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Continental mountains are made essentially by sediments,

whereas the oceanic mountains are made of volcanic rocks.
Continental mountains were formed by compressional
forces, whereas the oceanic mountains were formed by
extensional forces. But the common denominator on both
mountains are that they have roots to support the
mountains. In the case of continental mountains, light-low
density material from the mountain is extended down into
the earth as a root. In the case of oceanic mountains, there
is aso light material supporting the mountain as a root, but
in the case of oceanic mountain this material is not light
because the composition is light, but it is hot, therefore
expanded somewhat. But from the viewpoint of densities,
they are doing the same job of supporting the mountains.
Therefore, the function of the roots are to support the
mountains according to the law of Archimedes.
Professor Siaveda described the shape of all
mountains whether they are on land or in the sea as being in
the shape of a wedge. Could anyone during the time of
Prophet Muhammad (saw) have known of the shape of
these mountains? Could anyone imagine that the solid
massive mountain that he sees before him actually extends
"Alif Laam Raa. A book which we have revealed to you deep into the earth and has a root as scientists assure. A
(Muhammad) so that you may lead the people from out of large number of geography books when discussing
the darknesses into the light by their Lord's leave to the mountains, only describe that part which is on the surface
path of the All-Mighty, the Praiseworthy." [Qur'an 14:1] of the earth. This is because they are not written by
specialists in geology, but modern science informs us about
The Quran is a Message from Allah to humanity. It was it and Allah says in the Quran:

given by Allah through the angel Gabriel to the prophet

Muhammad over a 23 year period (from 610 CE to 622

CE). The prophet Muhammad then taught it to people.

Muhammad was the final messenger of Allah , and

therefore the Quran is the last Message which Allah has

sent to us. Its predecessors such as the Torah, Psalms, and

Gospels have all been superseded. Allah has guaranteed

that He will protect the Quran from human tampering, and
today's readers can find exact copies of it all over the
world. The Quran of today is the same as the Quran And the mountains as pegs. (Qur’aan 78:7).

revealed to Muhammad . The Quran is the primary We asked Professor Sievada whether the mountains have a
source of every Muslim's faith and practice. It deals with all function in establishing the crust of the earth. He said that
subjects which concern human beings, you could say that this has not yet been discovered and established by
the subject of the Quran is guidance for mankind, it teaches scientists. In view of the reply we searched and inquired
mankind how to deal with any situation. about this and we found out that many geologists gave the
same reply, except for a few. One of the few being Frank
There are many things which have already been mentioned Press, an author whos book is taught in universities
in the Quran over 1400 years ago that science is still trying throughout the world. He is currently the President of the
to find out, there are countless examples, among them are Academy of Sciences in USA. Previously, he was science
'the big bang', the barrier between sweet and salt water, advisor to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. What does
creation of the universe, embryology (the Quran mentions he say in his book? He illustrates the mountains in a wedge
all the different stages of the human embryo), the moon is like shape where the mountain itself is but a small part of
not a light itself, but reflects the suns light, the sun is NOT the whole whose root is deeply entrenched in the ground.
stationary, botany, medicine, etc. Dr. Press writes on the functions of The Earth the
mountains and states that they play an important role in
stabilizing the crust of the earth. This is exactly how the
THE QURAN ON MOUNTAINS Quran described mountains 14 centuries ago.
Allah said: And the mountains Has He firmly fixed.
Professor Siaveda is one of the best known marine
geologists from Japan and also one of the most famous
scientists in the world. When he was asked about (Qur’aan 79:32). And He said: And the mountains as pegs.
mountains and whether they were firmly rooted in the (Qur’aan 78:7 And said: And he has set up on the earth
earth, he replied and said: mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you.
The fundamental difference between continental (Quran 16:15).
mountains and the oceanic mountains lies in its material. But who could have informed Prophet Muhammad

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(saw) about this? We asked Professor Siaveda this blessings and peace of Allah be upon them, they both
question: ‘What is your opinion on what you have seen in would submit that it is not within human power to re-
the Quran and the Sunnah with regard to the secrets of the demonstrate any of those miracles now. Moses cane cannot
Universe, which scientists only discovered now?’ His be created nor can Prophet Jesus be invoked to raise
answer was: I think it seems to me very, very mysterious, people from the dead. For us today, these miracles are
almost unbelievable. I really think if what you have said is nothing more than historical reports. But if a Muslim is
true, the book is really a very remarkable book, I agree. asked about the greatest miracle of the Prophet
Yes, what can scientists say. They cannot attribute the Muhammad (peace be upon him), he can readily show his
knowledge revealed to Prophet Muhammad (saw) by Allah book, the Qur'aan. For the Qur'aan is a miracle that remains
and contained in the Qur’aan to human beings or to any in our hands. It is an open book for all people to examine
its contents.
scientific authority in our times, because all scientists were Allah said in the Qur'aan:
unaware of all these secrets. Moreover, all the humanity What thing is most weighty in evidence? Say:
could not have any explanation but to attribute that Allah is witness between me and you; this
knowledge to some extra-terrestrial force. Yes, it is a Qur'aan has been revealed to me by inspiration
revelation from Allah which he sent to his servant, the that I may warn you and all whom it reaches.
(Qur'aan 6:19).
unlettered Prophet Muhammad (saw), whom Allah has The miraculous nature of the Qur'aan lies in the
knowledge which it contains. Allah, the Exalted,
said: But Allah bears witness to that which He
made an everlasting sign escorting humanity until the Last has sent down (the Qur'aan) you (O
Hour. Muhammad); He has sent it down with His
This is no less than a reminder to (all) the worlds. And Knowledge (Qur'aan 4:166).
you shall certainly know the truth of it (all) after a Hence, our contemporary scientists and scholars, the
while.(38:87-88). professors in various universities who are leaders of human
thought, have the opportunity to examine the knowledge
which is found in the book of Allah. In this age, scientists
have excelled in discovering the universe, though the
Stages Of The Creation Of Man (A) Qur'aan has already discussed the universe and human
nature even long before. So, what was the result?
We present Professor Emeritus Keith Moore, one of the
worlds prominent scientists of anatomy and embryology.
We asked Professor Moore to give us his scientific analysis
of some specific Qur'aanic verses and prophetic traditions
[Ahadeeth] pertaining to his field of specialization.

Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him), Professor Moore is the author of the book entitled The
as a Messenger to the whole universe. Allah says in the Developing Human. He is Professor Emeritus of Anatomy
Qur'aan: and Cell Biology at the University of Toronto, Canada,
where he was Associate Dean of Basic Sciences at the
We sent thee not, but as a mercy for all creatures. Faculty of Medicine and for 8 years was the Chairman of
(Qur'aan 21:107). the Department of Anatomy. Dr. Moore had also
And so Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon previously served at the University of Winnipeg, Canada
him) is the Messenger of Allah to the bedouins for eleven years. He has headed many international
in the desert just as he is the Messenger of Allah associations of anatomists and the Council of the Union of
to the present-day scientist in his modern Biological Sciences. Professor Moore was also elected to
laboratory. He is the Messenger of Allah to all the membership of the Royal Medical Association of
peoples of all times. Before Prophet Canada, the International Academy of Cytology, the
Muhammad (peace be upon him), each Union of American Anatomists and the Union of North and
Messenger was sent exclusively to his own South American Anatomists. and in 1984 he received the
people: to every people a guide has been sent. most distinguished award presented in the field of anatomy
(Qur'aan 13:7). in Canada, the J.C.B. Grant Award from the Canadian
Association of Anatomists.
Prophet Muhammads (peace be upon him) message,
however, is to all of mankind, and it is for this reason that He has published many books on clinical anatomy and
Allah has given a supporting proof of the message of embryology, eight of them are used as reference works in
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), a proof which medical schools and have been translated into six
is different from the proofs given to the messengers before languages.
him. The proofs of the preceding messengers were only When we asked Professor Moore to give us his analysis of
seen by their contemporaries and possibly by some the Qur'aanic verses and prophetic statements, he was
generations immediately following them. Then Allah amazed. He wondered how the Prophet Muhammad
would send a new Messenger, supported with a new (peace be upon him), fourteen centuries ago, could describe
miracle, in order to revive the faith of his people. But the embryo and its development phase in such detail and
because Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was accuracy, which scientists have come to know only in the
destined to be last of the Prophets until the Day of last thirty years. Very quickly, however, Professor Moores
Resurrection, Allah has given him an everlasting miracle as amazement grew into admiration for this revelation and
a supporting proof. guidance. He introduced these views to intellectual and
If we ask a Jew or Christian to show us the miracles of scientific circles. He even gave a lecture on the
Prophet Musa (Moses) or 'Eesa (Jesus), may the

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compatibility of modern embryology with the Qur'aan embryo at the mudghah stage. Professor Moore concluded
and Sunnah where he stated: that the embryo at the mudghah stage acquires the exact
appearance of a chewed-like substance (Fig. 3.2) . Several
It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify
Canadian periodicals published many of Professor
statements in the Qur'aan about human development. It is
Moores statements. In addition, he presented three
clear to me that these statements must have come to
television programs in which he highlighted the
Muhammad from Allah, or God, because almost all of this
compatibility of modern science with what has been
knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later.
contained in the Qur'aan for one thousand and four hundred
This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a
years. Consequently, Professor Moore was asked the
Messenger of Allah."
following question: Does this mean that you believe that
Consider what this well-known and respected scientist of the Qur'aan is the Word of Allah? to which he replied: I
embryology declared upon studying the Qur'aanic verse find no difficulty in accepting this. Professor Moore was
related to his discipline, and his conclusion that also asked: How can you believe in Muhammad while you
Muhammad (peace be upon him), must have been a believe in Jesus Christ? His reply was: "I believe they both
Messenger from Allah. come from the same school."
Allah says in the Qur'aan about the stages of the
creation of man: Man we did create from a
quintessence (of clay); Then we placed as (a
drop of) sperm (nutfah) in a place firmly fixed;
Then we made the sperm into a clot of
congealed blood (alaqah); Then of that clot we
made a (fetus) lump (mudghah); then we made
out of that lump bones and clothed the bones
with flesh; then we developed out of it another
creature. (Qur'aan 23:12-14).
The Arabic word alaqah has three meanings. The first
meaning is leech. The second is a suspended thing. The
third meaning is a blood clot.
In comparing the fresh-water leech to the embryo at the Fig. 3.2
alaqah stage, Professor Moore found a great similarity Thus modern scientists all over the world today can come
between the two. He concluded that the embryo during the to know that the Qur'aan has been revealed from Allahs
alaqah stage acquires an appearance very similar to that of knowledge. As Allah the Almighty has told us: Allah bears
leech. Professor Moore placed a picture of the embryo side witness that what He has sent unto thee He has sent with
by side with the picture of a leech (See Fig. 3.1). He His (own) knowledge. (Qur'aan 4:166).
presented these pictures to scientists at several
conferences. It also follows that modern-day scientists should have no
difficulty in acknowledging that the Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him), is a Messenger of Allah.

The book, The Developing Human written by Professor

Keith Moore has been translated into eight languages. This
book is considered a scientific reference work, and was
chosen by a special committee in the United States as the
best book authored by one person. We met with the author
Fig. 3.1 of this book and presented to him many Qur'aanic verses
The second meaning of the word alaqah is a suspended and Prophetic Ahadeeth which deal with his
thing, and this is what we can see in the attachment of the specialization in embryology.
embryo during the alaqah stage to the uterus (womb) of the Professor Moore was convinced by our evidence, so we
mother. The third meaning of the word alaqah is a blood asked him the following question: You mentioned in your
clot. It is significant to note, as Professor Moore stated, that book that in the Middle ages there was no advancement in
the embryo during the alaqah stage goes through well the science of embryology, and that only very little was
known internal events, such as the formation of blood in known at that time. At the same time the Qur'aan was being
closed vessels, until the metabolic cycle is completed revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him),
through placenta. During the alaqah stage, the blood is and he was guiding people according to what Allah
caught within closed vessels and that is why the embryo revealed to him. There is found in the Qur'aan a very
acquires the appearance of a blood clot, in addition to the detailed description of the creation of man and of the
leech-like appearance. Both descriptions are different stages of human development.
miraculously given by a single Qur'aanic word alaqah.
You are a world renowned scientist, so why do you not
How could Muhammad (peace be upon him) have uphold justice and mention these truths in your book? He
possibly known that by himself? Professor Moore also replied: You have the evidence and not I. So why do you not
studied the embryo at the mudghah (chewed-like present it to us?
substance) stage. He took a piece of raw clay and chewed
it in his mouth, then compared it with a picture of the

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We provided him with the facts and Professor Moore

proved to be a great scholar. In the third edition of his
book he did make some additions. This book has been
translated, as we mentioned previously, into eight
languages including Russian, Chinese, Japanese,
German, Italian, Portuguese and Yugoslavian. This book
enjoys worldwide distribution and is read by many of the
worlds foremost scientists.
Professor Moore states in his book about the Middle ages
that: "Growth of science was slow during the medieval
period, and few high points of embryological investigation
undertaken during this age are known to us. It is cited in the
Qur'aan, the Holy Book of the Muslims, that human
beings are produced from a mixture of secretions from the Fig. 4.3
male and the female. Several references are made to the (Click Here To Enlarge The Picture)
creation of a human being
from a sperm drop, and it is This is what Dr. Moore has written in his book, praise be
also suggested that the to Allah, and which is now being distributed throughout the
resulting organism settles in world. Scientific knowledge has made it incumbent upon
the woman like a seed, six Professor Moore to mention this in his book. He has
days after its beginning (The concluded that the modern classification of embryonic
human blastocyst begins to development stages, which is adopted throughout the
implant about six days after world, is not easy or comprehensive. It does not contribute
fertilization. See Figure 4.1)." to the understanding of the embryonic stages of
development because those stages are on a numerical
basis, that is, stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, etc. The divisions
that have been revealed in the Qur'aan do not depend on a
numerical system. Rather they are based on the distinct and
easily identifiable forms or shapes which the embryo passes
The Qur'aan identifies the stages of pre-natal
development as follows:
1. Nutfah, which means a drop or small amount of
2. alaqah,which means a leech-like structure;
3. mudghah, which means a chewed-like structure;
4. idhaam, which means bones or skeleton;
5. kisaa ul idham bil-laham, which means the
clothing of bones with flesh or muscle,

Fig. 4.1 6. al-nash'a which means the formation of distinct

"The Qur'aan also states that the sperm drop develops -
into a clot of congealed blood. (An implanted blastocyst or Professor Moore has recognized that these Qur'aanic
spontaneously aborted conceptus would resemble a blood divisions are actually based on the different phases of pre-
clot.) Reference is also made to the leech-like appearance natal development. He has noted that these divisions
of the embryo. The embryo is not unlike a leech, or provide elegant scientific descriptions that are
bloodsucker, in appearance. The embryo is also said to comprehensible and practical.
resemble a chewed piece of substance - like gum or wood. In one of the conferences he attended, Professor Moore
"The developing embryo was considered to be human at stated the following: "The embryo develops in the mothers
40 to 42 days and no longer resemble an animal embryo at womb or uterus protected by three veils, or layers, as
this stage. (See Fig. 4.3) (The human embryo begins to shown in this next slide [exact slide not shown - Ed.]. (A)
acquire human characteristics at this stage). The Qur'aan represents the anterior abdominal wall, (B) the uterine wall,
also states that the embryo develops with - three veils of and the (C) the amniochorionic membrane. (see Figure 4.5)
darkness. This probably refers to (1) the maternal anterior Because the staging of human embryo is complex, owing to
abdominal wall, (2) the uterine wall, and (3) the the continuous process of change during development, it is
amniochorionic membrane. (see Fig. 4.4) Space does not proposed that a new system of classification could be
permit discussion of several other interesting references to developed using the terms mentioned in the Qur'aan and
human prenatal development that appear in the Qur'aan." Sunnah. The proposed system is simple, comprehensive,
and conforms with present embryological knowledge."

