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PilomatricaI Carcinoma:

CaseReportandReview of
the Literature
Tony Nakhla, DO; Michael Kassardjian, DO

Pilomatrical is a raremalignanttumorthat originates
from hairmatrixcells.Pilomatrical
carcinomamay arisede novo as a solitarylesion,or through transformation from its benign
counterpart,pilomatrixoma. betweenpilomatrixomaand pilomatricalcarcinoma
requiresclose histologicexaminationand often is difficult.Although uncommon,pilomatrical
carcinomahasthe potentialto metastasize;
therefore,promptdiagnosisand appropriatemanage-
ment is essential.

ilomatrical carcinoma is the malignant In som e areas, the lesional cells are relatively bland and
counterpart of pilomatrixoma, a benign noninfiltrative appearirg.
cutaneous tumor originating from the hair However, this case also shorvs areas with larger more
ma[rix. It is a rare, aggressive tumor with a squamoid appearing cells urth aLyprcalfeatures, includ-
high probability of recurrence after simple irg Iargenuclei with prominent nucleoli as well as areasof
excision, and the potential to metastasrze. infiltrative appearing cells, features highly concerning for
We report a case of a 56-year-old white man malignancy (Figure 3). In the infiltrative appearrngarea,
diagnosed with pilomatrical carcinoma. The patient there is dense stromal sclerosis associated u-ith highly
presented with a 2-month history of ar1 enlarging atyprcal squamoid and spindle cells, with ser-eralmitotic
asymptomatic growth on the cheek. Physical exami- figures found within these cells (Figure +) In many
nation revealed a 2-cm, well-demarcated, nontender, areas of the biopsy, there is granulomatolls inflamma-
moveable, hard subcutaneous nodule on the right tion, hemorrhage , and granulation tissue consistent
mandible (Figure l). No skin changes or lymphad- with a reaction to ruptured material from the tumor
enopathy was noted. The clinical diagnosis strongly (Figure 5) While the latter findings often are seen in
favored a calcified epidermoid cyst or other benign ruptured pilomatrixoma, the infiltratn\-e areas with
adnexal tumor. An excisional biopsy was performed at atyprcal spindle cells would not be erpected in a
the request of the patient. benign pilomatrixoma, and the findings are most con-
Sections were evaluated histologically and revealed sistent with a diagnosis of malignant pliomarrixoma
a multifragmented biopsy of dermal and subcutaneous (pilom afitcal carcinoma) .
tissue containing basaloid proliferation with collections Multiple laboratory tests using immunohrstochemi-
of ghost cells, typical of pilomatrixoma (Figure 2). cal stains, including p63, cytokeratrn i/6, synap-
tophysin, p53, and Ki-67 also \\-ere rer-iewed. The
Dr. I'laLthla is from OC Shin Institute, Santa Ana, California. tumor cells were strongly and diffusely- positive for
Dr. Kassardlianis an intern, PacificHospital,LongBeach,California. p63, highlighting the nuclei of the infiltrative and
The authors report no conflict tf interest in relation to spindle cells, which is positirre in mos[ primary cuta-
thisarticle. neous malignancies including adnexal carcinomas. In
Michael Kassardjian,DO, PO Box 2152,
Correspondence: addition, results of cytokeratin 5/6 staining aiso were
PalosVerdesPen,CA 90275 ( moderately positive within lesional cells, including the

3I4 CosmeticDermatology@ 2010. vol. 23 No. 7

Fi gure 1. A 56-year-ol dw hi te man w i th a
2-cm, well-demarcated, nontender, move-
abl e, hard subcutaneousnodul e presenton
the ri ght mandi bl ew i th no ski n changes.

infiltrative-appearing spindle cells, which confirmed of the tumors may vary from soft and friable to firm.
that these were epithelial, and not mesenchymal, They may have red, yellow, white, and tan skin
ceiis R.esults of synaptophysin staining were nega- changes. Lesions cannot reliably be distinguished
[l\-e and not consistent with a neuroendocrine tumor based solely on clinical appearance, and frequently
such as \ierkel cell carcinoma. Staining for p53 was are mistaken for epidermal cysts. The diagnosis of
r.,'eakir b'-ri difiusely positive throughout the tumor cell pilomatrical malign ancy is made exclusively by careful
nuclei. rnc^'-rd.rnEthe infiltrative areas, a finding that histologic evaluation.
also far-ored :rahgnancy. In addition, Ki-67 positivity Pilomatricalcarcinomahas a potential to metastasrze
was high u ithrn thre basaloid cells and also positive in about 10o/oof cases.5
Casesof metastasisto the lung,
within man\ c[ rhe spindle cells, highlighting up to bones, and lymphatics, ds well as invasion into the
L}o/o of the entrre lesion. Thus, the overall histologic cranialvault, have been reported.3
and immunohistochemical findings supported the
diagnosis of pilomalncal carcinoma. EPIDEMIOLOGY
The epidemiology of pilomatrical carcinoma differs
COMMENT from pilomatrixomas. Pilomatrixomas more often are
Pilomatrixoma first \\-as de scribed in 1BB0 by Malherbe seen in women (female to male ratio of 3: I ) and
and Chenantaisr as a'tng epithelioma that was tend to occur in patients younger than 20 years. The
thought to originate from the sebaceous gland. In mean age of patients diagnosed with pilomatrixoma is
L949, Lever and Griesemerr suggested that the actual B .7 years, rangirg from B months to 19 years.5
origin of the tumor was the harr matrix.3 Thus, the Pilomatrixomas occur most commonly on the head,
approprlaLe term pilomatrtxonta was adopted, synony- followed by the upper extremities, neck, trunk, and
mous with calcifying epithehoma of Malherbe, which lower extremities.3 Involvement of the face has been
also is commonly used. reported in the frontal, temporal, cheek, periorbital,
Clinically, the tumor is described as a solitary, slow and preauricular regions.6 Pilomatrical carcinomas are
growing, asymptomatic, dermai or subcutaneous mass more predominant in men and more often middle-
that mosl commonly is found in the posterior neck, aged or elderly adults. The mean age of patients with
upper back, and preauricular area. Duration of tumors pilomat.rical carcinoma is 48 years, ranging from 2 to
prior to surgery has been reported to range from BB years, and in this population are more common
4 months to 10 years.3 Pilomatrical carcinomas have in the posterior neck, upper back, and preauricu-
been reported to range in size from 0.5 cm to 20 cffi, lar area.3'4Approximately 60o/o of tumors have been
with a mean of 3.95 cm, which is slightly larger than its located on the head, among which half are in the
benign counterpart, pilomatrixoma.a The consistency preauricular region.T vol. 23 No. 7 . JULv2010. Cosmetic Dermatology@ 315


