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// Connect to database
$errmsg = "";
if (! @mysql_connect("localhost","trainee","abc123")) {
$errmsg = "Cannot connect to database";
// First run ONLY - need to create table by uncommenting this
// Or with silent @ we can let it fail every subsequent time ;-)
$q = < < <CREATE
create table pix (
pid int primary key not null auto_increment,
title text,
imgdata longblob)
// Insert any new image into database
if ($_REQUEST[completed] == 1) {
// Need to add - check for large upload. Otherwise the code
// will just duplicate old file ;-)
// ALSO - note that latest.img must be public write and in a
// live appliaction should be in another (safe!) directory.
$instr = fopen("latest.img","rb");
$image = addslashes(fread($instr,filesize("latest.img")));
if (strlen($image) < 149000) {
mysql_query ("insert into pix (title, imgdata) values (\"".
"\", \"".
} else {
$errmsg = "Too large!";
// Find out about latest image
$gotten = @mysql_query("select * from pix order by pid desc limit 1");
if ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($gotten)) {
$title = htmlspecialchars($row[title]);
$bytes = $row[imgdata];
} else {
$errmsg = "There is no image in the database yet";
$title = "no database image available";
// Put up a picture of our training centre
$instr = fopen("../wellimg/ctco.jpg","rb");
$bytes = fread($instr,filesize("../wellimg/ctco.jpg"));
// If this is the image request, send out the image
if ($_REQUEST[gim] == 1) {
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
print $bytes;
exit ();
<title>Upload an image to a database</title>
<body bgcolor=white><h2>Here's the latest picture</h2>
<font color=red><?= $errmsg ?></font>
<center><img src=?gim=1 width=144><br>
<b><?= $title ?></center>
<h2>Please upload a new picture and title</h2>
<form enctype=multipart/form-data method=post>
<input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=150000>
<input type=hidden name=completed value=1>
Please choose an image to upload: <input type=file name=imagefile><br>
Please enter the title of that picture: <input name=whatsit><br>
then: <input type=submit></form><br>
By Graham Ellis -


Setting up a MySQL database from PHP

Yes ... training on a Sunday ;-) ... I've been setting up a MySQL database from
a PHP script and testing it. A couple of bits of source to share.
1. The setup of the database:
mysql_query("create database gerald");
mysql_query("create table course(first text, second text)");
mysql_query('insert into course values("Upper","Lower")');
mysql_query('insert into course values("Smiff","Yones")');
2. A page to test that it's there:
$rs = mysql_query("select * from course");
while ($rown = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
$html .= "$rown[first] ... $rown[second]<br>";
Here it is <br>
<?= $html ?>


$mysql_host = "localhost";
$mysql_user = "root";
$mysql_passwd = "";
$mysql_dbname = "insta";
$bodyname = "guest_book.php";
$db = @mysql_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_user,$mysql_passwd);
if (!$db) die("error!");
$result = @mysql_select_db($mysql_dbname,$db);
if (!$result) echo("error!");
mysql_query("create table guest_book (id int auto_increment primary key, name va
rchar(255), email varchar(255), message mediumtext) ",$db);
if (!isset($action))
<h3>Example of simple guestbook in PHP & MySQL</h3>
<form action='$bodyname' method=POST>
<input type=edit name=new_name>
<input type=edit name=new_email>
<textarea name=new_message></textarea>
<input type=hidden name=action value='record_insert'>
<input type=submit value='submit record'>
<font size=-1>Downloaded from <a href=''>w</a> - internet database application development </font><hr>
$result = mysql_query("select * from guest_book",$db);
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo("<b>name:</b> $myrow[1]<br> <b>email: </b>$myrow[2]<br> <b>message:
</b> $myrow[3] <p>");
if ($action == "record_insert")
$new_message = htmlspecialchars($new_message);
$new_message = nl2br($new_message);
$result = mysql_query("insert into guest_book values ('','$new_name','$new_e
mail','$new_message') ",$db);
if (!$result) echo("error!");
header("location: $bodyname");
?> <p>

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