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The Embryonic Phases

We present to you Dr.
G.C. Goeringer, Course
Director and Associate
Professor of Medical
Embryology at the
Department of Cell
Biology, School of
Medicine, Georgetown
University, Washington,
D.C.. We met with him
and asked him whether in
Fig. 4.4 the history of embryology
(Click Here To Enlarge The Picture) there was any mention of
"The intensive studies of the Qur'aan and Ahadeeth in the the different stages of
last four years have revealed a system of classifying embryonic development and whether there were any books
human embryos that is amazing since it was recorded in on embryology at the time of the Prophet Muhammad
the seventh century A.D. Although Aristotle, the founder (peace be upon him) or the centuries after him which
of the science of embryology, realized that chick embryos mention these various stages, or whether the division into
developed in stages from his studies of hens eggs in the these different stages only came to be known in the middle
fourth century B.C., he did not give any details about these of the nineteenth century. He said that the ancient Greeks
stages. As far as it is known from the history of were concerned with the study of embryology and many of
embryology, little was known about staging and them attempted to describe what happens to the fetus and
classification of human embryos until the twentieth how it develops. We agreed with him that Aristotle, among
century. For this reason, the descriptions of the human others, attempted to expound some theories on the subject,
embryo in the Qur'aan cannot be based on scientific but was there any mention made of these stages?
knowledge in the seventh century. The only reasonable We know that these stages were not known until the middle
conclusion is that these descriptions were revealed to of the nineteenth century and were not proven until the
Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Allah. He could beginning of the twentieth century. After a long
not have known such details because he was an unlettered discussion, Professor Goeringer concurred that there was
man with absolutely no scientific training." no mention of these phases. Thus we asked him if there was
We told Dr. Moore, What you have said is true, but it is far any specific terminology applied to these phases similar to
less than the truth and evidence we have presented to you that found in the Quraan. His reply was negative. We
from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and which are related asked him: What is your opinion on these terms which the
to the science of embryology. So why not do justice and Quraan uses to describe the phases which the fetus goes
completely bring to light all the Qur'aanic verses and through? After long discussions, he presented a study at the
Ahadeeth which deal with your field of specialization?. 8th Saudi Medical Conference. He mentioned in the study
man's basic ignorance of these phases. He also discussed
Professor Moore said that he has inserted the appropriate the comprehensiveness and precision of these Quraanic
references at the appropriate places in a specialized terms in describing the development of the fetus by means
scientific book. However, he would invite us to make some of concise and comprehensive terms which convey far
Islamic additions, citing all the relevant Qur'aanic verses reaching truth. Let us listen to Professor Goeringer as he
and the prophetic Ahadeeth, and highlighting their explains his opinion:
various miraculous aspects, to be incorporated at
appropriate places in the book. This was done, and "In a relatively few aayahs (Quraanic verses), is contained
consequently, Professor Moore wrote an introduction to a rather comprehensive description of human development
these Islamic additions and the result was this one which from the time of the commingling of the gametes through
you see here before you. On each page that includes facts organogenesis. No such distinct and complete record of
about the science of embryology, we have cited the human development such as classification, terminology,
Qur'aanic verses and Prophetic Ahadeeth which prove the and description existed previously. In most, if not all,
inimitability of the Qur'aan and Sunnah. What we are instances, this description antedates by many centuries the
witnessing today is Islam moving to new grounds within recording of the various stages of human embryonic and
fair and unbiased human minds. fetal development recorded in the traditional scientific
The discussion with Professor Goeringer led us to talk
about a fact which was discovered recently and which
would eliminate any controversy. Although the virgin
birth of Christ has been a Christian belief for centuries,
some among the Christians insist that Christ must have had
a father, as a virgin birth is scientifically impossible. They
argue this, and perhaps they do not know, that there could
be a creation without a father. The Quraan replied to them
and has used as an example the creation of Adam. Allah
said: The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of
Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: Be:
And he was. (Quraan 3:59).
Fig. 4.5 There are three types of creation:
(Click Here To Enlarge The Picture)

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1. Adam, who was created without a mother or

2. Eve, who was created without a mother
3. Jesus Christ, who was created without a father
Therefore, the One who was able to create Adam without a
father or a mother is also able to create Jesus from a
mother and without a father. In spite of this, the Christians Qur'aanic Description Of The Internal & External
still continue to argue even though Allah has sent them
evidence after evidence and proof after proof. Then when
they are asked why they persist in this controversy, they
reply that they have never seen or heard of anybody being
created without a father and a mother. But modern science
now revealed that many animals and beings in this world
are born and reproduced without fertilization from the
male of the species. For example, a male bee is no more
than an egg which has not been fertilized by the male,
whereas the egg which has been fertilized by the male
functions as a female. Moreover, male bees are created
from the eggs of the queen but without fertilization by a
male. There are many other examples such as this in the
animal world. Moreover, man today has the scientific
means of stimulating the female's egg of some organisms
so that this egg develops without fertilization by a male. Appearance Of Fetus
Let us read the words of Professor Goeringer: "In another We present to you Dr. Marshall Johnson, Professor
type of approach, unfertilized eggs of many species of Emeritus of Anatomy and Developmental Biology at
amphibians and lower mammals can be activated by Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
mechanical (such as pricking with a needle), physical (such U.S.A. There for 22 years he was Professor of Anatomy,
as thermal shock), or chemical means by any of a number the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy, and the
of different chemical substances, and continue to advance Director of the Daniel Baugh Institute. He was also the
to stages of development. In some species, this type of President of the Teratology Society. He has authored
parthenogenetic development is natural." more than 200 publications. We first met with Professor
Allah has given us the definitive answer and he used Johnson at the 7th Saudi Medical Conference, where a
Adam, whom they believe in, as an example of a human special committee was formed to investigate scientific
being who has no father or mother. The Christians regard signs in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah.
as deviance the fact that a human being can be born without When we met together with the committee, Professor
a father. Thus, Allah has shown them an analogy of a Johnson asked us what our committee was doing. We told
human being who had no father and no mother, that is, him that the subject of our study was the relationship
Adam. The Quraan says: The similitude of Jesus before between what the Qur'aan and Sunnah contained 1400
Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, years ago and what modern scientists tell us. He asked:
then said to him: Be: and he was. (Quraan 3:59). "Like what?" We said: For example, modern science tells
Allah has willed that there be such scientific advancements us that the human prenatal development goes through
and discoveries which provide proof after proof of the truth several stages whereas the Qur'aan mentioned these stages
which has been revealed in the Quraan. It is in this way to us 1400 years ago.
that the verses of this glorious book were revealed with the Professor Johnson was appalled when he heard this. He
passage of time. The verses become known to the foremost expressed his feeling by simply saying: No no, no! What
scholars and scientists of our religion and of generations to kind of talk is that?
come. Science will never deplete the wonders of the
Quraan. We understood the effect of such statements upon him. We
knew he was one of the foremost scientists in the United
And those to whom knowledge has come see States. He knew, of course, that after the discovery of the
that the (Revelation) sent down to you from microscope in the 16th century, physicians throughout the
your Lord - that is the truth, and that it guides 17th century believed that a human beings origin began
to the path of the Exalted (In Mighty), worthy entirely in the males semen, specifically in the males
of all praise. (Quraan 34:6). sperm. This picture (not shown) was the evidence used by
Allah, may He be Exalted and Glorified, said in scientists in the 17th century, and partly in the 18th
the Quraan: And you shall certainly know the century, to support their belief that the human being was
truth of it (all) after a while. (Quraan, 38:88). created wholly from the male sperm, but after the
discovery of the ovum was larger than the sperm of the
Allah also said: For every prophecy is a limit of male. In this way they ignored the role of the man in the
time, and soon shall you know it. (Quraan 6:67). 18th century, just as they had ignored that of the woman in
And He said: Soon will we show them our signs the 17th century.
in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in It was not until the middle of the 19th century when the
their own souls, until it becomes manifest to scientists began to discover that the human embryonic
them that this is the truth. Is it not enough that development took place in several successive stages. It
your Lord does witness all things? (Quraan was for this reason when Professor Johnson was told that
41:53). this information has been in the Qur'aan for 1400 years that
he stood up and shouted: No, No! So we in turn handed

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him a copy of the Qur'aan and showed him the following

verse which he read in the English translation:
What is the matter with you, that you are not
conscious of Allahs Majesty. Seeing that it is He
who has created you in diverse stages? (Qur'aan
Then we showed him this verse: He creates you
in the wombs of your mother, in stages, one
after another, in three veils of darkness.
(Qur'aan 39:6).
At this, Professor Johnson sat down and said: "But this
could be explained in three possibilities. The first is that it
can be mere coincidence."
So we collected more than 25 texts and presented them to
him. Then we asked him: Is it possible that these texts are
coincidence? Moreover, the Glorious Qur'aan has given Fig. 6.2
each of these stages a name: the first being the nutfah, or
the drop of water, the second being the alaqah, a leech-like Professor Johnson: In summary, the Qur'aan describes
substance, the third being the mudghah, or a chewed-like not only the development of external form, but emphasizes
lump, the fourth being bones, and then the clothing of the also the internal stages, the stages inside the embryo, of its
bones with flesh. Can all this be a coincidence? He flatly creation and development, emphasizing major events
said: "No." recognized by contemporary sciences.
Then we asked him: Then what remains? He said: "The For example, this drawing of the mudghah [Fig. 6.3], or the
other possibility is that Muhammad had hold [of a] chewed-like structure, is one of the things that Professor
powerful microscope." Johnson used as evidence.
We said: "You know that this sort of minute and
specialized knowledge, which has been contained in the
Qur'aan, can only be obtained by very powerful
microscopes. And anyone possessing such powerful
microscopes must also possess very high technology, which
must be reflected in his daily living, his house, his food, his
control and management of war and quest for peaceetc.
And you know that technological advancement is a
process of cumulative inheritance, passed in and proved
upon from one generation to the other."

Fig. 6.3
This picture of the mudghah shows the external
appearance of the embryo with its curved structure, and
with visible protuberances and grooves resembling teeth-
marks, we notice the swallows and the grooves, we also
notice the curved surface, all which give the embryo its
distinctive features while the embryo at this stage is only
one centimeter in length.
If we were to make an incision in the embryo and dissect
the internal organs, we would find that most of them are
Fig. 6.1 already formed, as it is apparent here. You can also see
Professor Johnson laughed and said: "In fact I saw the from this picture that some of the cells have already
first microscope invented in the world. It does not magnify formed, while others are not yet completely formed.
more than 10 times and does not even show a clear How then would we describe this embryo? What do we
picture." say? Could we say it is the complete creation? Then we are
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), never had describing the part which is already created, and if we say it
possession of scientific equipment or microscopes. The is an incomplete creation, then we are describing the part
only thing that remains for us to say that he was a which is not yet created, the question would be: Is it a
Messenger from Allah. After this, Professor Johnson complete creation or is it an incomplete creation? There is
began to take interest in the study of scientific signs in the no better description of that stage of embryologenesis than
Qur'aan, concentrating in some of his research on the stages the Qur'aanic description which says: mudghah (chewed-
of embryonic development. While Dr. Moore and others like structure) partly formed and partly unformed
discussed the external fetal appearance, Professor Johnson (Qur'aan 22:5).
concentrated his presentation on the Qur'aans detailed
descriptions of the internal as well as external of the fetus.

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that this is the truth. Is it not enough that your

Lord does witness all things. (Quraan 41:53)

On the Sensory Characteristics of the Skin

Dr. Tagatat Tejasen: "Laa Ilaahaa IllAllah Muhammad
Rasool Allah!"
This man is uttering the
Islamic creed
(Shahaadah) thus
declaring that he is
becoming a Muslim.
Fig. 6.4 This occurred during the
Eighth Saudi Medical
Here is Professor Marshall Johnson giving the conclusion Conference which was
of his research: "As a scientist, I can only deal with things convened in Riyadh. He
which I can specifically see. I can understand the words is Professor Tejatat
that are translated to me from the Qur'aan. As I gave the Tejasen, Chairman of
example before, if I were to transpose myself into that era, the Department of
knowing what I knew today in describing things, I could Anatomy at Chiang Mai
not describe the things which were described. I see no University in Thailand.
evidence for the refutation of the concept that this He was previously the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at
individual, Muhammad , had to be developing this the same university.
information from some place. So I see nothing here in
conflict with the concept that Divine Intervention was We presented to Professor Tejasen some Qur'aanic verses
involved in what he was able to write. 3 and Prophetic Ahadeeth which deal with his
specialization in the field of anatomy. He commented that
they also had in their Buddhist books very accurate
descriptions of embryonic developmental stages. We told
him that we were very anxious and interested to see those
descriptions and learn about these books. A year later,
Professor Tejasen came to King Abdul Aziz University
as an outside examiner. We reminded him of the statement
he made one year before, but he apologized and said that he
in fact had made that statement without ascertaining the
matter. However, when he checked the Buddhist books he
found that they contained nothing of relevance to the
Upon this, we presented to him a lecture written by
Professor Keith Moore about the compatibility of modern
Fig. 6.5 embryology with what is contained in the Qur'aan and the
Sunnah and we asked Professor Tejasen if he knew of
Yes, it is the Revelation. The only way left to mankind is to
Professor Keith Moore. He replied that he knew him of
follow the example of those great scientists, acknowledging
course, adding that Professor Moore was one of the most
that Allah has revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon
world-renowned scientists in that field.
him), a Book from Allahs knowledge. Allah has further
promised that mankind will, over time, come to discover When Professor Tejasen studied this article he also was
the signs which prove that the Qur'aan is truly a Book greatly astonished. We asked him several questions in his
revealed by Allah. field of specialization. One of the questions pertained to
modern discoveries in dermatology about the sensory
Allah, may He be Exalted and Glorified, said in the
characteristics of the skin. Dr. Tejasen responded: "Yes if
the burn is deep."
And you shall
It was stated to Dr. Tejasen: You will be interested to know
certainly know
that in this book, the Holy Book - the Qur'aan, there was a
the truth of it
reference 1400 years ago which pertains to the moment of
(all) after a
punishment of the unbelievers by the fire of Hell and it
while. (Quraan,
states that when their skin is destroyed, Allah makes
another skin for them so that they perceive the punishment
Allah also said: by a fire, indicating knowledge about the nerve endings in
the skin, and the verse is as follows:
For every
prophecy is a Those who reject our signs, We shall soon cast
limit of time, into the fire. As often as their skins are roasted
and soon shall through, We shall change them for fresh skins,
you know it. that they may taste the chastisement. Truly
(Quraan 6:67) Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise. (Qur'aan 4:56).
And said: We asked: So do you agree that this is a reference to the
importance of the nerve endings in the skin in sensation,
Soon will we show them our signs in the
1400 years ago? Dr. Tejasen responded: "Yes I agree."
(furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their
own selves, until it becomes manifest to them

