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Po[ulaton, andtnuitonmcnt
for Sustoinoble
I M riom Ame e Azurin-Abojo

demographic outcomes.Concernssucha.s

T);i*#:],;,li-, ",.",
nar.rr-lre,ou..e,:rdrhep.oducrion oi
individualweli-being,the statusofwomen, the
healthofchildrenand the stateofthe
waste.Changesin the environmentalcondrtron environmenthavebeenconsidered secondary
suchaspollution,degradation and extremesof
weathet in turn, haveaffectedhuman health Today,however,the Philippinesjoins rhe
and weil-being.At the sarnetime, population internationalcommunityin recognizing that
size,growth,distribution,agecompositionand development requiresmorechanjust increasing
mobilig' ofpeople alsocontributeto nationalincomesand controllingpopulation
environmental changeandaflecthumanhealth. growth and mobility to reducepressureon
Consumption pattems, development choices,
wealth and lalrd distribution, trade and
investmentand technologyhaveexacerbared the FROM ECONOMIC WELLNESS TO
effectsofpeoplet actionson the environment HUMAN WILLNESS. Peopleare rhe real
andviceversa. wealthofnations.Developmentis thusabout
expandingthe choicespeoplehaveto leadlives
T hemuruaJlyreintorcingft cror'of popuJ.rrion. rhattheyvalue:a human-centered development
healthand environmenton povety and foundedon buildinghumancapabilities. The
developmenthavefor too long beenaddressed most basiccapabilities for humandevelopment
by the world in a fragmentedmanner- and are to lead long and healthy lives, to be
often in the contq.<rofbringing aboutpositrve knowledgeable,to haveaccessto the tesources
macroeconomic growth and favorable neededfor a decentstandardofliving and to be
able to participate in the life of the community. principlesr€qufueconvergentapproachesto
\ifithout these,many choicesaresimply not development.
rvail:bleandmanyopponuniries in liferemain
inaccessible.This is especiallytrue for women The convergenceofpopulation, health and
who havefewer choicesand opportunities thal environment addresses asmuch the various
m€n becauseofexisting discriminatory social causesof poverq.The seriesof globalmeering:
and cultura.lpractices. convenedin rhe Ir)r)Os embodiedd1egrow ng
recognition ofdreselinkagesin solving the
The environment ptovides most ofthe worldt greatestproblems.
resourcesrequired to ensurethat p€opleefljoy a
quality Jife.rW4rileresourcescan be usedin The 1992IN Conference on Environmentand
eradicatingpoverty,peopleshould alsobe Developmenr (UNCED)or rhefuo Conference
mindftl ofthe risla that inordinate useofthe recognizedthe greatresponsibilityof dweloping
world\ naturalresources canposero rhese.uriry countriesin addressingthe world's
of future generatiorx.A sustainablehuman- environmentaldegadation. This, in the contert
centereddevelopmeflt(SHD) therefore,seelsto ofthe sovereignright of statesto exploit their
expandchoicesfor all - women and men own resourcespuJsuantto their own
especiallythe poorestof them - without environmenral anddevelopmenral policJes.
sacrificingthe rights ofthe future generations which mrxt be ftIfilled to equitably meet the
and the natuml systemsin which all life needsofpresent arrdfuture generations.It also
depend.' recognizedthe following: the Ley role of
staLeholders- especiallyof indigenouspeoples
Ahuman-centered sustainabledevelopment - in the decision-makingprocesses, the needto
recognizesthat no dght is more important than developnational legislationregarding
other rights (the right to a healthy environment compensationfor victims of pollution and
is asimportant asthe right to accessthe 6uits of other environmentaldamag€,th€ us€of
dwelopment) and that poverty ard gender economicinstrumentsto take into account the
inequiryarecauredby mary Facrors.lhese polluter-paysprinciple and the imponance of
environrnentalimpact assessment asa tool fot

The 1994 International Conferenceon

Population and Development required
governmentsto deliver at the soonestpossible
time universalaccessto reproductivehealth
servicesasa cmcisl factor in achieving
su<rainable growrh baed on
rlso rheinrera.cJonsamongpopulacion,
economicgrowth and sustainabledwelopment.
The agreementavoidsdemographictargetsor
goals. It stressesthat poverryand gender
inequicJes affecrand .ueafferted by popubrion
growth, agestructure and distribution. Furtheq
it statesthat "unsustainablecoruumption and
productionpatterns" overusenatuml resources,
degradethe environment, and reinforcegender
inequality and poverqr
Two world conGrences in 1995funher reinforced
thse linkages.The Fourth World Conferenceon
Womendealtwitl woment panicipation"in all
spheres of society,"induding environmmtal
managemmt,asa prer€quisite"for people-crntered
:" development."Similarlr world leadersagrealin
the Vorld Summit for SocialDevelopmentto
I "placepeopleat the centreofdevelopmentand
direct [eachofthe counuies] economiesto meet
human needsmore efectil,ely" In 2000, these
agre€ments werercamrm€din the Millennium
Declarationencapsulated in quantifiabletargea

