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Environmental conservation doesn¶t just mean protecting cute animals on the other side of the
world. It is in fact essential to our own survival. If your response to anything to do with the
environment is either µthere are more pressing issues¶ or µwho cares?¶ then it might be time to
consider how important it really is.

Importance to agriculture

Agriculture depends on the environment and we depend on agriculture. This is obvious in

countries where the economies depend on agriculture but applies to all. A country¶s wealth
might come from something else but its population needs to eat. Conserving the environment
and preventing soil erosion, desertification, and flooding is essential. Unsustainable farming
techniques not only impact natural ecosystems but also ultimately make farming itself

Importance to fishing

While much of our food comes from agriculture, the oceans are also an essential source.
Communities worldwide depend upon seafood. Marine conservation is vital to protect human
food supplies as well as marine animals. Looking after the seas doesn¶t just mean saving big,
glamorous animals from extinction, important as this is. At the moment there are serious
conservation issues affecting the oceans, including over fishing and pollution. The complex,
interlinked ecosystems need conserving in our own self-interest. You might not be interested in
saving the whale, but saving the human might strike a chord.

Importance to climate

Human activities impact the climate, and this affects all life. Droughts, floods, and extremes of
heat and cold, are caused by global warming, which is almost certainly linked to greenhouse gas
emissions. Some countries are already experiencing disastrous effects, while others it is just, for
the moment, inconvenient. There are other, more local, climate changes also caused by not
treating the environment with respect. For example rainfall is affected by deforestation.
Conservation of natural environments should be done not just for their own sake, but also for that
of the world as a whole.

Issues you might see as more important such as the economical or political become meaningless
if the environment is wrecked. If desertification means farmers can¶t grow enough food to feed a
population nobody is going to care whether their government leans to the left or the right. You
quickly realise how abstract economical issues are when the genuinely important makes its
presence known. Money can¶t replace fish or corn. Conserving the environment is of vital
importance, whether or not you care about the fate of the panda.




For thousands of years the environment on earth has shaped us as human beings, and given us
the opportunity to reign supreme over the animal kingdom. It nurtures and supports us, and is at
the root of everything that we do.

The type of landscape and soil will determine what kinds of crops we will grow and where we
will be able to grow them. The foodstuffs that we grow and the animals that we tend, will
provide mankind with all the necessary nutrients that he requires for the survival of his race.

The environment provides us with a place to build our homes and represents a complex
ecosystem that support the habitat of our wildlife, and allows for the interaction of organisms in
the air, soil and water that work together to keep life on earth balanced and working

To put it bluntly, we need to look after our environment if we are to maintain the function of our
race. We must recognise the fact that mankind is not a separate entity and that he shares the
planet with all manner of different species that all have their own requirements and needs.
Therefore it is important that we address the important issue of conservation and to do what is
necessary to safeguard natural resources and limit the destruction of our fragile ecosystems.

It is easy to feel that the situation of our beleaguered earth is something beyond us and we may
ask ourselves what ³can we do?´ After all, will the reduction of just one carbon footprint really
make that much difference if we are thinking in terms of a worldwide global disaster?

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) state that nearly one third of
amphibians, more than one in 8 birds and nearly a quarter of all mammals are threatened with
extinction. Sadly some animals have disappeared for ever, with 869 species already having been
declared extinct or extinct in the wild.

Rain forests are home to about half of all animals and plants in the world. They have been said
to be ³the lungs of the earth´, providing us with 40% of the oxygen that we breath, and help to
regulate the world¶s climate and atmosphere. A lot of our medicines come from the plants of the
rain forest and new discoveries are frequently made that help us in our fight against disease.
What happens to our valuable research if we cannot gather the plants that are vital to our
continued well being?