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"This knowledge about sensation had been known long Professor Tejasen spent four days with several scholars,
before, because it says that if somebody does something Muslims and non-Muslims, talking about this phenomenon
wrong, then he will be punished by burning his skin and in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. At the end of those
then Allah puts a new skin on him, covers him, to make sessions Professor Tejasen stood up and said:
him know that the test is painful again. That means they
"In the last three years I became interested in
knew many years ago that the receptor of pain sensation
the Qur'aan, which Shaykh Abdul-Majeed Az-
must be on the skin, so they put a new skin on."
Zindani gave me. Last year, I got Professor Keith
The skin (see Fig. 8.1) is the centre of sensitivity to burns. Moores latest script from the shaykh. He asked me
Thus, if the skin is completely burnt by fire, it looses its to translate it into the Thai language and to give a
sensitivity. It is for this reason that Allah will punish the few lectures to the Muslims in Thailand. I have
unbelievers on the Day of Judgment by returning to them fulfilled his request. You can see that in the video
their skins time after time, as He, the Exalted and tape that I have given to the shaykh as a gift. From
Glorified, said in the Qur'aan: my studies and from what I have learned
throughout this conference, I believe that
Those who reject our signs, We shall soon cast
everything that has been recorded in the
into the fire. As often as their skins are roasted
Qur'aan 1400 years ago must be the truth, that
through, We shall change them for fresh skins,
can be proven by scientific means. Since the
that they may taste the chastisement. Truly
Prophet Muhammad could neither read nor
Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise. (Qur'aan 4:56).
write, Muhammad must be a messenger who
We asked him the following question: Is it possible that relayed this truth which was revealed to him as
these verses came to the Prophet Muhammad, (peace be an enlightenment by the One Who is an eligible
upon him), from a human source? Professor Tejasen Creator. This Creator must be Allah, or God.
conceded that they could have never come from any human Therefore, I think this is the time to say Laa
source. But he still asked about the source of that ilaaha illAllah, that there is no god to worship
knowledge and from where could Muhammad have except Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah,
possibly received it? Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah..."
We said, "From Allah, the Most Glorified and Most "I have not only learned from the scientific knowledge in
Exalted." Then he asked: "But who is Allah?" the conference, but also the great chance of meeting many
new scientists and making many new friends among the
We replied: He is the Creator of all that is in existence. If
participants. The most precious thing that I have gained by
you find wisdom then it is because it comes only from the
coming to this conference is Laa ilaaha IllAllah,
one Who is Most Wise. If you find knowledge in the
Muhammad Rasool Allah, and to have become a Muslim."
making of this universe, it is because the universe is the
creation of the One Who has all the knowledge. If you find The truth verily comes from Allah who said in the
perfection in the composition of these creations, then it is Qur'aan: And those to whom knowledge has
proof to you that it is the creation of the One Who Knows come see that the (revelation) sent down to thee
Best, and if you find mercy, then this bears witness to the from thy Lord - that is the truth, and that it
fact that it is the creation of the One Who is Most Merciful. guides to the path of the Exalted (in Might),
In the same way, if you perceive creation as belonging to worthy of all praise. (Qur'aan 34:6).
one unified order and tied together firmly, then this is proof
that it is the creation of the Only Creator, May He be
Glorified and Exalted. Geology
Some Qur'aanic Verses
about Geology & The
Origin Of The Earth

Professor Alfred
Kroner: and that many
of the statements made at
the time could be proven,
but that modern scientific
methods are now in a
position to prove what
Muhammad said 1400
years ago.
We present to you Professor Alfred Kroner who is one of
the worlds most famous geologists. He is a Professor of
Geology and the Chairman of the Department of Geology
at the Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenburg
Fig. 8.1 University, Mainz, Germany. We met him and presented
several Qur'aanic verses and Ahadeeth of the Prophet
Professor Tejasen agreed with what we said to him. He Muhammad (peace be upon him). He studied and
returned to his country where he delivered several lectures commented on them. Then we had a discussion with him.
about his new knowledge and discoveries. We were
informed that five of his students converted to Islam as a Professor Kroner said: "Thinking about many of these
result of these lectures. Then at the Eighth Saudi Medical questions and thinking where Muhammad came from, he
Conference held in Riyadh, Professor Tejasen attended a was after all a Bedouin. I think it is almost impossible that
series of lectures on Medical signs in the Qur'aan and he could have known about things like the common origin
Sunnah. of the universe, because scientists have only found out

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within the last few years with very complicated and is courageous enough to state his opinion frankly and thus
advanced technological methods that this is the case." he replied: "This could have been known to him only
through revelation from above."
Professor Kroner chose an example from the Qur'aan
which proved to him why the Qur'aan could not have come Finally, after our discussions with him, he made the
from Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself. The following comments: "If you combine all these and you
example which Professor Kroner chose is a description in combine all those statements that are being made in the
the Qur'aan of the fact that this universe had its beginnings Qur'aan in terms that relate to the earth and the formation
in one single entity. Allah, may He be Exalted and of the earth and science in general, you can basically say
Glorified said: Do not the unbelievers see that the that statements made there in many ways are true. They
heavens and the earth were joined together [ratqan], can now be confirmed by scientific methods, and in a way
before we clove them asunder? We made from water you can say that the Qur'aan is a simple science text book
every living thing [Qur'aan 21:30] for the simple man, and that many of the statements made
in there at that time could not be proven but that modern
The meaning of ratqan in this verse, as Ibn Abbas,
scientific methods are now in a position to prove what
Mujaahid, and others (may Allah be pleased with him)
Muhammad said 1400 years ago."
said, may Allah be pleased with all of them, is that the
heavens and the earth were stuck together or blended Allah confirms in His Book that:
together, and that they were later separated from each
This is no less than reminder to (all), the
other. Professor Kroner used this as an example to prove
worlds. And you shall certainly know the truth
that no human being during the time of Prophet
of it all after a while. (Qur'aan 38:87-88).
Muhammad (peace be upon him), could have known this.
Geological Information
Professor Kroner: "Somebody who did not know
In The Qur'aan
something about nuclear physics 1400 years ago could
not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind How do you present
for instance that the earth and the heavens had the same proof of this religion to
origin, or many others of the questions that we have those who do not speak
discussed here." the language of the Arabs
or know anything about
Professor Kroner, so it seemed to us, has a special talent
the inimitable eloquence
of being evasive. For example, we asked him to describe
of the Qur'aan? Is it the
the geological conditions of Arabia. Was Arabia full of
only way for them to
orchards and rivers? He said: "During the Snow Age."
learn this language of the
And it is further known that the North Polar icebergs are
Arabs and to master its
slowly moving southwards. When those polar icebergs
sciences? The answer, of
become relatively close to the Arabian Peninsula, the
course, is no. Allah, may
weather will change and Arabia will become one of the
He be Glorified and
greenest and wettest parts of the world. We asked him:
Exalted, has shown mercy to them and to all other
Will Arabia become the land of orchards and rivers? He
generations by sending the appropriate evidence to all
said: "Yes, it is a scientific fact."
mankind, irrespective of their different races, languages,
This astonished us, and we wondered how he could state and times.
this as a scientific fact while it was related to the future and
We have Professor Palmer who is one of the foremost
we asked: Why? He said: "Because the new Snow Age
geologists in the United States of America. He headed a
has actually started. And we can see the snow crawling
committee which organized the Centennial Anniversary of
once again from the North Pole southwards. In fact, the
the American Geological Society. When we met him we
polar snow is now on the way to get closer to the Arabian
presented the various scientific miracles in the Qur'aan and
Peninsula. We can see the signs of this in the snow
Sunnah, he was greatly astonished. I remember a pleasant
blizzards striking the northern parts of Europe and
anecdote when we informed him that the Qur'aan
America every winter. Scientists have other signs and
mentions the lowest part of the earth and states that it is
information proving the actual beginning of another Snow
near Jerusalem, where a battle took place between the
Age. It is a scientific fact."
Persians and the Romans.
So we said to him: What you have just mentioned has only
Allah, may He be Exalted and Glorified, said in the
been known to scientists after a long series of discoveries
and with the help of specialized instruments. But we have
already found this mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad Alif Laam Meem, the Romans have been defeated, in
(peace be upon him) 1400 years ago. He said in a hadeeth the lowest part of the land (adnal-ardh), but after defeat
transmitted in Saheeh Muslim: they will soon be victorious. (Qur'aan 30:1-3)
The Last Hour will not come upon us until the The term adna means both nearer and lowest. The
lands of the Arabs are once again pasture lands and commentators of the Qur'aan, May Allah be pleased with
filled with rivers. all of them, were of the opinion that adnal-ardh meant the
nearest land to the Arabian Peninsula. However, the
At this point we asked Professor Kroner: Who told the
second meaning is also there. In this way, the Glorious
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), that the lands
Qur'aan gives one word several meanings, as described by
of the Arabs were once filled with orchards and rivers? He
the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he
immediately replied: "The Romans." This reminded me of
Professor Kroners evasive ability. We asked him another
question, we said to him: But who informed the Prophet I have been given the most comprehensive words. [Al-
Muhammad (peace be upon him), that the lands of the Bukhaari and Muslim]
Arabs would once again become pasturelands and be filled
When we investigated the lowest part of the earth, we
with rivers?. Professor Kroner becomes evasive if
found that it was exactly the same spot that witnessed the
embarrassed. But whenever he was faced with the truth, he
battle in which the Romans were defeated. When we

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informed Professor Palmer about this, he contested saying science can but bow its head in reverence to the book of
that there were many other areas which are lower than the Allah and to the Sunnah of His Prophet (peace be upon
one referred to in the Qur'aanic verse. He gave examples him).
and names of other areas in Europe and in the United
The primordial nature, Al-Fitrah, in which Allah created
States. We assured him that our information was verified
man does not attain tranquility except by means of Islam or
and correct. He had with him a topographical globe that
eeman (faith). Those who do not have eemaan (faith) are
showed elevations and depressions. He said that it would be
in a constant state of uneasiness and confusion. Moreover,
easy with that globe to ascertain which was the lowest spot
the atmosphere of freedom in the West helps Western
on earth. He turned the globe with his hands and focused
scientists to express what they believe without any fear or
his sign on the area near Jerusalem. To his astonishment,
timidity. We have heard them in many of these episodes
there was a small arrow sticking out towards that area with
confirming and recognizing the miracle of this age, the
words: The lowest part on the face of the earth.
Qur'aan, which will remain living until the Last Hour.
Professor Palmer was quick to concede that our
information was correct. He proceeded to speak, saying that
this was actually the lowest part of the earth. Facts About Seas &
Professor Palmer: "It took place in the area of the Dead Oceans
Sea which is up here and interestingly enough the labeling We present to you Dr.
on the globe says the worlds lowest point. So it certainly is William W. Hay,
supported by the interpretation of that critical word." Professor of Geological
Professor Palmer was even more astonished when he Sciences at the
found that the Qur'aan talks about the past and describes University of Colorado,
how creation first began; how the earth and heavens were Boulder, Colorado,
created; how the water gushed forth from the depth of the U.S.A. he was formerly
earth; how the mountains were anchored on land; how Dean of the Rosentiel
vegetation first began; how is earth today, describing the School of Marine and
mountains, describes its phenomena, describes the changes Atmospheric Science at
on the surface of the earth as witnessed in the Arabian the University of Miami,
Peninsula. It even describes the future of the land of Arabs Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
and the future of the whole earth. At this, Professor We went with him on a
Palmer acknowledged that the Qur'aan is such a wondrous marine expedition, to show us some of the phenomena
Book which describes the past, the present, and the future. connected to our study of the scientific miracles in the
Qur'aan and Sunnah. We asked him many questions about
Like many other scientists, Professor Palmer was hesitant the marine surface, the divider between the upper and the
at first. But soon later he was forthcoming with his lower sea, and about ocean floor and marine geology. We
opinions. In Cairo, he presented a research paper dealing also asked Professor Hay about the mixed-water partitions
with the inimitable aspects of geological knowledge between the different seas and fresh water rivers. He was
contained in the Qur'aan. He said that he did not know kind enough to answer all of our questions in great detail.
what was the state of the art in the field of science during
the days of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). With regard to the partitions between the different seas,
But from what we know about the scanty knowledge and he explained that these bodies of water are not one
means at that time, we can undoubtedly conclude that the homogeneous sea as it appears to us. Rather they are
Qur'aan is a light of divine knowledge revealed to different seas, distinguished by varying degrees of salinity,
Muhammad (peace be upon him). Here are the concluding temperature and density. In this slide, here the white lines
remarks of Professor Palmer: represent partitions between two different seas (not shown -
WWW Ed.) Each partition divides two seas that differ in
"We need research into the history of early Middle Eastern temperature, salinity, density, marine biology and oxygen
oral traditions to know whether in fact such historical dissolubility. Scientists first had this picture in 1942 after
events have been reported. If there is no such record, it hundreds of marine research stations were set up. In it we
strengthens the belief that Allah transmitted through can see the divider between the Mediterranean and the
Muhammad bits of his knowledge that we have only Atlantic Ocean.
discovered for ourselves in recent times. We look forward
to a continuing dialogue on the topic of science in the
Qur'aan in the context of geology. Thank you very much."
As you have seen, here is one of the giants in the field of
geology in our world today, coming from the United States
of America. He does not hesitate to admit and to come forth
with his opinions. But he is still in need of someone to
point the truth out to him. Both westerners and easterners
have lived in the midst of the battle between religion and
science. These battles, however, were inevitable, because
all previous messages have been distorted. Thus, Allah sent
the Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him), with Islam
in order to correct that which had been corrupted.
Someone may ask: How will these people accept what we Fig. 13.1
tell them when we are materially inferior to them and we (Click Here To Enlarge)
do not follow our religion closely? My reply to them is that
knowledge increases the awareness of one who acquires it. In the middle of this photo (not shown - Ed.), we see a
People of knowledge care only to look at the facts, not at colored triangle. This is the base of the Rock of Gibraltar.
the outside picture. The wealth of Islam today is precisely We can observe a colored partition between the two bodies
this knowledge and scientific advancement. Modern of water, although the naked human eye cannot perceive it

