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Dimensions and their corresponding Chakras..

by Celia Fenn

This was first posted by ARGISCT, September of 2008. It was incredibe, and truly eye opening for
me. Everyone I've shared it with has been profoundly impacted. Please let me know how you feel
about it. I think, once again, it will deeply resonate with people. ARGISCT shortened it for easy
reading, but the entire channeled message can be found on Celia Fenn's website:
THE HARMONICS OF CONSCIOUSNESS by Celia Fenn "Creation is the Highest Expression of
Love" Material transmitted from the Elohim consciousness, May 2001-January 2002.

The First Dimension :Color- Red, Note- C, Shape – Circle MULADHARA

The pure white light of spirit that enters the octave shifts its frequency to the colour Red, and its tone
to the note C. In geometric terms, the shape is the sphere or circle. At this level the sphere produces a
high degree of identification with the source (original sphere). There is a strong magnetic attraction to
that which is like or the same. The Love vibration manifests as a strong sense of connection, of
oneness and identity. In human terms we find this energy located primarily in the Base Chakra. Here
the definition of love relates to family, tribe and clan, those who are "like", and you are attracted to
these. When you are in perfect resonance with this vibration you understand your connection to the
One, and that all energies and beings are your family and all are "like" you. However, in this journey
outwards and away from the One there is also a tendency to wobble or distort in the intense
learning/exploration, and to forget your true nature. At this point an illusion called fear enters, and you
begin to imagine or believe that there are others who are "different" to you, and that to protect your
group you must repel these others. You imagine that their difference threatens you, and so you seek to
eliminate them to create a "sameness" again. And so the illusion produces negative vibrations called
fear, hatred, aggression and war. We urge you to understand these emotions as responses to the
illusion of separation. We ask you not to judge them, but to understand that they are tools for intense
learning and exploration and part of finding the way back into resonance with the One.(Note: this is
particularly true since the events of Sept 11, 2001) If you spin off into illusion you may always choose
to return to the true vibration of the One, at this level manifesting as an intense love of family, of all
that is, because we are all related. The Native Americans called the manifest plane of material matter
the Red Road, understanding the intense creative vibration of the Red energy, and how close to source
you really are when you acknowledge all of your relations and all things as "family".

The Second Dimension: Color-Orange Note-D Shape- Icosahedron - SVADHISTHANA

At this point consciousness moves further out on its journey of exploration. The frequency shift is to
Orange - a mixture of Red and Yellow, and the shape, the Icosahedron, indicates a much more
complex and complicated dimension. The awareness at this level builds on the first dimension, but it
moves beyond the family and now generates an intense magnetic attraction to the "other" energy,
which is interpreted as "emotion" or "intensity". This may be an intense identification with the other
energy which is called "love", or an intense fear/revulsion, which is termed "hate". These are not
reasoned, but purely instinctive or animal/chemical responses. At this level both of these seemingly
contradictory emotions are based on the consciousness still seeking to explore the nature of the "one"
and its separation from itself - which are termed "love" and "hate". At this level consciousness
discovers sexual attraction and the ability to fall in love, with all its intense feelings of passion,
connection and, negatively, rejection. Consciousness seeks the ecstatic experience of merging with the
other and returning to a sense of Unity through sexual connection. This may be briefly experienced in
sexual orgasm - but the consciousness is always returned to the state of "separation" and the illusion of
"aloneness". This explains why romantic or sexual rejection has such a devastating effect on some
individuals. The consciousness, seeking to merge with the other and rediscover the One, is seemingly
prevented and turned away. This is why depression and suicide can be the result of romantic
disappointment. This is also the point where consciousness discovers its own inherent creative power,
and that by union with another there can be a productive manifestation. This is most evident in sexual
union - where a third being can be created. But consciousness also learns here to use this power of
connection to create the material and emotional necessities of its being. The intense creative power of
the expression of love at the orange energy is equally matched by the destructive nature of the fear
illusion at this level. If the consciousness falls into the illusion of being separate and alone, it survival
might mean it has to use or manipulate the intense energies at this level to eliminate others who
threaten its needs being met. Because it has forgotten the One, it imagines that it is alone and thus has
to fight and plot and manipulate to get its needs met. Once it returns to a recognition of the One, it is
able to use the orange frequency to create a loving and abundant reality where all its needs are met,
and where it can share with others. Mastery of the Orange energy and the intense creative energies
found here is indeed mastery of the material level. It is probably one of the reasons why Tibetan
monks wear orange robes, and why orange is a sacred colour in the East. The Icosahedron geometry
and shape is a complex from that also represents the 7th level, or the return to spirit. The Icosahedron
is also the crystalline shape of water, and so the energies of orange are fluid, active, changing and
dynamic. This can be a very volatile level, and it requires a strong sense of inner peace and connection
to the One to master the energies at this level.

