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Based on the purpose of the writing on this Final Project, the Author’s to do
analysis of project data and theoretical calculations. Conclusion of the analysis shown
in table format as below:

Real Project Theoretical
No Work Cost Work Cost
557,559,600.00 Clean Rp.
1 Clean Water Rp. 378,564,282.74
Water Time
Disposal Disposal
919,024,600.0 1,640,981,098.9
2 Water & Rp. water & Rp.
vent 0 vent
287 days ∑Rp. 1,476,584,200.00 817 days ∑ Rp. 2,024,271,481.98

Table 5.1 Time and Cost Analysis on Plumbing Installation

From table above, we can conclude for time analysis of plumbing installation:
a. Time needed for Plumbing pipe installation in real construction project of ALLIANZ
TOWER is 287 days, while in theoretical calculation is 817days.
b. Time for Plumbing pipe installation between in real construction project of ALLIANZ
TOWER and theoretical calculation have significant differences in number. It can be
happen because:
- Velocity of work implemented. Performance of structural work have plus (+)

point, means that work done faster than planning. So, plumbing work follow
after structural work done.
- Time acceleration because of holiday such as Idul Fitri and Christmas. Owner
asks to do acceleration to prevent work delay because of holiday.
- Contractor’s doing some efficiency of time during construction process.

While for Cost analysis for plumbing work, we can summarize:

a. Value for Real Project for plumbing installation is Rp. 1,476,584,200.00 is get from
breakdown Bill of Quantity of SAP Work. This price also called RAP (Rancangan
Anggaran Pelaksanaan) from contractor.
b. Price in theoretical calculation is Rp. 2,024,271,481.98 also called RAB (Rancangan
Anggaran Biaya).
c. RAP and RAB is different. The price called RAP because this price is not included
profit (company service price, work coordination price, fee, and many other) and
taxes. Plumbing Work is also one of work which is done by subcontractor because its
complexity. On the other hand, price called RAB when included profit and taxes.
d. Theoretical calculation is called RAB because use DKI Prices. This price already
considered profit.
e. In theory, differences between RAP and RAB are varied. Some literature stated 30%,
but the other stated 10%-20%. For ALLIANZ TOWER, the differences are:
Price for SAP Work (RAP) Rp. 86,947,521,089.00
Contract price for SAP work (RAB) Rp. 103,475,443,668.00
From Price Above, we can see that a difference between RAB and RAP for Structural,
Architectural and Plumbing work is 19 %.

Price for Plumbing Work (RAP) Rp 3,850,000,000.00

Price for Plumbing Work (RAB) Rp 3,941,281,416.00
We can see that difference between RAB and RAP for plumbing work is 2.4 %

Price for Plumbing Installation (RAP) Rp. 1,476,584,200.00

Price for Plumbing Installation (RAB) Rp. 1,498,201,340.00
We can see that difference between RAP and RAB for plumbing pipe installation
(including clean water, disposal water and vent system) is about 1.5 %

Price for Plumbing Installation in real construction Rp. 1,498,201,340.00

Price for plumbing installation in theoretical Rp. 2,024,271,481.98
From price above, we can see the difference between real construction price and
theoretical. The difference is about 35%

f. Price for Plumbing pipe installation between in real construction project of ALLIANZ
TOWER and theoretical calculation has significant difference, about 35%. It can be
happen because:
- Material Price comes from supplier. Big amount of material needed make
supplier give some kinds of discount. While Price in theoretical calculation use
regional price of DKI Jakarta.
- Differences of Unit Prices Used. In theoretical, Author used SNI which is based
on research in same case of construction. On the other hand, contractor use their
own Unit Price based on experienced and calculation.
- Some prices in real construction are made more efficient while in SNI bases,
value of tolerance is included.
- The difference total price for Structural, Architectural, Plumbing work in RAP
and RAB is low about 19%. It can be happen because contractor applies
decrease profit strategy because of tight competitive. Contractor should
decrease their profit in order to get the contract in procurement.1
- Contractor has strategy to get more profit not in Plumbing post, but from
another posts such as structure and architectural which have higher weight.
- Price for execution plumbing installation can be much lower because this work
is given to subcontractor. But, this final project has purpose only to compare
theoretical price with contractor price.

Asiyanto. Construction Cost Management. Page:109


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