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in nature. This has become possible by means of satellite Allah, and I hope that I will have the greatest number of
photography and remote-sensing techniques. This followers on the Day of Judgement. [Al-Bukhari]
photograph here was taken by a satellite utilizing the
This Revelation contains its own miracle and stands as a
special thermal characteristics of the various water bodies,
proof for humanity
and it is for this reason that the seas show up with different
until the Last Hour.
colors (exact photos not shown - Ed. See Figure 13.1). For
example, we here see light blue, dark blue and black. Other Deep Seas & Oceans
bodies of water show a greenish color. The different
The miracle of the
colors represent the difference in temperatures of the
Qur'aan is an everlasting
sea surface. However, as well all know, these oceans and
one, which is renewed
seas will simply appear as blue in color to our eyes. These
until the Last Hour, and
are partitions that can only be seen and perceived by
which may be known to
scientific research and modern technology. Allah has
all people in spite of their
informed us in the Qur'aan that: He has let free (maraja)
different cultural levels
the two seas meeting together: Between them is a
and historical times. The
barrier which they do not transgress. (Qur'aan 55:19-20).
Bedouin in the desert as
Traditionally, there have been two major interpretations of well as the university
this verse. One opinion states that according to the literal Professor will find in the
meaning of the term maraja, seas do meet and mix with Qur'aan that which will suffice him.
each other. But the fact the Qur'aan goes on to state that
We present to you Professor Dorja Rao, he is a specialist
there is barrier between them, means that this barrier will
in Marine Geology and he is currently teaching at King
simply prevent the seas from encroaching upon each other
Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah. We met him and
or flooding over each other.
presented a number of Qur'aanic verses containing
Proponents of the second opinion ask how can there be a scientific signs in the Qur'aan. He was astonished with
barrier between the seas so that they do not encroach upon what he saw and heard. He has read the interpretations of
each other, while the verse indicates that the seas meet the Qur'aan and its verses in some specialized books.
together? They concluded that the seas do not meet and Among these verses, he discussed what Allah said in the
sought another meaning for the term maraja, but now Qur'aan.
modern science provides us with enough information to
Or (the unbelievers state) is like the depths of
settle this issue. The seas do meet together, as we have
darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed
seen, for example, in the picture of the Mediterranean and
with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark)
Atlantic Ocean (not shown - WWW Ed.). Even though
clouds: Depths of darkness, one above another:
there is a slanted water barrier between them, we now
If a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly
know that through this barrier the water from each sea
see it! For any to whom Allah does not give
passes to the other. But when see the water from one sea
light, there is no light. (Qur'aan 24:40).
enters the other sea, it loses its distinctive characteristics
and becomes homogenized with the other water. In a way, Professor Rao confirmed that scientists now know
this barrier serves as a transitional homogenizing area for darkness by means of submarines that have enabled them
the two waters. to dive into the depths of the ocean, where human beings
are not able to dive unaided for more than twenty to thirty
This is an excellent example of Islamic modern scientific
meters. Those who dive for pearls do so in shallow waters
research. Modern techniques can thus be used to prove the
and can not dive any deeper than this. Human beings can
inimitability of the Qur'aan. We discussed this verse and
not survive in the deep dark part of the oceans, such as at a
several other verses at great length with Professor Hay,
depth of 200 meters. But this verse speaks about a
and then we asked him the following question: "What is
phenomenon found in very deep oceans.
your opinion of this phenomenon, namely, that you have in
your possession now texts which have been revealed 1400 Hence, the statement of Allah about the darkness in a vast
years ago, and which described in minute detail secrets of deep sea does not refer to just any sea, because not every
the universe which no man at that time could ever have sea can be described as having accumulated darkness
known, simply because the techniques and the equipment layered one over another. This sort of layered darkness in
were not available?" deep seas has two causes out of which is the result of the
successive disappearances of color, one layer after the
Professor Hay replied: "I find it very interesting that this
other. The light ray is composed of seven colors, and when
sort of information is in the ancient scripture of the Holy
the light ray hits water, it is scattered into these seven
Qur'aan, and I have no way of knowing where they would
come from, but I think it is extremely interesting that they
are there and that this work is going on to discover it, the In this picture (See Figure 14.1) we see a ray of light
meaning of some of the passages." going through the depth of the ocean. The upper layer has
absorbed the red color in the first 10 meters. If a diver
He was asked: Then you have flatly denied it to be just
would dive to a depth of 30 meters and gets wounded there,
from a human source. Whom do you think is the original
he would not be able to see his blood, because the red
source of such information?
color does not reach this depth. In the same way, as we see
Professor Hay: "Well, I would think it must be the Divine in this picture, orange rays are absorbed next. Then at the
Being!" depth of 50 meters yellow rays are absorbed. At the depth
of 100 meters green rays are absorbed. At depths beyond
Truly this is divine knowledge which Allah sent in order to
200 meters, blue rays are absorbed, and so on. From this,
support the Message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace
we can see that the ocean becomes progressively darker,
be upon him) who said:
that is darkness takes place in layers of light. As for the
Each Prophet has been given something to make his people second reason, darkness originates as a result of barriers
believe in him. But I have been given a Revelation from which conceal light.

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Underneath these waves which separate the two

parts of the ocean, the darkness begins. Fish at
these depths cannot see. Their only source of
light is from their bodies. This darkness which
is layered or tiered one over the other is what is
referred to in the Qur'aan: Darkness in a vast
deep ocean, overwhelmed by billow topped by
billow. (Qur'aan 24:40)
In other words, above those waves there are
still more tiers of waves. The latter being found
on the surface of the ocean. The Qur'aan then
informs us that darkness is: Topped by clouds:
Depths of darkness, one above another. (Qur'aan
This darkness is caused by the barriers explained, in
addition to the darkness caused by the absorption of colors
at the different levels that are layered one over the other.
The Qur'aan goes on to say: When a man
stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! For
any to whom Allah gives not light, there is no
light. (Qur'aan 24:40)
Here is total darkness, submarines must bring their source
of light with them, so who could have informed Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) of this?
We presented to Professor Rao many verses dealing with
his area of specialization and we said: "What do you think
of the existence of scientific information in the Qur'aan?
How could Prophet Muhammad have known about these
facts 14 centuries ago?"
Professor Rao replied: "It is difficult to imagine that this
type of knowledge was existing at the time around 1400
years back. Maybe some of the things they have simple
ideas about such, but to describe those things in great detail
is very difficult. So, this is definitely not a simple human
knowledge. A normal human being cannot explain this
phenomenon in that much detail. So I thought the
information must have come from a supernatural source."
Fig. 14.1 Yes, the source of such knowledge must be from a level
beyond that of man. It cannot be from nature, as Professor
The light rays, which we see here, originate from the sun Rao said, but this is far beyond nature, and far beyond
and absorbed by clouds, which in turn scatter some of the human capability. What Professor Rao was trying to say is
light rays, thus resulting in a layer of darkness under the that this is something which cannot be attributed to a
clouds. This is the first layer of darkness. Then when light natural being, for it is truly the speech of the one who
rays reach the surface of the ocean, they are reflected by the knows nature, the universe and its secrets, as the Qur'aan
wave surface, thus giving it a shiny appearance. It is for tells us:
this reason that when there are waves, the intensity of this
reflection depends on the angle of the waves. Therefore, it Say: The (Qur'aan) was sent down by Him who
is the waves that reflect light and therefore cause darkness. knows the secrets (that is) in the heavens and
The un-reflected light rays penetrate into the depth of the the earth... (Qur'aan 25:6).
ocean, and thus we divide the ocean into two main layers, It is from Allah. In this way, the testimonies of the
the surface and the deep part. The surface of the ocean is scientists are concentrated one after the other in order to
characterized by the light and warmth, whereas the deep is prove that this guidance and light contains in it the
characterized by darkness. indisputable evidence of its truth, for the Qur'aan is the
These two parts of the ocean differ with respect to their source of guidance until the Last Hour.
properties and characteristics, and the surface is further Marine Phenomenon Between Scientific Discoveries &
separated from the deep part by waves. These internal The Qur'aanic Verses
waves were only discovered in the year 1900. Scientists
have recently discovered that there are internal waves We present to you
which "occur on dense interfaces between layers of Professor Shroeder, a
different densities. The internal waves cover the deep marine scientist from
waters of seas and oceans because the deep waters have a West Germany. We met
higher density than the waters above them. Internal waves him at the Seminar of
act like surface waves. They can also break just like surface Marine Scientists held
waves. Internal waves cannot be seen by the human eye, at King Abdul-Aziz
but they can be detected by studying temperature or salinity University in Jeddah. I
changes at a given location. was asked to deliver a
talk on Marine
Phenomenon between

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scientific discoveries and the Qur'aanic verses. The next Verily in the heavens and the earth, are signs
day, Professor Shroeder stood up and commented on for those who believe. And in the creation of
what I had said. He started saying: yourselves and the fact that animals are
scattered (through the earth), are signs for those
"I would like to comment on the lecture which
of assured faith. And in the alteration of night
Shaykh Az-Zindani gave us yesterday, and would
and day, and the fact that Allah sends down
like to say how much I appreciate this lecture in the
sustenance from the sky, and revives therewith
framework of such a scientific meeting. One doesnt
the earth after its death, and in the change of
need to be a Muslim, but even for me as a Christian,
the winds, - are signs for those that are wise.
it is important to not only see science as it is, but also
Such are the signs of Allah, which we rehearse
see it in a broader sense and picture and when
to thee in truth: then in what exposition will
compared with religion, see it in the framework of
they believe after Allah and his signs? (Qur'aan
After that, Professor Shroeder proceeded to discuss the
Religion urges us to acquire knowledge and commands us
relationship between science and religion. He referred to
to contemplate the universe in a language that
the wide gap between the various religions and science, for
contemporaries understand.
there is a mutual repulsion between the leaders of religious
thoughts and the masters of natural sciences. Professor
Shroeder, however, was astonished when he was informed
of the truth contained in various Qur'aanic verses revealed Some Qur'aanic
1400 years ago. He commented: Verses & Astronomical
"In many religions, we find that the leaders think
science can take something from the religion. If Professor Yoshihide
science is making progress, the religion has to move Kozai: I say, I am very
back, it is being encroached on. Here, we see a much impressed by
completely different approach. Shaykh Az-Zindani finding true astronomical
showed us that the scientist is actually confirming facts in the Qur'aan.
what the Qur'aan is saying, what has been said Dr. Kozai is Professor
already many, many years ago in the Qur'aan. Emeritus at Tokyo
Actually, that scientists are now discovering what has University, Hongo,
been said before, I think this is important. It is Tokyo, Japan, and was
important for a symposium or a workshop to be the Director of the
participated, discussed, and agreed upon by scientists National Astronomical
from all nations, and I am sure that all of us are going Observatory, Mikata, Tokyo Japan. We presented to him a
home and are now thinking more about the number of Qur'aanic verses describing the beginning of
relationship between religion and marine science." creation and the heavens, and which deal with the
It becomes clear that what scientists are discovering only relationship of the earth to the heavens. After studying
today, the Qur'aan revealed 1400 years ago. It remains these verses, Professor Kozai asked us about the Qur'aan
for us to ask: Who informed Prophet Muhammad about and about the time when the Qur'aan was revealed. We
this? Who revealed this knowledge to him? Because these informed him that it was revealed 1400 years ago, and then
are the truths that contemporary scientists know, whether we asked him about the facts which these verses contained.
they be astronomers, marine scientists, geologists, or After each answer we would show him the Qur'aanic text.
specialists in any of the other fields of science and He expressed his astonishment, saying that this Qur'aan
knowledge, but which the Qur'aan and Sunnah have describes the universe as seen from the highest point,
mentioned. After having listened to us, Professor everything seen is distinct and clear. He who said this sees
Shroeder, with utmost confidence stated the following everything in existence. Seen from such a point, there is
answer. nothing which can be unseen.

"There is not science on the one side, religion on the We asked him whether at some point in time the
other side. People are not talking to each other, but firmament was in a form of smoke. He stated that all
they are all going into one direction. They are saying signs and indications are converging to prove that at one
the same thing in a different language, the scientific point in time the whole firmament was nothing but a cloud
language (the abstract language) and the language of smoke. This has come to be established as a proven
of the scriptures, as expressed by the Shaykh." visible fact. Scientists now can observe new stars forming
up out of that smoke, which is the origin of our universe, as
He is demanding clearly that these facts be presented to we see in this picture (Figure 17.1).
everyone in the entire world, but specially to scientists in
their centers of learning, in all languages, so that they may
understand them clearly and so that the true relationship
between religion and science may be clarified. We are
talking about the religion that has been free from any
distortion or falsification. True knowledge must be in
conformity with true religion. As in the case of Islam, the
Qur'aan says:
Are those equal, those who know and those who
do not know? (Qur'aan 39:9)
Know, therefore, that there is no god but Allah.
(Qur'aan 47:19)
Say: Behold all that is in the heavens and on
earth. (Qur'aan 10:101) Fig. 17.1

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This picture was obtained only recently with the help of

the spaceship. It shows one of the stars as it forms up out of
the smoke. Look at the outer reddish parts of the smoke as
it begins to heat and cluster. And look at the center of the
cloud and how the smoky matter is of such high density
that it becomes irradiant. The illuminating stars we see
today were, just as was the whole universe, in that smoke
form. We presented to him the Qur'aanic verse saying:
Then he turned to the sky, and it had been (as)
smoke (dukhaan): He said to it and to the earth:
come you together, willingly or unwillingly.
They said: we do come (together) in willing
obedience. (Qur'aan 41:11).
Some scientists describe this dukhaan or smoke “mist”. Fig. 17.3
But Professor Kozai pointed out that the term “mist” does Professor Kozai believes it is impossible that the
not correspond to the description of this smoke, because Qur'aan was from a human source. He further stated that
mist is characteristically cold, whereas this cosmic smoke we scientists in our studies concentrated only on a small
is somewhat hot. Dukhaan indeed is made up of diffused area, but if we read the Qur'aan, then we will see a much
gases to which solid substances are attached, and this is the larger picture of this universe. Scientists have to look at it
exact description of the smoke from which the universe in a panorama, not within limited and narrow perspectives.
emerged even before the stars were formed. Professor Professor Kozai acknowledges relating to the Cosmos, he
Kozai said that because that smoke was hot, we cannot is now able to define his way in the future. He states that,
describe it as “mist”. Dukhaan is the best descriptive word from now on, he will plan his research guided by the
that can ever be. In this way Professor Kozai continued to comprehensive Qur'aanic view of the universe.
scrutinize each Qur'aanic verse we presented to him.
Glory to You O Lord, may You be exalted! This is the
ever-lasting miracle which renews itself. This is a miracle
which gives life and which convinces Muslims and Non-
Muslims, and which will convince all generations until the
Day of Judgment. Allah Almighty said in the Qur'aan:
But Allah bears witness that what He has sent unto
thee He has sent with His (own) knowledge. (Qur'aan
And say: Praise be to Allah, Who will soon show you
His signs, so that you shall know them. (Qur'aan 27:93).

