The problem of the story can be found in paragraph ....
b) The first paragraph tells us .... (the definition of ...)
c) The solution of the problem is at the ... paragraph.

III. Unsur kebahasaan, mengidentifikasi:

1. Persamaan Kata
a) The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
b) The synonym of the underlined word is ....
c) The word ... is closest in meaning to ...

2. Rujukan kata tertentu

The underlined word refers to....

3. Word Order / Jumbled words

4. Paragraf rumpang; mementukan kata atau bentuk gramatika yang tepat untuk melengkapi
teks. (based on the text).
5. Articles, demonstrative, Possesive Pronoun
6. Agreement dan number (singular or plural)
7. Tense
8. Passive Voice
9. Referensi Gramatika (I do, She does. They did)
10. Kata sambung (Conjunction)
11. Preposisi (Preposition)
12. Referensi makna (Reference)
13. Menyusun kata acak menjadi kalimat yang padu.
14. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraf/teks yang padu


1. What is the writer’s intention? tujuan teks

2. the text is intended to … tujuan teks

3. What does the text tell us about? tujuan teks

4. In the text above, the writer wants to say .... tujuan teks
5. What is the best title of the text? menanyakan judul teks

6. Where can we find such announcement? menanyakan keberadaan teks

7. The advertisement is intended for .... menanyakan konsumen iklan

8. What time is the meeting held? menanyakan info tertentu

I. STRUKTUR TEKS 1. What should you do if ... (you have already caught the object of your menanyakan tindakan yg akan
photo)? diambil

2. What will happen if you do not press and hold in the photo button? meramalkan

3. What should we do first before to the party? meramalkan

4. What would happen if the girl didn’t wear long white cloth? meramalkan

5. How should the mouse do to get out of the basket? meramalkan

6. What will Ms. Emily do on receiving the message? meramalkan

7. What was the main problem of the story? informasi tersirat

8. How could you describe the girl? informasi tersirat

9. Paragraph two describes penguin in terms of its .... informasi tersirat

10. How did the writer probably feel before the announcement? informasi tersirat

1. The writer felt very happy ... she knew that she got the highest score in the kata penghubung,
KEBAHASAAN 2. The underlined word is closest in meaning to ... makna kata

3. What does the word ‘it’ refer to? rujukan kata

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