The Philippines is a signatoryto tiese

intemational agreements.In addition, it is alsoa
party to 69 Multilateral Environmental
Agreements(MEAs) and a signatoryto 21
othersto date.'?MEAs areintemationally-agreed
environmentaltreatiescoveringa rangeofissues
induding trade in endangeredspecies,cleaner
production, toxic wastes,seaboundaies and cherradicionaJ'people-versus-environment
limi* on the useofozone-depleting substances, point ofview to drat of intenelatedness.
among othe$. Peoplet actionscan positively or negativ€lyalt€r
their environment. Reciprocally,changesin the
PrinciplesofSHD are alsostrongly upheld rn environment cen either damageor nourish
the 1987PbilippineConstitution.Artide II, peoplet well-being. Built upon the spirit ofthe
Sec.9 declares"the Stateshall promote a just internarionaJagreemenrs in rhepar de.ade.
and dynamic socialorder that will ensurethe dwelopment workers and managersarerealizing
prosperityandindependence ofthe nationand someachievementsin their practiceof
free the peoplefrom poveny through policres integratedapproachesto population, health and
that provide adequatesocialservices,promote environment,
firll employment, a rising standardofliving and
al improvedqualig of [ife for all. ln addirion. At the initial stage,however,animosiry may
Sec.I 5 enunciates,"i:hestateshall protect and occur amongspecialistsand s€rvice-providersrn
advancethe right of the peopleto a balanced thesedifferent fields due to feelingsof'turfing"
and healtbful ecologyin accordwith the rhlthm or differencesin conceptualunderstanding.A
and hatmony of nature. Further, Sec.11 demographer,for instance,may view population
pronounces,"the Statevaluesthe dignity of differendyfrom a womeni righr. advocare.
everyhuman personand guamnteesfull respect Donor-agenciesrnay alsocontribute to
for human rights." In line with this, swerattaws fragmentedapproachesbecausethey havea
havebeenpassed,yet poveny, ill-hea.lthand diferent concernwhen they give out funds.
environmentaldegradationremain to be Thus, finding a sharedunderstandingis the first
persistentproblems in the country. step to achievecommon objectives.'

THE LINKAGES DEFINED. The body of Population in this sensemeansthree things:

international agreementssbifted attention fiom population dynamics,reproductivehealth and
peopieasdevelopmentactors.Fertiliq/, areableto participate,positiveresultsare
morreliryand migrationdetermine realizedsincethevareableto determinetheir
demographicoutcomes, which influencethe own needswirhin the productivelimits ofther
demandfor goodsand services. Population own envifonmenr.j
distributionalsodetermines accessto, aswell as
'he allo.arion :nd u.€ofre'our.e\.lopuLrion Environmentencomp3ises the naturalassets
dynamicsbearweighton how resources will be rha-ncarrbe usedfor economicproduction
consumed, produced and allocatedand these (naruralresources),
the interdependence of living
directly affect the environment quantitatrvely and nonJivingcomponentsin an €nvimnment
arrdqualitativelyaMearwhile,without recol.rem' arld.heexrenL of \urr.trla' ri' iq on
distributionalequityof resources, poverryarrd the originalsmteofan ecosystem (human-
genderinequitiescanoccur. alteredecology).

PopuJar:orra. an i*ue a1"oinrolve"reproducLire The term health is Lrnderstood to be the

healthand lamily planning.A womant abiliry generalhealthofthe communiry and how to
to controlher fenility givesher moretime to improveit (publichealth)and the potential
participatein managingthe communityt hazardousfactorsofche environmentand the
resources.ProPerchild-sPacing alsomakes effectofthe latter on humat healthand
womenhealthierarrdincteases the possibilityof qualiryoflife (environment3lhealth).6The
bearing healr\ier, hildrend,rerode.rea.ed r;me UN hasgivenhealtha much broadersense
spentlorhouseholdchoresinciudingfinding definingit as"a stateofcomplecephysical,
wood for fuel and fi:tching water. menraland socialwell-beingand not merely
the absence ofdiseaseand infirmiry" Ensuring
with it peoplet
The term populationalsocaJries the absence ofdiseaseis a matterthat canbe
participadonin resource
management. If peoPle looLedinto by medicalspecialists but other
than this, it requiresa confluenceofother
Figure1. The Population,Healthand
EnvironmentCycle In the 1990s,the BatrieSeattleResearch
Centercreateda modelofthe relationshipof
Receptor populationand environmentand its impacton
human health.The linkagesaredemonstrated
Link in Figure l. The lirst part depictshow people
Environmental iower arrorv)and the secondpart focuseson
how peopleareaffectedby or become
conditions Humans receptorsofenvironmentalchange(the upp.'