Facts From
Allah Almighty has
Finally we asked him: ‘What do you think of this
made clear to us that His
phenomenon which you have seen for yourself, namely,
book, the Qur'aan has
that science is beginning to discover the secrets of the
been revealed as a
universe, whereas many of these secrets have already been
reminder to the whole
revealed in the Qur'aan or in the Sunnah? Do you think that
the Qur'aan was given to the Prophet Muhammad peace
be upon him (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) from a human Allah Almighty said:
source?’ This is no less than
a reminder to (all)
Professor Kozai replied: "I say, I am very much
the worlds. And you
impressed by finding true astronomical facts in Qur'aan,
shall certainly know
and for us modern astronomers have been studying a very
the truth of it (all)
small piece of the universe. We have concentrated our
after a while. (Qur'aan 38:87-88).
efforts for understanding of a very small part. Because by
using telescopes, we can see only very few parts of the sky Thus, the Qur'aan is a reminder for all of mankind until
without thinking about the whole universe. So, by reading the Last Hour. It contains information that man discovers in
Qur'aan and by answering to the questions, I think I can due time. Because this Qur'aan was revealed from Allah
find my future way for investigation of the universe." Almighty's knowledge and every single verse in it was
revealed with Allah Almighty's knowledge, as He Himself
But Allah bears witness that what He has sent
unto you He has sent with His (own)
knowledge... (Qur'aan 4:166).
Every single verse contains divine knowledge, but
mankind is constantly developing. In attaining higher levels
of scientific understanding, mankind is then capable of
discerning the divine knowledge contained in a given verse.
Thus, coming to know that this verse has been revealed
from Allah Almighty, with the ever continuing process of

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human progress and development, man will come to find equilibrium, the whole universe would collapse. I recalled
the clue that enables him to understand another verse, and Allah Almighty's verse in the Qur'aan:
so on. In this way mankind will continue to understand
Do they not look at the sky above them? How
more and more verses. This is the wondrous characteristics
we have made it and adorned it, and there are
of the Qur'aan.
no flaws in it? (Qur'aan 50:6).
Professor Armstrong works at NASA, otherwise
Then we talked to Professor Armstrong about the
known as the National Aeronautics and Space
attempts of scientists to reach the edge of the universe, and
Administration, where he is a well-known scientist there.
we asked him whether they were successful in this. He
We met him and asked a number of questions about
replied that they are fighting an uphill battle to the edge of
Qur'aanic verses dealing with the expertise in Astronomy.
the universe. We construct more powerful equipment to
We asked him about iron and how it was formed. He
observe the universe only to discover that the new stars we
explained how all the elements in the earth were formed.
see are still within our galaxy and that we have not yet
He stated that the scientists have come only recently to
reached the edge of the universe. He is aware of the
discover the relevant facts about that formation process. He
Qur'aanic verse which says: And we adorned the lowest
said that the energy of the early solar system was not
heaven with lamps and we made such (lamps) missiles
sufficient enough to produce elemental iron.
to drive away satans. (Qur'aan 67:5).
Indeed, all these stars are adornments for the lowest
heaven. He says that scientists have not reached the end of
the universe. Professor Armstrong added that because of
this, they are thinking of stationing more telescopes in outer
space so that their observations will not be obstructed by
dust and other atmospheric impediments. Vision telescopes
using light are unable to travel long distances, so we
replaced them with radio operated ones enabling us to see
further, but we nevertheless are still within the boundaries.
I mentioned to him this verse:
So turn thy vision again: Do you see any flaw? Again
turn your vision a second time: (your) vision will come
back to you dull and discomfited, in a state worn out.
Fig. 16.1 Eagle Nebula (Qur'aan 67:3-4).
In calculating the energy required to form one atom of Each time Professor Armstrong told us some scientific
iron, it was found to be about four times as much as the fact, we mentioned to him the relevant verse which he
energy of the entire solar system. In other words, the agreed with. Then we said to him: You have seen and
entire energy of the earth or the moon or the planet Mars or discovered for yourself the true nature of modern
any other planet is not sufficient to form one new atom of astronomy by means of modern equipment, rockets, and
iron, even the energy of the entire solar system is not space ships, developed by man. You have also seen how
sufficient for that. That is why Professor Armstrong said the same facts were mentioned by the Qur'aan 14
that the scientists believe that iron is an extraterrestrial that centuries ago, so what is your opinion about these?
was sent to earth and not formed therein. We read to him
the Qur'aanic verse saying: He replied: "That is a difficult question which I have
been thinking about since our discussions here. I am
And we sent down Iron, in which is Great impressed at how remarkably some of the ancient
might, as well as many benefits for mankind. writings seem to correspond to modern and recent
(Qur'aan 57-25). astronomy. I am not a sufficient scholar of human
Then we asked him about the sky and whether it had any history to project myself completely and reliably into
gaps or rifts in it. He the circumstances that 1400 years ago would have
disproved this and prevailed."
replied that what we are "Certainly, I would like to leave it at that what we
talking about is a have seen is remarkable, it may or may not admit of
branch of astronomy scientific explanation. There might have to be
called the Integrated something beyond what we understand as ordinary
Cosmos which we human experience to account for the writings that we
scientists have only have seen. It is not my intention or my position at
come to know recently. this point to provide an answer to that. I have said a
For example, if you lot of words without, I think, expressing exactly what
have a body in outer you want me to express, but it is my job as a scientist
space which travels a to remain independent of certain questions and I
certain distance in any think that is one of the reasons that I had better stop
direction and then just a little bit short of giving you the complete
travel the same distance answer that you might desire."
in a different direction,
you will find that the Fig. 16.2
mass weight is the same Yes, it is very difficult to imagine that this knowledge
in all directions. revealed in the Book of Allah Almighty fourteen centuries
Because this body has ago could have come to Prophet Muhammad peace be
its own equilibrium, the upon him (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) from a human
pressures from all source. There must be some other source from which
directions are the same. scientists derive their knowledge, because only Allah
Without this Almighty knows the secrets of the heavens and the earth.

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As we have seen and heard from the various meetings with ○ patience during, 2:153, 2:155, 2:177, 2:250,
these scientists, we are on the threshold of a new age. 3:17, 3:125, 3:142, 3:146, 3:186, 3:200,
7:87, 7:126, 7:128, 7:137, 8:46, 8:65, 8:66,
This is an age where religion and science can embrace, 10:109, 11:11, 11:49, 11:115, 12:18, 12:83,
the true religion and the true science. Therefore, there can 12:90, 13:22, 16:96, 16:110, 16:126, 21:85,
be no contradiction whatsoever between the two, nor 22:35, 23:111, 28:54, 29:59, 30:60, 31:17,
should there be any opposition. This is the conclusion that 31:31, 37:102, 38:44, 39:10, 40:55, 40:77,
Muslim scholars have arrived at throughout centuries. That 41:35, 42:33, 46:35, 47:31, 70:5, 76:12,
is, there is no possibility that a proven scientific fact could 90:17, 103:3
contradict a divinely revealed truth which has been clearly • Aging, 16:70, 22:5, 30:54, 36:68
understood. If they say we are in the space age, it is true, it
is the age where scientific knowledge and religion would ○ behavior towards aging parents in your care,
agree, but this can only be between true knowledge and the 17:23
religion of Islam, which Allah Almighty has preserved
from all falsification and alteration. • Ahmad, 61:6

• Al Rass, 25:38, 50:13

Index of the Quran • Alcohol (see Intoxicants)

• Allah
VWXYZ  a thousand human years, 22:47,

 fifty thousand years, 70:4

• Aaron, 4:163, 6:84, 7:122, 7:142, 7:150, 7:172, 10:75,

○ ability to do anything, 2:106, 2:117, 3:165,
19:53, 20:30, 20:40, 20:90, 20:92, 21:48, 23:45, 25:35, 3:189, 8:41, 9:116, 11:4, 16:40, 40:68,
26:12, 26:48, 28:34, 37:114-120 41:39, 42:49, 57:2

○ House of, 2:248 ○ best of all judges, 95:8

• Ablution, 4:43, 5:6 ○ beyond definition, 43:82, 67:12

○ circumstances requiring, 4:43 ○ brings disbelievers schemes to nought, 8:30,

• Abraham, 2:124-129, 2:130-132, 2:135, 2:136, 2:140,
2:258, 2:260, 3:65, 3:67-68, 3:84, 3:95, 3:97, 4:54-55, ○ cause human beings to disappear and bring
4:125, 4:163, 6:74-83, 6:161, 9:70, 9:114, 11:69-76, forth other beings, 4:133, 14:19, 35:16
12:6, 12:38, 14:35, 15:51-56, 16:120, 16:123, 19:41-49,
19:58, 21:51-73, 22:26, 22:43, 22:78, 26:69, 29:16, ○ causes laughter and crying, 53:43
29:25, 29:31, 33:7, 37:83-109, 38:45, 42:13, 43:26,
51:24-34, 53:37, 57:26, 60:4-5, 87:19 ○ caused a man to sleep for a century, 2:259

○ neither Jew nor Christian, 3:67 ○ enemy of those who deny the truth, 2:98

○ stood in first temple at Bakkah, 3:97, 26:123 ○ extol his glory from morning until night,
• Abrogation, 2:106, 16:101
○ false daughters of, 16:57, 17:40, 43:16,
• Abu Lahab (Abd al-Uzza), 111:1-3 52:39, 53:21-22
○ his wife, 111:4-5  by name, 53:19-20
• Acacia flowers, 56:26 ○ gives humans free will, 36:67
• Ad, 7:65, 7:74, 9:70, 11:50-60, 22:42, 25:38, 26:123- ○ giving it all up for him, 4:66-68, 4:125
140, 29:38, 38:12, 41:15-16, 46:21-26, 50:13, 51:41,
53:50, 54:18-21, 69:4, 69:6, 89:6 ○ good and evil are from Him, 4:78
• Adam, 2:31-32, 3:33, 5:27, 7:19-25, 17:61, 17:70, ○ grants life and death, 44:8, 53:44, 57:2, 67:2
18:50, 19:58, 20:115-123, 40:31, 41:13, 41:15
○ angels to prostrate before, 2:34, 7:11 ○ hard strivers rewarded better, 4:95-96, 5:54,
9:120, 49:15, 61:11
○ tree of knowledge, 2:35, 7:19, 20:120-121
○ has no consort, 72:3
○ banishment from Garden (no blame to Eve),
○ has no son, 43:81, 72:3, 112:3
2:36, 7:24
• Adultery (see Marriage) ○ has not forsaken you during your hard times,
• Adversity
○ not burdened beyond capability to
○ is everywhere, 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 4:126
withstand, 2:286, 6:152, 7:42, 23:62 ○ is the

○ not burdened with another's burden, 6:164,  First and the Last (alpha and
17:15, 35:18, 39:7, 53:38 omega), 57:3

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 Outward and Inward, 57:3  Allah alone will punish them,

73:11, 74:11
○ knows that beyond comprehension, 6:59,
6:73, 9:94, 9:105, 13:9, 32:6, 34:48, 35:38, ○ punishment in the hereafter, 2:217, 9:74
39:46, 49:18, 59:22, 62:8, 64:18, 72:26,
74:31, 87:7 ○ rejection by others, 3:87

○ loves those who behave equitably, 49:9 ○ repentence, 3:89, 5:34, 9:5, 9:11

○ made no laws regarding that of which He  on Judgement Day is too late,

didn't speak, 5:101, 6:140, 6:148, 7:32 40:85

○ mercy towards prisoners of war who have ○ under duress, 16:106

good in them, 8:70 • Arguments/Attacks
○ nature of, 2:255 ○ respond in kind, 8:58, 16:126
○ no human is a divinity, 3:64, 3:151  being patient is far better, 16:126
○ not a trinity, 4:171 • Ark (see Noah)

○ refuge from evil with, 113:1-5, 114:1-6 • Armor, 16:81

• Astronomy
○ remembering him standing, sitting, lying
down, 3:191, 4:103, 10:12, 25:64 ○ celestial mechanics, 7:54, 22:65
○ shapes you in the womb, 3:6  moon, 10:5, 16:12, 21:33, 22:18,
25:61, 29:61, 41:37, 54:1, 71:16,
○ throne rests upon the water, 11:7 74:32, 84:18, 91:2
○ will create things of which you have no  solar and lunar orbits, 6:96, 10:5,
knowledge, 16:8 13:2, 14:33, 21:33, 31:29, 35:13,
36:38-40, 39:5, 55:5
○ wills no wrong to His creation, 3:108, 4:40,
17:71, 21:47, 22:10, 26:209, 40:31, 41:46,  sun, 10:5, 16:12, 21:33, 22:18,
45:22, 50:29, 64:11 25:45, 25:61, 29:61, 41:37,
71:16, 78:13, 81:1, 91:1
• Alliances, 8:72, 9:7
○ celestial navigation, 6:97, 16:16
○ Christians and Jews, 5:51
○ constellations, 15:16, 25:61, 85:1
○ forbidden with disbelieving kin, 9:23
○ motion of objects in the Universe, 35:41,
○ forbidden with hypocrites, 4:88-89, 4:139, 44:39, 45:22, 46:3, 64:3, 86:11
○ objects impacting Earth, 34:9
• Angels, 2:30-34, 2:98, 2:285, 4:97, 8:50, 13:23, 21:108,
22:75, 25:22, 25:25, 32:11, 33:43, 33:56, 34:40, 35:1, ○ planets, 81:16
37:150, 38:71, 39:75, 41:14, 41:30, 42:5, 43:53, 43:60,
47:27, 53:26, 66:4, 66:6, 69:17, 70:4, 89:22, 97:4 ○ Sirius (Alpha Canis Major), 53:49

