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Jill April N.

Dumapias BSN 1- Pearl

1. What is the significance and role of Mathematics in our world/ life?

 Mathematics is significant and plays a major role in today’s modern world.
Math is critical for development and advancement of technology, science,
medicine, businesses, and is part of everyday life. Biologists conduct
mathematical research to develop new medicines, businesses, work with
statistics, and engineers deal with all levels of math to create your
computers, phones, cars, buses, airplanes, roads, bridges homes,
electricity, the internet, and many more. Cooking, counting, dealing with
money, calculating time and distance are all some examples of how we
are using math in our everyday lives. The advances in technology that we
have today are not possible without the advancement of mathematics.
2. How is Mathematics reflected in my life as a student?
 Mathematics is most widely used subject in the world, and we cannot live
without it. As a nursing student, Mathematics reflected in my life by
learning a lot of things such as balancing my responsibilities in school,
budgeting my allowance, time management, and also buying stuffs for my
projects. I used to balance my school responsibilities and my family fairly.
For budgeting my allowance, I budgeted it by buying food those are not
too expensive. Therefore, for the things in this world cannot be made
known without a knowledge of mathematics. Math is the part of learning
process for student experiences.
3. What are my learnings in Mathematics in the Modern World subject and how
does it help me to become a better person?
 Based from our instructor Mrs. Emma S. Rulona who helped us to learn
what’s all about mathematics and how importance in our daily lives. Of all
the topics that Ma’am Rulona discussed the one that I mostly remembered
was Mathematics in our World how the nature mathematics lies in beauty.
Environment and the things surrounds us can be described
mathematically. Rocks which we walk can exhibit nature’s sense of
symmetry. It stated that the principle in nature that represents the center
of balance between two or more opposing sides. In this subject, it made
me become a better person, as I mentioned the word “balance” of all my
problems that I overcome in my life I know how to handle, balance, and
find my own solutions. Because I believe mathematics gives us every
reason to hope that every problem has a solution.

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