Driver Link of internationalhumanitarianlaws
the existence
andhumanrightsagreements, governments
oftenaddre*po'erq b1 in.rersinge.oroni.
Bureauadapted productionin the beiiefthatits bene{itswill
lrom C.E.Oriansa.ndM. Skumanich. tricLledown to the poor In developing
countri€slvhere hearyindustrieshaveno! been

fully developed,economicproductionrequrres aquacl ture and toruism rvhich becauseof
extractiveand int€nsiveuseofnatural resourccs insuficientregulationendangerthe ecosystems,
- ohen,rnregulared. u l'i, h di'rurb"Ll'eqcle humanlife and livelihoods.
ofpopulation,hea.lthand environmentand
aggravateseisting inequities. \flhile targeting a lower population growth rate
aswell asrvomen-and community-
A ' u . r a i n : b lheu r n a nc e n r e r edde \ e l o p m e in' r empowerment, the MTPDP makesno
the uldmate objectiveof growth. However, commitmentto the provisionofreproductrve
governmenlsarealsocommittedto he;lh ,eni.e' ;nd roappropriare increa5e'ir
giobalizationchroughagreernents madein the governmentexpenditure for socialseryices.
-Vorld TiadeOrgarizationandwith Investments in humandevelopment arepursued
internationalfinancialinsticutionsthat require with the uitimateobjectiveofindeasing
a governance systemthat aimsto increase macroeconomicpeformance in the context of
investmentsfor unregulatedproductionand an openand liberaleconomy.
lessersupportfor socialservices. The 1996
Human DevelopmentReportaptly points out PO\,'ERTY, ILL,HEALIH CHAMCTERIZE
that economicgrowth doesnot necessarily lead RESOURCE RICH PHILIPPINES. The
to human developrnent. In the Philippines, Philippinesis one amongthe countriesin the
economicgrowth from 2000 ro 2003 hasnot world wheremega-diversityis greatest.There are
beenpro-poor,accordingto Asial about13,500plart species (representing
DevelopmentBank (ADB). Though therewas 5 percentofthe world's llora) and 177,000
growth in grossdomesticproduct (GDP) from animalspecies in irs forestareas.The few
2000 to 2003, preliminaryresultsof the 2003 remainingprimaryloresrsarehomero 44
FamilyIncomeand ExpenditureSurvey percentof endemicflowering plants ald I 2
indicarea 10-percentdrop in realaverage million indigenouspeoples. The country'scoral
family incomes. reefarea,rhesecondlargestin Southeast Asra,
holds 9 15 reeffish speciesand more than 400
medicaltechnologies, increases
income SuccessSiory #I
opporturities and facilitatesbetter-yielding BAGGAOis rhe th;rd mosrpopulousmunic;polit in Cogoyan
production,it alsocontributesto *re wilh o ropid populoton grovrahroie in the uplond borongoys.
deterioration ofpeopletwell-beingand the Itsproblemsincludeinsufficienloccesslo heolihservicesoad low
deLeriorarion oir-hct nrir"runen,b) Jreringfie oworeness of reproduclive
heolth.Thereis generolly poor
understondinsof sustoinobleformins procticesond
parternsof consumptionald production,
conservolionoworeness. A boselinesurveyreveoledthotmost
especiallyintechnologicallyresource-poor formerswereusing.pesticidesond were heovily-dependent on
developingcountrieslike the Philippines. fuelwood. A hish-incidenceof infont mortoliiyond poor
Further,MEAc :-rerenderedfurile by developed reproductiveheslthserviceswere olso mon:fusi.
countriesdue to conflic$ resultingfrom trade
To solvetheproblems,ihe municipolgovernmentlo!nched o
proiectwith threecomponents:reproductiveheolthond fomily
plonningsewices,in{ormolionond educofioncompoignond
l h e P h i l i p p i n eM. e d i u mT e r mP l ' i l i p p ' n c noturolresourcemonogemeni.
DevelopmentPlar (MTPDP) hasalwaysbeena
showcase of conllictingparadigms. Vhile Afler o seriesof integrotedopproaches,the municipol
governmenlsuccess{ully ochievedils developmenlobiectives.
committing to sustainablehuman development
reolizingthe volue of brood-bosedpod;cipotion,hormonizolion
goals,it alsoactivelypromotesextractive ofgoolsond strongpolit;colwill.
industriessuchx mining,intensiveagriculture
through promotion of high-valuecrops, SourceiA Coseof Popu,oito
n ond Envnanmenr
scleractiniancoral species,12 ofwhich are PHILIPPINE RURAI AREAS. Three-fourths
endemic.The country is alsoabundantwidr ofthe poor comprisingmore tharr20 million
land-basedresourcessuchastimber, petroleum, peoplemaLea living out ofagricultureand
nicLel, cobalt, silver,gold, salt, copper, fisheriesactivities. However, only 7 out often