The Third Dimension: Color- Yellow Shape-Octahedron Note-E- MANIPURA

At this point in its journey through the energies of the octave the consciousness shifts to the next level,
represented by the colour Yellow and the Octahedron shape. At this level the Divine essence of love
seeks to move away from the intensity and complexity of the second level, and to know itself in a calm
and structured way. In the human, this represents the mental energies, where the individual becomes
aware of the aspects of time and space, and the need to order these to allow the energy of
consciousness to flow in the most productive way. At this stage of the octave, love is expressed in a
rational and reasoned way - beyond the intense experience of the second level. This is the love termed
"agape" by the Greeks to distinguish it from the "eros" of the second level. Agape is love of one's
fellow humans, the philanthropic urge to create a better environment for fellow humans. It understands
the principle of the One as related to humans, who are seen as the highest level of inteligence, since
they have left the second level and "risen" to the third. This is the ignorance created by beings so far
out on the journey away from source - to imagine that the progression along the scale of consciousness
creates a hierarchy of being. When one is fully in the Consciousness of the One, then you are truly
aware that the concept of hierarchy is a third dimensional construct that has been created in ignorance
of the nature of the One. In its true vibration of resonance with the One, the third dimension is a place
where humans can create structures to flow their energies and assist them to manifest whatever they
wish in the plane of matter. However, when consciousness moves into the illusion of fear at this level,
it becomes suspicious of the motives and thoughts of others who are different. It then begins to set up
structures that will control and manage thought and energy, to the benefit of those who manage the
structures. Thus in 3D you see the rise of institutions such as Churches, Universities, Hospitals,
Schools, Banks and Charitable organizations. All set up within the philanthropic motivation of the
third density desire to structure, but when subjected to fear these distort and become instruments of
control and personal enrichment for a few at the expense of the many. The only way to break out of
the illusion of separation generated at 3D is to enter the Fourth Level and begin the journey back to the
One. But the illusion of separation can be very strong at 3D, since the rational mind sees only
difference, it does not intuitively feel the energies of the One. And because the energy is so structured
- there is no dynamic force to propel the energies into higher levels of consciousness. The impetus to
break out of 3D and move towards home again must come from within the individual. He or she must
experience a deep yearning to experience life beyond the confines of the material structures of the
third dimension. When this deep yearning for meaning and connection with spirit is registered in the
Angelic realms, the angels step forward to assist the person to make the shift forward and begin the
journey back to the One. This is usually affected by synchronicity, a chance encounter, a book, a
workshop, something that places the individual onto the higher path and the journey back to the Law
of One.

