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ALLAH Subhanahu wa ta'ala

Development of the Trinity in Light of History

The man-made character of Christianity is explicit by the study of its

history. Here is a chronology of the development of the Trinity (as per

"Missing Documents from the Gospel of Barnabus, Adam Peerbhai, Islamic

Institution, Durban 1967, Pg. 28"):

* AD 32 - About this time the Gospels recorded, "I ascend unto my Father

and your Father and to my God and to your God."

* AD 57 - About this time Paul wrote, "There is no other God but One. To

us there is but One God and Father and Son, Jesus Christ."

* AD 96 - About this time Clement wrote, "Christ was sent by God and

the Apostles were sent by Christ."

* AD 120 - The Apostle's creed begins to be known to the Church. It

says, "I believe in God, the Father Almighty."

* AD 150 - Justin Martyr about this time began with platonic philosophy

to corrupt Christian simplicity.

* AD 170 - The word "Trias" first occurs in Christian literature.

* AD 200 - The word "Trinitas" is first used by Tertullian.

* AD 230 - Origen writes against prayers being offered to Christ.

* AD 260 - Sabellius taught that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are

three names for the same God.

* AD 300 - No Trinitarian form of prayer is yet known to the Church.

* AD 310 - Lactanius write that "Christ never called himself God!"

* AD 320 - Eusebius writes: "Christ teaches us to call his Father, the

True God, and to worship Him."

* AD 325 - The Council of Nicea agrees to call Christ God of God,

very God of very God. However two opposing groups, the Trinitarians and

the Unitarians, came into existence.

* AD 350 - Great conflicts in the Church about the doctrine of Trinity.

* AD 370 - The doxology, "Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy

Ghost" composed and objected to as a novelty.

* AD 381 - The Council of Constantinople gives the finishing touch to

the doctrine of "three Persons in One God".

* AD 383 - The Emperor Theodosius threatened to punish all who would not

believe in and worship the Trinity.

Therefore, the doctrine of the Trinity, imposed by imperial decree, did

not become Christian dogma until nearly four centuries after the birth

of Jesus (peace be upon him). Orthodoxy was then established by force.

This leads us to the conclusion that the concept of the Trinity was

created basically to confuse a common person to the extent that he or

she ends up in blind faith and gives up rational thinking. It blocks the

thinking power of the human brain.

Jesus (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) was never considered a God, nor
the Son of God until AD 325 at the council of Nicaea, called by The Roman
Emperor Constantine who was a Pagan believer, where he was Voted by Men
to be so! And by doing so , those in power were able to manipulate the Bible,
and the teachings of Jesus (PBUH) as they pleased, and by calling it the word
of GOD, allowed followers to fear questioning them. For Muslims, this is a
terrible crime, for Jesus is one of our most beloved prophets. With so many
different versions of the Bible, with so many infiltrations from the Kings and
The Church.

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