geothermalenergzand fertile tractsofland farmers own the land they till. Without a
suitableto agriculture. securetenure, the poor are not encouragedto
u-sesustaiflabl€patterns ofproduction and are
Despite thesenatural endowments,30 percent easilydisplacedfrom their land. Lach of access
of rhepopulation.-ouJdnor meetdreirba(ic to natural resourcesamofig the poor is
daily needsto survivewhile 13.8 percentcould exacerbatedby decreasedper capita availability
nor meetLheirdaily nuuidonalrequirements in ofnatural resources due to high fertility
2003.3Health challengesin the Philippines race.-whichis ar 4.J chil&enper vromanin
include high maternalmortaliq/ tates,a very the rulal areas.
high incidenceoftuberculosis (rankedeighth in
the world by the Wodd Health Organizadon)- Rural povetty is addressedthrough
ard poor quality and inaccessibilityofpublic agriculturaldevelopment policiesthat favor
heafthcareservices. The pooresrFamilies arein a intensiveproduction and land useconversron
dire situation - 65 percentarewithout access ro generarecashfor rhecountry.UltimaLely,
Losafewarer aid 70 percenc haven thesepoliciesdo not directly addressthe root
sanitary toilets.eIn rural areas, to land is
access causesof unsustainable patternsof
one of the main determinantsofwelfare. The production.
rural poor that constitute the bulk of the poot
cannot rise6om poverty due to inequitable Agriculoral development policies impact on
distribution of resources.'0 Almost half of poor human, land and eco-systemhealth.
families (43 percent)haveno decentdwelling. Gor,ernmentiagriculturalpolicyis 'lanred
Even beforethe governmentt strategiescan evet towards the production ofhigh-value crops
take effect,2.3 percentofthe present (FWC) and high-yielding vaieties (HYVJ as
population would havebeenaddedannually to high demandabroadrakesin neededrevenues
the population. for the country Thus, many farmlandsdevoted
ro plantingstaplecropslike riceand cornhave alreadyexceeds 25 million people,6.3 million
shiftedto cultivaltingHVCs and H\ /s. Aside ofthem belongingto indigenouspeoples
from &e huge demandfor water, cashcropsare Many amongtbem haveknowledgeof
heavilydependenton chemicalpesticides rhar . u s r a i n . r Lf urrlm
e ingT. h < U n . re n i r l u i . h e
hasbeen proven by the \fHO ro be detrimental Philippines?opularionInstituteestimatedan
cohumans- amrualupland populariongrowth rateof2.8
percent.Upland poPuladonsareprimarily the
The Kamukhaancase,a farmingvillagein poorestofrhe poor the leasteducated,least
D'go..Davaodelsu. illu'ra.e'rhi".rdre'.e paid, leasthealthyand leasthopeflrl- with
impactof pesticide-use. After prolonged insecureland telute that impedcssustainable
appl'ca. ia-menin rheI illage
ion oi pe'rrcide.. farmingpracrices. They aremistakenlyviewed
sufferedfrom neurological impairment,gotter, a ' l o r e . pr e r p e r r a r orrr' I h e r l h J n r ' " ' i . r i m \ '
cancetvomiting,asthma,anemiaand birth evenwhen the largestand most directcauses ol
defectsrangingfrom deft lip palateto severe deforestation in the Philippines are iarge-scale
skindiseases. A considerable numberofchildren corporatelogging(ESSC,1999),rnining anrl
alsoshoweddevelopmental delaysincluding conflictingland conversions (Mallari and
stunring,wasring,delaysin the developmenr of Tabaranza 2001).''/
secondary sexualchancteristics andmental
deficiencies." {7omen'sbiologicalmake-up Upiand migrationhasincreased asa resultof
makesthem more proneto the toxic effectsof decliningarablearrdproductivelard dueto
chemicals sincetheyhavemore
arldpesticides, i n d i . c r i m i n ahrned . o n re r . i o na r d p o p r ' b r i o n
fatty tissues.Toxinsstoredin a mothert body pre*ure'.a $ell a5decrea'ing opporrunir ie' in
will not only damageher liver,kidneyand the lowlands. Settlersfalm on iandswith about
spleer. lt couldeventuallybe passed on to her 18 degrees siopethat occupyabout9 4 million
unbornchild. hectares or one-thirdof the country'stotalland
areaof30 million hectares. The sloping
The healthimpactofpesticide-use doesnot end topographyand the high rainfall subjectthe
with the user:it staysin the crops,
goes to the cultivation of sloping iands to vaious degreesof
marketand endsat the dining table lesticide erosionand otherformsofland degradation
residueswhen washedoff from croplandsgo
down to waterbodiesand poisonmarineand
human life.