Our rainforest should be considered to be priceless, yet every day an area the size of Britain is
cleared to make way for man to gather timber, grow crops, graze cattle and to grow palm oil used
ironically, in the production of bio fuel.
 rocrastination is a gesture that we can do without. It is essential that every single country on this
planet come together to sort this horror out, once and for all. Every single human has to work at
lowering the negative impact that they have on the environment around them, and it requires
each and every one to say, ³Yes that is my responsibility, I will do something about that´.

Our Earth is dying. We need to stop killing it. If we do nothing, we condemn the generations to
come with future full of dread and fear and an overwhelming resentment towards their ancestors,
who didn't do enough at a time when it could have made a huge difference.




Mankind has been using and abusing the world for a long time, and it is beginning to take its toll.
Even something as impressive as planet earth can be harmed over time, its resources depleted
and its natural features polluted. If the current generation doesn¶t address the issues and ensure
that no more damage is done, it will only get worse.

Environmental conservation, now, before it is too late, will hopefully ensure that future
generations will have the same resources available to them that we have enjoyed, if not more.
The good news is that we are succeeding in cleaning up some waterways, conserving forests, and
protecting nearly extinct wildlife. This generation is more aware of the environmental problems
in the world than any other generation in history, and more equipped to do something about it.

Of course many of the natural resources like: air quality, wildlife, and bounty of the world have
already been seriously affected or eliminated altogether because people once had no concept of
conservation. For centuries we naively believed that there was a limitless bounty in the world
that would never run out. Air would always be clear, fresh water available, and trees, animals,
and minerals were all renewable.

If we have learned anything in the last 100 years, it should be that some things are not renewable.
Wildlife has gone extinct and can never be replaced. More and more animals were added to the
list of endangered creatures due to expanding manufacturing and depletion of their natural

Rain forests are being depleted, as well as deciduous forests in more northern climates. And it is
only in the last few decades that people have become concerned with the preservation of forests,
wetlands, and bird and animal sanctuaries.

Of course one of the chief concerns are the sources of energy. Oil, coal and gas are still fairly
abundant, however, conserving these resources will guarantee that they will be around for a long
time to come. With the awareness that these resources may not be as permanent as we once
thought, have come the ability to produce alternative ideas to produce some of the energy the
world needs, and the knowledge of how to use less energy overall.
In this century we have the know how and the capability to curtail many of the problems that are
affecting the world, and it should be our responsibility to do something about it.

Believe it or not, there are still people out there who do not believe the world is experiencing an
environmental crisis. Those people wonder what all the fuss is about²why care about saving
the world? Does the havoc we are all wreaking on the planet really matter? According to the
experts, it does. The fact is we should all be focused on conserving our environment. Doing so
is important for many reasons. Here are some of them:

‡ The world¶s increasing population means more people need space to live.

More people are taking up more space on earth. Forests are leveled and homes are built. Stores
and parking lots take the places of vast forests of green. The point is that if we are not mindful
of the effects that so many humans are having on the land, before we know it, there will be no
more forests or undeveloped land.

‡ Rainforests and trees are necessary for many reasons and therefore must be conserved.

Rainforests are wondrous places that furnish living space for countless animals and organisms, in
addition to plants and trees. Interestingly, many of the plants flourishing in rainforests render
basic ingredients used to manufacture medications. Nature¶s bounty at its finest, rainforests must
be near the top of the list for conservation.

Trees provide protection in the winter and shade in the summer. They give oxygen and serve to
diminish noise pollution (Scienceray website). Without trees, heat in many areas of the world
would simply be unbearable. Conserving the number of trees on the earth will protect the
shelter, shade, oxygen, and pollution deterrent that trees provide. An effective way to conserve
trees are to make sure that when trees are cut down, additional trees are immediately planted.

‡ Because farmlands provide food for all humans, we must take care of the land.

Farmers must use proper agricultural methods to ensure the land will be rich and healthy for
centuries to come. If you are wondering about why this is important, think about the earth¶s land
as your food source. All those beautiful fruits and vegetables you eat every single day literally
spring forth from the earth. The land must be conserved to assure years of bountiful crops to

‡ Water resources are stretched to the limit and since we all need water to live, we must learn to
conserve it.

