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Dynamic Customization in Pervasive Computing Environments

Chitra Babu, Wenonah Jaques and D Janakiram

Distributed Object Systems Lab, Dept. of Computer Science & Engg.,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036, India.
Email: chitra, wenonah,


Abstract 1 Introduction

With the advances in technology, pervasive

Pervasive computing environments are gaining
computing environments are increasingly becom-
prominence due to the advancements in wireless
ing significant. Pervasive computing environ-
and sensor technology. This paper discusses a
ments attempt to simplify the day–to–day tasks
new approach for designing programming frame-
of an individual by allowing him to perform them
works specific to pervasive computing environ-
with the help of handheld devices[1], such as mo-
ments using a Dynamic Object Composition
bile phones, PDAs etc. These tasks range from
Language – DynOCoLa. DynOCoLa differs
simple operations such as switching on the lights
from the traditional Object Oriented(OO) lan-
in a room and checking email to complex ones
guages in that it allows the definition of objects
like reserving airline tickets.
whose behaviour can be extended at runtime. This
paper describes a representative pervasive com- Smart spaces such as a room or a car, that are
puting environment - an automated health care augmented with the ability to intelligently inter-
system. Two of the key issues in designing this sys- act with their occupants[2] can also be viewed
tem are: enabling dynamic access control to the as pervasive computing environments. These de-
patient records based on the location, and modify- vices in “smart spaces” can coordinate among
ing the behaviour of sensors depending upon the themselves and an underlying software infrastruc-
context. This paper investigates how the dynamic ture to deliver relevant information and integrated
behavioural customization feature that is unique services[1]. An example of a “smart space” would
to DynOCoLa can be leveraged in addressing the be a car that adapts its interfaces and capabilities
above two issues. depending on its occupants, or a room equipped
with a heating system having the capability to al-
ter the room temperature depending on the occu-
Keywords: Pervasive Computing, Smart de- pants of the room.
vices, Automated Health Care System, Composi- Since devices, sensors and sometimes even
tional language, State Based Filtering(SBF), As- software applications in a pervasive computing
pect, Role Based Access Control (RBAC) environment can be accessed by users with their

handheld devices, they should be equipped with Object Composition Language [5], DynOCoLa
appropriate access control mechanisms. Access based on the Method Driven Model(MDM)[6],
control to both devices and software may involve for realizing the features of the automated health
assigning roles to the different entities which are care system. DynOCoLa differs from the tra-
allowed access and specifying their privileges. In ditional OO languages in that it provides lan-
some situations, not only the roles played by the guage level constructs for abstracting the chang-
entities but also the context in which they perform ing behaviour of an object into first class entities,
an access is important. For example, there may be known as aspects. Further, it facilitates the run-
a need to restrict access to important account in- time weaving of these aspects, based on the state
formation in a banking scenario, depending on the of the object whose behaviour should be altered.
user’s context. If the user is accessing the infor- This unique ability of the language to define ob-
mation via an insecure link, he may have lower jects that can exhibit different behaviour based on
privileges than if he is doing the same task using the context, makes it well–suited for designing
a secure link. frameworks specific to various pervasive comput-
The growing endeavours to simplify the tasks ing environments, such as the automated health
of an individual to the extent possible by em- care system discussed in this paper.
bedding devices with “intelligence”, has led the The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
application of pervasive computing environments section 2 describes the automated health care sys-
into the domain of health care. Automated health tem and highlights the issues involved in design-
care systems are now being developed, which en- ing software for such a system. Section 3 briefly
able the proactive monitoring of a patient’s health introduces DynOCoLa and demonstrates how it
in his home environment[3, 4]. The health care handles the two main issues related to the auto-
system is essentially a “smart space” comprising mated health care system. Section 4 discusses the
of a number of sensors and devices which in- related work. Section 5 concludes and provides
teract among themselves and intelligent software future research directions.
agents. The sensors monitor the physiological
conditions of a person as well as the environmen- 2 Automated Health Care System
tal conditions which would in turn ascertain the
health of the individual. An automated health care system typically con-
The devices can be software enabled, or they sists of a number of wearable and environmental
may coordinate with a centralized software appli- sensors which coordinate among themselves and
cation within the patient’s home environment, that with a centralized software application. The fol-
is capable of automatically generating appropri- lowing paragraph describes a model of a typical
ate signals based on the health conditions of the health care system, that depicts the entities in-
patient(s). For example, a pressure sensor may volved and the way they communicate with each
generate an alarm if the pressure of an individual other.
goes above a threshold, and depending upon how Figure 1 illustrates the model of an automated
serious the condition of the patient is, different health care system. There exists a centralized
types of alarms may be generated. Besides moni- medical database used for storing the records of
toring the health conditions of the patient, the sys- patients. This database is hosted at a server lo-
tem can automatically update the medical records cated at a main hospital. The database can be
of the patient maintained by a medical database at accessed by doctors, patients, and the software
a central location, for example a hospital. application that administers the patients health,
This paper discusses the use of a Dynamic which is located on a home server at the patient’s