Modern pesticideusealsoposesill_effects to the

ecologyby disruptingitsbalance.Pesticides
indiscriminately kill beneficialand harmful
pests.Harmful pesa can recoverfasterand can
developresistancewhile beneficialpestscannot
Thus, harmful pestswill grow uncheckedro
mvagemore crcPslater on. Somebirds that feed
on pestsare alsothreatenedand may develop
and suffer from certain reProductivedisorders oge
and stunting. Other effectsmove up the food

Logging, farming induce stress to fofests.

The uplandpopulationofthe Philippines
\Tithout secureland tenure,upland famers edu.arionisalsoassociared v ith louerferriJity
resortto erosivefarming methods ald pesticide- rate, lower child-to-woman ratio and smaller
use,causingiossoftopsoil and soil acidiry. householdsizethat ca-nopennew doors,other
than child-bearingarrdhouseLeeping,to gainful
I-ogging, both in its commercialand illegal employmentor furcherstudyfor rural
forms areliable for the decline of forest covcr
from an estimated21 million hectaresor 70
perceflt ofthe country's total land areain 1900, Miningt hannfrrl impact on resourcesand
to only 7. 168 million hectares or 24 percentof health. Large-scalemining is legalin the
ror:l la;rdareain 2002. 'Commercial logging Philippines despitedocumentedevidencesof
per seis allowedin the Philippines sincethere hazardous transgenerationalimpact to ecosystem
aresupposedto be laws that provide the and humar health. In 2004, 19 largeand
mechanismsto avoid potential denudation. medium-scalemining comparieswere granred
Howeve! certain factorscan conffavenesuch mining rightson Philippinesoil.Government
measures.D€spite the logging ban in someareas often perceivesthe mining industry asa source
and stricter processes in the issuanceofTimber of revenueand job-generationbut not asa
LicenseAgreements,it is not uncommon to culprit in the deterioration ofits overall capital
read reportsofillegal logs being confiscated. stock and in preventinglong-term sustainability.
Former SenatorOrly Mercado once
commented, in light of the Aurora flashfloods, Becausemineralprocessingrequires substantial
that "the only that the legal energyard water, mining may come into
loggershavepolidcal dout and that's the reason conflictwith localpopulationsifwater resources
rheycarrgetthe timberlicenseagreement."'o arealreadysc-arce.About one-seventhof mining
ard erplorarion .on.essionsin thef hilippines
Now that governmenthascancelled can be found in areasofhigh watershedstress,
community-basedforestmafiagemenrprojects wheredemandfor water exceedsthe available
and moved to open up forestsfor corporate supplyby at least35 percent.Certainly,mitung
logging ostensiblyto generatejobs afid rcvenues, competeswith other usersfor sc:Ilcewater
the toll on lives ald the environment would resources,
likely continue. Iurther, without livelihood in
the lowlands, peoplewill be attracted to go Each phaseof mining --fiom exploration to
upland whereopportunities are open in extractionrprocessingand closure--incurs costs,
industrialloggingprojects. Miningin the lhilippines.however. i, ,e.erel)
un.usrainable andposerirreprabledemage.
Increasinghumar capabJlitiesin upland More than half (56 percent)ofall mining leases
communities is crucial to ensurea safearrd and exploration sitesin the country arehome to
healthy environment. B€causeof their endemicspeciesofplants ald animalsand are
geographiclocation, governmentservicesfor ancestraldomainsofindigenous peopleswhose
primary health, family plalrning servicesand lalrd rights are not often formally recognized.
educationhavenot adequatelyreachedthese About 60,000hectares ofintact forestare
people,therebyincreasingtheir dependenceon subjectto activ€miniflg and exploration
resource-based livelihood. A study madeby the activities.Thesemining activitiescaus€
Conservationlnternational-Philippines reveals environmental damagesuchasdeforestation,
that higher educationala(arnment in rural areas soil erosion,and sedimentation ofwater bodies.
brings population awayftom dependenceon
natlrel rcsourcesand this haspositiveimpact on In Fbbruary,fish kills in Luba, Abra were
conseffation.Increaiingaccess to high school tracedco ryanide tailings from the Lepanto

