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Bienvenido: r120csxc
Producto:  CAMIONES
Modelo:  773D CAMIONES 7ER
Configuracion: 773D Camiones Fuera de Carretera 7ER00001-00380 (MÁQUINA)
powered by 3412E Motor

Pruebas y AJUSTES
Número de medio -SENR1407-01 Fecha de publicación -19/09/1996 Fecha de Actualización -11/10/2001

Probar y ajustar

NOTA: Para más detalles sobre el sistema eléctrico, ver electrónico programable de control de transmisión (EPTC II) Manual
de servicio; SENR9122

NOTA: Automática Tracción Ayuda Electrónico (AETA) y Control Automático del Retardador (ARC) puede ser denominado
Sistema de Control de Tracción (TCS) en otras publicaciones. Utilice la información en el libro con la última fecha.

NOTA: Para obtener especificaciones con ilustraciones, hacer referencia a Especificaciones Para 773D camiones y la de
camiones Tren de fuerza 775D, SENR1406. Si las especificaciones en SENR1406 no son los mismos que en la Operación de
Sistemas y de la prueba y ajuste, mira la fecha de impresión en la portada de cada libro. Utilizar las especificaciones dadas en
el libro con la última fecha.

Convertidor de par
Presión de salida del convertidor de par en velocidad de pérdida ... 410 ± 70 kPa (60 ± 10 psi)

Válvula de alivio de entrada

Convertidor de par presión de entrada ... 930 ± 35 kPa (135 ± 5 psi)

Válvula de freno secundario y de estacionamiento

Libere la presión del freno de mano en alto ralentí ... 4.690 ± 200 kPa (680 ± 30 psi)

Bloqueo embrague y válvula de Grupo Sincronización

Válvula reductora de presión

El bloqueo de la presión de mando del embrague en alto ralentí ... 1725 ± 70 kPa (250 ± 10 psi)
Válvula de Reducción de Modulación

Bloqueo de presión máxima de embrague en posición de ralentí baja ... 1.725 ± 70 kPa (250 ± 10 psi)

Bloqueo de presión primaria de embrague en el ajuste de ralentí bajo ... 965 ± 35 kPa (140 ± 5 psi)

Transmisión Grupo de Control Hidráulico

La presión del grupo de válvula de control

Selector Y Presión Control de Grupo de Válvulas

Válvula de alivio de presión de la bomba de transmisión

Máxima presión de la bomba (al ralentí alto) ... 3210 kPa (465 psi)

Presión de la bomba mínima (a ralentí bajo) ... 2690 kPa (390 psi)
Válvula de Reducción de Prioridad

Presión de pilotaje ... 1725 ± 70 kPa (250 ± 10 psi)

Presión Transmisión Lubricación

La presión de lubricación de transmisión a alta ralentí ... 140 a 205 kPa (20 a 30 psi)

La presión de lubricación de transmisión en el ajuste de ralentí bajo ... 4 kPa (0,5 psi) mínimo

Breve resumen de la Operación

Sistema de Tren de fuerza Diagrama básico (simplificado)

1. El sensor de velocidad de transmisión magnética mide la velocidad del recorrido.

2. El programable de control de transmisión electrónica (EPTC II) utiliza la señal del sensor de velocidad de transmisión
para determinar cuándo cambiar. El EPTC II activa los solenoides para hacer turnos.
3. La entrada desde el sensor de velocidad de transmisión puede ser compartida. El enlace de datos Cat conecta el EPTC
II con el Sistema Monitor Caterpillar. Las acciones de distribución de velocidad de la información con la ayuda
automática Electrónico de Tracción (AETA) y Camión Sistema de Control de Carga (TPMS).
4. El interruptor de elevación cuerpo impide el funcionamiento reverso de la transmisión durante RAISE y operación
inferior del cuerpo. El interruptor cuerpo hacia arriba activa la función de límite de velocidad, la limitación de la
velocidad de la máquina, mientras que el cuerpo está para arriba.
5. El interruptor secundario / freno de estacionamiento y el interruptor del freno de servicio / retardador son entradas a
EPTC II. Cuando se activan el secundario / estacionamiento o servicio / retardador interruptores de freno, el
temporizador de anti-caza está desactivado. El interruptor de servicio / retardador, cuando se activa, hará que el
cambio de velocidades más altas.
6. El interruptor de palanca de cambios selecciona la velocidad y la dirección deseada.
7. Cuando se activa un cambio ascendente o solenoide de reducción de marcha, envía aceite a presión al actuador
rotatorio, que gira el carrete selector giratorio. Esta secuencia hace un par diferente (dos) de garras que se dedica a la
siguiente velocidad.
8. controles hidráulicos de transmisión individual (por separado) controlan el tiempo para participar (llenar el tiempo)
y desenganche (tiempo de liberación) cada embrague y la presión máxima en cada embrague.
9. Cuando se activa el solenoide de bloqueo, el aceite a presión se envía a la válvula de reducción de la modulación de la
válvula de embrague de bloqueo. Esto envía el aceite para enganchar el embrague de bloqueo del convertidor de par de
accionamiento directo.
10. El interruptor de la transmisión dice EPTC II lo engranaje de la transmisión está en. El interruptor de la transmisión
es girada por el carrete selector rotativo.
11. El EPTC II envía una señal a través del enlace de datos Cat para el Sistema Monitor Caterpillar y el engranaje se
muestra en el panel de instrumentos.

Descripción general

Sistema de Tren de fuerza Diagrama básico (simplificado)

NOTA: Para más detalles sobre el sistema eléctrico, por favor vea electrónico programable de control de transmisión (EPTC
II) Manual de servicio; SENR9122.
El tren de potencia se compone de cuatro sistemas básicos.

1. electrónico programable de control de transmisión (EPTC II).

2. convertidor de par.
3. Engranajes de transferencia y transmisión.
4. diferencial y mandos finales.

Estos cuatro sistemas básicos están conectados el uno al otro, ya sea eléctricamente, hidráulicamente o mecánicamente. Un
diagrama básico muestra qué componentes son comunes a cada sistema.

El funcionamiento del tren de potencia comienza en electrónico programable de control de transmisión (EPTC II) (sistema
eléctrico). EPTC II obtiene información de la velocidad de funcionamiento seleccionado a través del sistema eléctrico. El
sistema eléctrico activa los sistemas hidráulicos (transmisión y convertidor de par) a través de solenoides (ascendentes o
descendentes solenoides).

Los solenoides (cambio ascendente y cambio descendente) activan hidráulicamente el actuador giratorio de la transmisión.
El movimiento del actuador rotativo selecciona mecánicamente la posición de la bobina de mando giratorio. El flujo a través
del carrete selector giratorio activa hidráulicamente las válvulas correctas en el grupo de control de presión, para acoplar los
embragues de la transmisión correctos. Esto conecta mecánicamente el eje de entrada de la transmisión al eje de salida y el
diferencial. La transmisión no conducir el eje de salida a menos que haya flujo de energía a través del convertidor de par (ya
sea hidráulica o mecánicamente).

El convertidor de par impulsa la transmisión hidráulicamente, a menos que se activa el embrague de bloqueo. Cuando se
activa el solenoide de bloqueo, el embrague de bloqueo está hidráulicamente activado. El (entrada) de rotación de la carcasa
del convertidor de par está ahora conectado mecánicamente al eje de salida del convertidor de par. El eje de accionamiento
se conecta mecánicamente el convertidor de par a los engranajes de transferencia. Los engranajes de transferencia están
conectados mecánicamente a la transmisión.

Después de la transmisión y convertidor de par están conectados, poder ahora se puede suministrar desde el motor (a través
del convertidor de la transmisión y el par motor) al diferencial. Los ejes traseros se conectan mecánicamente el diferencial
de los mandos finales. Cuando la transmisión está en la posición de velocidad correcta, el movimiento mecánico de la bobina
selector giratorio hace que el conmutador de transmisión para señalizar eléctricamente el control de la transmisión que el
cambio se ha completado. Con la rotación del eje de salida de la transmisión, el sensor de velocidad de transmisión de
señales eléctricamente el control de la transmisión que la máquina se ha movido.

Procedimiento Manual Shift

Durante la solución de problemas a veces es necesario cambiar la transmisión. Esto se hace girar el carrete selector giratorio
cuando el motor está apagado.

Para evitar posibles daños en el acoplamiento flexible, sin
cambiar manualmente la transmisión haciendo girar el
acoplamiento flexible para el interruptor de la transmisión.

1. Retire el enchufe de la caja de transmisión.

2. Instale una extensión 9S-1 mil setecientas veintiuna [cuadradillo 0.25 (1/4) pulgada] 101,6 mm (4,00 pulgadas) de largo en
el extremo del carrete selector giratorio. Instale un trinquete reversible 9U-6635 en la extensión.

3. Mueva el trinquete de las agujas del reloj (hacia la parte posterior de la máquina) hasta que el carrete selector giratorio no
se enciende más. Esta es la posición NEUTRAL.

4. Desde una posición neutral, gire el trinquete en sentido antihorario (hacia la parte delantera de la máquina) a través de
todas las posiciones de retención de la bobina de mando giratorio. Las posiciones de NEUTRAL son INVERSA, primero,
segundo, tercero, cuarto, quinto, sexto y velocidades SÉPTIMO respectivamente.

NOTA: No es de aproximadamente 30 ° de rotación entre cada retén del carrete selector giratorio.
Ratchet y extensión instalada en el Selector giratorio Carrete

Coasting Neutro
Esta función restringe cabotaje en NEUTRAL desde altas velocidades. Esta restricción se extiende la vida de la transmisión. El
sensor de velocidad de transmisión mide la rotación de los dientes de engranaje (en un engranaje fijado al eje de salida de la
transmisión) cerca de (pasado), el sensor de velocidad de transmisión. Electrónicos programables de control de transmisión
(EPTC II) utiliza esta entrada para determinar la velocidad de tierra. Si la velocidad medida es superior a 5 kilómetros por
hora, la transmisión no se cambie a neutro.