home environment. The patient wears a num- ation of appropriate alarms based on the health
ber of sensors which are required for monitoring of the patient. A number of sensors monitor the
his health condition. The sensors along with the various physiological conditions like pressure,
home server are connected via a LAN[4]. These temperature etc., of a patient whose health is be-
sensors communicate the changes in the patients ing monitored. These conditions are either solely
physiological conditions to a software application or collectively used to determine the health of an
running on the home server. The data from one individual. If the health condition of the patient
or more sensors is then assimilated to determine as monitored by these sensors is found to deterio-
the health conditions of the patient. The software, rate below a threshold, appropriate alarms should
in turn, has the ability to alter the records of the be generated by the system. In complex scenar-
patient which are stored at the central database. ios, along with the generation of alarms, devices
Further, depending on how critical the condition responsible for regulating the health of the indi-
of the patient is, appropriate signals, in the form vidual or the environmental conditions, may be
of an automatic email, for example, may be gen- triggered to adapt to the patient’s deteriorating
erated to the doctor. Under critical conditions, an health conditions.
emergency alarm can also be generated to alert the
paramedics in addition to informing the doctor. 3 Implementation
One of the major issues in designing software
for the above scenario is the need for access con- The two key issues in the development of the
trol mechanisms. The automated health care sys- automated health care system are – controlling ac-
tem consists of a number of wearable sensors and cess to patient records and enabling devices with
devices coordinating with each other and a soft- capabilities to exhibit dynamic behaviour. The
ware application. The software at some point former can be solved using the RBAC model,
of time may have to update the medical records while the latter can be addressed if the devices
of the patient whose health is being monitored. are modeled as objects with behavioural changes.
Besides being updated automatically, the medical This section briefly introduces DynOCoLa, and
records are also accessible to doctors and the pa- discusses how it can be used to effectively address
tients themselves. In such a scenario, there is a the above mentioned issues.
need for an appropriate access control mechanism Traditional OO languages view objects as rigid
which will regulate access to these records. entities without the ability to extend their be-
Role Based Access Control(RBAC)[7] mod- haviour dynamically. DynOCoLa overcomes this
els are widely used for this purpose. Users are problem of inadequate expressiveness as follows:
grouped according to the roles they play and ac- An object exhibiting variable behaviour is ab-
cess rights are defined for each role. These ac- stracted as a partial class, and the part of the
cess rights are determined by the policies of the object where its behaviour changes is modeled
organization. When an attempt is made to access as a TypeMarker(TM) method. The dynamic be-
a record of the patient, the role defined for the haviour of the object is captured into first class
person or software needs to be first determined, entities termed as aspects. The TM type of the as-
followed by the application of the appropriate ac- pect can be defined as partof/using or in. The state
cess policy for the role. Sometimes the context of the object instantiated from the partial class, is
in which the user accesses the records[8], for ex- defined by its member variables and is abstracted
ample, his location may also determine the access into a state object. At runtime, the appropriate be-
policies[9]. haviour, in the form of an aspect, is weaved into
Another issue relates to the automated gener- the object during the TM method call, based on

Medical Database


Ethernet Hub


Figure 1. Automated Health Care System

the condition specified in the unit-contract sec- a proper manner. In addition, the location from
tion of the aspect. Further, since aspects define which the information is being accessed also
the variant behaviour, unanticipated behaviour plays a crucial role in assigning appropriate priv-
variants can be incorporated into the application ileges to roles [10]. For example, if a doctor is
developed using DynOCoLa, at a later point of trying to access the records from his office in the
time. hospital, he should have higher privileges than if
he is attempting the same task from an insecure
3.1 Flexible Handling of Role Based Access location such as a restaurant or cafeteria outside
the hospital premises.
In the automated health care system described DynOCoLa addresses this situation in an el-
in the previous section, the medical records of a egant fashion. The health care management
patient can be manipulated automatically by the adopted by a hospital, may define a number of
software, the doctors and the patients. Conse- roles, and access policies for each role, taking into
quently, it becomes extremely important to con- consideration the location from which the access
trol access to these electronic patient records in is being performed. In DynOCoLa, these roles are