ConsolidatedMining Corporation (Lepanto) Competition among resource-users is a
o p r r a t i n gj n u p s r r e a m
B e n g u e r . ' T l r i . ei n significantissuein the coastalzone.Industrial
October 2005, mine tailing spiliage and real estatedevelopmentprojecs,which
containing cyanidefrom LaFayetteMining requirebroad expanseofland in the most
Inc. causedfish Lills in Rapu-Rapulsland, scenicor productiveareasofthe coascalzone
Nbay. Dugong, which is classified as a competewith other usesfor agricultureand
vulnerablespecieby the Union for the conservation.Tourism and r€crcationalso
ConservationofNature (IUCN) and competewith sewicesand amenities,
protectedby the Convention on including roadsand water supply that should
I nr e rn a ri o n a l T r a dien F n d a n g e r eSdp e i.e . havebeenmeant for communities.
fCITES) wereamongche'peciesFound Approximately60 million peoplelive within
lifelessin the area.'7Mining pollutants cause 100 hm ofthe Philippine coastlineand
diseases and disability but the most lethal without adequategovernmentsupport for
and irreversiblefor ecologyand hurnan family planning services,unabatedpopulation
health is mercury contamination, suchas the growth will intensify competition for
one causedby the 1996 Marcopper accident
in Marinduque.
The useoflethal and destructivefshing
Damageto forest, marine alrd fieshwater techniquesby small fisherfolksis alreadya
resourcesdue to mrning activitiesalsoinjure dre manifestation of this competition. Pollution
liveJihoodof populations that dependon and overfishingby commercialboa6 have
resourcessuchasfuelwood, herbs,timber, shell, cau'eddeclinein fishsrock and rhe.ehe\.
fish, mollusls and weeds.'Vith the pushedfarmersto resortto dangerousfishing
governmentt shift iom prudenceto active methodstiat only mire them deeperin poverty
promotion of the mining industry these due to potential disabiliry and smaller{ish catch
harmful effectswill be felt more severelyin the from lost reefsystemsthat serveashabitat for
comingyeers.As an offshootofthe 2004 war€r animals.At present,only 0.27 percentof
SupremeCoun decisionon the Philippine reeGareknown to be in qrcellent
constitutionalityof foreignownershipof condition.
mining corporations, 24 mining projects
classifiedas projects"by the Industrial and tourist establishmentsand
govefnmentare expectedto come this year't adjacentcommunitiespollute coastalwaters
therebyposinga threat to public health,the
Competing uses for resoutces destroys ecologyand by extension,the econorny.A
coastalrcsources.The Philippinesis the 11'r' samplestudy ofBataan beachesrevealedthat
fish producer in the worid and hasa rich all ofits four beacheshavefailed the
bounty ofecologicalsystemsunderneathrts minimum coliform prevalencecriteriawhile
coastalwaters.Around 40-60 percentofthe one did not passthe criteriafor fecal
total fish catch comesftom coliform. Thirry-one percentof illnesses
The coastalzonescarlbe found in 60 percent between1994 and 2000 weretracedto warer-
ofthe country's73 provincesand relateddiseases. Known diseases causedby Like forestcommunities, polluted warerincludegastro-enteritis,
coastalcommunitiesareunder-served in the diarrhea,qphoid, cholera,dysentery,and
provisionofenvironmentalservices and bear hepatitis.According to the Departmentof
the highestincomelossesdue to sickness and Health, more than 500,000morbidity- and
medicalexp€nses relatedto water-related 4,200 mortality-cases wereattriburedto
diseases. water-relateddiseasein 2000.'z?
Sincewomen are activelyinvolved in fish PHILIPPINE URBAN AREAS.Urbanizatron
processing,maJketing,fish culture and in is often associated with developedindustrres,
fishing operations,they arethe oneshardesthit aftluenceand plannedcities.But in the
during low fish catch. Improving their Philippine'. like in m:n1 deueloping counrrie".
reproducrivehealth is hugely important to urbanizationhascometo m€anslum
them. Women'saccessto reproductivehealth dwellings,pollution, crime,illiteracy,crowded
serviceshelpsthem to spacetheir children, householdsarrdpoor sanitation.Extremerural
eng:gein education andlearnorher.[il].for poverty, triggered by the governmelltt
alternativesourcesof income. Reproductive economicstrategytowardsbuilding zonesof
health thus leadsto their improved starusand productionin cities,hasspurredrural-to-urban
increased participationin decisionmakingand migration to the promisedland of
managementat th€ village and local "opportunities."However,industriesin the
administrarion level. citiesdo not havethe capacityto absorb
enoughlabor forceand mostlocal
governments do not haveenoughresources to
Succese Stoq/ #3 respondro rheincreased demand[or basic
goodsand services liLe health,education,
CONCEPCIONis s 4th closscoostolmunicipolily in
lloilo with 25 borongoys,whose people dependon management an(tsewerage, amongooers
fishingondformingos meonsof livelihoodlb
geogrophicollocolionond vulnerobililyto noturol Be$een 1980and 1990,internalmigration
disostersis mognifiedby o high populoiiongrowth grew by 5 percentarnually and wenrually
roie ond high populotiondensityin o fost-deterioroting Ieveledoffat 3 percent.Ifthe rrendcontinues,
environment. expertsbelievethat 65 percentofthe total
populationwill be living in urbancentersby
Signi{iconlochievemenlswere modewhen the LGU
2020.In addidonto the high lwels ofinflux,
odoptedthe PHEopprooch:lhe communityenioyed womenin urbanareasbearonechild morethan
improvedoccesslo quolityreproductiveheollh uhar rheyde'ire.{ fasrgrouingpopulacion in
services,enhoncedknowledgeond skillsof heolth .
l1 chrJlengedgorernmenL
a fi.c.rJ i'.r .ignificanr
serviceprovidersin fomilyplonningcounseling,
impedimentconfionting environmentalists,
orgonizedYoulhPeerFociliiolors,increosedFP healrhworkenanddeuelopmenL pl.urner. in
occeplorsond esloblishedheolthfocilities. achievinga goodqualirylife.