○ created from fire, 7:12, 38:76 ○ stars, 22:18, 37:88, 51:7, 79:1, 81:2, 86:3

○ eight will bear Allah's throne aloft on  neighborhood of Earth populated

Judgement Day, 69:17 by, 37:6, 41:12, 67:5

○ false claim that they are female, 43:19,  proper motion of, 79:2-4
 revolving, 81:15
○ "guardian", 82:10-12, 86:4
○ sunrise, 37:5, 55:17, 70:40
○ nineteen lord over hell, 74:30-31
○ sunset, 55:17, 70:40, 84:16
○ not sent to satisfy whims, 15:7-8
• Atoms (perhaps meant as "ants" originally?), 10:61,
○ sent to inspire, 16:2 34:3, 34:22, 99:7-8

• Anger • Azar, 6:74

○ withhold, 3:134
• Baal, 37:125
• Ants, 27:18
• Badr, 8:42
• Apes, 5:60
• Bakkah
○ despicable, 2:65, 7:166
○ first temple, 3:96
• Apostacy, 3:72, 3:86-88, 3:90-91, 3:167, 4:137, 5:54,
9:74, 9:107, 16:106, 33:14 • Beasts, 6:38, 22:18, 25:49, 36:71, 42:11, 43:12, 45:4

○ do not ask for speedy doom for apostates, • Bedouin, 9:90-99, 9:101-106, 33:20, 48:11, 48:16,
46:35 49:14

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• Bees, 16:68 • Belief

• Behavior ○ in all revelations, 2:136, 2:285

○ argue in a kindly manner with those given ○ nature of, 49:14-15

earlier revelation, 16:125, 29:46
• Believers, 2:2-5, 2:285, 8:2-4, 8:24
○ avoid becoming involved in matters you
know nothing of, 17:36 • Bible, 5:64, 5:65, 5:68

○ avoid grave sins and shameful deeds, 53:32 ○ distortion of, 3:78, 5:14-15

○ avoid guesswork about one another, 49:12 • Biology

○ be just in your opinions, 6:152

○ living things made of water ?, 11:7, 21:30,
24:45, 25:54
○ community should be moderate, 2:143, • Birds, 6:38, 16:79, 21:41, 27:16, 27:17, 27:20, 34:10,
25:67 38:19, 67:19
○ conceit discouraged, 4:36, 57:23 • Borders (jurisdictional boundaries), 8:72
○ don't chide those who seek your help, 93:10 • Botany, 13:4, 39:21

○ don't consider yourself pure, 53:32 ○ two sexes to every plant, 13:3

○ don't deride others, 49:11, 104:1 • Booty, 48:15, 59:6-7

○ don't mention evil things openly, 4:148 ○ enjoy that which is lawful and good, 8:69

○ don't speak ill of each other, 49:12, 104:1 ○ must not benefit those already rich, 59:7

○ don't spy on each other, 49:12 ○ one fifth goes for charity, 8:41

○ each group given a law and way of life, • Builders, 38:37

2:148, 5:48, 10:47, 10:74, 13:38, 16:36, • Burden (see Adversity)
16:63, 16:84
• Burial
 and a prophet, 10:47, 16:36
○ indirect reference to?, 5:31
 and a way of worship, 22:67
• Business
 Allah could have made them one
community, 5:48, 11:118, 16:93, ○ be fair in dealings, 6:152, 17:35
• Byzantines, 30:2-4
 one community under C
Allah, 21:92
• Cain and Abel, 5:27-31
○ forgive Jews who distort the Qur'an, 5:13
• Calendar
○ forgive non-believers, 31:15, 45:14
○ lunar, 2:189, 10:5
○ forgive readily, 42:37
 correctness of, 9:37
○ maligning believers is sinful, 33:58
 disbelievers tamper
○ men (toward women), 24:30 with annual
intercalation, 9:37
○ peacemakers rewarded, 42:40 • Canaan, 5:12
○ rulers make decisions after consultations, • Cattle, 16:5-7, 16:66, 22:28, 23:21, 39:6, 47:12
• Captives, 8:67, 8:70
○ speak justly toward those in want, if you can
do nothing else, 17:28 • Charity, 2:43, 2:110, 2:177, 2:262-264, 2:271-274,
2:277, 3:92, 3:134, 4:39, 5:12, 5:55, 9:5, 9:18, 9:60,
○ towards aging parents in your care, 17:23 9:71, 9:121, 21:73, 22:41, 22:78, 24:37, 27:3, 30:38-39,
31:4, 36:47, 41:7, 47:36-38, 51:19, 52:40, 57:7, 57:10-
○ towards other Muslims, 33:6 12, 63:10, 64:16-17, 73:20, 76:8, 92:18, 98:5, 107:7

○ towards others, 17:26-29, 17:35, 17:53, 60:8 ○ during consultation with the Prophet, 58:12-
○ towards parents, 46:15
○ during the Hajj, 22:36
○ towards slaves, 4:36, 24:33
○ niggardliness, 3:180, 4:37, 25:67, 47:37,
○ treat non-belligerent non-believers with 57:24, 92:8
equity, 60:8
○ not payment for favors received, 92:19
○ wives of the Prophet, 33:28-34
○ precedence of spending, 2:215, 2:219
○ women (toward men), 24:31

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○ sharing food, 24:61, 89:18, 107:3 ○ women's outer garments prevent harassment
by hypocrites, 33:59-60
○ spending to earn praise forbidden, 4:38
• Commandments
○ those displeased with distribution of, 9:58,
○ general religious, 2:42-45, 2:83, 2:110,
2:177, 3:113-114, 3:134, 5:12, 5:55, 6:151-
○ towards slaves, 16:71 153, 7:33, 7:156, 8:3, 9:18, 9:20, 9:86,
9:112, 10:87, 10:93, 13:22, 14:31, 16:90,
• Chastity, 23:5, 24:33, 70:29 16:110, 22:41, 22:78, 24:57, 25:68, 26:181-
184, 26:227, 31:3-4, 31:14-19, 35:29, 42:36-
• Children, 16:72, 17:64, 18:46, 19:77, 26:133, 34:35, 43, 58:13, 73:20, 90:13-17, 98:5
34:37, 40:67, 46:15, 57:20, 58:17, 63:9, 64:14, 64:15,
65:7, 68:14, 71:12, 71:22, 74:13, 80:36 ○ kindness towards others, 4:36

○ adopted ones should be named after their ○ leave company of those in the act of
fathers, 33:5 mocking Allah's law, 4:140, 6:68

○ baby daughters wrongly thought an evil • Communications (attempting to divine the future is
sign, 16:58-59, 43:18, 53:21-22 forbidden)

○ breast feed for two years, 2:233, 31:34 ○ overhearing the Host on high, 15:18, 37:8,
○ do not kill for fear of poverty, 6:151, 17:31
• Conservation, 6:141, 7:31
○ female offspring buried alive will ask for • Contract Law
what crime she'd been slain, 81:8-9
○ contract must be in writing, 2:282
○ gift of female offspring, 42:49
○ during journey a person's "word" is
○ gift of male offspring, 42:49 acceptable, 2:283
○ helpless, 4:127 ○ when things go wrong don't punish scribe or
witness, 2:282
○ ignorant at time of birth, 16:78
○ witnesses told to be truthful, 2:283, 5:8,
○ in Heaven, 40:8, 52:24, 56:17 25:72
○ of Adam, 36:60 ○ witnessing (two men, or one man and two
women), 2:282
○ of Israel, 2:40, 2:47, 2:72, 3:180, 5:12, 5:70,
5:78, 7:105, 10:90, 17:2, 17:4, 17:101, • Corruption, 5:32, 8:73, 30:41
17:104, 20:47, 20:80, 20:94, 26:17, 26:22, • Cosmology
26:59, 26:197, 27:76, 32:23, 40:53, 43:59,
44:30, 45:16, 46:10, 61:6, 61:14 ○ age of the Universe, 76:1
 commandment concerning killing ○ expanding Universe, 51:47
by, 5:32
○ pre-Islamic customs of slaying children, ○ The Big Bang, 21:30
6:137, 6:140 • Covenants, 5:1
○ wet nurses, 2:233 ○ breaking of (see also Oaths), 8:58
• Christians, 5:14, 5:19, 5:64-65, 5:69, 22:17 ○ with disbelievers, 8:56, 8:72, 9:4, 9:7
○ and Jews (see Jews)
 breaking of, 8:58, 9:12
○ asked not to deify Jesus, 4:171
• Creation of everything
○ come closest to feeling affection to ○ in due measure and proportion, 54:49
Muslims, 5:82
○ in opposite duality, 36:36, 43:12, 51:49
○ most have forgotten what they've been told
to bear in mind, 5:14 • Creatures, 6:38, 42:47, 42:49
○ now comes to you a messenger, 5:15, 5:19 • Crystal, 76:15-16

○ righteous will be rewarded, 2:62, 5:65, 5:69 • Customs

○ say "Jesus is Allah's son", 9:30

○ used but not given as reliable traditions or
Qur'anic injunctions, 2:170, 5:3, 5:104,
• Churches, 22:40 6:138
• Clothing, 7:26, 16:81
• Danger
○ of fire, 22:19
○ be prepared for, 4:71
○ "the veil" or women's clothing in non-
household situations, 24:31 • Date palms, 36:34, 50:10, 55:11, 55:68, 59:5, 80:29

• Dates, 50:10

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• David, 4:163, 5:78, 6:84, 17:55, 21:78, 21:79, 27:15-16, ○ alimony, 2:233, 2:241
34:10, 34:13, 38:17, 38:21-26, 38:30
 extends to ex-husband's heir,
○ and Bath Sheba, 38:23 2:233
○ and Goliath, 2:251 ○ can be revoked twice, 2:229

○ given the Psalms, 4:163 ○ dowry status, 2:229, 2:236-237

• Death, 3:185, 3:193, 4:78, 21:35, 33:19, 33:23, 44:56, ○ find wet-nurse if necessary, 65:6
47:27, 56:60, 56:84-87, 63:10, 75:29
○ Man
○ and flight from battle, 33:16
 divorce one woman for another -
○ in Allah's cause, 3:195, 22:58, 47:4 don't take back what you gave
first, 4:20
○ those communities who have no revelation
will not be destroyed, 6:131, 9:115, 10:47,
 don't harass wife, 65:6
11:117, 15:4, 16:119, 17:15, 28:59  don't hold wives against their
will, 4:19
○ those slain in Allah's cause are alive, 2:154,
3:169  four months to change his mind,
○ while fleeing evil towards Allah, 4:100
 support wife fully
• Deities
 during her pregnancy,
○ none besides Allah, 25:68 65:6
• Disbelievers (see also Hypocrites)  during her waiting
period, 65:6
○ ask Muhammad to invoke Allah's wrath
upon them as proof, 6:57-58, 8:32, 10:49-52  if she's nursing your
child, 65:6
○ bear their company in kindness, 31:15
○ mother shouldn't suffer because of her
○ bear what they say in patience, 20:130, fatherless child, 2:233
○ pre-Islamic, 58:2
○ covenants with, 8:56, 8:72, 9:4, 9:7
 contrition to reconcile
 breaking of, 8:58, 9:12
 fast for 2 consecutive
○ Allah brings their scheming to nought, 8:30, months, 58:4
 feed 60 needy people,
○ leave company of those in the act of 58:4
mocking Allah's law, 4:140, 6:68  free a slave, 58:3
○ protect them if they ask you to, 9:6 ○ reconciliation attempt, 4:35
○ punishment
○ sinless if marriage unconsummated, 2:236
 during war, 8:12, 8:50, 8:59
 bride entitled to half of the
 in the hereafter, 8:37 dowry, 2:237

○ should not visit or take care of mosques, ○ Woman

9:17  after third divorce (this one from
○ speak kindly to them, 17:53 another husband) can return to
original husband, 2:229
○ striving hard against, 9:73, 25:52, 66:9  entitled to maintenance, 2:241,
○ treat non-belligerents with equity, 60:8
 equal right to divorce, 2:228
○ will only ally with other disbelievers, 8:72
 fear ill treatment by husband,
• Disciples (of Jesus), 3:52, 61:14 4:128
• Divers, 38:37  may keep what her husband gave
her, 2:229
• Diversity
○ of humans, 30:22, 35:27-28
 not to be expelled from their
homes, 65:1
○ of life, 35:27-28  three menstruation wait to
disprove pregnancy, 2:228
• Divorce, 4:130, 65:1
 three month wait for those free of
○ after waiting period, dissolve or reconcile, menstruation, 65:4
2:231, 65:2
 two witnesses, 65:2

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 unless marriage  for ill, 4:102, 9:91

33:49 ○ if foes cease, then you must cease, 2:193,
4:90, 8:37, 8:61
• Dogs, 7:176
○ forbidden during the four sacred months,
• Donkeys, 16:8, 31:19 9:36
• Drugs (see Intoxicants)
 unless attacked, 2:194, 2:217
○ free slaves after fighting ends, 47:4
• Earth, 51:20, 51:48, 91:6
○ go forth humbly, 8:47
○ changed into another earth, 14:48
○ in Allah's cause, 4:74, 4:77, 4:84, 9:38-39,
○ creation of, 3:190, 79:30 9:41
 in six "days", 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, ○ killing only during hostilities in progress,
25:59, 50:38, 57:4 2:191, 4:89, 4:91, 5:33, 8:39, 8:57, 9:5, 9:12
 in two "days", 41:9 ○ not for material gain, 4:94
 the rest in the other
○ prepare well, 8:60
four, 41:10
○ inclination of rotational axis to orbital plane, ○ repentence of recent belligerents, 5:34, 9:5,
22:61, 57:6 9:11

○ rotation of, 3:190, 7:54, 10:6, 13:3, 14:33, ○ when ordained, 2:190-193, 2:216-217, 4:91,
25:62, 39:5, 41:37, 45:5 22:39, 60:8

• Earthquake, 7:78, 7:91, 7:155, 7:171, 16:26, 17:37, • Fire, 56:71, 100:2
17:68, 29:37, 34:9, 67:16, 69:5, 99:1 • Food (see also Health rules), 3:93, 35:12, 40:79, 80:24
• Elephant, 105:1
○ blessing of, 6:118, 6:138
• Elijah, 6:85, 37:123-130
○ forbidden, 2:173, 5:3, 6:121, 6:145, 16:115
• Elisha, 6:86, 38:48
○ lawful, 2:168, 5:4, 6:118, 6:146
• Embryology, 22:5, 23:14, 35:11, 40:67, 75:37-39
• Forgetting, 17:86, 18:24, 87:6-7
• Evolution (?), 71:14, 71:18
• Fornication (see Marriage)
• Ezra, 9:30
• Friends, 8:72
○ avoid active disbelievers, 3:118-120, 5:57,
• Family, 8:75 15:94, 58:14, 60:1, 60:13
• Fasting, 2:183-184 ○ leave company of those in the act of
○ during the Hajj, 2:196 mocking Allah's law, 4:140, 6:68