NOTA: Es posible que el operador de eludir la restricción costa neutral. Sin embargo, si la velocidad respecto al suelo es
mayor de 10 kilómetros por hora y la transmisión está en punto muerto, el evento se registrará en el Sistema Monitor

Ajuste Para Alzamiento Control de Vinculación

El varillaje de control de elevación debe ser ajustada correctamente cuando la máquina está equipada con un neutralizador
de la transmisión.

La transmisión de esta máquina se neutralizan cuando la

palanca de cambios de la transmisión es a la inversa y la
palanca de control de elevación está en elevar o posición
inferior. El neutralizador no se detendrá la máquina se
mueva. Utilice los frenos para detener. Hacer referencia a la
advertencia en la primera página de Hidráulica prueba del
sistema y la sección Ajuste.

Palanca de control de elevación En la posición de flotación

(1) palanca de control del alzamiento. (2) Dimensión [362 mm (14,25 pulgadas) desde la parte superior de la placa de piso de la cabina sin alfombra del

Si el camión tiene un neutralizador de la transmisión y la transmisión no va de REVERSA a NEUTRAL cuando la palanca de

control de elevación (1) se mueve ya sea a la SUBIR o posición inferior, un ajuste de vinculación puede ser necesario. Un fallo
eléctrico en el interruptor de neutralizador o cables también puede ser la causa.

Palanca de control de elevación (1) se encuentra a la izquierda del asiento del operador. Dimensión (2) debe ser 362 mm
(14,25 pulgadas) desde la parte superior del piso de la cabina sin la estera del suelo, a la parte inferior de la empuñadura
cuando la palanca está en la posición de flotación. Si la medida de la dimensión (2) no es correcta, la vinculación de control
necesita un ajuste.
Accionamiento de ajuste

Accionamiento Varillas
(3) Rod [desde el eje de la palanca de control de elevación de la cabina]. (4) Rod [de la palanca de la válvula de control en el tanque hidráulico]. (5) Rod

1. Afloje la tuerca de seguridad en el extremo de la varilla (3) y quitar el pasador del extremo de la varilla (5).

2. Si la medida para la dimensión (2) es demasiado, gire extremo de la varilla (5) en la dirección para hacer varilla (3) más
largo. Hacer la longitud de la varilla (3) más corto si la medición de dimensión (2) no es suficiente. Las mediciones se
realizaron en una línea recta entre los centros de los orificios extremos de la barra y los centros de los orificios del yugo.

La longitud de la varilla (3) es de aproximadamente 1,589 mm (62,5 in). La longitud de la varilla (4) es 1,083 mm (42,6 in).

Cuerpo del interruptor Raise Ajuste

Situado en la cabina
(6) tornillo de fijación. (7) Yugo. (8) Switch. (9) Bajo rodillo. (10) Palanca.

Antes de ajustar la posición del interruptor de elevación del cuerpo, asegúrese de que las dimensiones de vinculación de
control de elevación son correctos.

1. Retire los cuatro tornillos que sujetan la cubierta del interruptor de la pared interior de la cabina. Retire la cubierta del
sobre el interruptor.

2. Mueva la palanca de control de elevación a la posición de flotación.

3. rodillo inferior (9) en el yugo (7) debe estar cerca pero no contra la palanca corta (10) entre los dos rodillos en el yugo.

4. Si es necesario un ajuste de la posición de la horquilla (7), mueva la palanca de control del elevador a la posición de
flotación. Afloje el tornillo de seguridad (6) en la horquilla (7).

5. Yoke (7) está estriado al eje del conmutador (8). Eliminar yugo (7). Gire y vuelva a instalar horquilla (7) para que el rodillo
inferior (9) está cerca, pero no en contra de la palanca (10). Apriete el tornillo de seguridad (6) e instalar cubiertas.

6. Si esto no funciona, hacer que la longitud de la varilla (3) sea más largo o más corto hasta que el rodillo inferior en el yugo
(9) es muy cerca de la corta palanca cuando la palanca de control de elevación se encuentra en la posición de flotación.

NOTE: When rod (3) is made longer, be sure hoist control lever can be easily moved to the LOWER position.

Troubleshooting The Power Train

Sudden movement of the machine can cause injury to
persons on or near the machine. To prevent possible injury,
do the procedure that follows before troubleshooting the
power train.

1. Move the machine to a smooth horizontal location. Move away from working machines and personnel. Put the
transmission shift lever in NEUTRAL position. Engage the parking and secondary brakes. Stop the engine.

2. Permit only two people in the cab (one operator and a service person). The machine operator must only operate the
machine as told by the service person. The service person will look at all lights (LED's) or gauges. Keep all other personnel
either away from the machine or in view of the operator.

3. Make sure the transmission rotary selector spool is in NEUTRAL position.

For locations of components and electrical connectors, see the Electrical Schematic, SENR1418. For hydraulic components or
pressure tap locations see the Torque Converter and Transmission Hydraulic Troubleshooting sections in this module.

Visual Checks are the first steps when troubleshooting a problem. The visual checks will find the problems that can be more
quickly corrected. If the visual checks do not show any problems, the Operational Checks are the next steps to follow. The
operational checks will permit the identification of possible problems with the machine during operation.

Visual Checks
Perform visual checks first when troubleshooting a problem. Make the checks with the engine stopped. Place the shift lever
in NEUTRAL and the transmission rotary selector spool in Neutral. Engage the parking brake.

Check A

Inspect the oil levels in the transmission and hydraulic oil tank.

NOTE: Many problems in the power train are caused by low oil level or air in the oil. If the engine has not been started and
run for several minutes, this oil level check will make sure there is oil in the transmission and the engine can be started. If
the machine has sat overnight or longer without the engine running, the oil level will be high. An accurate oil level check can
be made after the oil is hot.

Check B

Inspect all oil lines, hoses and connections for damage or leaks. Look for oil on the ground under the machine.

NOTE: If oil can leak out of a fitting or connection, air can leak in. Air in the system can be as bad as not enough oil.

Check C

Inspect the transmission control fuse, harnesses and electrical connectors (refer to the Electrical Schematic; SENR1418).

With the key switch and disconnect switch OFF, check the 10 ampere fuse for the transmission. If the fuse is open (broken or
missing filament) replace it.

Inspect the electrical harnesses for damaged or broken wires. Disconnect each connector and look for bent, broken or pulled
out (removed) pins and sockets. Also look for any foreign material inside the connectors. The connectors must be tightened
with normal force. They must also disconnect with the same amount of force.

Check D

Check the batteries. Turn the disconnect switch ON. Listen for the secondary steering motor to run for around 3 seconds. If
the secondary steering motor fails to run, inspect the starting and charging system before Visual Check E.

Check E

Inspect transmission oil filter, magnetic screen and suction, parking brake release oil filter and torque converter oil filter.
NOTE: Parking brake release oil filter, transmission oil filter and torque converter oil filter each have an oil filter bypass
valve. An oil filter bypass valve lets oil bypass (go around) the oil filter element(s) whenever the pressure difference between
inlet oil and outlet oil at the oil filter gets too high. Any oil that does not go through the filter element(s) goes directly into the
hydraulic circuit. Dirty oil causes restrictions in valve orifices, sticking valves, etc.

The pressure setting of the bypass valve in the parking brake release oil filter, the torque converter oil filter, and the
transmission oil filter is approximately 250 kPa (36 psi).

If any contamination is found in the filter elements or screens all components of the transmission (power train) hydraulic
system must be cleaned. Do not use any damaged parts. Any damaged parts must be removed and new parts installed.

Check F

Check Electronic Programmable Transmission Control (EPTC II). See SENR9122 for procedures.

Operational Checks
The operational checks that follow are designed to educate (train) the service personnel in a correct troubleshooting
procedure and method. The checks and procedures are set in a sequence to find most problem(s) and/or probable cause(s)

These operational checks must be done in order, starting with Check 1. Do not go to the next check until either the problem
in the previous check has been corrected, or instructed to do so. If the correct result for the check is found, as instructed in
the procedure, go directly to the next check (or procedure for the trained service personnel).

Take note of all WARNINGS and NOTICES in these checks. Never start the next check until you read and understand the
warnings or notices.

The checks that follow can be used to find many of the problems that will be found during the operation of the machine.
These checks will also give an indication of the system in which the problems can be found.

Machine Preparation For Checks

1. Engage the parking brake. Be sure the shift lever is in NEUTRAL and the transmission rotary selector spool is in NEUTRAL

2. Check all fluid levels on the machine (engine oil, engine coolant, hydraulic oil, differential, transmission, etc.). See 773D &
775D Operation And Maintenance Manual; SEBU6968 to determine the correct oils to use. Fill if necessary.

NOTE: The oil levels can be above the FULL mark at this time. With the engine running, both transmission and torque
converter oil must be at the normal temperature for operation.

3. The engine must be STOPPED. Do not start the engine until told differently.

4. The tachometer must be at zero rpm.

Some of the checks that follow must be done with the

machine in operation. A trained machine operator will be
needed. Whenever the engine is in operation, the machine
operator must be in the cab with the parking and service
brakes ENGAGED until told differently.

Lockup Clutch And Solenoid Valve Check

Check 1.

This check determines if:

The electrical signal gets to the lockup solenoid.

The lockup solenoid electrically activates.


1. Disconnect the cab harness plug from EPTC II and disconnect the harness connector for the LOCKUP solenoid. Put a
jumper wire from Socket 1 to Socket 5 of the cab harness plug (for the transmission control). This will supply + 24 Volts
through the machine harness to actuate the lockup solenoid.

2. Turn on the key start switch. Do not start the engine.

3. Touch the lockup solenoid chassis harness connector to the lockup solenoid.

4. Each time the connector touches the solenoid a "click" and/or "buzz" must be felt and/or heard.

Problem 1:

The "click" and/or "buzz" is not felt or heard.

Probable Cause:

a. Bad lockup solenoid.

b. Broken (open or grounded) wire or harness to the lockup solenoid.

Check 2:

This check determines if:

The lockup clutch pressure is correct.


1. Disconnect the upshift solenoid and downshift solenoid harness connectors.

2. The transmission shift lever must be in NEUTRAL and the transmission rotary selector spool must be in the NEUTRAL

3. Using two 2-pin sure seal connectors and two 16-gauge wires (approximately 4.5 m (15 ft) long), make a jumper harness.
Connect one of the ends of the jumper harness to the harness for the downshift solenoid. This will supply + 24 Volts because
the downshift solenoid remains activated when the transmission is in NEUTRAL.

