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Criminology Crime-Line
Adventures in the Pseudosciences

November 2010, by Dr. Randy Gonzalez VOL. 1 ISSUE 5

Sleight of Hand in the Magic for Fallacies Short-cuts naturally evolve from such an
of Inference:
“urban legend” oriented mindset. So, likewise,
Brash arrogance with a “commanding” sense everyone wants to be a “criminal profiler”, or a
of the literal, absent in-depth research for the “crime scene investigator”, or a “detective”, and
facts, in determined self-righteous entitlement, avoid the time consuming foundation building
two generations of anti-thinking have evolved in process of starting at the line level.
American society. In the egocentric self-focused Why waste time starting at the bottom and
obsession with personal self-gratification, working through the ranks when you can go
between roughly 1970 and 1975, logical right to the top and take over the crime lab? You
deductive criticality in forethought became already know everything anyway, right? Heck,
relegated to the few skeptical inquirers who stand social magic taught us that you’re awesome, full
by the necessity of rational processes. of praise and flattery with level playing grounds
Multi-media melodrama, in the form of where everyone’s wins and no one loses.
fictional crime dramatizations, replaced the real
world of practitioner oriented empiricism in Anti-thinking permeates communal
evidence driven documentation. For those in the interactivity particularly as related to the field of
psychodynamic time-warp of the post Vietnam criminology. Sleight of hand tactics are easily
era, to the millennial fixation of visual self- employed to distract and deflect from the
indulgence, crime fiction replaces crime fact. centrality of significant issues. Myth, magic and
Televised story telling in the genre of “crime metaphor are used to simplistic advantage to
stories” has become the impetus for fabricated overwhelm, wear down and frustrate laborious
gullibility across the spectrum of social intentions to counter with investigative reality
networking. Recruits into the realm of criminal as opposed to emotional finality.
justice yearn to be like archetypes on TV.
For many, that also means you’re not very well evolved
P a g eyou.
or self-differentiated from others around | 2 In fact, you
prefer the herd to your own independent psycho-dynamic
liberation. For others who are more daring, the evolution of
human psychic energy continues to unfold with insight,

Criminology is an adult oriented investigative enlightenment and individuality. You’re dangerously

process that requires logical deduction different and present from moment to moment.
and best left to a higher level of
mature experienced understanding. If you’re associated with a collegiate setting, for
instance, you have an opportunity to witness OPUS in
operation. The surreal world of academia serves as a good
Anti-thinking is lazy thinking. It doesn’t require much exemplar. For instance, in a criminal justice class of sorts,
effort and reflects a very superficial level of reactionary fact often competes with fiction for the dominance of
responses. Such purposeful lack of decisive insight, fantasy over forensics. From television and media
immaturity and profound avoidance for logical analysis sensationalism, we’ve learned magical thinking in place of
evades truthful validation for criminological queries. In scientific veracity and evidentiary certainty.
this realm of fuzzy thinking, some of us suggest the Within this very fertile field of anti-thinking, the
commonplace use of the concept of OPUS. From which, probability is huge for rich harvest in facetious ideologies.
reference is made to the baser more prurient levels by OPUS finds fruition in an aberration of a sophomoric
which people communicate. cause-effect nexus. The superficial acceptance for myriad
OPUS is an ellipsis for the notion of “obsessive- fallacies of inference leads to hasty generalizations that
compulsiveness in unsubstantiated subjectivism”. Feelings lack logical conclusions, forensic verification and viability
become more relevant to you than the facts of a particular of provable consistency. Instead, the function of OPUS is
matter. You believe one way and you’re happy with that. to believe what you want to believe in spite of the facts,
You don’t want someone messing with your belief system. because that’s what you want to believe.
A person gets uncomfortable when they face change, Take a case study in murder. For goodness sakes, don’t
especially if there’s any chance you might be wrong about even suggest that circumstantial evidence might be viable
your point of view. in a court of law. A lot people don’t want to hear that.
This of course is cognitive bias in search of subjective Why? Because television dramas have taught us that you
validation. Why think critically with a healthy sense of have to have DNA, fingerprints or something higher, like
skepticism and sober tincture of cynicism, when you, like divine intervention to have a case against a criminal. Or,
many, can be pretend to be gullible and naïve? Similarly maybe something even more cosmic than that, like
perhaps, a few prefer to use social vernacular, which is to “criminal profiling”! You could also call in “psychic
“act stupid”. Trouble-free thinking says things that are detectives” to aid in further distractions from the truth.
foolish and ignorant. Very simply, this reflects your own Hypothetically speaking of course. Let’s say you have a
inner selfish desires to accept that which makes you feel triple murder of three children in a small town and you’ve
good. Thus, in part, it has a potent connection to your identified a couple of multi-murderers. The teenage
psycho-sexual evolution. There is a challenge between suspects in question are subsequently convicted by a jury,
neural impotence and mind altering potent ecstasy. who bear sole responsibility for the final verdict, by virtue
of circumstantial evidence. However, for many outsiders
who can’t accept that, an illusion of clever showmanship
spawns a alleged “criminal justice controversy” steeped in
conspiracy, with a cast of characters, cameras, movies stars
and the pretest of judicious news reporting.
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So, consider the possibility that if a case gains high profile status, you’re
going to attract all kinds of media attention and wannabe groupies.
Why? Its human herding, social collectivism and group consensus.
Because, OPUS has come to haunt you’re investigation you have to be
on your toes. Kind of like an Area-51 mystical thing.

And, if you’re in the so called “Bible Belt”, Talk about psycho-sexual debauchery in
and non-practitioners/believers can’t accept the mystical thinking. But, an alleged “controversy”
final verdict based on circumstantial evidence, can last a decade or two and still prove nothing
then someone let the devil out of the abyss and substantial. In the dreamlike world of visual
there’ll be hell pay. How’d you do that? expression, as in arts and entertainment anything is
Well, another thing, if there are hints of satanic possible. In the sphere of modern “edutainment”,
cults, heavy metal music, wearing black clothing entertainment, star power personal promotion and
and dabblers’ flirtation with things alleged to be mass marketing are far more important than the
demonic. Or even cultic implications of UFO’s or truth or any evidence. Problem solving in
a government cover-up, you got your hands full criminology is much than one’s self-centered
trying to stand by the facts of the case. Such tall opinion or simplistic guess-work.
tales make for an artistic sleight of hand in movie An investigative process demands rational
making psycho-babble. Before you know it, deduction that centers focus on compelling
there’s a cable TV story all about the police and circumstances, expert opinion, suspect background
prosecutorial screw ups. Again, OPUS comes to history, credible witnesses and applied forms of
the forefront of fruition. forensic techniques. Yet, for many on the outside
Keep in mind though it’s very difficult to looking in, way out of their psychodynamic
subpoena ghosts and devils and put them on the domain, none of that matters. Where non-
witness stand. None the less, the proverbial black practitioners are concerned, who think they’re
cat is out of the bag. So, the incestuous nature of experts in their new found field, anything is
communal collectivism in anti-thinking (gossip, possible. If you don’t understand how
rumor and blissful blather) gets to work. Before criminological processes work in the real world,
you know it, everybody had fixated and conjured then you ought to keep your thoughts to yourself
some so called “satanic panic”. Uh oh, time for and simply observe until you learn something.
silver bullets and maybe a “magic bullet” theory. Knowledge, understanding and wisdom, oh my.

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