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University of Macau

Faculty of Business Administration

Second Semester 2009-2010

Course: MGMT464 Leadership

Lecturer: Gwenda Latham

Tel: Ext.8502
Room: B2-A703

With business becoming increasingly complex and expanding beyond national
borders, enterprise leaders face greater pressure to find new and improved ways
of conducting business. Leadership skills are in demand, and this course seeks to
enable students to gain an understanding, appreciation and recognition of the
skills needed to successfully lead. The course introduces students to the major
areas of leadership theory and perspectives on the nature and importance of
leadership. Both theory and application are combined by the use of case studies
from a variety of contexts.

 Leadership roles
 Leadership traits
 Charismatic leadership
 Transformational leadership
 Leadership styles
 Contingency and Situational leadership
 Power and leadership
 Influence tactics of leaders
 Team leadership

 Mid-term examination 30%
 Final examination 30%
 Group case study and presentation 30%
 Assignments/Participation 10%

Du Brin, AJ 2010, Principles of Leadership: South-Western, 6th edition

Supplementary materials and references will be distributed through UMMoodle.

Midterm exam date: Friday, 9 April 2010, 2.30 – 4.30 pm

• Participation is a requirement of the course. Students are expected to volunteer
opinions, contribute to discussions, ask questions and take responsibility for
their involvement in the learning process.

• The frequency and quality of students’ participation will be noted and recorded
for every class, and the combined ratings will determine the participation
component of the assessment.

• Students are required to come to class prepared. This means students must read
the prescribed reading materials in advance of the class.

• Respect for classmates, the lecturer and for the importance of the course is

 This means that every contribution made will be treated seriously.

 It means that punctuality is a requirement.
 It means that mobile phones will be turned off and not used during class
 It means that students will use the bathroom between class time, not during
class time.
 It means that if students leave the class without permission, that will be
considered to be disruptive and disrespectful behaviour. Such students
will be required to withdraw from the course.

• Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Not only will plagiarised work result
in a zero score, further serious consequences, such as failing the course, will be
determined by the lecturer in consultation with the dean.

• No make-up exams or late assignments will be accepted.

• Students who are absent from a class that involves any in-class exercise or
activity will receive zero for that exercise or activity.

• If a student is absent from class, it is that student’s responsibility to find out

what has been covered during the class, and to catch up with the work.

• It is the responsibility of the student to obtain assignments, instructions, and

lecture material presented during classes that he or she has not attended.

• The policy of the FBA states that, in order to be eligible to take the final exam,
students must have attended 80% of lectures and taken the mid-term exam.

• Problems of a medical or personal nature that have an impact on a student’s

academic progress should be brought to the attention of the lecturer. Such
situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

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