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LESSON PLAN TOPIC TITLE: Listening, Vocabulary, and Creative

Writing Exercise

GRADE: 4-8


Reading/writing Standards

8.1.2 By the end of the eighth grade, students will identify, locate, and use multiple
resources to access information on an assigned or self-selected topic. Example
indicators: Use of general reference materials (dictionary, electronic resources)
8.2.2 By the end of the eighth grade, students will write compositions with focus,
related ideas, and supporting details.
8.2.4 By the end of the eighth grade, students will demonstrate the use of multiple
forms to write for different audiences and purposes.
8.4.1 By the end of the eighth grade, students will identify information gained and
complete tasks through listening.


Students will practice their writing skills by composing a one-page story which
incorporates an assigned vocabulary word.
Students will demonstrate an in-depth understanding of their assigned vocabulary
word by its creative use within their writing.
Students will expand upon their listening skills by attempting to interpret the
meaning of new vocabulary words during the reading of other students’ stories.

ASSESSMENT (formative and summative)

Quiz of vocabulary words; rubric for assessment of listening skills; observation

of writing process.


dictionary or other online resources

list of vocabulary words to be assigned
student worksheets
overhead projector
overhead sheet

Anticipatory Set: Explain to students that this activity will involve two parts: Each
students will first be assigned a vocabulary word. They will find the definition of
this word, and then create a short story which creatively incorporates the use
of this word. The class will then practice our listening skills and use of context
cues to decipher the meaning of new vocabulary words

Vocabulary: Vocabulary words will be assigned based upon the unit/topic

currently being studied in class.


1. Each student is assigned a vocabulary word related to the lesson. Students

look up the meaning of the word using dictionaries or other online resources.
Students write a one page story including the appropriate use of the word.
Students are encouraged to write the story in a way which makes the meaning
of the word obvious through context clues.

2. A vocabulary word is printed on the overhead. Students write this word on

their worksheets, and fill in their guessed meaning.

3. The teacher reads a student’s story containing the word to the class.
Students are instructed to listen carefully for the use of the word.

4. After listening to the story, students are instructed to write their

interpretation of the context meaning. Several students share their
interpretation of the meaning of the words.

5. The correct meaning of the word is shared, and students are instructed to
write the dictionary meaning of the word on their paper.

Provision for special needs:

Make accommodations for any students who may be hearing impaired and have
difficulty with the listening aspect of this lesson. Provide guidance and direction
for students who may have difficulty in finding a topic for the writing of their
story. Word Maps may be used to stimulate thinking related to the use of the
new vocabulary word.

Process with students the importance of listening in this exercise, and what
strategies they used in arriving at their definition of each word.


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