The Fourth Dimension: Colors- Rose Pink/Green Shape- Star Tetrahedron Note – F -
At this point the consciousness begins to re-awaken and yearn for its former connection with the One
-the source. This yearning, when it becomes a deep passion for love and one-ness lifts the
consciousness to the level of the 4th dimension and the Heart Chakra. Here the Octahedron of 3D
transmutes into the Star Tetrahedron, a more complex and balanced shape. At this point the journey
home has begun. The consciousness learns to move beyond the rational structures of 3D and its
definitions of love based on fear and distrust to a definition of love based on the Law of One and
Unconditional Love. The Law of One states that we are all One - we derive from the source and we
are all interconnected. What we do affects all others and vice versa. This is the reason for the teachings
of the Christ - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. At this level the consciousness
understands fully that fear is an illusion that denies the oneness and believes in separation and so
perpetuates feelings of isolation and loneliness. At this level we know and experience the concept of
"family" - understanding that we are all related and in relationship, no matter who or where we are in
place or time. As consciousness begins to take on the Law of One - the colors move from radiant
green, the colour of abundance and of nature, to a beautiful rose pink, the colour of love -
unconditional love and the ascended "Christ Consciousness" of "service to others". Here the embodied
consciousness must learn to deal with relationships from this higher perspective. Here the concepts of
the Mirror and the Shadow are invaluable. According to the Law of Resonance, we attract or
magnetise to ourselves experiences at a similar frequency to our own. Thus everyone who shares our
"hologram" or "experiential space" is an aspect or reflection of ourself in some way. Using the
"mirror" technique, we understand that others are just ourselves, and that they reflect our issues. The
concept of the "shadow" allows us to understand that the unpleasant, angry or violent people with
whom we connect are also aspects of our shadow or repressed self. This acknowledgement allows us
to deal with them in compassion and unconditional love. Without approving their actions or behaviour,
we can relate to them with forgiveness and tolerance. We learn not to take anger and violence as
personal issues, but to see them as unresolved aspects of our mutual shadow selves. The master of the
Fourth Dimension knows how to mobilise the energies of the shadow for constructive and creative
purposes in love and healing. At this point the consciousness learns how to manage relationship
energies without fear, and without the need for pain, suffering and sorrow as a means of learning. The
journey home has truly begun. Now, peace, joy and harmony are possible.

The Fifth Dimension: Color-Blue Shape-Cube - VISHUDDHA

At this point the consciousness, having begun to re-awaken to the mysteries of creation, desires to gain
wisdom and experience of the Creator. The consciousness seeks to fully experience itself as a Co-
Creator of its own holographic reality in partnership with the Creator. The Star Tetrahedron of the
fourth level transmutes to theCube or Cubecahedron, and the color frequency is Blue. The
consciousness that wishes to move to the fifth-dimensional level is, again, guided in its search by the
Higher Self and the Angelic Guides. Here the being encounters the various teachers and wisdom
schools, both on the third dimension and higher. Third dimensional sources include books, workshops,
teachers, while fifth dimensional sources may be channelled via a third dimensional teacher. At this
level the student consciousness is expected to show discernment. There are some schools and
teachings which are not fully integrated into the Law of One, and seek to gain control and power over
others because of the fears that still exist unacknowledged at the ego/shadow level. Those who work in
5D are often more intensely confronted with shadow energy than at other levels. At this level the
consciousness is taught the principles of duality: Yin/Yang, and comes to understand that shadow/dark
is merely undeveloped potential. Most wisdom traditions teach that Light/Consciousness comes out of
Dark/Unconsciousness, and that the one cannot exist without the other. There is a constant "pulse"
between the two energies, also known as "Eros" and "thanatos" - or the life wish and the death wish.
The master consciousness learns to hold these two impulses in balance. The principle of Non-
judgement applies here. Contrary to what is taught by religious controlling bodies - there is no
judgement attached to the "dark". The Law of One teaches that all is of the Creator - hence light and
dark are equally aspects of the creator and need to be experienced as such, without judgement. The
point is not to swing into light only- where one would need another person to carry the projected dark
- or into dark, where the destructive and negative energies are uppermost and the light is lost. Finding
the balance is the goal of the initiate or student consciousness, not ignoring the dark to migrate into
"love and light" which can be dangerous since it creates elitism and separation consciousness, and
ultimately, conflict. To fully gain the mastery of the Fifth Dimension the student consciousness must
master what the ancient Egyptian Wisdom Master Thoth/Hermes called the Ogdoad and the Ennead.
The Ogdoad - or the principle of the Eight - can be briefly summarised as a knowledge of the creative
principles of energy, light, sound, color and sacred geometry. These are the basic principles of creation
- which as fractal mathematics suggests - are repeated ad infinitum throughout the Universe - "as
above so below". The Ennead - or principle of the Nine - also refers to creation dynamics. Here the
Nine Principles include knowledge of the Four elements - Fire, Water, Air and Earth- and of the laws
of magnetism and resonance that apply when the One becomes the Many. When these lessons are
mastered the consciousness fully experiences the Law of the One and the Many, and the Many and the
One - and is ready to live that understanding. The gift of this is the wisdom and the ability of the
Adept, who may use these basic laws to co-create.