Figure 2. A fragrnented biopsy specimen revealed

b as aloidpro l i f e r a t i o na n d g h o st ce lls ( H&E,o r ig in a l
magnif ic at i o nx 1 0 0 ) .

Fi gure 3. I n f i l t r a t i v e s q u a m o id a n d sp in d le ce lls
w it h at y pi c a l f e a t u r e s , i n c lu d in g la r g e n u cle i
w it h promin e n t n u c l e o l i ( H & E,o r ig in a l m a g n ifica -
ti o n x 400).

HISTOPATHOLOGY carcinoma of the skin, and mixed tumors of the skin.7

The histologic differential diagnosis of pilomatrical Pilomatrical carcinomas have the characteristic features
carcinoma includes pilomatrixoma, squamous cell of epithelial islands of pleomorphic basaloid cells with
carcinoffi?, trichoepithelioma, ly-phoepitheliomalike vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Shadow or

316 CosmeticDermatology@ 2010. vot-.23 No. 7

Figure4. Stromalsclerosis,highly atypicalsqua-

moid and spindlecells,and severalmitoticfigures

Figure5. Areasof hemorrhage andgranulationtis-

suesurrounded by infiltrative
originalmagnification X400).

ghost cells, along with zones of necrosiswith surround- of retained nuclei from basaloid cells to the anucleate,
ing stromaldesmoplasiaalso are observed.The basaloid eosinophilicshadow cells often is seen.8Tumor necrosis
cellshave deeplybasophilicoval or round nuclei and are usually is present, as well as frequent atypical mitotic
found at the periphery of the islands.A transition zorae figures.Basaloidcells may infiltrate the entire dermis and VOL.23 NO. 7 . JULY2010 . Cosmetic Dermatology@ 317

PrlouATRrcAL CnncrNoMA

extend into the subcutaneousfat, deep fascia,and skel- calcifications, while the inhomogeneous signal intensi-
etal.muscle. In pilomatrical carcinoma,the shadow cells ties related to varying degrees of tumor proliferation.
tend to form a nested pattern, instead of the flat sheet- High signal intensity was atrributable ro cysric spaces
like pattern usually observedin benign pilomatrixomas.3 forming in areas of tumor necrosis
Histologic criteria for pilomatrical carcinoma include Pilomatrical carcinoma is a rare malignant form
vesselinvasion,mitotic index, apoptoticcount, aswell as of pilomatrixoma, which arises from hair matrix
molecular markersof cell death and adhesion.e cells. Careful histologic evaluation is necessary to
distinguish benign pilomarrixoma from pilomarri-
IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY cal carcinoma. Pilomatrical carcinoma rnay arise
Immunohistochemical studies have not d.finirively de novo or from a preexisting benign pilomatrixoma,
distinguished the markers that differentiate piloma- which may be clinically indistinguishable. In cases
trixomas from pilomatrical carcinomas . Lazar et alI0 where previously excised or curetted pilomatrixomas
studied a series of 15 pilomatrical carcinomas and recur, a reexcision with careful histologic evaluation
13 benign pilomatrixomas to assess expression of is indi cated.T
B,-catenin using immunohistochemical staining and Pilomatrical carcinoma occurs more often in middle-
DNA sequencing of exon 3 from the Bl-catenin gene, aged to older individuals, more commonly in men,
CTNNBI, the defect that leads to the expression of and has a predilection for the posterior neck, upper
pilomatrixomas. B-Catenin is a downstream effector in back, and preauricular area. Pilomatrical carcinomas
the Wnt signaling pathway that signals for proliferarion frequently recur; however, treatment with wide local
and differentiation. Mutations
in the CTNNBI gene excision or Mohs micrographic surgery has been
encoding B-catenin are present in both benign and shown to lower the raLe of recurrence.4,5
malignant neoplasms. A11 cases showed nuclear local- Distant metastases have been reported in up to l0o/o
tzatton of B-catenin, mutations on exon 3, as well as of cases.5Due to the potential for metastasis, prompt
expression of nuclear cyclin D 1 . Howev er, 2 pilomatri- diagnosis followed by wide local excision or Mohs
caI carcinomas exhibited accumulation of p53, which micrographic surgerl- and close clinical and radiologic
was absent in aIL 13 benign pilomatrixomas. I0 Past follow-up is recommended.
studies also have reported high constant expression of
CD44v6 and P-cadherin. 11 REFERENCES
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