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Bio Factsneu

BiologicalBasisof Cancer
of cancer.
This Factsheetdescribesthe causes,characteristics, diagnosisand treatment
There are over 200 different forms of cancer,All have a similar origin: the Exam Hint: Learn the detailsof celt division because this will help you
uncontrolled replication of cells, resulting in the formation of fumours' to answer longer essaYquesfions.

Cancers account for about 25oh of all deaths in the UK, and are the
Tumour DeveloPment
secondbiggest killer aftet cardiovasculardisease.In males, lung cancer
The tumours aise from prob)ems wttlt tbe mechan)sms responsible for
is the most comlnon, whereasin femalesit is breastcancer.
the control of cell division' The problems may be due to:
. mutations:
Remember - epidemiologt is the study of the patterns of disease and . abnormal activation of the genesinvolved (if this occurs the genesare
the variousfactors that affect the spreadof diseasewithin populations referred to as oncogenes).The genesmay be activatedby carcinogens"
A carcinogen is any agentthat can causethe developmentof cancer.

Fig 1. Cervical smears,showing normal cellsand malignant cells' If these abnormal cells are not recognised by the immune system and
(a) Normal cervical cells suppressed,they will multiply uncontrollably, resulting in the formation
Normal cells have clear cYtoPlasm r)
^v\r\ ola bundle of identical cells, called the primary tumour' Tumour cells
and nuclei

can break away and spread to other parts of the body by two methods:
. the tumoul cells become mobile by amoeboid action (then called
'tadpole cells') and can migrate into nearby areas'
. the tumour cells can be ffansported in the bloodsffeam and the
lymphatic sYstem.

b? The process of invasion of other body tissues by cells from the prirnary
tumour is called metastasis. This gives rise to secondary tumours or
metastasesin organs such as the liver, adrenal glands and the brain' If the
tumour cells are transportedin the blood the secondarytumour is likely to
be distant from the primary tumour, however if the transport system is the
lymph, it is most likely to occur in a lymph node closeto the original tumour'

Some tumours that form do not spread and are referred to as benign, and
are usually harmless.Tumours that spread,thus causingthe development
of secondarytumours, (which can also spread),are classedas malignant
and can result in seriousillness or death.

Exam Hint: A common (and simpte)mistakels fo confusebenign and


Fig 2. Diagram of development and spread of secondarytumours.

Normarcerswhose,:;;;3;1.' bv
_ r*"\cm ffffi:xlce's
areactivatedbycarctnosens oC/T v
\ *_

Tumour supplied bY blood/lYmPh'
Tumour cells becomemobile,
Tumour gets larger, cells
some enter vesselsand are
ffansported to other organs
vfl, may become mobile
(tadpole cells)

Via blood
Secondary tumour tbrms tn
Tumour (tadpole) cells squeeze lymph node
through wall of caPillary and
invade surrounding tissue

'Tadpole cell lymph node

Bio Factsbeet
Biologicalbasisof cancer It,w tt,.c u r ri c ul u m Dre ss'c o. u k

Table I Carcinogenic agents.

Relevant information Associatedcancers

in the Skin cancer

Ultraviolet light uv-light energy is absorbed by the niffogenous bases in DNA and results
thymine dimers. These couple across the DNA instead of thymine (Xeroderma
(non-ionising radiation). formation of
Most people have pigmentosum).
Wavelengthsbetween250 to 270 nrn coupling to adenine,causingthe DNA to develop abnormalbulges.
are the most dangerous and are un .nry-. that in light repairs the DNA. Some people have a gene mutation
to be damaged, and this allows the development of skin
found in bright sunshine,particularly causesthe repair .niy-.
UV-light cannot penetratefurther than the epidermis.
since ozone has become dePletedin cancers.
the upper atmosPhere.
gamma-raysareelectomagnetic Lung, breast,bone
X-raysr cr, F, T - rays, cosmic raYs. Alpha-raysareheliumnuclei,beta-raysareelectronsorpositrons,
and act by:
gamma-rays maIToWCancers.
(ionising radiations) radiation.They all come from radioactivesources.X-rays
. directly breaking DNA and RNA into short lengths'
. splitting water into reactive ionised fragmentswhich damageDNA indirectly.
base Environmentally
Mutagenic chemicals Mustard gas adds a methyl or similar alkyl group to guaninealtering its ability to
Polycyclic hydrocarbons pair. This causesthe releaseof guanine from DNA so that the position occupied by caused
other chemicals are base analogues as lung cancer
nitrosamines,aromatic amines' guani.e can then be filled by anotherbase.Many
to the normal basesand so can become incorporated into (linked to polycyclic
which have similar structures
Other hydrocarbons).
the DNA in place of them during replication. An example is 5-bromouracil.
mutagenic chemicals include dioxin, colchicine, caffeine, some pesticides and several
tobaccoproducts. Polycyclic hydrocarbonsare found in soot and tobacco smoke'