abstracted as aspects that define the filtering ac- to communicate with the system has to pass its
tion to be performed, which in the current case is ID and any other relevant information required for
the execution of the access policy. The software authentication, along with its location, through a
system responsible for enforcing the health care call to the TM method. This location is automat-
policies is modeled as a partial class. The oper- ically sensed by the device from which the call
ations that can be performed on a medical record is being made. Based on the user’s ID and au-
are abstracted as TM methods of the partial class. thentication information, his role in the system is
At runtime, depending on the role of the entity inferred. The role information along with the lo-
trying to perform an operation and the location cation information passed as a parameter, are cap-
from which the access is attempted, the appropri- tured as state variables. This is done in the “plug”
ate aspect is weaved. section of the TM method definition. The state
To illustrate how the language facilitates spa- variables in turn determine the appropriate aspect
tial RBAC, consider the following scenario: A to be weaved.
medical record can be read or updated by users It may not always be possible to know a-priori
performing any one of the following four roles. all the different locations from which an access
These roles include those of a doctor, a patient, can be made to the patient records. For exam-
an automated update by a software application ple, the doctor may start using his laptop to ac-
located in a patient’s home environment, and an cess the records. In such a scenario, the records
unauthorized user. Further, a doctor may be able should not be accessible from any insecure loca-
to access the records from a location other than tion. Since DynOCoLa abstracts the variant be-
his office. In the current scenario, assume that the haviour of objects into aspects, it has the unique
doctor is able to access the records only from his advantage of being able to handle any unantici-
office at the hospital or from his home. A doctor pated change in privileges to roles, by adding new
accessing the records from his office PC through aspects and compiling them.
a secure LAN can read and update the medical The technologies related to how a device senses
records of any patient. However, he is not allowed its location are not discussed here, as they fall be-
to update the records from his home PC. A patient yond the scope of this paper. The pseudo-code
may only read his records. The software appli- for the partial class definition and a single aspect
cation residing at the patient’s home can initiate is given in figures 2 and 3. The other aspects can
only updates to records. An unauthorized user is be defined similarly.
not granted any kind of access.
An underlying database management system is 3.2 Automating Health Monitoring
responsible for storing the patient records. The
aspect runtime is a layer that executes above this A number of wearable sensors and devices cap-
system. The access control policies are modeled ture the patient’s physiological information like
by a partial class. Each of the operations, in this blood pressure, heart rate etc., or environmental
case, read and update, are captured as TM meth- conditions like humidity, temperature etc. These
ods. The different variants of the TM methods are sensors and devices in turn coordinate among
defined in the “unit-encap” section of the aspect. each other and a software application to automat-
The “unit-contract” section of the aspect is used ically generate appropriate signals depending on
to specify the condition for weaving the aspect at the health of the individual. There are two ap-
runtime. Roles played by the entities and the lo- proaches toward the use of DynOCoLa to address
cation from which the access is being made, are the above mentioned task.
captured as state variables. Any entity that wishes One of the possible approaches is to have the

public partial class PatientRecord
composable−aspects:PatientRecordAspect1, PatientRecordAspect2;
aspect−view: all;
Hashtable recordList; // Stores the user records
String role; // Role played by the current invoker of TM
String recordId; // record to be viewed
String location; // Captures the location of the entity

// Variables set by the aspect − if operation to be performed

boolean canRead;
boolean canWrite;
Hashtable clientRoleMapping; // Client Role Mapping
// Constructor − can be used for variable initializations
public PatientRecord()
// TM method definitions
TM RecordAccess
public String readRec(String client,String recId,String loc)
role = ((String)clientRoleMapping.get(client));
recordId = getRecordId(client);
location = loc;
role = "other";
// Read the record

// TM method for updating the records can be written similarly


Figure 2. PatientRecord.apc - Partial Class File

// Role of a doctor accessing records from hospital

public aspect PatientRecordAspect1 // Role of Doctor

PC PatientRecord;
TM RecordAccess in;

before String readRec(String client, String recId,String loc)
thisaspect.canRead = true;
return "";

// Similarly updation filter can be declared

require role.equals("Doctor") && location.equals("HospOff");

Figure 3. - Aspect definition for the role of ’Doctor’

aspect runtime of the language embedded in each Therefore, embedding the runtime of the lan-
of the devices or wearable sensors. The device guage along with the partial class and defined as-
or sensor is modeled as a partial class. The vari- pects into the sensor itself, may not be feasible.
able behaviour corresponding to the types of sig- Hence, the following approach can be adopted.
nals/alarms to be raised, is captured as a TM
Instead of having the aspect runtime embed-
method. The variants of the behaviour are ab-
ded into the sensors, each of the sensors can co-
stracted into aspects. The value measured by the
ordinate with a software application executing in
wearable entity is captured as a state variable of
the patient’s home environment. This application
the partial class. Whenever there is a change in
in turn regulates the generation of signals. This
the value of the state variable, the TM method is
application comprises of the aspect runtime, to-
invoked. This invocation, in turn, causes a suit-
gether with partial classes and aspects. Some-
able aspect to be weaved. The weaving results in
times, the health conditions of a patient may be
the generation of an appropriate signal/alarm.
determined by the values generated from multiple
Two of the major constraints related to sen- sensors. In such a situation, a single partial class
sors are low power and storage constraints[11]. is used to monitor the patient’s health conditions,