4. Connect a 4000 kPa (600 psi) pressure gauge to the pressure tap for the lockup clutch.
Pressure Tap For Lockup Clutch

5. Start and run the engine at LOW IDLE. Connect the other end of the jumper harness to the harness for the lockup solenoid.
The pressure on the gauge must read 1725 ± 70 Pa (250 ± 10 psi).

Problem 1:

The pressure on the gauge is 0 kPa (0 psi) at all times.

Probable Cause:

See Troubleshooting The Torque Converter Hydraulic System. Do Lockup Clutch Checks.

Problem 2:

The pressure on the gauge is not 0 kPa (0 psi) when the lockup solenoid is not activated.

Probable Cause:

See Troubleshooting The Torque Converter Hydraulic System. Perform Lockup Clutch Checks.

Problem 3:

The pressure on the gauge is not correct when the solenoid is activated.

Probable Cause:

See Troubleshooting The Torque Converter Hydraulic System. Perform Lockup Clutch Checks.

Transmission and Transmission Control Check

Check 3.

This check determines if:

* The transmission switch operates and is installed (timed) correctly.

* The transmission clutches engage.
* The Electronic Programmable Transmission Control (EPTC II) operates.

1. Disconnect all electrical harness connectors from the upshift, downshift and lockup solenoids. Start and run the engine at

2. Engage the parking brakes and service brakes. The front brake ON-OFF valve on the instrument panel must be ON.

3. Do the shift sequence that follows for REVERSE and each FORWARD speed (FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH, SIXTH

Check the brake oil temperature gauge regularly. Do not let
the brake (torque converter and hoist hydraulic) oil
temperature get too hot during this shift sequence. This can
cause damage to the brakes, torque converter and hoist
hydraulic system. The brake and torque converter oil
temperature indicator on the instrument panel, and the
master action lamp will flash when the temperature is too
hot to operate in this condition. When the brake (torque
converter) oil temperature gets too hot, put the
transmission in NEUTRAL and run the engine at
approximately 1500 rpm until the temperature returns to
the normal operating range.

Shift Sequence:

a. Manually rotate the transmission rotary selector spool to the desired speed. After the manual shift is made, move away
from the machine.

b. Gradually increase engine rpm to approximately 1300 rpm or until the machine starts to pull through the brakes,
whichever happens first.

c. Look at the rear end of the drive shaft. When there is correct transmission clutch operation, only a small amount of
rotation (less than one complete turn) will be seen, except in NEUTRAL. If the machine starts to pull through the brakes
before 1300 rpm, there is no need to look at the drive shaft.

d. Decrease the engine rpm to LOW IDLE. Shift to the next speed position. Do Steps a, b, and c of the shift sequence again.
This will help in the identification of a slipping (partially engaged) clutch. Continue this sequence for the remainder of the
speeds until SEVENTH speed is made.

Problem 1:

The machine starts to creep (move) forward before engine rpm gets to 1300 rpm.

Probable Cause:
Brake System. See Air System And Brakes, SENR1412.

Problem 2:

The drive shaft does NOT turn in NEUTRAL.

Probable Cause:

See Troubleshooting The Torque Converter Hydraulic System. Perform Visual Checks.

Problem 3:

When a shift is made to REVERSE or any FORWARD speed, the engine stops running.

Probable Cause:

See Troubleshooting The Torque Converter Hydraulic System. Perform Visual Checks.

Problem 4:

The drive shaft turns in one or more speeds other than NEUTRAL, but the wheels do not turn. (Clutch or clutches not
engaging in transmission.)

Probable Cause:

See Troubleshooting The Transmission Hydraulic System. Perform Visual Checks.

Problem 5:

The transmission will not stay in the manually shifted (selected) speed position. Manual shifts are hard in any direction
(upshift or downshift).

Probable Cause:

Solenoid Leakage:

* shifts to higher speed from the selected shift (bad upshift solenoid).
* shifts to lower speed from the selected shift (bad downshift solenoid).

Torque Converter Hydraulic System Troubleshooting

Basic Diagram For Power Train System

The troubleshooting for the torque converter hydraulic system is divided into four sections: torque converter, lockup clutch,
hoist and brake cooling. The reason for this division is to save time and make it easier to find the correct troubleshooting

Make reference to the following warning and pressure tap locations for all checks and tests. If the problem area (torque
converter, lockup clutch, hoist or brake cooling) is not known, perform the checks and tests in the order they are given. For
all tests, the oil must be at normal temperature of operation.

Sudden movement of the machine or release of oil under

pressure can cause injury to persons on or near the
machine. To prevent possible injury, perform the procedure
that follows before testing and adjusting the torque

1. Move the machine to a smooth horizontal location. Move away from working machines and personnel.

2. Put the transmission shift lever in NEUTRAL position. Engage the parking brake. Stop the engine.

3. Permit only one operator on the machine. Keep all other personnel either away from the machine or in view of the
Pins Installed In Body Of Truck

4. Fully raise the body and install the two pins at the rear of the truck.

Hoist Control Linkage

5. Disconnect the hoist control linkage. Remove the cotter pin and the pin that connects the rod to the hoist control lever.

7. Make sure the transmission rotary selector spool is in NEUTRAL position.

8. Make sure all hydraulic pressure is released before any fitting, hose or component is loosened, tightened, removed or

Test Equipment

NOTE: Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer (ECAP) or Electronic Technician (ET) may be used in place of the multitach.

If 1U-5481 Pressure Gauge Group and 1U-5482 Pressure Adapter Group are not available, the tools that follow are needed.

Transmission Speed and Torque Converter Information

Torque Converter Hydraulic System
Hoist Control Linkage

(1) Lockup solenoid.

(2) Selector piston for lockup clutch.

(3) Load piston for lockup clutch.

(4) Pressure reduction valve.

(5) Lockup clutch and solenoid valve group.

(6) Modulation reduction valve for lockup clutch.

(7) Secondary and parking brake valve.

(8) Relief valve for parking brake release system.

(9) Passage to rear wheel brakes.

(10) Inlet relief valve for torque converter.

(11) Torque converter.

(12) Oil cooler for torque converter and brakes.

(13) Oil pump drive.

(14) Parking brake release oil filter.

(15) Torque converter oil filter.

(16) Lockup clutch for the torque converter.

(17) Screen.

(18) Parking brake release section of oil pump.

(19) Torque converter charging section of oil pump.

(20) Torque converter scavenge section of oil pump.

(21) Scavenge screen.

(22) Left rear wheel brake.

(23) Right rear wheel brake.

(24) Hydraulic oil tank.

(25) Torque converter and brake cooling return line.

(26) Oil pump for hoist hydraulics and rear brake cooling.

(27) Suction screen.

(28) Oil cooler relief valve for rear brakes.

(29) Control valve for hoist.

(30) Return oil screen for hoist.

(31) Suction screen.

(A) Pressure tap for lockup clutch pilot oil.

(B) Pressure taps for parking brake release oil.

(D) Pressure tap for torque converter outlet.

(E) Pressure tap for torque converter lockup clutch.

(F) Pressure tap for torque converter inlet.

(G) Pressure tap for left rear brake cooling (inlet).

(H) Pressure tap for left rear brake cooling (outlet).

(K) Pressure tap for right rear brake cooling (outlet).

(L) Pressure tap for right rear brake cooling (inlet).

(M) Pressure tap for brake cooling (cooler outlet).

(N) Pressure tap for brake cooling (cooler inlet).

Location Of Components And Pressure Taps

Torque Converter Lines (Top View)
(5) Lockup clutch and solenoid valve group. (10) Inlet relief valve for torque converter. (12) Oil cooler for torque converter and brakes. (13) Oil pump
drive. (14) Parking release oil filter. (15) Torque converter oil filter. (24) Hydraulic oil tank. (26) Oil pump for hoist hydraulics and rear brake cooling.

View A-A
(11) Torque converter. (13) Oil pump drive. (18) Parking brake release section of the oil pump. (19) Torque converter charging section of the oil pump. (20)
Torque converter scavenge section of the oil pump. (24) Hydraulic oil tank [not shown in true location]. (D) Pressure tap for torque converter outlet.

Back Of Torque Converter Housing

(1) Lockup solenoid. (5) Lockup clutch and solenoid valve group. (10) Inlet relief valve for torque converter. (A) Pressure tap for pilot oil [RV]. (B) Pressure
taps for parking brake release oil [PMP]. (D) Pressure tap for torque converter outlet. (E) Pressure tap for torque converter lockup clutch [LU]. (F) Pressure
tap for torque converter inlet.
Right Side Of Engine
(M) Pressure taps for brake cooling (cooler outlet). (N) Pressure taps for brake cooling (cooler inlet).

Front Of Right Rear Wheel Brake

(L) Pressure taps for brake cooling (inlet). (K) Pressure taps for brake cooling (outlet).

Front Of Left Rear Wheel Brake

(G) Pressure taps for brake cooling (inlet). (H) Pressure taps for brake cooling (outlet).

Troubleshooting An Overheated Hydraulic System

Instrument Panel
(1) Brake oil temperature gauge. (2) Brake and torque converter oil temperature alert indicator.

An overheating problem in the hydraulic system will probably be seen first through the Caterpillar Monitoring System.
Brake oil temperature gauge (1) and brake and torque converter oil temperature alert indicator (2) get input from two
sensors. There is a sensor located in the torque converter outlet valve and a sensor located in the brake oil cooling tube.

Check the brake oil temperature gauge (1) regularly. Do not
allow the brake oil, torque converter oil and hoist
hydraulic oil temperature to get too hot during this test
sequence. This can cause damage to the brakes, the torque
converter, and the hoist hydraulic system. Brake and
torque converter oil temperature alert indicator (2) is on
the instrument panel, and the master action light is located
to the right of the speedometer and RPM gauge. They will
activate when the temperature is too hot to operate in this
condition. If the alert indicators come on, reduce the load
on the machine or slow retarding speed. Move the machine
to a convenient place to park and keep the engine
operating. Move the manual retarder lever all the way
down to cool the oil.