Some reports

Environmental conservation is becoming ever more necessary. Using what is available without
thought to what it costs in future benefits, poorer health, less clean air and water, and more
degradation due to excessive use of resources, is unconscionable. Today's earth and all that's in
it, belongs to the youth of tomorrow. That is the biggest reason to recycle, to preserve and use
responsibly the waterways, parks, and scenic highways.

In recycling, every little bit helps. When millions of people give a little of their time, less than
ten minutes a day, to recycle, and to reuse, that amounts to an enormous effort overall. And that
effort, whether it be planting a tree, picking up debris from sidewalks, walking a few blocks to
work, sharing a ride with a neighbor, taking a bus, lessens the energy used and that is what
environmental conservation is all about.

Broken down into three vast areas, Ecologic, an online site dedicated to explaining and educating
the public about the necessity to protect and conserve natural resources, shows "The impact of
 overty on Biodiversity, Mitigating Climate Change, and Community Self-determination."

What do they mean by impact of poverty on biodiversity? In many third world countries, those
living as best they can, such as the areas of Africa and Asia, and the world at large as well - all
areas have poverty - as an example, have a hard time making ends meet. When people are poor,
or are uncaring and destructive, often resort to whatever means available to get a little money.
The poor want food and shelter for their families, and the rich knowing this use this to further
their own greed.

Why is it a good thing to be concerned about the weather? And yes, talking about it is good, as it
as has always been. But the difference, is that in today's climate of change, talk about the weather
is no longer considered frivolous. Meaningful talks about how the over production of carbon
dioxide is what is contributing to the warming change is important conversational give and take.
While a few pass it off as a sham, as meaningless rhetoric, it is not. It is meaningful in that when
the earth's waters rise from the melting of the earth's glaciers, cities and towns are destroyed.

Of course, weather is cyclical. This warmer period will gradually change back to colder weather
and more dry land will be observed some time in the future, should the earth waterways rise to
that level. But what is important, and why




ecology studies keeps on educating and making other aware of the dangers of not caring for the
environment, is that what involves the natural world involves mankind.

What they insist on is slowing down the process and adapting to the weather in responsible ways.
This is done by putting less pressure on nature to produce more and more. Slow down, recycle,
reuse, adjust, understand how the world revolves, and most important of all, understand
individual responsibility of how abuse to both mankind, to animals, and to the universe at large,
What can be done about effecting changes that will produce good effects as opposed to
catastrophic effects? That is where the third phase of the above mentioned web site is all about,
Community Self-determination does not idly talk about crimes against nature and humanity in
general; against why change in weather patterns are being seen; or what someone should be
doing about ecological and environmental destruction, they get together to solve problems. They
bring about solutions.

These local groups understand how important it is to be aware of actions that harm them and
make the future less bright for their children and their grandchildren. Topics in one local
newspaper daily reports, tell of the many concerns of its citizens, all of which involve the
community. Individual effort to lessen impact on storm sewers that cause street flooding,
concerns one group. Bridge cleaning another, and the usual health related issues concerns other
groups. Improvements in school is another issue, animal cruelty is another concern and on and
on the daily reports goes.

How to become locally aware of how to be more aware of the necessity of recycling, reusing,
and taking care of properties and being more aware of using resources wisely. These resources
are wide in scope: Human resources, water, air, preservation of nature, taking care of parks,
picking up litter, educating others on how to stop polluting, and the list is endless.

Locally, read the daily paper, online or by newsprint, and find out what is being done and how to
get involved, and learn the importance in being a part of your community. See a pop bottle near a
trash can, pick it up and put it where it belongs, see a driver throw out trash, get his license plate
number and report it to the police. They may not do anything about it, but you have the
satisfaction of knowing you have done your part, and that is an important part of caring for the
environment. If enough get reported and get fined, they will stop making the public street their
trash can.

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