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@I:e Muni[u T,imlg'

urww. !xa n i i*ti m es. n *t

&S,[r HURSDAY July t8,20le

Lawrnaker eyes toughei i trawn

FoLLowtNG the.sulu blast involving 20rs,, he saif,citing th" ,,J$n* of aftack could just be the beginning of
two suicide bombers in Iune, a law- the definition of the crime of renorism,, more similar attacl<s and the govemrnent .

maker sought to revise the Human and other restrictive measures that have needs to step up effons ro fighr Lhis knd
Security Act to prevenl rerrorisl acts in made $e law inefficient. of tenorism,l' Nograles said.
the country 'The non-use ofthe Human Security Nograles, who seryed as a caretaker
Puwersa. ng Bayaning Atletang par- Actbylawenforcementagencies is a dear congressman of Sulu province, said
Il:lir, R:p: lericho Nograles filed symptom that rhere is i problem with security auihorities should also look at
llprpe Bill (HB) 2082, also known as our country,s primary legil rool againsr the possibility that Sulu province might
tlft Hnri-lerorism Afl o[201q,' ro terrorism,,' Nogales s,]id have become a training ground for these
address the gaps in Republic Acr 9272 ,,The vagueness of the definition Filipino suicide bombers
orthe "Human SecurityAct" which was of the crime of terrorish, tht ihost, HB 2082 provides a dearer definition
passed in 2007. absurd provisions for awards ofdam- of key concepts such as "tenorist acls"
"The Hxman Securiry Act of 2007 ages, and the unreasonably restrictive
and "foreign tenorism," imposes the
needs to be revised to make it ratio- measures which negate the very intent penalty of perpetual disqualification
nal, balanced, realistic and trul.i ef- ofthe HSA are but a"few oftheieasons fiom public office to ofienders, and man-
feclive in the fight against terorism, " raised why the law has become inutile,,,
dates the creation offocus programs on
Nograles said. he added. CounteringViolent Extremism, Counter
-, Nograles said 12 years after its passage Nograles said the-suicide bombing in Tenorism Operational Readiness, kgal
thq.fluman Seclrity Act "has provided Sulu carried out by Norman Lasuca was Affain, Anti-Tenor Financin& and Inter-
little to nil contribution in the fight a,,grim indication;,thatforeign tenoriso national Affairs.
against tenorism," as it was applied in have already spread theirvioient ideolo_ The bill also provides $eater prctec-
only two cases. gy to local lslimic insurgents. tion for'members of the mostltlnerable
"l-irstwas in the 2008 case offun Gue- involvement oia Filipino in a groups and mandates motu propio
vana where the accused plea-bargalned suicide bombing completely changes
investigate rqrors of abuse, malicious
and in the proscription oftheAbuSalyaf everything that we knowaboui
tenorism application and improper implementa-
Group as a Terorist Organization in
in the philippines. This unprecedented tion ofthe law GLEE JALEA

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