○ during Ramadhan, 2:185

○ forbidden are those who fight against you
because of your religion, 60:9
○ exemptions, 2:184-185 • Future
○ hours of, 2:187 ○ learning of it through divination forbidden,
5:3, 5:90, 15:18, 37:8, 72:9
• Fig, 95:1
• Fighting, 9:14, 9:123, 22:39, 47:4, 48:16
• Gabriel, 2:97, 66:4
○ aggression
• Games of Chance
 forbidden, 2:190, 4:90, 60:8
○ forbidden, 2:219, 5:20, 5:91
 sin of, 5:2
• Geographic locations and History
○ be brave, 4:104
○ As Safa and Al Marwah, 2:158
○ between two groups of believers, 49:9
○ first temple at Bakkah, 3:96
○ do not aquire slaves except through war,
• Ginger, 76:12

○ do not beg for peace, 47:35

• Goddesses of the pagan Arabs, 53:19

○ names of, 53:19-20

○ exemptions, 9:122, 48:17

 asking for it for wrong reasons,

○ nature of, 53:19-28
9:43, 9:45, 9:49, 9:86, 9:93 • Gods of pre-Islamic Arabs by name, 71:23
 for helpless, 4:98, 9:91 • Gog and Magog, 21:96

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• Gold, 35:33, 43:35, 43:71, 56:15 ○ food, 2:173, 5:1, 5:3, 5:5, 5:96, 6:118-119,
6:121, 6:142, 6:145-146, 16:115
• Golden armlets, 43:53
 caught by your hunting animals,
• Golden Calf, 2:51, 2:54, 4:153, 7:148, 7:152, 20:88 5:4
○ and thunderbolt of punishment, 2:55 ○ intoxicants forbidden (see Intoxicants)

○ forgiven after destruction of, 2:36-37 ○ menstruation, 2:222

• Goliath, 2:249 • Hearing, 41:22

○ and David, 2:251 • Heaven, 2:25, 3:15, 3:136, 3:181, 3:195, 3:198

• Gospel, 3:3, 3:65, 5:46-47, 5:66, 5:68, 5:77, 5:110, ○ filled with mighty guards and flames, 72:8
7:157, 9:111, 48:29, 57:27
○ immortal youths in, 56:17, 76:19
• Government
○ decision making in public matters, 3:159
○ parents united with offspring, 52:21, 56:36

○ rulers make decisions after consultations,

○ pure spouses in, 2:25, 3:15
42:38 ○ several, 2:29, 2:164, 3:129, 6:73, 6:101,
• Grain, 36:33, 55:12 17:44, 55:30, 65:12, 67:3, 71:15, 78:12

• Grave, 9:84, 22:7, 35:22, 36:51, 54:7, 60:13, 70:43, ○ virgin mates of modest gaze, 55:56, 55:72-
77:26, 80:21, 82:4, 100:9, 102:2 74, 56:22
• Greed (see Materialism) • Hell (the fire, the blazing flame), 2:24, 2:119, 2:161,
2:166, 2:201, 3:10, 3:12, 3:116, 3:131, 3:151, 3:162,
• Greetings, 4:86 3:192, 4:55-56, 4:93, 4:97, 4:114, 4:121, 4:169, 5:10,
• Guardianship 5:37, 5:72, 5:86, 6:27, 6:70, 6:128, 7:18, 7:36, 7:38,
7:41, 7:50, 7:179, 8:16, 8:36, 8:50, 9:17, 9:35, 9:49,
○ proper conduct of, 4:5-6, 6:151 9:63, 9:68, 9:73, 9:81, 9:95, 9:109, 9:113, 10:8, 10:27,
11:16, 11:17, 11:98, 11:106, 11:113, 11:119, 13:5,
○ punishment for bad ones, 4:10 13:18, 13:35, 14:16, 14:49, 15:43, 16:29, 16:62, 17:8,
17:18, 17:39, 17:63, 17:97, 18:29, 18:53, 18:100,
○ when to end it, 4:6 18:106, 19:68, 19:70, 19:86, 20:74, 21:39, 21:98, 22:4,
22:9, 22:19-22, 22:51, 22:72, 23:103-104, 24:57, 25:11-
○ witnesses required to end it, 4:6 13, 25:34, 25:65, 26:91, 26:94, 27:90, 28:41, 29:25,
29:54, 29:68, 31:21, 32:13, 32:20, 33:64, 33:66, 34:12,
H 34:42, 35:6, 35:36, 36:63, 37:10, 37:23, 37:55, 37:63,
• Hagar 37:68, 37:163, 38:27, 38:56, 38:59, 38:61, 38:64,
38:85, 39:8, 39:16, 39:19, 39:32, 39:60, 39:71, 39:72,
○ and Ishmael, 2:158 40:6, 40:7, 40:41, 40:43, 40:46, 40:47, 40:49, 40:60,
40:72, 40:76, 41:19, 41:24, 41:28, 41:40, 42:7, 43:74,
• Hajj, 2:158, 2:189, 2:196-199, 22:27-36 44:47, 44:56, 45:10, 45:34, 45:35, 46:20, 46:34, 47:12,
47:15, 48:6, 48:13, 50:24, 50:30, 51:13, 52:13-16,
○ abstention from quarreling during, 2:197 52:18, 54:48, 55:43, 56:94, 57:15, 57:19, 58:8, 58:17,
59:3, 59:17, 59:20, 64:10, 66:6, 66:9, 66:10, 67:5-10,
○ duty to visit Mecca (Makkah), 3:97 69:31, 70:15, 71:25, 72:15, 72:23, 73:12-13, 74:26-31,
74:42, 76:4, 77:31, 78:21, 79:36, 79:39, 81:12, 82:14,
○ exemption from, 2:196 83:16, 84:12, 85:10, 87:12, 88:4, 89:23, 90:20, 92:14,
98:6, 101:9-11, 102:6, 104:6-9, 111:3
○ fasting during, 2:196
○ burning despair and ice cold darkness in,
○ hunting forbidden, 5:1, 5:94-95 38:57

 aquatic game approved during, ○ chain of 70 cubits, 69:32

○ inmates will neither die nor remain alive,
 violate it once? Don't do it 87:13
twice!, 5:95
○ stay for a limited duration, 78:23
 reparations for doing
it once, 5:95 • History
○ rules, 5:2 ○ study it, 3:137, 12:110-111, 14:5

○ sacrifice during, 2:196 • Homosexuality

• Haman, 28:6, 28:8, 28:38, 29:39, 40:24, 40:36 ○ regarded as evil, 26:165-166, 27:55, 29:28-
• Harut and Marut, 2:102
• Honey, 16:69, 47:15
• Health rules, 41:44
• Horses, 16:8, 17:64
○ children
• Housing, 16:80
 breast feed for two years, 2:233,
31:34 • Hud, 7:65-72, 11:50-57, 11:89, 26:124-138, 46:21-25

• Humankind, 55:33, 91:7-8

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○ born with a restless disposition, 70:19  repentance cancels punishment,

○ created in fine form, 95:4
 deathbed repentance
○ created in pairs, 78:8, 92:3 excluded, 4:18

○ creation of, 2:30, 4:1, 6:98, 7:189, 10:4, ○ women, 4:15

15:26, 15:28, 15:33, 39:6, 71:14, 96:2  four witnesses required in order
 from a drop of sperm, 16:4, to "convict", 4:15
18:37, 22:5, 23:13, 35:11, 36:77, • Imposters
40:67, 53:46, 75:37, 76:2, 80:19
○ religious, 2:78
 from clay, 6:2, 7:12, 15:26,
17:61, 23:12, 32:7, 38:71, 38:76, ○ punishment for, 2:78
 with water, 37:11
• Imran, House of, 3:33

 from dark transmuted slime,

• In sha' Allah, 18:23
15:26, 15:28, 15:33 • Inheritance, 2:180, 4:176, 89:19
 from dust, 3:59, 18:37, 22:5, ○ apportionment to
30:20, 35:11, 40:67, 53:32
 children and parents, 4:11
 from earth, 11:61
 other kin, orphans, and the
 from seminal fluid, 86:6 needy, 4:8
 from male and female, 49:13  siblings, 4:12
○ diversity in, 30:22, 35:28  widows and widowers, 4:12

○ given free will, 36:67 ○ don't hold unloved wives for, 4:19

○ grows gradually from the earth, 71:17 ○ for men, 4:7

○ insignificant compared to the Universe, ○ for women, 4:7

○ summary, 4:33
○ mates of your own kind, 16:72, 30:21, 42:11
• Interest on loans (see Usury)
○ selfishness ever present in soul, 4:128 • Intoxicants, 16:67
○ vilest are those who don't use reason, 8:22, ○ don't pray while drunk, 4:43
○ forbidden except in dire circumstances,
• Hunayn, 9:25
2:219, 5:90, 5:91
• Hunting
• Iram, 89:7-8
○ about animals trained to hunt, 5:4
• Iron, 57:25
• Hur'in (a.k.a. Houries), 44:54, 52:20, 55:72, 56:22
• Isaac, 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 11:71, 12:5,
• Hydrology, 14:32, 16:15, 39:21 12:6, 12:38, 14:39, 21:72, 37:112-113, 38:45

○ scum, 13:17 • Ishmael, 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163, 6:86, 14:39, 21:85,
37:102-109, 38:48
• Hypocrites, 2:217, 4:38, 5:61, 9:61-70, 9:73-110
○ and Hagar, 2:158
○ praying for them does no good, 9:84, 9:113
• Jacob (Israel), 3:84, 4:163, 6:84, 6:85, 11:71, 12:38,
• Iblis (Satan), 2:34, 3:155, 3:175, 4:38, 4:60, 4:76, 12:68, 19:6, 19:49-50, 19:58, 21:72
4:116, 4:119-120, 4:140, 4:145, 5:90, 5:91, 6:38, 6:43,
6:68, 7:11-12, 7:20, 7:21, 7:27, 7:175, 7:200, 7:201,
• Jesus, 4:163, 9:30, 9:31, 10:68, 19:30-34, 21:91, 23:50,
8:11, 8:48, 12:5, 12:42, 12:100, 14:22, 15:31-40, 16:63, 33:7, 61:6, 61:14
16:98, 17:27, 17:53, 17:61, 17:64, 18:50, 18:63, 19:44, ○ bears witness on Resurrection Day, 4:159
19:45, 20:116, 20:120, 22:52, 22:53, 24:21, 25:29,
26:95, 27:24, 28:15, 29:38, 31:21, 34:20-21, 35:6, ○ Christians asked not to deify, 4:171
36:60, 37:65, 38:41, 38:74-85, 41:36, 43:62, 47:25,
58:10, 58:19, 59:16 ○ creation of, 3:45-49, 19:22
• Idolatry
○ disciples, 3:52, 61:14
○ forbidden, 5:90, 6:145
○ divergent views about, 43:65
• Idris, 19:56-57, 21:85
○ followers above others on Resurrection day,
• Immorality
○ punish both, 4:15

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○ healing of blind and lepers, raising the dead, ○ say "Our hearts are full of knowledge.",
5:110 2:88, 4:155
○ his holy inspiration, 2:87, 2:252, 5:110 ○ slaying prophets, 2:61, 3:21, 3:112, 3:181,
3:183, 4:155, 4:157, 5:70
○ his nature is as Adam's, 3:59
○ some distort meanings of all revelations,
○ is the means to know Judgement Day 4:46, 5:13, 5:41
(alternate translation), 43:61
 forgive them, 5:13
○ Jews boast of killing, 4:157
○ warning to, 4:47
○ not Allah, 5:17, 5:72, 5:116
• Jihad (fighting, striving, struggling, endeavoring)
○ only a messenger, 4:171, 4:172, 5:75, 19:30 ○ non-believing parents trying to persuade a
○ only seemed slain and crucified, 4:157 believer to polytheism, 29:8, 31:15

○ resurrected, 4:158
○ striving hard against disbelievers, 9:73,
25:52, 66:9
○ resurrection foretold, 3:55, 19:33
○ striving hard in Allah's cause, 2:218, 3:142,
○ truth about him will be realized when people 4:95, 5:35, 5:54, 8:72, 8:74-75, 9:16, 9:19-
20, 9:24, 9:44, 9:86, 9:88, 22:78, 29:6,
die, 4:159
29:69, 49:15, 60:1, 61:11
• Jews, 5:69, 22:17
• Jinn, 6:100, 6:112, 6:128, 6:130, 7:179, 11:119, 15:27,
○ and Christians, 2:120, 2:139, 3:75, 5:68 17:88, 18:50, 27:17, 32:13, 34:12, 34:14, 37:158,
41:25, 41:29, 46:18, 46:29, 51:56, 55:15, 55:33, 55:39,
 messenger comes to them, 5:32 55:56, 55:74, 72:1-15, 72:5, 72:6, 114:6

 enmity and hatred among them, ○ created of fire, 15:27, 55:15

• Job, 4:163, 6:84, 21:83, 38:41-44
 fights between, 2:113
• John the Baptist, 3:38-40, 6:85, 6:86, 19:7-15, 21:90
 food restrictions, 6:146
• Jonah, 4:163, 6:86, 10:98, 21:87, 37:139-148, 68:48
 have no rights to claim Allah's
bounty exclusively, 57:29 • Jordan, 2:58

 heaven not only for them, 2:111 ○ enter humbly, 2:58, 7:161

 say they are "Allah's Children", ○ entry into, 5:21-26

○ Jews allowed there, not due them, 2:58
○ believe in but few things, 4:155
• Joseph, 6:84, 12:4-101, 12:102, 40:34
○ claim that they alone are close to Allah,
2:94, 62:6 ○ attempted seduction of, 12:23