Brake Oil Temperature Gauge

(A) Temperature reading of 110°C (230°F). (B) Temperature reading of 124°C (255°F).

Problem 1:

Brake oil temperature gauge (1) indicates that the oil temperature is too hot. The master action light and brake and torque
converter oil temperature alert indicator (2) on the instrument panel is OFF.

Probable Cause:

Electrical system. See 773D & 775D Truck Electrical System Schematic; SENR1418.

Problem 2:

Brake oil temperature gauge (1) indicates that the oil temperature is NOT too hot. The master action light and brake and
torque converter oil temperature alert indicator (2) is ON.

NOTE: Brake and torque converter oil temperature alert indicator (2) activates at approximately 124°C (255°F). The indicator
stays activated until the oil temperature decreases to approximately 110°C (230°F). Therefore, it is possible for the brake oil
temperature gauge (1) to indicate that oil temperature is NOT too hot while the brake and torque converter oil temperature
alert indicator (2) is activated.

Probable Cause:

Electrical system. See 773D & 775D Truck Electrical System Schematic; SENR1418.
Problem 3:

Brake oil temperature gauge (1) indicates that the oil temperature is too hot. Brake and torque converter oil temperature
alert indicator (2) is activated.

Probable Cause:

Improper operation of the machine.

Reference: See the Operation & Maintenance Manual for 773D & 775D Truck; SEBU6968 for correct operating techniques of
the brake and retarder system.

Operate the machine again. Make sure that engine rpm does not get below 1700 rpm. This will make sure enough oil flows
through the torque converter and brake oil coolers to keep the oil at normal operating temperature.

Problem 4:

The conditions in Problem 3 are still identical after the machine is operated correctly.

Probable Cause:

A restriction in the brake oil cooling system.

To determine if there is a restriction in the cooling system, remove the cover from the makeup oil tank of the brake hydraulic

Example Of Oil Flow At Low Idle rpm

Start and operate the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL. There must be a constant flow of oil from the inlet tube into the
brake makeup oil tank.

Example Of Oil Flow At High Idle rpm

Increase engine rpm to HIGH IDLE. The oil flow must increase as shown.

Hoist And Rear Brake Cooling Oil Pump Located On Left Side Behind Hydraulic And Transmission Tank
(3) Hoist and rear brake cooling oil pump.
Location Of Parking Brake Release Oil Pump Section And Torque Converter Charging Oil Pump Section
(4) Parking brake release oil pump section. (5) Torque converter charging oil pump section.

Location Of Rear Brake Oil Cooler Relief Valve

(6) Rear brake oil cooler relief valve.

If oil flow is not as shown for LOW IDLE and HIGH IDLE, the cause could be:

* Failure of the hoist and rear brake cooling oil pump (3), parking brake release oil pump section (4), torque converter
charging oil pump section (5). Perform Visual Checks For The Hydraulic System in this module.
* Rear brake oil cooler relief valve (6) pressure is set too low. Bench test rear brake oil cooler relief valve (6) located in
the hydraulic tank, to determine if the pressure setting is correct.
* Restriction in the hose assembly from the hydraulic tank to the brake makeup oil tank.

Visual Checks For The Hydraulic System Which Includes Torque Converter,
Brake Cooling, And Hoist Hydraulic Systems
Make reference to the WARNING on the first page of the Hydraulic System, Testing And Adjusting section.

Perform the Visual Checks first before troubleshooting a problem. Make the checks with the engine OFF and the parking
brakes engaged. Move the transmission shift lever into NEUTRAL. During these checks, use a magnet to separate ferrous
particles from non-ferrous particles such as O-ring seals, aluminum, and bronze.

The following visual checks are a part of the Troubleshooting section:

Check 1. Oil level in the hydraulic tank.

Check 2. Leakage.

Check 3. Parking brake release oil filter.

Check 4. Torque converter oil filter.

Check 5. Torque converter scavenge screen.

Check 6. Oil cooler screens.

Check 7. Parts inside the hydraulic tank.

Check 8. Inspect return oil screen.

Check 1:

Check the oil level in the hydraulic tank. Look for air or water in the oil at the sight gauge. Many problems in the torque
converter are caused by low oil level or air in the oil. Add oil to the hydraulic tank if it is needed. See the Operation and
Maintenance Manual; SEBU6968 to determine the proper oil to use.
Problem 1:

The oil level is too high.

Probable Cause:

The rear seal of the engine crankshaft is allowing engine oil into the torque converter cover.

Problem 2:

Right Side Of Engine

(3) Oil cooler [for hoist and torque converter pump oil].

There is an indication of water in the oil.

Probable Cause:

Failure of oil cooler (3) for the hoist pump oil to rear brakes.

Problem 3:

There is an indication of air in the oil.

Probable Cause:

Perform Visual Check 2.

Problem 4:

The oil level is too low.

Probable Cause:

* Perform Visual Check 2. Add oil before any tests are done.

Final Drive Plug

* Check the oil level in each final drive. Brake cooling oil can leak into the final drive.

Check 2:

Inspect all oil lines, hoses and connections for damage or leaks. Look for oil on the ground under the machine.

NOTE: If oil can leak out of a fitting or connection, air can leak in. Air in the system can be as bad as not enough oil.

Check 3:
Inner Right Side Of Main Frame
(1) Torque converter oil filter. (2) Parking brake release oil filter.

Remove parking brake release oil filter (2) and inspect the filter for foreign material.

Problem 1:

Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause:

* Seal failure.
* Hose failure.

Problem 2:

Shiny steel particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Three Section Pump

(4) Parking brake release pump section. (5) Torque converter charging pump section. (6) Torque converter scavenge pump section. (7) Torque converter
housing. (8) Scavenge screen [inside housing].

Mechanical failure of parking brake release pump section (4).

NOTE: Parking brake release oil filter (2) and torque converter oil filter (1) each have an oil filter bypass valve. An oil filter
bypass valve lets oil bypass the oil filter element whenever the pressure difference between inlet oil and outlet oil at the oil
filter gets too high. Any oil that does not flow through the filter element, flows directly into the hydraulic circuit. Dirty oil
causes restrictions in valve orifices, sticking valves, etc.

The pressure setting of the bypass valve in torque converter oil filter (1) and parking brake release oil filter (2) is
approximately 250 kPa (36 psi).

Check 4:

Inner Right Side Of Main Frame

(1) Torque converter oil filter. (2) Parking brake release oil filter.
Remove the torque converter oil filter (1) and inspect the filter for foreign material.

Problem 1:

Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause:

* Seal failure.
* Hose failure.

Problem 2:

Shiny steel particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Three Section Pump

(4) Parking brake release pump section. (5) Torque converter charging pump section. (6) Torque converter scavenge pump section. (7) Torque converter
housing. (8) Scavenge screen [inside housing].

Mechanical failure of the torque converter charging pump section (5).

Check 5:

Make sure that the oil has been drained from the hydraulic tank and the torque converter for the next check. Measure the
amount of oil removed from the torque converter.

Three Section Pump

(4) Parking brake release pump section. (5) Torque converter charging pump section. (6) Torque converter scavenge pump section. (7) Torque converter
housing. (8) Scavenge screen [inside housing].

Remove the torque converter scavenge screen (8) and inspect the screen for foreign material or a restriction.

Problem 1:

More than 19 liters (5 U.S. gal) of oil is drained from the torque converter.

Probable Cause:

Restriction in torque converter scavenge screen (8).

Problem 2:

More than 19 liters (5 U.S. gal) of oil is drained from the torque converter and aluminum particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Mechanical failure of the torque converter.

Problem 3:

More than 19 liters (5 U.S. gal) of oil is drained from the torque converter. During Visual Check 7, shiny steel particles were
found on the bottom of the hydraulic tank.

Probable Cause:

Mechanical failure of torque converter scavenge pump section (6).

Problem 4:

Iron or steel chips are found.

Probable Cause:

* Worn flywheel or starting motor gear on engine. Inspect the starting motor and flywheel gears.
* Worn drive or driven gear on torque converter charging pump section (5).

Located Inside Left Frame Behind Hydraulic And Transmission Tank

(9) Oil pump drive. (10) Hoist and rear brake cooling oil pump.

* Mechanical failure of oil pump drive (9). Drain and inspect the oil pump drive.

Problem 5:

Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause:

* Seal failure.
* Hose failure.

Problem 6:

Bronze particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Worn lockup clutch in the torque converter.

Check 6:

Right Side Of Engine

(11) Screen.

Remove screen (11) and inspect the screen for foreign materials.

Problem 1:
Rubber particles are found in screen (11).

Probable Cause:

* Seal failure.
* Hose failure.

Problem 2:

Aluminum particles are found in screen (11).

Located Inside Left Frame Behind Hydraulic And Transmission Tank

(9) Oil pump drive. (10) Hoist and rear brake cooling oil pump.

NOTE: A small amount of aluminum particles from wear of hoist and rear brake cooling oil pump (10) is normal.

Probable Cause:

Mechanical failure of hoist and rear brake cooling oil pump (10). Perform Visual Check 8.

Problem 3:

Shiny steel and/or chrome particles are found in screen (11).

Probable Cause:

Mechanical failure of a hydraulic cylinder or rod. Look at cylinder rods for scoring.

Problem 4:

Large quantity of aluminum particles are found in screen (11).

Probable Cause:

Mechanical failure of the torque converter.

Check 7:

Hydraulic Tank
(12) Suction screen [for torque converter charging and parking brake release oil (behind plate)]. (13) Suction screen [for hoist and rear brake cooling oil
(behind plate)]. (14) Hoist return oil screen.

Drain the oil from the hydraulic tank. Remove outer cover of the tank. Inspect oil removed from and the bottom of the tank
for foreign materials. Remove suction screen (12) and suction screen (13) and clean the screens. Remove the hoist return oil
screen (14) and inspect the screen for foreign materials.

Problem 1:

Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause:

* Seal failure.
* Hose failure.

Problem 2:

Shiny steel particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Three Section Pump

(4) Parking brake release pump section. (5) Torque converter charging pump section. (6) Torque converter scavenge pump section. (7) Torque converter
housing. (8) Scavenge screen [inside housing].

Mechanical failure of torque converter scavenge pump section (6).

