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Radiation processing of
natural rubber latex
New technology has been developed through an IAEA regional
programme for Southeast Asia and the Pacific

^Significant progress has been made in the Regional co-operation by K. Makuuchi

last 5 years in developing new rubber material and V. Markovic
using radiation technology that holds important The potential use of radiation to vulcanize
benefits for industries in Southeast Asia and the natural rubber latex was recognized very early.
Pacific. A driving force behind its development In the 1950s, it was studied in several coun-
has been co-ordinated research through an tries, including the United Kingdom, Japan,
international programme of the IAEA and France, USSR, Poland, India, and Indonesia.
United Nations Development Programme In parallel, successful radiation cross-linking
(UNDP) known as the Regional Co-operative applications were developed in the wire and
Agreement (RCA). cable industry, among others. Industries were
The technology is called radiation vulcaniza- willing to apply radiation technology whenever
tion of natural rubber latex, or RVNRL. It uses it could make a superior quality product at
high-energy gamma radiation (it also can use acceptable cost.
electron beams) to initiate vulcanization, a RVNRL, however, has been slower to get
process that chemically bonds molecules to off the ground, so to speak, although the basics
produce rubber elasticity and strength. As with of the process were developed long ago. The
other radiation industrial processes, products end products were at least as good as conven-
are not radioactive. tional ones, yet the economics of the process
In the RVNRL process, radiation energy were not very attractive to justify investment in
replaces the use of a sulphur-based process and new technology.
produces a material that retains all properties of Interest in this technology was revived in
the conventional product. However, it has 1982 with the start of the IAEA/UNDP
some additional remarkable qualities: the regional project on industrial applications of
absence of carcinogenic nitrosoamines; isotopes and radiation. The use of radiation to
extremely low cytotoxicity; absence of sulphur vulcanize natural rubber latex was part of the
and zinc oxide; and high transparency and programme from the beginning for two main
softness. reasons:
These properties are important for many • the region is the world's main supplier of
products, particularly catheters, protective raw natural rubber latex;
gloves, and other medical and hospital sup- • countries of the region have pursued a
plies. For such uses, it is important that development policy whereby they export
products are free of contaminants, and toxic finished or semi-finished products, rather than
and carcinogenic components to avoid harmful raw materials only.
effects in people. As safety requirements for Today, the cost of radiation sources and of
such products become more stringent, RVNRL the irradiation process has decreased signifi-
can provide a technically and economically via- cantly compared to 20 or 30 years ago. In a
ble alternative to the existing vulcanization number of industries, radiation technologies
process. have become well established; for example, for
the sterilization of medical products, for cross-
linking applications, or for radiation curing.
Further, several countries in the region have
Mr Makuuchi is with the Japan Atomic Energy Research
Institute (JAERI), Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Research
strong research potential in the production tech-
Establishment, Japan, and Mr Markovic is a staff member nology for natural rubber latex; they lack only
of the IAEA Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences. the radiaton technology component.

IAEA BULLETIN, 1/1991 25


Toy balloons are among The regional co-operative project pulled in the programme. It was carried out in part at
rubber products being together individual capabilities, with the expec- national institutions of participating countries
produced in tests in
Thailand using the
tation that this would have a beneficial impact and at TRCRE laboratories with research fel-
technology of radiation on the technology's development as the first lows from the same countries. The progress
vulcanization. step and on its transfer to industry as the next was monitored by regular meetings of scientists
(Credit: AECL) step. involved.
Early work on RVNRL in the 1950s was
based on the use of carbon tetrachloride as a
radiation sensitizer. The process worked, but
had two important disadvantages: 1) high costs
Technology development of irradiation (there was the need to use
absorbed doses of the order of 40 kilogray
In 1983, a pilot plant for RVNRL was (kGy), which reduces the efficiency of radia-
installed at the Center for Application of Iso- tion utilization and consequently increases the
topes and Radiation (CAIR) of the National cost); and 2) the toxicity of the radiation sen-
Atomic Energy Agency, in Jakarta, Indonesia. sitizer, which necessarily remains as an addi-
During the period 1983-86, this plant was used tive in the final product.
for training of rubber researchers and demon- Similarly, today's conventional sulphur
stration of the basics of the technology to process results in remnants of dithiocarba-
industry. mates, a toxic and potentially harmful additive.
Following this initial phase, in 1986, the Cytotoxicity and the presence of nitrosoamines
IAEA started a comprehensive programme on increasingly are considered as dangerous sub-
technology development with the main objec- stances in natural rubber latex products.
tives of reducing the cost of irradiation and Several countries have introduced strict regula-
improving the quality of final products. This tions on the presence of these substances in cer-
research and development (R&D) work was co- tain categories of products, in particular
ordinated by the Japan Atomic Energy medical devices, and products used by small
Research Institute (JAERI), Takasaki Radiation children, such as rubber nipples and pacifiers.
Chemistry Research Establishment (TRCRE). Another concern is the presence of nitroso-
Research groups from China, Indonesia, amines at the manufacturing site, where it poses
Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand participated potential health hazards to workers.