Some viruses can contain genesthat when inserted into the host cells DNA become Cervical cancer
an (linked to papilloma
EPstein-oncogenes.For example,when a retrovirus such as HIV-I, (an RNA virus), invades
cell it rr., ..u...e to
transcriptase convert the viral RNA into copy DNA' The viruses).
Barrvirus. animal
cDNA can then be insertedinto the host's genomealtering the host's cell division
cell to become malignant. DNA viruses such as the
and switching them on, causingthe
virus contain their own oncogenes, which when inserted into the host's
DNA causeuncontrolled cell division'

Causes of cancer Lung Cancer

The incidenceof some cancersincreaseswith age, for example,cancerof The link between lung cancer and smoking was first identified by
the gut, skin and urinary tract. Some cancelshave been shown to have a epidemiological studies. By studying and comparing graphs (Fig. 2)
strong genetic predisposition, such as breast cancer and ovarian cancer' sirowing the number of cigarettessmokedand the number of deathsfrom
The genes involved may be oncogenes,or genes that stop the immune lung cancer it was possibleto seethe first evidenceof an association'
systemfrom recognisingand attacking cancercells thereforeallowing the
developmentof tumours.Also, carcinogens(seeTable 1) can increasethe Practice exam technique: study the graphsand practisesummansng
the trends a questioniusfasks you to describe the data, then
chanceof tumour formation.
referto the trendsshown and include values,but do not try to explain
It is likely that the formation of a malignant cancer cell is caused by the data, because markswitt not be availablefor an explanation.lf you
severalfactors operatingover a number of years,rather than being caused are askedto compare the data for malesand femalesyou must refer
to both for each comparison you make'
by a single factor alone.

Fig 2. Smoking and lung cancer

30,000 4,500 30,000
tr 4,500 Women
a l<
L C)
8. 4,000 25,000
25,000 t-

3 3,500 tr
c) >.
*- 20,000 l-1
b 3,000 (.) 3,000 CD

E 2,500
C) .t
0 JZ 15, 000
- CD

a 2,000 (t
2,000 (D
C! 0)
E r.soo

.30 O

; (r 1,000
5,000 t<

-8 5oo - 500

z 0 0 Z
t991 l91l 1 9 3I 1951 l99l
1931 1951 t97 |

Key: Deaths Cigarettessmoked per personper year

Biologicalbasisof cancer Bio tactsbeet
rt, rriculum

There is a clear correlation showing that as smoking became more computerised tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging
prevalent, due to changing fashions, so the number of deathsfrom lung (MRI). The successof these techniquesrelies on the presenceof a
cancerincreased.while thesesfudiesweren't conclusive,when they were tumour that is large enough to be detected. others techniques involve
repeatedfor other possiblecauses,such as atmosphericpollution, no such taking samples of body fluids, such as blood, and testing them
correlationswere found. biochemically for abnormal products of cancer cells or histologically for
abnormal leucocytesin leukaemias.
Since these studies, experimentalevidencehas shown a direct causative
link befweenthe chemicalscontainedin cigarettesmoke and lung cancer. More recently there have been advancesusing monoclonal antibodies,
It has been shown that the tar present in cigarettes contains polycyclic which allow the diagnosis of cancers much earlier than the other
hydrocarbon carcinogens,such as benzyprene and co-carcinogens. A techniques. The advantage of using monoclonal antibodies is their
co-carcinogenis a substancethat increasesthe chancethat a carcinogen specific binding to antigenson the cancercells in question.For example,
will causechangesin DNA leukaemiasand lymphomas are both cancersof white blood cells, which
are hard to distinguishbetween.The use of monoclonal antibodiesallows
Throughout both the developed and developing world, the number of the recognition of the different antigenson these cells. The monoclonal
people smoking is still very high, despite the evidence of the risk to antibodiesare taggedwith harmlessradioactive tracers (radionuclides)
health, not just of developing lung cancer, but also of developing which emit gamma-rays.As the tracer collects at clumps of cancer cells
coronary heart disease,and of the increasedrisk of strokes.This has lead it can be visualised by gamma scanning(not all types of gamma-ray are
to a huge strain on the health service, both financially and physically, dangerous).A three-dimensionalimage of the tumour and its position can
resulting in calls to prioritise treatment,with smokersbeing treatedafter be built up and this enables radiotherapy treatment to be accurately
non-smokers,also the withholding of certain treatments,(such as heart directed. A radionuclide in common use is technetium (*Tc). For thyroid
bypasssurgery), if the patient is still smoking. studies,radionuclidesof iodine (r25Iand ','I) are used,