NOTE: This would result in an excess amount of oil drained from the torque converter. See Visual Check 5.

Problem 3:

Pieces of red nonferrous material are found. These pieces are part of the brake disc.

Probable Cause:

Failure of the wheel brakes.

Check 8:

Hydraulic Tank
(12) Suction screen [for torque converter charging and parking brake release oil (behind plate)]. (13) Suction screen [for hoist and rear brake cooling oil
(behind plate)]. (14) Hoist return oil screen.

Remove hoist return oil screen (14) and inspect the screen for foreign material.

Problem 1:

Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause:

* Seal failure.
* Hose failure.

Problem 2:

Shiny steel and/or chrome particles are found in hoist return oil screen (14).

Probable Cause:
Mechanical failure of a hydraulic cylinder or rod. Look at cylinder rods for scoring.

Problem 3:

Aluminum particles are found in hoist return oil screen (15).

Located Inside Left Frame Behind Hydraulic And Transmission Tank

(9) Oil pump drive. (10) Hoist and rear brake cooling oil pump.

NOTE: A small amount of aluminum particles from wear of hoist and rear brake cooling oil pump (10) is normal.

Probable Cause:

Mechanical failure of hoist and rear brake cooling oil pump (10).

NOTE: If any of the above particles are found during any Visual Check, all components of the torque converter, brake cooling
and hoist systems must be cleaned. Do not use any damaged parts. Any damaged parts must be removed and new parts

Torque Converter Tests

Make reference to the Warning on the first page of

Troubleshooting The Torque Converter Hydraulic System.

Test 1. Torque Converter Outlet Pressure

This test will show if:

a. The torque converter operates correctly.


1. Install the 9U-7400 Multitach II Group on the engine. The 9U-7400 Multitach II Group can measure engine rpm by the use
of either the photo pickup and reflective tape, or a magnetic pickup or tachometer generator.

NOTE: Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer (ECAP) or Electronic Technician (ET) can be used in place of the multitach.

2. At pressure tap (D), connect a hose to the nipple. Connect a pressure gauge [2000 kPa (290 psi)] to the hose.

3. Start and run the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL.

4. The drive wheels must not turn during a stall test. Make sure that air pressure is at the normal pressure for operation. Put
the front brakes ON-OFF valve in the ON position. Engage the parking brakes and the service brakes.

NOTE: If the brakes do not keep the machine from movement, put the machine against a solid object that will not move.

5. Make sure that the brake (torque converter) oil is at normal operating temperature. Check to make sure that HIGH IDLE
and LOW IDLE rpm are correct according to Fuel Setting And Related Information Fiche.

6. Move the transmission shift lever to REVERSE position.

7. SLOWLY increase the engine rpm to full throttle. The machine will try to move.
8. The engine rpm must be 1825 ± 65 rpm with the torque converter in a stall condition.

9. The pressure on the gauge must be 410 ± 70 kPa (60 ± 10 psi).

Do not keep the torque converter in a stall condition for
very long periods of time. This will cause the torque
converter, engine and brakes to get hot.

10. When this test is complete, put the transmission shift lever in NEUTRAL and stop the engine. Remove the test equipment.

Problem 1:

High idle rpm is correct (Step 5), but stall speed (rpm in Step 7) is too high. Torque converter outlet pressure is correct.

Probable Cause:

Bad torque converter.

Problem 2:

Torque converter outlet pressure is too low. The oil gets too hot during normal operation.

Probable Cause:

Perform Test 2.

Problem 3:

Torque converter outlet pressure is too low.

Probable Cause:

Perform Test 2.

Problem 4:

Torque converter outlet pressure is too high. The oil temperature is not too hot.

Probable Cause:

Check for a restriction in the oil lines or the oil cooler for the torque converter and brakes.

Problem 5:

Torque converter outlet pressure is correct. The oil gets too hot during normal operation.

Probable Cause:

See the section, Troubleshooting An Overheated Hydraulic System.

Test 2. Torque Converter Inlet Pressure

Inlet Relief Valve For The Torque Converter

(3) Inlet relief valve. (4) Hose assembly [to hydraulic tank]. (F) Pressure tap [for torque converter inlet].

This test will show if:

a. Inlet relief valve (3) for the torque converter is open.

b. Inlet relief valve (3) is set correctly.

Inlet pressure to the torque converter must not be over 930
± 35 kPa (135 ± 5 psi) with cold oil. Higher pressures will
damage the torque converter. Adjustment of inlet relief
valve (3) must only be done during a bench test.


1. Make sure that brake (torque converter) oil is at operating temperature.

2. Disconnect hose assembly (4) from inlet relief valve (3). Block or plug the end of the hose assembly so that oil does not
drain out of the hydraulic tank.

3. Install another hose to inlet relief valve (3). Put the other end of this hose in a container (bucket, pan, etc.).

4. At pressure tap (F), remove the plug and install a nipple.

5. With a coupler (and hose if necessary), connect a pressure gauge [2000 kPa (290 psi)] to the nipple.

6. Start and run the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL. Immediately check the container to see if any oil is in it.

7. If there is any oil in the container, stop the engine. See Problem 1.

NOTE: Connect hose assembly (4) to the inlet relief valve before Step 8 is performed.

8. If there is no oil in the container, gradually increase engine rpm to HIGH IDLE in NEUTRAL. The pressure on the gauge
must not be greater than 930 ± 35 kPa (135 ± 5 psi) at any time.

9. When this test is complete, stop the engine. Remove the test equipment.

Problem 1:

There is oil in the container (coming from the inlet relief valve).

Probable Cause:

a. Spool is stuck open in inlet relief valve (3). Disassemble the valve to correct the problem or install a new valve.
b. Inlet relief valve (3) is set too low. Bench test the valve to see if it is adjusted correctly. The correct pressure setting is
930 kPa (135 psi). Add spacers (5), see Spacer Chart For Inlet Relief Valve.

Problem 2:

Torque converter inlet pressure is too high.

Probable Cause:
Inlet Relief Valve For Torque Converter
(3) Inlet relief valve. (5) Spacers.

Bench test inlet relief valve (3) to see if it is adjusted correctly. Remove spacers (5), see Spacer Chart For Inlet Relief Valve.

Lockup Clutch Tests

Make reference to the warning on the first page of

Troubleshooting The Torque Converter Hydraulic System.

Test 1. Parking Brake Release Pressure

Location Of Parking Brake Release Section Of Pump (1)

Parking And Secondary Brake Control Valve
(2) Parking brake relief valve.

This test will show if:

a. Parking brake release section (1) of oil pump is good.

b. Parking brake relief valve (2) is set correctly.


Lockup Clutch And Solenoid Valve Group

(B) Pressure Tap [for parking brake oil (PMP)].

1. Remove the plug at pressure tap (B). Install a nipple where the plug was removed.

2. With a coupler (and hose if necessary), connect a pressure gauge [10 000 kPa (1450 psi)] to the nipple.

3. With the parking brakes engaged, start and run the engine at HIGH IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL. The pressure on the gauge
must be 4690 ± 200 kPa (680 ± 30 psi).

4. When the test is complete, stop the engine and remove the test equipment.

Problem 1:

Oil pressure is low.

Probable Cause:

a. Failure of parking brake release section (1) of oil pump.

Secondary And Parking Brake Control Valve
(2) Relief valve [for parking brake release system]. (3) Nut. (4) Threaded rod. (5) Cap.

b. The setting of relief valve (2) for the parking brake release system is too low. Remove cap (5) and loosen nut (3). Turn
threaded rod (4) clockwise to increase pressure. One turn increases the setting approximately 690 kPa (100 psi).

Problem 2:

Oil pressure is too high.

Probable Cause:

a. The setting of relief valve (2) for the parking brake release system is too high. Remove cap (5) and loosen nut (3). Turn
threaded rod (4) counterclockwise to decrease pressure. One turn decreases the setting approximately 690 kPa (100 psi).

Test 2. Lockup Clutch Pilot Pressure

This test will show if:

The pressure reduction valve is set correctly.


Lockup Clutch and Solenoid Valve Group

(A) Pressure tap for lockup clutch pilot oil (RV).

1. At pressure tap (A), remove the plug and install a nipple.

NOTE: The nipple can be permanently installed at pressure tap (A).

2. With a coupler (and hose if necessary), connect a pressure gauge [4000 kPa (580 psi)] to the nipple.
3. With the parking brakes engaged, start and run the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL. The pressure on the gauge must
be 1725 ± 70 kPa (250 ± 10 psi).

4. Stop the engine. After the pressure is set correctly, remove the test equipment.

Lockup Clutch And Solenoid Valve Group

(6) Pressure reduction valve. (7) Shims.

Problem 1:

Oil pressure is too low.

Probable Cause:

Add shims (7). See Shim Chart For Pressure Reduction Valve.

Problem 2:

Oil pressure is too high.

Probable Cause:

Remove shims (7). See Shim Chart For Pressure Reduction Valve.

Test 3. Lockup Clutch Leakage

This test will show if:

There are bad seals in the lockup clutch.

Lockup Clutch and Solenoid Valve Group
(E) Pressure tap [for torque converter lockup clutch (LU)].

1. Install a hose on pressure tap (E).

2. Start and run the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL.

3. Measure the amount of oil that comes out of pressure tap (E) in one minute. Install fitting when this check is complete.

Problem 1:

More than 3.8 liter/min (1 U.S. gpm) of oil comes out of pressure tap (E).

Probable Cause:

Bad seals in the lockup clutch.

Test 4. Lockup Clutch Maximum Pressure

This test will show if:

a. Maximum lockup clutch pressure is correct.

b. The operation of the modulation reduction valve is correct.


Lockup Clutch and Solenoid Valve Group

(8) Harness connector [for lockup solenoid]. (9) Lockup solenoid. (E) Pressure tap [for torque converter lockup clutch (LU)].

1. Disconnect electrical harness connector (8) from lockup solenoid (9). Disconnect the upshift solenoid and downshift
solenoid also.

2. The transmission shift lever must be in NEUTRAL and the transmission rotary selector spool must be in the NEUTRAL

3. Using two 2-pin sure seal connectors and two 16-gauge wires (approximately 4.5 m (15 ft) long), make a jumper harness.
Connect one of the ends of the jumper harness to the harness for the downshift solenoid. This will supply + 24 Volts because
the downshift solenoid remains activated when the transmission is in NEUTRAL.