ln lhe environmenl,lhe opproochledtolhe

!!'aste disposal needsto keep up with a
emoowermed o{ lhe ond AquoticResource
growing urban population. Ar average
MonogemenlCouncil(FARMC), increosedmorine
Filipinohouseholdin tlreurbanareagenerates
reserveorcos,subslontiolly reducedillegolfishing,
0.5 klograms (kg) of garbagedaily.In Metro
increosed {ishcqtch ond moinstreomed sustoinoble lqnd
Manila alone,around6,700MT ofwasteare
monogemenlond mongrovere{oreslofion. generateddaily arrdthe mrmber is expectedto
increase by 40 percentin 2010.Foodand
wood (9%), paper(1690)ard otherwastes
(157o)constitutehouseholdwastesin Metro

Industriesalsocontribute heaviiyto waste

generation.Many oftheseindustriesSenerate

hazardouswastethat contibutes to air, soil and Dwelop strategies,action plaas, monitoring
water pollution. Approximately 2.3 million and evaluation arrd accountability
MT ofhazardouswasteare generatedby mechanisms in responseto international
industries everyyear Oil, immobilized waste, humar rights obligations and the Multilatenl
containers,and plating wastemake up more Environment Agreements. International
than half of recordedhazardouswaste agreementsseta uniform acceptablestandardof
nationwide. Hospituls generarean additional developmentarrd mechanismsfor
6,750tonsofinfectiouswaite annually. accountabilig/.

The pile ofgarbagedisposeddailypresents a Ensure equitable accessto resou:ces.\fell-

hugeproblemofwastedisposalin urban defined propeny rights and increasedaccessof
centers.Somedumpsiteshavealreadybeen the poor to land and other resourcesencourag€
closeddue to €nvimnmental hazards.Yet, ar resourc€-use$to apply sustainablepattemsof
ADB 'rudy revealed rharruo dump'iresin production and consumpdon.Accessto
Metro Marila containedsubstantialamount of resources alsoexpandsopportunitiesfor rhe
lead and arsenic.Cenain amountsoflead and poor to achieveimproved quality oflife.
mercury were alsofound in Manila Bay.
Engagecommunities and women in
tarly.ymprom'of lerdpoi,oningmimi. managing resources.Men ald women's
generalmalaiseor common illnesses,thus it is participation in mattersconcerningresource
not uiually diagnosedcorrectly.Ifleft untreated, managementacknowledgesthat savingthe
leadpoisoning can causeirritability, poor muscle environmenr alsoinvolvesimproringwomen\
coordination, nervedamage,higher blood circumstances in lifb.
pressureend problemsofhearing and seeingfor
" aduits. Reproductivedifficulties (low sperm Provide reprodtct .e helth servicesarget€d
counts) and disturbed pregnanciesmay also towardsthe poor. Acressby the poor to
develop.In children, ieadpoisoning cancause reproductivehealti services
generates multiple
brain damageand retardation,anemia,liver and gainsat tie household,cmmunity andnational
kidney damage,hearingioss,hyperactivityand levels,hencethe needto arget certaifl
evendeath.\trorkers ifl makeshiftbattery nterventions.
recyclingand repairfacilitiesshowincreasedlead
levelsin their blood, significartly higher rhan
therVHOt permissible exposure levels.Battery
rc.ondirionenandsme'rer. in rhePhilippines
arelocatedin populatedareas.The health ofthe
public and the environment suffersfiom
sulfuricaciddumpedin streams, into the sewer
system,or onto the soil.zr


