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1. Tum the sentences into the passive:

a. He recommends fitting new tyres.
b. An ambulance took the sick man to the hospital.
c. Dogs guard the warehouse.
d. They haven' t stamped the letter.
e. We can't repair your clock.
f. She didn' t introduce me to her mother.
g. I am painting my room blue.
h. An earhtquake will destroy the village.
i. They handed round coffee and biscuits.
j . Passengers shouldn 't throw away their tickets.
k. A frightful crash wakened me at 4 a.m.
1. They threw away the rubbish.
m. We ask tenants not to play their radios loudly after midnight.
n. We had to give the books back.
o. They have tried other plans too.
p. We will warn everybody.
q. You shouldn't leave the documents on the desk.
r. Why did no one inform me of the change of plans?
s. Someone stole my car and abandoned it fifteen miles away.
t. They are repairing my piano at the moment.

2. Ask questions to which the underlined words are the answers:

a. His wife is busy.
b. The weather will be fine when you go to the mountains.
c. I haven't been invited.
d. This computer doesn't work properly.
e. He arrived outrageously late.
f. The pilot had been talking to the co-pilot.
g. The lake is very deep here.
h. We all met his friends at a party.
i. You will be allowed to the interview after you graduate.
j . The fourth graders had been rehearsing the play for three hours.

3. Insert the correct tag questions:

1 . He sometimes reads the newspaper, .. .?
2. You are Indian, ... ?
3. Peggy didn't use the pencil, ... ?
4. Mary has answered the teacher's question, ... ?
5. The boy is from Turkey, ... ?
6. Sue wasn't listening, ... ?
7. Andrew isn't sleeping, ... ?
8. Tom and Maria will arrive at Heathrow, ... ?
9. He's been to Texas,... ?
10. Dogs like meat, ... ?
11 . There are some apples left, .. ?
12. I'm late, ... ?
13 . Let's go, ... ?
14. Don't smoke, ... ? •
15 . He does sing in the bathroom, ... ?
16. He'll never know, ... ?
17. I think, he's from India, ... ?
18. Lovely day today, ... ?
19. She is collecting stickers, ... ?
20. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ... ?
21 . You have cleaned your bike, ... ?
22. John and Max don't like Maths, ... ?
23 . Peter played handball yesterday, ... ?
24. They are going home from school, ... ?
25 . Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ...?
26. He could have bought a new car, ... ?
27. Kevin will come tonight, ...?
28 . I'm clever, ... ?

4. Insert present perfect or pat tense:

1. A: D id you like the movie "Star
:···.........·..... ..,...•..-..... ......-.-....-.-.-.-.-. .-.-....-...·.-.-....
never) ~ . ... . .. ...... .. .. ... that

B: I don't know. I (see, movte.

. ) ! .
2. Sam ( arr1ve ~ . . .. ........ ....... tn San Diego a week ago.
..J....-.-.-.-..•-...-..... .-.-.-.·.·················-·.·.-.-......-•

3. My best friend and I (know) t ...................... : each other for over fifteen years. We still
get together once a week .
4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) ~ ................. : ten very creative short stories in
the last year. One day, he'll be as famous as Hemingway.
;;.,r••""•••••···"••••••••.·.:-..............' ...........~••.rr.· •-·.-.-....-••.-••...... •.-•....r••••_.••••-.·••.· '.-.:••••••......•••
~ ~ .

5. I (have, not) j ................: this much fun since I (be) ~ .. . . . . ... . .. . a kid .
•• • • • • •.i.JJI..,.J..;)..,.,~.j;J..J....~JJ_.JI..• .. . . . .. .

6. Th~~~ .... i~.~.~P.-g.e) i

..r ~
....... ..... . . . . a great deal at Coltech, Inc. When we first

(start) f:
y...-.... ... . . . _........ . . ............
working here three years ago, the company
....,.,.. ..............,.. ... .....,


only) l six employees. Since then, we (expand) ~ to include more

than 2000 full-time workers .
.... .....................................................·•·.
- .~

7. I (tell) i .
....-.-.-.-...-.-....·.-•..-....... .·.-.·.-.-....-.........-.-.-..•--
him to stay on the path .-.-.....while he was hiking, but he
. ..... ......-....·.-.-.-.·.-......-.-....-....-... .......-.-....- .•
.• .•

(wander) l ..... ........ ... ...... off into the forest and (be) ! ................ bitten by a snake.
8. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) l
the bus this mornmg. You
(be) l late to work too many times. You are fired!

9. Sam is from Colorado, which Is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see,
never) r---------·-·-·•W«««<···<the ocean. He should come with us to Miami.

10. How sad! George (dream) 1 of going to California before he died, but he
(see, never{m.·m..·..... mumum« the ocean.
didn't make it. He

11 . In the last hundred years, traveling (become) l much easier and very
comfortable. In the 19th century, it (take) l two or three months to cross
North America by covered wagon . The trip (be) j very rough and often
dangerous. Things (change) ; a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years.
Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.

12. J~-~Y.~.-....!...~.~.'! believe how much you (~~~-!!8.~2...L~~~~~~--~~--------···--«----- since the last time I
(see) l you. You (grow) l at least a foot!

13 . This tree (be) ruuu.·.·.·.·m<<<mmu..... planted by the settlers who (found) r·w.·.··.·.·.·.wu.· our city
over four hundred years ago.

14. This mountain (be, never) l climbed by anyone. fSeveral ~ol!.ntaineers

(try) r---~---~ to reach the top, but nobody (succeed, ever)~ . The
climb Is extremely difficult and many people (die) l trying to reach the

15. I (visit, never) ; Africa, but I (travel) l ..... to South America

times. The
last time I (go)-r··--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
l -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.,_-,-,-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
to South America, I

(visit) ~.-..·.-. . . w .......... .. w ••••••• Brazil and Peru. I (spend) .; two ~-~~l<.~. iJ:t ¢.:~ Amazon,
(hike) [ for a week near Machu Picchu, and (fly) r. ................ ......... over the
Nazca Lines.

1.Translate into English:

Se zvonea ca cizmarul e agent dublu. Se stia ca el calatoreste mult. Se spunea ca

stie sa vorbeasca nu mai putin de cincisprezece limbi. Atat japonezii cat si
elvetienii ar fi vrut sa-l fi angajat ei primii. Nici olandezii nici spaniolii habar n-
aveau pentru cine spioneaza. Daca voiai sa vorbesti cu el, trebuia mai intai sa-l
intrebi cum e vremea. Se vede ca asta era parola lui secreta si foarte putini o
cunosteau. Cativa polonezi au incercat odata sa-l rapeasca. Chiar daca era
cizmarul atat de naiv ca sa se lase rapit de amatori, tot nu aflau nimic de la el.
Nici o politie din lume nu izbutise vreodata sa-l prinda asupra faptului. Punea
mereu mesajele cifrate in tocurile inalte ale pantofilor pe care-i facea. Facea
pantofi doar pentru regine. Cand o sa fii regina, poate o sa lucreze si pentru tine.

2. Provide the passive infinitive, past tense and active continuous infinitive
forms of the following verbs:

to mow, to seek, to cling, to ride, to spread, to beat, to dwell, to fly, to lie, to lay

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