4. At pressure tap (E), use a coupler (and hose if necessary) and connect a pressure gauge [4000 kPa (580 psi)] to the nipple.
5. With the parking brakes engaged, start and run the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL. Connect the other end of the
jumper harness to electrical harness (8) for the lockup solenoid. The pressure on the gauge must be 1725 ± 70 kPa (250 ± 10

6. Remove the electrical harness connector from the lockup solenoid. The pressure on the gauge must go back to 0 kPa (0 psi).

7. Stop the engine. After the pressure is set correctly, remove the test equipment.

Lockup Clutch And Solenoid Valve Group

(10) Cover. (11) Selector piston. (12) Load piston plug. (13) Shims. (14) Outer spring. (15) Load piston orifice. (16) Inner spring. (17) Shuttle valve. (18)
Spring. (19) Selector piston plug.

Problem 1:

Oil pressure in Step 4 is NOT 0 kPa (0 psi).

Probable Cause:

a. Selector piston (11) is stuck (will not go back to its original position).
b. Weak or broken spring (18).
c. Lockup solenoid (9) is bad (leaking).

Problem 2:

Oil pressure in Step 5 is 0 kPa (0 psi).

Probable Cause:

a. Little or no pilot oil. Perform Test 2.

b. Incorrect operation of chamber shuttle valve (17).
c. Weak or broken spring (14) and/or spring (16).

Problem 3:
Oil pressure in Step 5 does not increase above 965 kPa (140 psi).

Probable Cause:

a. Load piston plug (12) is not installed.

b. Load piston orifice (15) is plugged.
c. Selector piston (11) is stuck (will not move).

Problem 4:

Oil pressure in Step 6 decreases slowly or low pressure remains (stays) in the lockup clutch.

Probable Cause:

a. Incorrect operation of shuttle valve (17).

b. Selector piston (11) is stuck (will not move).

Problem 5:

Oil pressure in Step 5 is too low.

Probable Cause:

Perform Test 5.

Problem 6:

Oil pressure in Step 5 is too high.

Probable Cause:

Perform Test 5.

Test 5. Lockup Clutch Primary Pressure

This test will show if:

Lockup clutch pressure is adjusted correctly.


1. Disconnect the upshift solenoid, downshift solenoid and lockup solenoid.

2. Using two 2-pin sure seal connectors and two 16-gauge wires (approximately 4.5 m (15 ft) long), make a jumper harness.
Connect one of the ends of the jumper harness to the harness for the downshift solenoid. This will supply + 24 Volts because
the downshift solenoid remains activated when the transmission is in NEUTRAL.

3. At pressure tap (E), use a coupler (and hose if necessary) and connect a pressure gauge [2000 kPa (290 psi)] to the nipple.

4. Remove cover (10) from lockup clutch and solenoid valve group.

5. Remove load piston plug (12) and install cover (10) again.

6. With the parking brakes engaged, start and run the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL. Connect the other end of the
jumper harness to electrical harness (8) for the lockup solenoid. The pressure on the gauge must be 965 ± 35 kPa (140 ± 5 psi).

7. Stop the engine. After the pressure is set correctly, remove the test equipment.
Problem 1:

Oil pressure is 0 kPa (0 psi).

Probable Cause:

Selector piston plug (19) is not installed.

Problem 2:

Primary pressure is too low.

Probable Cause:

Add shims (13). See Shim Chart For Modulation Reduction Valve.

Problem 3:

Primary pressure is too high.

Probable Cause:

Remove shims (13). See Shim Chart For Modulation Reduction Valve.

Transmission Hydraulic System Troubleshooting

Basic Diagram For Power Train Systems

Make reference to the following warning and pressure tap locations for all checks and tests of the transmission hydraulic
system. If the problem area is not known, perform the checks and tests in the order they are given. For all tests, the oil must
be at normal temperature of operation.

Sudden movement of the machine or release of oil under

pressure can cause injury to persons on or near the
machine. To prevent possible injury, perform the procedure
that follows before testing and adjusting the transmission.

1. Move the machine to a smooth horizontal location. Move away from working machines and personnel.

2. Put the transmission shift lever in NEUTRAL position. Engage the parking brakes. Stop the engine.

3. Permit only one operator on the machine. Keep all other personnel either away from the machine or in view of the

Pins Installed On Body Of Machine

4. Fully lift the body and install the two pins at the rear of the machine.
Hoist Control Linkage

5. Disconnect the hoist control linkage. Remove the cotter pin and the pin that connects the rod to the hoist control lever.

6. Make sure the transmission rotary selector spool is in NEUTRAL position.

7. Make sure all hydraulic pressure is released before any fitting, hose or component is loosened, tightened, removed or

Test Equipment

NOTE: Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer (ECAP) or Electronic Technician (ET) may be used in place of the multitach.

A minimum quantity of gauges and fittings needed: *

*To save time on tests, use the quantity of gauges and fittings that follow:
Transmission Speed And Clutch Engagement

Transmission Hydraulic Schematic

Typical Clutch Engagement For The Transmission Hydraulic System

(1) Charging section of transmission oil pump.

(2) Transmission oil cooler bypass valve.

(3) Transmission oil filter.

(4) Downshift solenoid.

(5) Upshift solenoid.

(6) Rotary actuator.

(7) Selector piston for No. 3 clutch.

(8) Load piston for No. 3 clutch.

(9) Modulation reduction valve for No. 3 clutch.

(10) Pressure control group.

(11) Modulation reduction valve for No. 5 clutch.

(12) Load piston for No. 5 clutch.

(13) Selector piston for No. 5 clutch.

(14) Transmission oil tank.

(15) Transmission oil cooler.

(16) Scavenge section of transmission oil pump.

(17) Suction screen.

(18) Magnetic screen.

(19) Reservoir in transmission case.

(20) Modulation reduction valve for No. 4 clutch.

(21) Load piston for No. 4 clutch.

(22) Selector piston for No. 4 clutch.

(23) Priority reduction valve.

(24) Neutralizer valve.

(25) Rotary selector spool.

(26) Selector group.

(27) Selector piston for No. 1 clutch.

(28) Load piston for No. 1 clutch.

(29) Modulation reduction valve for No. 1 clutch.

(30) Modulation reduction valve for No. 6 clutch.

(31) Load piston for No. 6 clutch.

(32) Selector piston for No. 6 clutch.

(33) Selector piston for No. 2 clutch.

(34) Load piston for No. 2 clutch.

(35) Modulation reduction valve for No. 2 clutch.

(36) Transmission lubrication relief valve.

(37) Modulation reduction valve for No. 7 clutch.

(38) Load piston for No. 7 clutch.

(39) Selector piston for No. 7 clutch.

(40) Relief valve.

(41) Passage for transmission lubrication.

(A) Pressure tap for No. 3 clutch.

(B) Pressure tap for No. 1 clutch.

(C) Pressure tap for No. 2 clutch.

(D) Not used.

(E) Pressure tap for No. 5 clutch.

(F) Pressure tap for No. 4 clutch.

(G) Pressure tap for No. 6 clutch.

(H) Pressure tap for No. 7 clutch.

(J) Pressure tap for upshift pressure.

(K) Pressure tap for downshift pressure.

(L) Pressure tap for pump.

(M) Pressure tap for pilot oil.

(N) Pressure tap for transmission lubrication.

(AA) Main pump system pressure.

(BB) Clutch oil.

(CC) Pilot oil.

(DD) Suction, return and case drain oil.

(EE) Moving parts and activated valve envelopes.

(FF) Lubrication oil.

Location Of Components And Pressure Taps

Transmission Lines And Filter
(1) Charging section of transmission oil pump. (2) Transmission oil cooler bypass valve. (3) Transmission oil filter. (14) Transmission oil tank (section). (15)
Transmission oil cooler. (16) Scavenge section of transmission oil pump. (18) Magnetic screen (inside transfer gear case). (N) Pressure tap for transmission

Right Side Of Transmission

(J) Pressure tap for upshift pressure (UP). (K) Pressure tap for downshift pressure (DN). (L) Pressure tap for pump (PRESS).

Left Side Of Transmission

(N) Pressure tap for transmission lubrication.
(A) Pressure tap for No. 2 clutch. (B) Pressure tap for No. 1 clutch. (C) Pressure tap for No. 7 clutch. (D) Not used. (E) Pressure tap for No. 5 clutch. (F)
Pressure tap for No. 4 clutch. (G) Pressure tap for No. 6 clutch. (H) Pressure tap for No. 3 clutch. (M) Pressure tap for pilot oil.

(L) Pressure tap for pump. (M) Pressure tap for pilot oil.

Visual Checks

Make reference to the WARNING on the first page of

Transmission Hydraulic System Troubleshooting.
Perform Visual Checks first when troubleshooting a problem. Make the checks with the engine stopped and the parking
brakes engaged. Put the transmission shift lever and transmission rotary selector spool in NEUTRAL. During these checks,
use a magnet to separate ferrous particles from non-ferrous particles (O-ring seals, aluminum, etc.).

Check 1:

Check the oil level in the transmission oil tank. Look for air or water in the oil (through the sight gauge). Many problems in
the transmission are caused by low oil level or air in the oil. Add oil to the transmission oil tank if it is needed. See 773D &
775D Operation And Maintenance Manual; SEBU6968 to determine the correct oil to use.

Inner Right Side Of Main Frame

(1) Transmission oil filter.

NOTE: There is an oil filter bypass valve on the inlet side of the transmission oil filter. The oil filter bypass will open and let
oil bypass (go around) the oil filter element whenever the pressure difference between inlet oil and outlet oil through the oil
filter gets above 250 kPa (36 psi). Any oil that does not go through the filter element goes directly into the hydraulic circuit.
Dirty oil will cause restrictions in valve orifices, sticking valves, etc.

Problem 1:

The oil level is too high.

Probable Cause:

Differential and bevel gear oil leaks into the transmission case because of:

a. Failure of pinion seal in differential.

b. Center plug of differential pinion is not installed or leaks.

Problem 2:

There is an indication of water in the oil.

Probable Cause:

Failure of the transmission oil cooler.