Smoking and Lung Cancer Diagnostic techniqueslike this should enableearly diagnosisof common
cancers,such as breastand colon cancer,without taking samplesof body
o The risk of developinglung cancerwill be higher if the smoker: fluids.
. Inhales
. Smokes high tar cigarettes
. Smokes for a long period of time
. once cancer is diagnosed,the choice of treatment depends on the site,
Smokes a large number of cigarettesa day
. nature and extent of the tumours. The main treatmentsare:
Starts smoking from a young age
. Smokes cigaretteswithout filters . Surgery to remove the fumour
o If smoking is stopped the risk decreases,but it takes over ten . Radiotherapy of the affected area using X-rays or y-rays to kill
years for the risk to return to the samelevel as a non-smoker tumour cells. Some tumours respondpoorly to this type of treatment
o One-third of all cancer-related deaths are a direct result of if they have low intemal oxygen levels. Becauseradiation has to be
cigarettesmoking precisely directed to the cancer, radiotherapy can only be used for
cancersthat are in discretetumour form and cannot be used asainst
a Lung cancer is responsiblefor 25o/oof all deathsof smokers dispersedcancercells.
o Smokers are nearly 20 times more likely to develop lung cancer . Chemotherapy of the whole body using chemicals which kill
than non-smokers dividing cells, including normal and tumour cells.
. Chemotherapy using drugs such as Tamoxifen, which reduces the
risk of developing of breasttumours by reducing oestrogenlevels as
Skin Cancers/Melanoma high oestrogenlevels can stimulate the growth of breasttumours.
Similar to lung cancer,there has been a link observedbetweenincreasing
levels of UV-radiation in sunlight and skin cancer. Over the years UV A natural means of defence against cancer is the immune system, and
levels have been increasing, due to the depletion of the ozone layer research is being directed towards finding ways to stimulate immune
causedby polluting CFCs used in refrigerators,aerosolpropellants and reactions,for example, by using interferons and interleukins produced
foam expanders.The increasein UV-light intensity is linked directly to an by genetically modified bacteria.
increasedincidence of skin cancer,although this trend is being reversed
to some extent by increasedpublic awarenessabout pollution and use of Radiotherapyand chemotherapyunfortunately kill some norrnal dividing
sun lotions which 'filter out'the UV-light. body cells as well as cancercells and so treatmentwith thesemethods has
unpleasantside effects, for example, hair loss and damage to the gut
The skin pigment melanin provides some protection by absorbing the lining. Fortunately the cancer cells are much more sensitive to the
radiation. Melanoma is a highly malignant tumour, which often forms treatmentsthan normal cells and so treatmentis still possible.
secondarytumours in the brain, resulting in death.
The use of monoclonal antibodies in diagnosis has already been
Exam Hint: The topic of UV-radiation and skin cancer often appears in discussed,but they also have a potential role in the treatmentof cancers.
guesfbns relating to pollution,particularlyin synoptic guesflbnsand essays. Anti-cancer drugs can be attachedto the antibody and thus delivered to
the desiredsite; theseare the so-calledmagic bullets.