Strategiesthat do not addressequity can only
accomplish solinle. Integratedapproaches on
population,healthand environmentthat
:dd-e* equiry.ervero achierehurnaniry\ vi.ion
fbr a sustainableandjust development.
Institute convergencearnong sectos, fields of
specialization, gor€rnment and donor- Endnoies
agenciesin developrnentplanning. A r Integrotinghumon rightswithsustoinoblehumon
population, health, and envimnment approach development.A UNDP policydocume.t. United
for human developmelt requiresmultisectoral NotionsDevelopmenlProsromme.Jonoory1998
'? Kri9otur 8erse. Does MultilorerolismReollyWork?.
participation, interdisciplinaryanalysisand
World StudentCommunilyfor Sueoinqble
sttategiesand the collaboration ofdifferent Development.13 Morch 2004.
3 RoserMcrk De Souzo,An Asendo for Populotion,
Hedhhond Environmenl:The Nen $eps Ior
bodiesat veriouslevels.Donor-agenciesalso Environmenr,Populotion,ond Security.
needto reptogramtheir support towards I Roger-MorkDe Souzo,iohn. S. Wllioms, ond
integratedapproaches. FrederickA:8. Moye.son-Criricol Links: Populoiion,
Heolrhond the Environme.t.PopuldtionSullenn.
PopulotionReferenceBureou.S€plember2003. Vol.
Promote co4rorate social responsibility. 58, No.3
wichindustrjesand businesses ir s De Souzo,Willioms ond Meyerson.2003
6 De Souzo,Willioms ond Meyercon.2003
important in the conduct ofsustainableand ' De Souzo,Willioms ond Meyerson.2003
cleanproduction. 6 Nolionol SlotisiicdlCoordinotingBody 2000 ond
2003 RegionolPoverryEstimoies.
' Annuol PovedyIndicoioE Survey
Stimulate revenuesand incentives for I0 Asion DevelopmeniBonk.AbsoluienumberoI poor
progrrms. Incre:ringdomestic
conserv'etion hds inc.eosed.Philipp'neDoily lnquirer Mor 20,
wastewaterfeesand industrial pollution charges, 2005
Pesticide Action Neiwork - Asio Pocific. Foctsheei:
x weJla. Ge prori'ion of in.enrive'ro rhe Pesticidepoisoninsin Komukhdon.
privaresecrorinJluencebeharioralchangein L The world's moe ropid ond mossivedeforeslolion.
resourceproduction arrdconsumption, Horibon Foundotion.Mdrch 4, 2005.
13World Bonk Philipp;neEnfironme.t Repo'l2004.
'i Losgins suspendedin Phil;ppines.September4,
kgislation on reproductive health, land use, 2 0 0 4 . h t r p : / / " e w s . o b c . ( o . r l |/ / l / * o - l d / o s i d-
and forest and coastal man€ement should be pscific/4068477.s1n.
15 Biodiversiiy10 Humon welfore in the Phiiippines.
expedited arrd oversight to existing laws on Powerpointpresentotion
environment and health needsto be done.
Fastpopulation growth without adequate RoreMorine Mommol Dies in WoteB Contominqted
by Mine Corpuz
fumilyplanningrewices intensifie' compeddon
B u s i n e s v o r l dF. e b .1 4 , 2 0 0 6 . $ 3 7 4 m i l l i o n
amongresource-users thatfurthernarginaliz€s expectedthis yeor from 24 pr;orityminins proiecls.
the poor Thus, sustainablemanagement BFAR
coupledwith reproductivehealth servicesto DENR
empo\{erwomenis required. At the:ametime, world Bork ?004.
pastachievementsin legislationshould alsobe The BoselBon And Bditeries.SteveVoynick,
freeloncewriter, Leodville,Colorodo.
monitored and evaluated.

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