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The Statement on the Release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

Mon Affairs Union (MAU)

21st November, 2010

The Mon Affairs Union welcomes the release of Burmese democratic leader, Daw Aung
San Suu Kyi. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was detained for 15 of the past 20 years for her
efforts to bring peace, democracy, and human rights in Burma. While we warmly
welcome the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, we demand the Burmese military regime
to release all other political prisoners unconditionally.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has the support of all ethnic nationalities for her strong
principles and conviction to bring democracy, equality, and peace to all the people of
Burma. We believe that she is a leading force for a peaceful solution to over 60 years-
long ethnic conflicts in Burma. We also welcome her endorsement of the “Second
Panglong Conference” proposed by some prominent Burman politicians and ethnic
leaders, including the Mon’s, in the “Kalay Declaration”. The Second Panglong
Conference based on equality, justice and self- determination for all ethnic nationalities
of Burma will lead to national reconciliation and a political solution for ending the
conflicts. We, therefore, like to take this opportunity to send our message to Daw Aung
Sun Suu Kyi that we highly hope to work with her in bringing justice and freedom to the
people of Burma.

The November 7 election was not free and fair. Voting fraud committed by the junta’s
proxy party, USDP, was widespread. The election was framed by the military regime to
legitimate its rule. Due to the unfair practices in the election, fighting has already broken
out between the DKBA and the Burmese army, resulting in over 20,000 refugees who
fled into Thailand. The fighting has also broken out between the Burmese army and Shan
State Army North in Shan State. Other ethnic cease-fire groups are on high alert and
have prepared for wars in case the Burmese army attacks them. Obviously, political
problems or ethnic conflicts in Burma cannot be solved through this unfair election. A
through tripartite dialogue of the NLD, ethnic leaders, and Burmese military regime is
what is necessary to resolve these issues.
Therefore, we strongly urge:

 The international community NOT to recognize the results of the November 7, 2010
election and to keep pressure on tripartite dialogue for national reconciliation,
 The Burmese military regime to release all other political prisoners and to enter into
genuine dialogue with the NLD and representatives of ethnic nationalities,
 All ethnic nationalities, including the Burman, to support the Second Panglong
Conference, which will be based on equality, justice, freedom for all the people of

Central Committee
Mon Affairs Union

Media Contact

Nai Layeh Rot (General Secretary)

Tel: (+66) 082 648 2449

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