26 IAEA BULLETIN, 1/1991


Natural rubber latex

Natural rubber latex is one important raw nique is called "dipping", in which the latex
material used to manufacture medical forms around the mold and, after drying at
products and a number of household and elevated temperature, retains the desired
industrial items. It is extracted from the tree shape and is elastic at room temperatures. At
species Hevea Brasiliensis of the Euphobia- high temperatures, the material disintegrates
caea family. As the name indicates, the tree and at very low temperatures it becomes
originated in Brazilian forests. It has been suc- brittle.
cessfully transplanted into the environment of Such "dipped" products consume about
Southeast Asia and in some parts of Africa. 70% of all the natural rubber latex produced.
Two countries alone — Malaysia and Indone- The largest amount of this is used to make
sia — produce about 85% of the world's total gloves (surgical, household, and others), chil-
volume of natural rubber latex, or close to a dren's toy balloons, condoms, catheters, and
half million tons measured in dry weight. other products requiring high standards of
Natural rubber latex is collected in the hygiene. The largest single item produced
fields, then concentrated, stabilized, and from natural rubber latex are gloves uses in
shipped to industries for processing. The medical examinations: about 12 billion pairs
processing involves vulcanization, in which are made each year. Growing concern about
individual organic molecules are chemically the safety of medical workers and patients has
bonded to produce a cross-linked, rubber-like created an expanding market for these gloves
structure that is then shaped into final products and demand is expected to increase markedly
by different techniques. One common tech- in developing countries.

The first and most important breakthrough Additionally, an analysis of the properties of
achieved by the regional programme was the the starting material identified the best latex for
discovery of a new radiation sensitizer, n-butyl this process. Research also demonstrated that
aery late (NBA). This additive, in small some process elements, like controlled heating
amounts (about 5 parts per 100), reduced the and leaching, further improved the properties
absorbed dose requirement from 30-40 kGy of the final product.
down to about 12 kGy. This had an obvious As expected, the analysis of products made
impact on the process' economy. from RVNRL found no evidence for the
IAEA BULLETIN, 1/1991 27

presence of nitrosoamines and the cytotoxicity because it is a newly developed technology not
was extremely low. The products do not con- well known to industry and because existing
tain any sulphur or zinc oxide. This is impor- regulations in many countries do not yet set
tant in those cases where eventual disposal of strict health and safety standards for some criti-
the product by incineration may not be accepta- cal latex products. Two commercial applica-
ble if sulphur is present. tions have been developed in Japan: for
protective gloves used in work with radioactive
materials and for rubber recepticals used in
Applications of RVNRL optical laser endoscope medical examinations.

Rubber products for medical and hygienic

uses are obviously the most promising applica-
tions of RVNRL technology because of the Technology transfer activities
absence of carcinogenic and toxic products.
These essential requirements are easily met by The transfer of the RVNRL technology to
the radiation technology and, at the moment, by industry is carried out through the regional
no. other alternative. Within the technology project.
development programme, test production of Related activities have included an inter-
various products such as condoms, gloves, nip- national symposium in 1989 that took place in
ples, pacifiers, and toy balloons are now being Tokyo and Takasaki; it was organized by
carried out at different centers participating in JAERI in co-operation with the IAEA. About
the programme. Pilot production of condoms 60 participants from 15 countries reviewed the
and gloves for medical examinations is done in technology's status (the proceedings have been
Indonesia. Products are tested extensively in published by JAERI in Japan). Additionally,
various field locations. regional and national IAEA-organized seminars
In Thailand, the Office of Atomic Energy and training courses are conducted to promote
for Peace has started a co-operative project the exchange of information and transfer of
with a local manufacturer for test production of technology.
toy balloons using RVNRL technology. Prepa- Future efforts will focus on technical factors
ration of the natural rubber latex is being done of the RVNRL process as well as on fundamen-
at the Thai Irradiation Centre in Bangkok. tal research.
Training courses that
include demonstrations Low-cost irradiators have been specifically Already established is that the technology is
of the technology of designed for vulcanization applications, and the safe for application and minimizes environmen-
radiation vulcanization main parameters for estimating production tal hazards. It is economically acceptable when
are part of IAEA regional costs and for conducting feasibility studies have applied under high-capacity processing condi-
activities in Southeast
Asia; shown here is a
been developed. tions. It is also particularly suitable for service
scene from a course in So far, however, the process has not yet contracts, under which one large irradiator can
Jakarta. been used on a large scale. This is partly be used by a number of small manufacturers.

28 IAEA BULLETIN, 1/1991

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