Diagnosis of cancer Another technique is to tag monoclonal antibodies with an enzyme that
The sooner cancer is diagnosedthe better the prognosis (likelihood of a convertsthe inactive form (prodrug) of an anti-cancerdrug into an active
cure), therefore a lot of researchhas focusedon this aspectof cancer. As form. The prodrug is then administeredin high doses,but will only be
a result there are a range of techniquesavailable,ranging from X-raying activatedat cancercells by the presenceof the enzyme,thus killing them,
the possibleaffected areasuch as the breast(mammography)or assessing while not having any effect on non-cancerouscells. This technique is
the area using imaging techniques such as ultrasound scanning, called ADEPT (Antibody Direct Enzyme Prodrug Therapy).
Bio Factsbeet
Biologicalbasisof cancer w u,ra.c u rricu I u m P re u k

Practice Questions Answers

1. (a) (i ) rapid fall of deathsper thousandfrom1.4 to 0.6inumber
l. The graphshowsthe deathrateper thousandof the populationfrom
luns cancerof non-smokers of deaths(more than) halve in first five years,
decreasesmore slowly in next 10 years from 0'6 to 0'2;
levels off at around 0.2 deathsper thousand;

named deposit take time to remove

(ii) carcinogens/deposits/
from lungs;
cancersalready presentdue to exposureto carclnogens
t.2 before stopping smoking;
1.0 lung damagedue to smoking takeslong time to rePair;
- ex-smokers max 2
0.6 (b) (i) more people smoke in developing countries;
0.4 fewer contols on industrialemissionsin developingcounffies;
0.2 non-smokers L

5 1 0 1 5 2 0 (ii) in developing counffies people more likely to die of
time sincestoppingsmoking/years communicablediseases;
developedcountriespeople live longer so more likely to
die ofcancer;
(a) (i) Describethe pattern of the curve for ex-smokers. in developed countries better diagnosis of cancer as
3 causeof death; max 2

(ii) Suggesttwo reasonswhy it takes so many years for the 2 . oncogenesare activatedby carcinogens;
number of deaths to decrease to the lowest point' cancerouscell does not respondto signals from other cells;
L mitosis occurs;
cancerouscells are not removed by the immune system;
There are approximately 5.9 million new cancer casesin the world rapid mitosis occurs,
each year and I in 10 deaths is causedby cancer.The table below tumour gets bigger, cells changetheir appearanceand can be detected
shows somedifferencesbetweendevelopedand developingcounffies: under a microscoPe;
ref to migratory cells/tadpolecells;
Developed countries Developing countries tumour supplied with blood and lymph vessels;
tumour cells spreadin thesevesselsto other parts of the body;
Number of new
3.0 million ref to metastasis/cellsinvade other tissues;
cancercasesper year 2.9 million
secondarycancersform throughoutthe body;
Number of deaths due max l0
to cancerper year lin16
3. (a) (i) A carcinogenis an agentwhich can causethe development
of cancer; 1
Age range with highest
incidenceof cancer
(ii) benzyprene/polycyclichydrocarbons;
lulg cancer; 2

(b) Suggestan explanation for the difference between developed

(industrialised)countriesand developing countriesin: (iii) ultra-violetlight;
gf,[g cancer/melanomaixerodermapigmentosum;
(i) the age range with the gteatestincidence of cancer'
(b) ref to radionuclides/technetium/eeTc'/iodine lt2slI
(ii) the deathsper year due to cancer' 2 taken up preferentially by cancercells/attachedto monoclonal
Total 9 antibodieswhich attachto cancercells;
emit harmless/softgammarays which can be imaged by a
gaffIma scanner/gammacamera;
2. Outline the sequenceof eventsin the formation of a secondarytumour'
Total 10 tumours can be directly inadiated with damaging radiation;
harmful,/hard X-rays or gamma-rays;
3. (a) (i) Define the term
'carcinogen'. 1 cancer cells more susceptibleto radiation damagethan normal cells;
max )

(ii) Name a chemical carcinogenand say which cancer it is

implicated to. 2

(iii) Name a non-ionising radiation and say which cancerit is Acknowledgements

implicated to. 2 This Factsheet was researched and written bv Fiona MacBain'
Bio Press.unit 3058, TheBig Peg, 120 VvseStreet,Birmingham BI8 6NF
Bio Factsheetsma.v-be copied free of charge bv teaching staJf or students,provided that
'Ionising radiationscan be used for diagnosisand for treatment stored in a
(b) school is a registered subscriber. No part of these Factsheets mav be reproduced,
of cancer'. Explain this statement' 5 retrieval system, or transmitted, in anv other form or bv any other means, without the
Total 10 permissionofthe publisher ISSN I35l-5136

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