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1. A list of ideas arranged systematically to show the relationship of ideas in a

2. It is the first stage during which the writer needs to consider three main factors:
topic, audience, and purpose.
3. It is a type of outlining that summarizes the main topics and subtopics in the
article in words or phrases.
4. It is a type of outlining that uses complete sentences for each topic and
subtopics as it is more informative compared to topic sentence.
5. It is the most informal kind of outline in which you jot down your main
supporting points and possible evidence and analysis. It helps the writer narrow
the material to present a convincing and logical argument.
6. It refers to the process of coming up with as many ideas as possible about a topic
without being worried about the feasibility or whether an idea is realistic or not.
It can be done individually and then shared with the class or done as a group.
7. True or False. Outlines always follow a certain order of numbers or letters.
8. It is writing continuously without regard to spelling, grammar, style, etc., and no
corrections are made.
9. This refers to the 5W's and the 1H - who, what, when, where, why, and how.
10. This provides a mental picture of the ideas the writer generate and how they
connect to each other.

1. Outline
2. Pre-writing
3. Topic Outline
4. Sentence outline
5. Listing
6. Brainstorming
7. True
8. Free writing
9. Journalist Questions
10. Cluster or Mapping

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