The Sixth Dimension: Color-Indigo Shape-Icosahedron Note- AJNA

Once the consciousness has mastered the wisdom of the Cosmos through study and practical initiation
- the urge to become creative and play becomes paramount. Whereas love expressed in the Fifth
Dimension expresses itself as wisdom and the power to co-create, in the Sixth Dimension it expresses
itself as joyful playfulness, as the expanding consciousness begins to complete its journey home. The
Sixth Dimension is the realm of the Magical Child or the Eternal Child - a state of innocence and joy
that has its foundation in "experience" or "wisdom" gained through experience. The color here is
Indigo, a color long identified with a Master Consciousness, and more recently, with the exceptional
and spiritual children that are being birthed on the planet today, called Indigo Children. The shape is
the Icosahedron, the shape identified with the water molecule. Water is significant since it "imprints"
information, and can change shape and potency depending on circumstances. Water that has been
"blessed" or meditated or prayed over holds the high level energies of that prayer in its crystalline
shape. This indicates how at the 6th Dimensional level the master consciousness "imprints" thoughts
and patterns into the waters/energies to manifest a high level of holographic joy and abundance. This
is done with the ease and insouciance of a child. At this level the consciousness fully appreciates the
implications of the Law of One and the One and the Many. It understands that the Creator/Source is
Love, and that each individual consciousness unit/entity is a portion of the Creator (the One)
expressing itself as an in Individual (the Many). Because love is what motivates the Creator - then the
6th Dimensional consciousness understands that the entire Universe is based on love, and that this love
is a creative and supportive element that seeks the "highest good" of all. The energy of love always
"imprints" our intentions as creators and supports our creations, whether positive or negative. At the
6th dimension the consciousness is both self-aware and wise enough to monitor its creations and to
ensure that it creates from a place of love, joy and abundance. The 6th dimensional creative energy
rests in the wisdom of 5D, but encompasses the joyous certainty of the upward evolutionary spiral
back to the Creator. At this level the consciousness seeks to express its playful reality and knowledge
of the sacred geometry of the Cosmos through artistic and creative endeavors - dance, music, art,
poetry and other forms that echo the cosmic activities of the Creative Mind - as above so below. The
creator consciousness at this level no longer experiences fear - since separation is understood for the
illusion that it truly is. The consciousness understands itself to be supported in love, and so is able to
keep creating and re-creating its reality in harmony with that of the Source and in accord with
evolutionary processes of the planet. Life on Earth at this level is a constant game of creation and play
- expressed at ever finer levels of expertise and awareness as the consciousness journeys into higher
levels of the sixth dimension.

The Seventh Dimension : Shape: Icosahedron Colour: Violet/White - SAHASRARA

The seventh dimension is that point where the consciousness completes the octave of experience and
is ready to begin a new octave or journey home to the Creator. This is the home of the spiritual
master/warrior and the "boddhisatva", or one who incarnates spiritual light and love into the world. It
is the dimension of spiritual service, and is represented by the sacred twelve-sided shape of the
dodacahedron and the colours violet and white. At this level the energy of the Source expresses itself
in the desire to both create and to serve. The 7th Dimensional master knows him or herself through
his/her creations of love and service. Here the consciousness has fully integrated all the Laws of the
Cosmos - and understands the purpose of creation and evolution: that the source seeks to know itself
and grow through its creations. Hence the master consciousness serves the purpose of the Creator by
becoming a Co-creator and assisting others to a full awareness of themselves and their creations, so
that they can in turn be known to the Creator and know the Creator within themselves. The Seventh
dimensional consciousness expresses the ideals of service - service to others - as the highest
expression of love and the purpose of the Creator. It is at this level that the consciousness seeks to
express the Archetypal energies of the master and the wise man/woman as a sacred healer/teacher or
shamanic medicine man/woman. Because at this level the consciousness has experienced a mastery of
all other levels - these can be drawn on in the process of assisting others in the process of growth and
self-awareness The dodachahedron shape represents the fifth element - "ether" or energy, and the
seventh dimensional healer/teacher is also a master of techniques of energy healing and manifestation
of resources. . Thus a fully developed multi-dimensional being/consciousness will be at the forefront
of conscious evolution, its task to serve others on their journey towards multi-dimensional awareness
and mastery on this planet. This work is carried on in co-creation with the Divine plan and angelic
forces, allowing the manifestations of spirit to direct the form of service as agreed upon by that
initiate/master before incarnation.

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