Problem 3:

There is an indication of air in the oil.

Probable Cause:

Perform Visual Check 2.

Problem 4:

The oil level is too low.

Probable Cause:

Perform Visual Check 2.

Check 2:

Inspect all oil lines, hoses, and connections for damage or leaks. Look for oil on the ground under the machine.
NOTE: If oil can leak out of a fitting or connection, air can leak in. Air in the system can be as bad as not enough oil.

Check 3:

Inner Right Side Of Main Frame

(1) Transmission oil filter.

Remove and inspect (cut apart if necessary) transmission oil filter (1) for foreign material.

Problem 1:

Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause:

a. Seal failure.
b. Hose failure.

Problem 2:

Shiny steel particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Mechanical failure of the charging section of transmission oil pump.

Check 4:

Bottom Of Transfer Gear Case

(2) Magnetic screen (behind cover).

Remove and inspect magnetic screen (2) for foreign material.

Problem 1:

Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause:

a. Seal failure.
b. Hose failure.

Problem 2:

Bronze particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Worn clutches in the transmission.

Problem 3:

Iron or steel chips are found.

Probable Cause:

Broken components in transfer gears or transmission.

Problem 4:

Aluminum particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Worn housings, load pistons or selector pistons in the pressure control group.

Check 5:

Drain Plug For Transmission Case

Remove the plug from the bottom of the transmission case. This will drain all the oil out of the transmission and transfer
gears. Measure the total amount of oil removed. Inspect the oil for foreign material.

Problem 1:

More than 26 liters (7 U.S. gal) of oil is drained from the transmission and transfer gears.

Probable Cause:

Bottom Of Transfer Gear Case

(2) Magnetic screen (behind cover).

a. Restriction in magnetic screen (2).

b. Failure of the scavenge section of the transmission oil pump.
c. Too much leakage in a clutch or clutches of the transmission.

Problem 2:

Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Seal failure.

Problem 3:

Bronze particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Worn clutches in transmission.

Problem 4:

Iron or steel chips are found.

Probable Cause:

Broken components in transmission or transfer gears.

Check 6:

Hydraulic Oil Tank

(3) Suction screen.

Drain the oil from the transmission oil tank. Inspect the bottom of the oil tank for debris. Remove and clean suction screen

Problem 1:

Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause:

a. Seal failure.
b. Hose failure.

Problem 2:

Shiny steel particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Mechanical failure of scavenge section of the transmission oil pump.

Problem 3:

Bronze particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Worn clutches in the transmission.

Problem 4:

Aluminum particles are found.

Probable Cause:

Worn housings, load pistons or selector pistons in the pressure control group.

NOTE: If any of the above particles are found during any Visual Check, all components of the transmission hydraulic system
must be cleaned. Do not use any damaged parts. Any damaged parts must be removed and new parts installed.

Transmission Hydraulic System Tests

Make reference to the WARNING on the first page of the
Transmission Hydraulic System Troubleshooting.

Test 1. Transmission Pump Pressure

This test will show if:

a. Charging section of the transmission oil pump is good.

b. The relief valve is set correctly.


Location Of Pressure Tap (L) For Pump (PRESS)

1. At pressure tap (L), use a coupler (and hose if necessary) and connect a pressure gauge [4000 kPa (580 psi)] to the nipple.

2. With the parking brakes engaged, start and run the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL. The minimum pressure on the
gauge should be 2690 kPa (390 psi).

3. Run the engine at HIGH IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL. The maximum pressure on the gauge should be 3210 kPa (465 psi).

4. When this test is complete, stop the engine and remove the test equipment.
Selector Group
(1) Relief valve. (2) Spacers.

Problem 1:

Oil pressure is too low.

Probable Cause:

a. Failure of charging section of transmission oil pump.

b. The setting of relief valve (1) is too low. Add spacers (2), see "Spacer Chart for Relief Valve". Adjust for LOW IDLE

Problem 2:

Oil pressure is too high.

Probable Cause:

The setting of relief valve (1) is too high. Remove spacers (2), see Spacer Chart for Relief Valve. Adjust for the LOW IDLE
Test 2. Transmission Lubrication Pressure

This test will show if:

a. Oil pressure to the transmission lubrication circuit is good.

b. The transmission lubrication relief valve is closed.


Location Of Pressure Tap (N) For Transmission Lubrication

1. At pressure tap (N), use a coupler (and hose if necessary) and connect a pressure gauge [400 kPa (58 psi)] to the nipple.

2. With the parking brakes engaged, start and run the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL. The pressure on the gauge must
be a minimum of 4 kPa (.5 psi).

3. Run the engine at HIGH IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL. The pressure on the gauge must be 140 to 205 kPa (20 to 30 psi).

4. When this test is complete, stop the engine and remove the test equipment.

Problem 1:

The transmission pump pressure is correct (Test 1). Transmission lubrication pressure is too low.

Probable Cause:
Selector Valve
(3) Transmission lubrication relief valve.

a. Transmission lubrication relief valve (3) is open.

b. Too much leakage in the transmission lubrication circuit (bad seals, etc.).

Problem 2:

The oil gets too hot during normal operation.

Probable Cause:

Too much oil in transmission case. Perform Visual Check 5.

Test 3. Pilot Pressure

This test will show if:

The operation and setting of the priority reduction valve is correct.


NOTE: If Tests 4 and/or 5 are to be performed and FT1874 Transmission Test Cover is to be used, perform Steps 1 through 6
and go on to the next test. Pilot pressure can be checked while clutch pressures are checked.

1. Disconnect the wiring harness from the downshift solenoid and upshift solenoid.

2. Remove the solenoid guard and large cover from the transmission case.

3. Remove the plug from pressure tap (M).

4. Install a 3B-6552 Elbow [.125 (1/8 in) NPT] in pressure tap (M). Connect a 3B-7282 Nipple [.125 (1/8 in) NPT X 152 mm (6 in)
long] with a 6V-4142 Nipple to the elbow.

5. Put the large cover back on top of the transmission case. To prevent the release (spray) of oil and to keep dirt out, use a
piece of plastic or paper along with the cover.

Alternate Step 5. Install the FT1874 Transmission Test Cover in place of large cover. Use four bolts evenly spaced to hold
cover in place.

6. Connect a pressure gauge [4000 kPa (580 psi)] to the nipple.

7. Start and run the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL. Keep the parking brakes engaged.

8. The pressure on the gauge must be 1725 ± 70 kPa (250 ± 10 psi).

9. When the test is complete, stop the engine.

Selector Group
(4) Priority reduction valve. (5) Rotary selector spool. (6) Screen. (7) Spacers. (8) Neutralizer valve. (M) Pressure tap for pilot oil.

Problem 1:

The pressure on the gauge is too low.

Probable Cause:

The setting of priority reduction valve (4) is too low. Add spacers (7), see Spacer Chart for Priority Reduction Valve.

Problem 2:

The pressure on the gauge is too high.

Probable Cause:

The setting of priority reduction valve (4) is too high. Remove spacers (7). See Spacer Chart for Priority Reduction Valve.

Problem 3:

The pressure on the gauge is correct, but the pressures at ALL clutches are 0 kPa (0 psi) (Test 4).
Probable Cause:

a. The operation of neutralizer valve (8) is not correct. Disassemble the selector group. Check for foreign material or
worn or damaged parts. Make sure the orifice and/or ball check valve of the neutralizer valve are free of any debris.
b. Restriction in screen (6) in rotary selector spool (5).

Problem 4:

The pressure on the gauge is correct, but the pressures at ALL clutches are too low (Test 4).

Probable Cause:

Restriction in screen (6) in rotary selector spool (5).

Test 4. Pressure Control Group Clutch Pressures

This test will show if:

a. Transmission clutch pressures are correct.

b. There is too much oil leakage in a clutch.

Sudden movement of the machine or release of oil under

pressure can cause injury to persons on or near the
machine. To prevent possible injury, perform the procedure
that follows before Tests 4 and/or 5 are done.

1. Move the machine to a smooth horizontal location. Move away from working machines and personnel.

2. Apply the service brake. Put the transmission shift lever in NEUTRAL position. Engage the parking brakes. Stop the engine.

3. Permit only one operator on the machine. Keep all other personnel either away from the machine or in view of the

Pins Installed On Body Of The Machine

4. Raise the body and install the two pins at the rear of the machine.

Hoist Control Linkage

5. Disconnect the hoist control linkage. Remove the cotter pin and pin that connects the rod to the hoist control lever.

6. Make sure the transmission rotary selector spool is in NEUTRAL position.

7. Make sure all hydraulic pressure is released before any fitting, hose or component is loosened, tightened, removed or

8. Remove both drive axles from the machine.

9. Make sure the test cover is installed on the transmission case before any tests are done.

Procedure To Manually Shift The Transmission With The Engine Running (Drive Axles Removed)

This procedure will save time when the transmission is tested. Instead of the use of the transmission shift lever in the
operator's station, shifts can be made down on the transmission.

1. Make sure the transmission shift lever is in NEUTRAL position.

2. Disconnect the wiring harness from the upshift solenoid, the downshift solenoid and the lockup solenoid.

Ratchet And Extension Installed In The Rotary Selector Spool

3. With the engine stopped, remove the plug (for the rotary selector spool) from the left side of the transmission case.

4. Use the .25 (1/4) inch square drive extension and ratchet to turn the transmission rotary selector spool. When the ratchet is
turned clockwise as far as it will go, rotary selector spool (5) is in NEUTRAL position. The order of detent positions from
NEUTRAL is REVERSE and FIRST through SEVENTH speeds respectively.


NOTE: If FT1874 Transmission Test Cover is used, a gauge can be installed at pressure tap (M) to check pilot pressure. If 6V-
6064 Transmission Test Cover is used, make sure the plug is installed at pressure tap (M).

1. Remove the solenoid guard and large cover from the top of the transmission case. Install FT1874 Transmission Test Cover
in place of the large cover. Use four bolts to hold the test cover in position.