based on these parameters from various sensors. be handled by modeling the health of each patient
The following example illustrates how DynO- using a different partial class with its own set of
CoLa provides a solution to the above problem. customized aspects.
Consider a simple case of monitoring the pres- In this discussion, the availability of the tech-
sure of an individual and generating appropriate nology required for the sensor to transmit the
alarms based on the pressure values. The pressure updated values to the software application, is as-
sensor is modeled as a partial class. The pressure sumed. The pseudo code for the first approach is
values are captured as state variables of the par- presented in figures 4 and 5. The code illustrates
tial class. The variable behaviour corresponding the definition of the partial class and a single as-
to the generation of different alarms is captured pect which generates an alarm for a condition of
by a TM method. Four aspects are defined for mild hypertension. The other aspects can be de-
various ranges of high blood pressure – mild hy- fined similarly.
pertension, moderate hypertension, severe hyper-
tension and extra severe hypertension. Whenever 4 Related Work
there is a change in the pressure value measured
by the sensor, the TM method is invoked. The TinyGALS[12] is a programming model de-
TM method invocation in turn causes an appropri- signed to suit the event-driven nature of embed-
ate aspect to be weaved, based on the conditions ded systems. This employs two levels of hierar-
specified in the contract section. chy. At the system level, a set of modules com-
In very complex cases, the health of the patient municate with each other asynchronously through
may need to be monitored based on the values ob- message passing. Within each module, the com-
tained from more than one sensor. A number of ponents contained in them communicate via syn-
complex dependencies between various parame- chronous method calls.
ters may also exist, which will dictate the corre- Gay et al. have developed a dialect of C lan-
sponding actions to be taken. It is impossible to guage, nesC[13] for networked embedded sys-
foresee all the complications the patient may de- tems. nesC mainly focuses on event-driven exe-
velop over a period of time, in such a situation. cution. Applications are built using this language
Consider the following scenario: A patient is by writing and assembling components.
initially being monitored only for hypertension. The distributed compositional language pro-
However all the vital signs such as blood pressure, posed in [14] discusses the various composition
blood sugar level, heart rate etc., are captured styles such as event and group communication
as state variables. Suppose the patient develops and application development for sensor networks
a new complication over a period of time, such using this language.
as diabetes. To handle this situation, the patient The chief goal of above models is to achieve
would have to be monitored also for diabetes. coordination among black-box components in
This should involve regulating the proper dosage embedded system applications. On the other
of insulin based on the blood sugar level. DynO- hand, the main objective of DynOCoLa is towards
CoLa can address this newly developed compli- dynamic customization of application behaviour
cation by defining new aspects that can define in pervasive computing environments.
appropriate actions based on both blood pressure Lumpe,[15] have proposed a prototype
and sugar level. composition language known as Piccola. This is
Sometimes, it may also be required to monitor not specific to embedded systems applications.
the health conditions of more than one individual Nevertheless, this language also deals with pure
in the same home environment. This situation can black-box components.Piccola solely addresses

public partial class PressureSensor
aspect−view: all;
int systolic; // Systolic pressure (90 − 240)
int diastolic; // Diastolic pressure (60 − 140)
int age;
// The partial class definition captures only pressure sensing variables
// Same partial class may be used to monitor health based on
// more than one parameter (Pressure)

public PressureSensor()
// Initialize variables
// This function is called when the pressure value changes at the sensor
public void changePressure(int sys, int dia)
this.systolic = sys;
this.diastolic = dia;
checkPressureCondition(); // Call to TM method

TM CheckPressure
public void checkPressureCondition()

Figure 4. PressureSensor.apc - Partial Class File

the issue of establishing connection between the for pervasive computing environments and auto-
required and provided services of components. It mated systems. The language inherently provides
does not deal with behavioural customization of this support because of its ability to model objects
individual components, which is the key focus of whose behaviour can be dictated by their state at
DynOCoLa. runtime. Further, since the dynamic behaviour is
captured into aspects, all the possible behavioural
5 Conclusions and Future Work extensions of the object need not be known ini-
tially. They can be added in the form of aspects
whenever required.
This paper discusses how DynOCoLa can be
used to develop generic software frameworks

// Aspect defines appropriate action for Mild hypertension
public aspect PressureSensorAspect1
PC PressureSensor;
TM RecordAccess partof;

replace void checkPressureCondition()
// Update medical records of patient
require (systolic>=140&&systolic<=159)

Figure 5. - Aspect definition for mild hypertension condition

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