Alternate Step 1. Remove small cover from large cover and install 6V-6064 Transmission Test Cover in place of the small
cover. Use four nuts to hold the test cover in position.
Pressure Test Gauge Installation
(A) Pressure tap for No. 2 clutch. (B) Pressure tap for No. 1 clutch. (C) Pressure tap for No. 7 clutch. (D) Not used. (E) Pressure tap for No. 5 clutch. (F)
Pressure tap for No. 4 clutch. (G) Pressure tap for No. 6 clutch. (H) Pressure tap for No. 3 clutch. (M) Pressure tap for pilot oil

2. At pressure tap (A), pressure tap (B), pressure tap (C), pressure tap (E), pressure tap (F), pressure tap (G), and pressure tap
(H), connect pressure gauges [3400 kPa (580 psi)] to the nipples.

3. Start and run the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL.

4. Make a record of the pressures on the gauges. Use the "Maximum Clutch Pressure Measurement" chart to record

5. Use the .25 (1/4) inch square drive ratchet and extension. Move transmission rotary selector spool (5) to REVERSE position.

6. Make a record of the pressures on the gauges. Use the "Maximum Clutch Pressure Measurement" chart to record

7. Manually shift the transmission into all forward speeds and make a record of the pressures on the gauges for each shift.
Use the "Maximum Clutch Pressure Measurement" chart to record measurements.

8. With the transmission still in SEVENTH speed, increase the engine rpm to full throttle (HIGH IDLE).

9. Make a record of the pressures on the gauges. Use the "Maximum Clutch Pressure Measurement" chart to record

10. Decrease engine rpm to LOW IDLE and manually shift the transmission to SIXTH speed. Increase engine rpm again to full
throttle (HIGH IDLE). Make a record of the pressures on the gauges. Use the "Maximum Clutch Pressure Measurement" chart
to record measurements.

11. Do Step 10 again in all speeds including REVERSE and NEUTRAL. Make sure to decrease engine rpm before each
downshift is made.

12. Stop the engine with the transmission rotary selector spool in NEUTRAL.

13. Make a comparison of the actual clutch pressures recorded on the "Maximum Clutch Pressure Measurement" chart, with
the specifications given in the "Maximum Clutch Pressure Specifications" chart.

14. After the pressure is set correctly, remove the test equipment.
Pressure Control Valve Group
(9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14) and (15) Modulation reduction valves. (16) Selector piston plugs (seven). (17) Load piston orifice (seven). (18) Decay orifice
plug (six). (19) Load piston plug (seven). (20) Spring [inner (seven)]. (21) Spring [outer (seven)]. (22) Shims (seven places). (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G) and
(H) Pressure taps (also load piston body identification).
Problem 1:

Pressures at ALL clutches are 0 kPa (0 psi).

Probable Cause:

Pilot pressure. Do Test 3.

Problem 2:

Pressures at ALL clutches are too low.

Probable Cause:

Pilot pressure. Perform Test 3.

Problem 3:

Pressure at ONE clutch is 0 kPa (0 psi).

Probable Cause:

Selector piston plug (16) is not installed.

Problem 4:

Pressure in a clutch does not increase above primary pressure.

Probable Cause:
a. Load piston plug (19) not installed.
b. Load piston orifice (17) is plugged.
c. Broken spring(s) in the modulation reduction valve.

Problem 5:

An additional clutch gets pressure oil in some speeds (too many clutches are engaged).

Probable Cause:

Perform Test 5.

Problem 6:

Pressure in one clutch at HIGH IDLE rpm is not correct, but primary pressure in the same clutch is correct.

Probable Cause:

Perform Test 5.

Problem 7:

Primary pressure in one clutch is not correct, but pressure in the same clutch at HIGH IDLE rpm is correct.

Probable Cause:

Perform Test 5.

Problem 8:

Pressure in one clutch at HIGH IDLE rpm is correct, but pressure in the same clutch at LOW IDLE rpm is not correct (too low).

Probable Cause:

Bad seals in a clutch of the transmission.

Problem 9:

Pressure in one clutch does not decrease rapidly or low (approximately primary) pressure remains (stays) in one clutch.

Probable Cause:

a. Decay orifice is plugged.

b. Drain orifice in rotary selector spool is plugged.

Test 5. Primary Clutch Pressures

This test will show if:

The clutch pressures are adjusted correctly.

Make reference to the WARNING given in Test 4.


NOTE: Use the Procedure To Manually Shift The Transmission With The Engine Running (Drive Axles Removed) given in Test

Make sure the drive axles on the machine are removed for
this test or the clutches of the transmission will be

1. If 6V-6064 Transmission Test Cover is used, remove small cover from the top of the transmission case. If FT1874
Transmission Test Cover is used, remove the large cover from the transmission case.

2. Remove seven load piston plugs (19) from their bodies.

3. Put the test cover back in position and install four bolts to hold it in place.

4. At pressure tap (A), pressure tap (B), pressure tap (C), pressure tap (E), pressure tap (F), pressure tap (G) and pressure tap
(H), connect pressure gauges [1000 kPa (145 psi)] to the nipples.

5. Start and run the engine at LOW IDLE rpm in NEUTRAL.

6. Make a record of the pressures on the gauges. Use the Primary Clutch Pressure Measurement chart to record

7. Use the .25 (1/4) inch square drive ratchet and extension. Move the transmission rotary selector spool to REVERSE position.

8. Make a record of the pressures on the gauges. Use the Primary Clutch Pressure Measurement chart to record

9. Manually shift the transmission into all forward speeds and make a record of the pressures on the gauges for each shift.

10. Stop the engine with the transmission rotary selector spool in NEUTRAL.

11. Make a comparison of the actual primary clutch pressure, recorded on the Primary Clutch Pressure Measurement chart
and the specification for each clutch given in the Primary Clutch Pressure Specifications chart.

12. After the pressures are set correctly, remove the pressure gauges and test cover. Install load piston plugs (19).

13. Install large cover, small cover and the solenoid guard. Connect the wiring harness to the solenoids.
Pressure Control Valve Group
(9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14) and (15) Modulation reduction valves. (16) Selector piston plugs (seven). (17) Load piston orifice (seven). (18) Decay orifice
plug (six). (19) Load piston plug (seven). (20) Spring [inner (seven)]. (21) Spring [outer (seven)]. (22) Shims (seven places). (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G) and
(H) Pressure taps (also load piston body identification).
Problem 1:

Pressure at one clutch is 0 kPa (0 psi).

Probable Cause:

Selector piston plug (16) is not installed.

Problem 2:

Primary pressures at all clutches are 0 kPa (0 psi).

Probable Cause:

Pilot pressure. Perform Test 3.

Problem 3:

Primary pressures at all clutches are too low.

Probable Cause:

Pilot pressure. Perform Test 3.

Problem 4:

Primary pressure at one clutch is too low.

Probable Cause:

Add shims (22) for the modulation reduction valve of the clutch that has low pressure. See "Shim Chart Pressure Control

Problem 5:

Primary pressure at one clutch is too high.

Probable Cause:

Remove shims (22) for the modulation reduction valve that has high pressure. See "Shim Chart For Pressure Control Group".

Problem 6:

An additional clutch gets pressure oil in some speeds (too many clutches are engaged).

Probable Cause:

a. A selector piston is stuck (will not go back to its original position).

b. Weak or broken inner spring (20) for the modulation reduction valve.

Problem 7:

Pressure in one clutch at HIGH IDLE rpm is not correct, but primary pressure in the same clutch is correct.

Probable Cause:

a. Wrong outer spring(s) (21) installed in the modulation reduction valve.

b. Weak or broken outer spring(s) (21) in the modulation reduction valve.
c. Load piston orifice (17) is plugged.

Problem 8:

Primary pressure in one clutch is not correct, but pressure in the same clutch at HIGH IDLE rpm is correct.

Probable Cause:

a. Wrong outer spring(s) (21) installed in the modulation relief valve.

Differential And Final Drives Troubleshooting

Basic Diagram For Power Train System

Visual Checks
Use these Visual Checks as a guide to troubleshooting a problem. Make the checks with the engine OFF and the parking
brakes ON. During these checks, use a magnet to separate ferrous particles from non-ferrous particles (O-ring seals, bronze,

Check 1:

Remove the fill plug and check the oil level in each final drive. Make sure that the drain plug is down (in its lowest position)
as shown, when the oil level is checked. Check for oil leakage on the rear tires and wheels. See 773D & 775D Operation And
Maintenance Manual; SEBU6968 to determine the correct oil to use if filling is necessary.

Drain Plug And Fill Plug For A Final Drive

Problem 1:

The oil level in a final drive is too high. The oil level in the hydraulic oil tank is too low.

Probable Cause:

Brake cooling oil leaks into final drive. Failure of small Duo-Cone seal at the rear wheel brake. Drain final drive and add new
oil after a new seal is installed.
Problem 2:

The oil level in a final drive is too low.

Probable Cause:

Failure of O-ring seal on final drive housing.

Check 2:

Remove the fill plug and check the oil level in the rear axle housing. Check for leakage under the housing. See 773D & 775D
Operation And Maintenance Manual; SEBU6968 to determine the correct oil to use if filling is necessary.

Drain Plug And Fill Plug For Rear Axle Housing

Problem 1:

The oil level in the rear axle housing is too high. The oil level in a final drive was too high also (Check 1).

Probable Cause:

Failure of small Duo-Cone seal at the rear wheel brake. Drain rear axle housing and add new oil after a new seal is installed.

Problem 2:

The oil level in the rear axle housing is too low. The oil level in the transmission oil tank is too high.

Probable Cause:

Differential and bevel gear oil leaks into the transmission case.

a. Failure of pinion seal in differential.

b. Center plug of differential pinion is not installed or leaks.

Problem 3:

The oil level in the rear axle housing is too low.

Probable Cause:

Failure of large Duo-Cone seal at the rear wheel brake is causing oil to leak to the ground. Drain rear axle housing and add
new oil after a new seal is installed.

Check 3:

Drain both final drives. Remove the covers to inspect for damaged gears, bearings, etc.

Check 4:

Drain the rear axle housing of differential and bevel gear oil. Remove the fill plug and check the bevel gear and pinion for
damage. Look in the bottom of the rear axle housing for metal chips. Lift one rear wheel of the machine off the ground. Turn
the wheel forward and backward to check the backlash (free movement) in the differential. See the "Specifications" for the
correct amount of backlash.

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