○ denied good things of life, 4:160 ○ sold to an Egyptian, 12:21

 reasons for, 4:161 • Judgement, 4:58, 5:8, 6:151-152, 37:53, 40:78, 45:21,
50:29, 51:6, 60:10, 69:18, 76:24, 82:9, 95:8
○ foods which are forbidden for, 6:146
○ be just, 5:8, 5:42
○ good deeds of ancestors don't count, 2:136
 don't let hate lead judgement
○ hurting themselves by their astray, 5:8
misinterpretations, 5:64
○ Day, 2:123, 2:177, 2:254, 3:9, 3:25, 3:106,
○ mistaken to believe in their own revelations 3:114, 4:41, 4:59, 4:136, 5:69, 5:119, 6:15-
only, 2:91 16, 6:40, 6:128, 7:8, 7:53, 7:187, 9:29, 9:35,
9:44, 9:45, 9:77, 9:99, 10:15, 10:28, 11:3,
○ most have forgotten what they've been told 11:8, 11:25, 11:84, 11:103, 11:105, 12:107,
to bear in mind, 5:13 14:21, 14:29, 14:30, 14:41, 14:42, 14:44,
14:48, 14:49, 15:36, 15:38, 16:77, 16:84,
○ most hostile to Muslims, 5:82 16:87, 16:89, 16:111, 17:71, 17:104, 18:99,
18:100, 19:37-39, 19:75, 19:85, 20:15,
○ ransoming each other during the Prophet's 20:105-112, 21:49, 21:103-104, 22:2-7,
life, 2:85 22:55-56, 24:37, 25:8, 25:11, 26:82, 27:83,
30:12, 30:14, 30:55, 32:14, 33:21, 33:44,
○ religious commandments, 2:43, 2:84-85, 33:63, 33:66, 34:3, 37:20, 38:16, 38:26,
5:32 38:53, 39:13, 40:9, 40:27, 40:33, 40:51,
40:59, 42:7, 43:66, 43:83, 43:85, 44:40,
○ retribution given in the Torah, 5:45 45:27, 45:32, 45:34, 45:35, 47:18, 50:20,
51:12, 52:45, 54:46, 54:48, 56:56, 58:22,
○ righteous will be rewarded, 2:62, 5:65, 5:69 60:6, 64:9, 69:19-37, 70:26, 74:46, 76:7,
77:13-14, 77:38, 78:17, 79:6-14, 81:1-14,
○ say "Ezra is Allah's Son", 9:30 82:15, 83:11, 99:1-8, 101:1

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 messengers called together,  those righteous, 56:8,

77:11 56:27-38, 56:90-91
 are disbelievers really ready for, ○ use reason, 6:151
○ verify reports and rumors, 49:6, 49:12
 repentence then is too
late, 40:85 K

 "childrens' hair turns grey", • Kabah, 2:125-127, 2:191, 2:217, 5:95, 5:97, 8:34, 9:7,
73:17 48:25, 48:27, 106:3
 earth ○ creation of, 2:125
 and mountains lifted ○ enter it with shaved heads or short hair,
and crushed, 69:14,
 levelled, 84:3
• Killing, 18:74, 18:80

 riven asunder, 50:44

○ another believer inconceivable unless by
mistake, 4:92, 48:25
 severely shaken, 56:4
 reparations for, 4:92
 will be convulsed and
become like a moving ○ deliberate killing of believer and
sand-dune, 73:14 punishment, 4:93

 flash of fire followed by smoke, ○ don't, 6:151, 17:33, 25:68

○ don't harm those offering peace, 4:90
 moon split asunder, 54:1
○ female children buried alive will ask for
 mountains
what crime she'd been killed, 81:8-9
 like tufts of wool,
○ hypocrites will be slain in Medina during the
70:9, 101:5
"War of the Confederates", 33:60-61
 scattered like dust,
77:10 ○ not for material gain, 4:94

 shattered, 56:5 ○ only during hostilities in progress, 2:191,

4:89, 4:91, 5:33, 8:39, 8:57, 9:5, 9:12
 vanish, 78:20
○ oppression more awesome than, 2:191,
 will move, 52:10 2:217
 seas will burst beyond their ○ punishment for murder and spreading
bounds, 82:3
corruption on Earth, 5:32
 skies
○ retribution, 2:178, 17:33
 and clouds will burst
apart, 25:25 • Knowledge

 flung open, 78:19 ○ literacy, 96:1-5

 like molten lead, 70:8 ○ study nature to aquire, 3:190, 6:99, 10:5-6,
13:3-4, 16:10-16
 red like burning oil,
55:37 ○ travel to learn, 29:20
 rent asunder, 55:37, • Kufr (denial of the truth), 2:108, 3:52, 3:80, 3:167,
69:16, 73:18, 77:9, 3:177, 5:41, 5:61, 9:12, 9:17, 9:23, 9:37, 9:74, 16:106,
82:1, 84:1 49:7
 will be rolled up, L
• Language
 will bring forth a pall
○ diversity in, 30:22
of smoke, 44:10
 stars • Laws given by Allah and the Prophet, 33:36

 effaced, 77:8 • Life

 scattered, 82:2 ○ attraction of worldly, 3:14

 three types of soul to judge ○ creatures consist mainly of water (See

 those close to Allah,
56:10-11, 56:15-26, ○ diversity, 30:22, 35:27-28
○ extra-terrestrial, 22:18
 those evil, 56:9,
56:41-55, 56:92-94 ○ is sacred, 17:33

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○ good things made lawful, 5:5, 5:87, 5:88,  restrictions about, 4:3
5:93, 7:32, 7:157, 16:114, 40:64, 45:16
 warning against, 4:129
○ path toward contentment made easy, 80:20,
87:8, 92:7
○ recline with spouses in Paradise, 36:56,
40:8, 43:70
• Lion, 74:15
○ spouses are raiment for each other, 2:187
• Literacy, 96:1-5
○ to adopted son's ex-wife is permitted, 33:37
• Litigants, 38:21-24
○ to orphans, 4:3
• Livestock, 40:79
○ to single woman only, 4:24
• Locusts, 54:7, 105:3
○ to slave
• Lot, 6:86, 7:80-84, 11:70, 11:74, 11:77-83, 11:89,
15:59-72, 21:71, 21:74, 22:43, 29:28, 29:32-33, 37:153,  and among slaves, 24:32
38:13, 50:13, 54:33-39, 66:10
 woman if need arises, 4:3, 4:25
• Lote tree, 53:14, 53:16, 56:28
 better if men don't
• Luqman, 31:13-19 marry, 4:25
M  even if she's married
• Madyan (Midian), 7:85-93, 9:70, 11:84-96, 15:78, before being captured,
20:40, 22:44, 26:176, 26:160-173, 27:54-57, 28:22-23, 4:24
28:45, 29:36, 50:14  punishment only half
• Magians, 22:17 of free women's if
immoral, 4:25
• Manna, 7:160, 20:80
○ to unmarried only, 24:32
• Marriage, 25:54
• Mary, 3:34-37, 3:42-47, 4:156-157, 4:171, 5:17, 5:46,
○ adultery, 17:32 5:72, 5:78, 5:110, 5:112, 5:114, 5:116, 9:31, 19:16-39,
21:91, 23:50, 33:7, 43:57, 56:27, 61:6, 61:14, 66:12
 evidence required (four
witnesses), 24:4 ○ not a deity, 5:116

 false accusers punishment, 24:4, • Materialism, 9:24, 9:34, 9:55, 9:85, 28:76, 57:20, 63:9,
24:19, 24:23 64:15, 68:14, 71:12, 71:22, 89:20, 92:11, 100:8, 102:1,
104:2-3, 111:2
 forbidden, 17:32, 25:68
○ and the Prophet's wives, 33:28
 if there aren't four witnesses,
24:6-9 ○ envy forbidden, 4:32, 15:88, 16:90, 20:131
 marriage after, 24:3 ○ forbidden, 4:29-30, 8:27
 punishment for, 24:2 ○ greed brings destruction, 102:1-6
○ appoint arbiter from among you when
○ punishment for, 4:30
fearing a breach, 4:35
○ complaints, 58:1 ○ ruining others forbidden, 4:32

○ don't hold wives against their will, 4:19 ○ squandering, 17:27, 25:67

○ dowry, 4:4, 4:19-21, 4:24, 4:25, 5:5, 60:10, • Mecca, 2:142-150

60:11 ○ duty to visit Mecca (Makkah) for the Hajj,
 other mutually agreed 3:97
arrangements, 4:24 ○ turn and pray toward, 2:144, 2:149-150
 woman may return it, 4:4
 isn't necessary (Allah is
○ forbidden everywhere), 2:115, 2:142, 2:177

 to certain kin, 4:22-24 ○ valley of, 48:24

 to non-believers, 2:221, 5:5, • Medinah, 9:101, 9:120, 33:60, 63:8

• Menstruation, 2:222
○ fornication forbidden, 4:24, 4:25, 4:27, 5:5
• Metallurgy, 18:96-97
○ if unable, 24:33
○ iron, 57:25
○ if woman fears mistreatment from her
husband, 4:128
○ molten copper, 34:2

○ love and tenderness, 30:21 ○ slag, 13:17

○ polygamy, 4:3 • Milk, 16:66, 47:15

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• Mineralogy, 16:14, 35:12  restrictions, 33:52

• Mockery ○ mystical ascension, 53:6-18
○ leave company of those in the act of ○ not a madman, 7:184, 52:29, 68:2, 81:22
mocking Allah's law, 4:140, 6:68
• Monastic asceticism ○ only a prophet, 3:144, 6:50, 7:188

○ some types criticised, 57:27 ○ prayed for non-believing Uncle (enjoined

not to), 9:113
• Monks
○ reacted against something lawful, 66:1
○ some devour people's possessions, 9:34
○ "seal" of the prophets, 33:40
○ some turn people away from Allah, 9:34
○ summons from, 24:63
○ taken as lords by some people, 9:31
• Months
○ taking leave of, 24:62

○ four sacred, 9:36 ○ unlettered prophet, 7:157, 7:158, 62:2

 fighting forbidden during, 9:36 ○ visiting wives, 3:51

 unless attacked, ○ widowed wives not allowed to remarry,

2:194, 2:217 33:53

○ twelve (lunar) in a year, 9:36 • Mules, 16:8

• Moses, 3:84, 6:84, 6:91, 7:103-162, 10:75-93, 11:96, N

11:110, 14:5, 14:6, 14:8, 17:2, 17:101-104, 18:60-82, • Native peoples
19:51-53, 20:9-98, 21:48, 22:44, 23:45-49, 25:35,
26:10-66, 27:7-14, 28:3-43, 28:44, 28:48, 28:76, 29:39, ○ don't drive them out, 2:84
32:23, 33:7, 33:69, 37:114-120, 40:23-27, 40:53, 41:45,
42:13, 43:46-55, 44:17-36, 46:12, 46:30, 51:38-40,  reject those who do, 2:85
53:36, 61:5, 79:14-25, 87:19
○ driven out of their homelands, 3:195
○ bringing forth water from the rock, 2:60,
• Necessity
○ commands to his people, 5:21
○ dire circumstances may repeal ordinances
forbidding something, 5:3, 16:115
○ duel by sorcery with Pharaoh's magicians, • Nepotism disallowed, 33:40
7:109-126, 10:79-81, 20:65-70, 26:43-47
• Night, 25:47
○ forty nights upon Mt. Sinai, 2:51, 7:142
• Noah, 3:33, 6:84, 7:59-64, 7:69, 9:70, 10:71, 11:25-33,
○ House of, 2:248 11:36-48, 11:89, 14:9, 17:3, 17:17, 19:58, 21:76, 22:42,
23:23-29, 25:37, 26:105-120, 29:14, 37:75-79, 38:12,
○ parting of the Red Sea, 20:77, 26:63 40:5, 40:31, 42:13, 50:12, 51:46, 53:52, 54:9, 57:26,
○ plagues, 7:133-136, 7:163
○ ark, 7:64, 10:73, 11:37-38, 11:40, 23:27,
• Mosque 29:15, 54:13-14, 69:11, 71:1-28
○ disbelievers should not visit or take care of,  came to rest on Mt. Judi, 11:44
○ flood, 7:64, 10:73, 11:40-44, 25:37, 29:120,
○ rival one in Quba is forbidden, 9:108
29:14, 54:11-12, 71:25
• Mountains, 15:19, 16:15, 16:81, 17:37, 20:105-107, • Nuclear physics
27:61, 31:10, 33:72, 34:10, 38:18, 41:10, 42:32, 50:7,
77:27, 78:7, 79:32, 81:3, 88:19, 95:2 ○ things smaller than an atom (originally
meant as "ant"?), 10:61, 34:3
• Muhammed, 47:2
○ admonished, 33:37, 66:1, 75:16-19, 80:1-10
• Oaths, 2:224, 16:91, 16:92, 16:94, 48:10
○ as judge for followers, 4:65
○ atonement for broken ones, 5:89
○ dares not alter the Qur'an nor act contrarily,
 feeding or clothing 10, freeing a
10:15 slave, fasting for 3 days, 5:89
○ divorce, 33:52 • Old Testament
○ exemptions from "regular" marriage laws, ○ followers of, 4:153
• Olive, 95:1
○ like of a pretty woman, 33:52
• Olive trees, 80:29
○ marriage
• Oppression, 2:193, 8:39
 kinship allowances in, 33:50

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○ blame is on oppressors, 42:42 ○ sacred duty linked to time of day, 4:103

○ defend against, 42:39 ○ standing, 39:9

○ more awesome than killing, 2:191, 2:217 ○ style of, 2:238, 17:110

• Orphans, 2:220, 4:6, 4:127, 93:7 ○ times of day of, 11:114, 17:78, 17:79,
20:130, 24:36, 24:58, 30:17-18, 32:16,
○ leave their possessions, 4:2-3, 4:10, 17:34 38:18, 50:39-40, 51:17, 52:48-49, 73:2-4,
P 76:25-26

• Patriarchy, 33:5 ○ while in danger, 2:239, 4:101-102

• Pearls, 35:33, 52:24, 55:22, 55:58, 56:23, 76:19 • Pregnancy, 7:189, 13:8, 31:34, 32:8, 39:6, 41:47, 53:32

• Pen, 68:1, 96:4 ○ Allah's spirit is breathed into the fetus, 32:9
• Persecuted • Privacy, 24:27-29
○ people, 8:72 ○ nakedness at mid-day, 24:58-59
 protect them unless they under a ○ Prophet's household, 33:53, 49:4-5
regime with whom you have a
covenant, 8:72 ○ sharing food, 24:61
○ those who are protectors of, 8:72, 8:74 • Prophet

• Persecutors, 85:10 ○ accept him who confirms earlier revelation,

• Pharaoh, 7:104-137, 8:52, 8:54, 10:75-90, 11:97, 14:6,
20:24, 20:43, 20:56, 20:60, 20:78, 23:46, 26:10-66, ○ charity during consultation with, 58:12
27:12, 28:3-42, 29:39, 38:12, 40:24-46, 43:46-85,
44:17, 44:31, 50:13, 51:38-40, 54:41-42, 66:11, 69:9, ○ don't aquire slaves except through war, 8:67
73:15-16, 79:17-25, 85:18
○ don't raise your voice above, 49:2
○ punishment of, 3:11, 20:78-79, 26:66, 28:40,
43:55, 44:24, 51:40, 89:18 ○ has come to you, 9:128
○ torture by and deliverance from, 2:49, ○ has highest claim on allegiance of believers,
17:103 33:6
• Piety, 2:177 ○ keeps awake 2/3 1/2 or 1/3 of the night
• Pollution, 30:41 praying, 73:20

• Poets, 21:5, 26:224, 37:36, 52:30 ○ miracles only by Allah's leave, 40:78

• Pomegranates, 55:68 ○ only mortal human, 12:109, 16:43, 21:7-8,

• Prayer, 2:45, 9:103, 51:18, 70:22-23, 75:31, 96:10,
108:2 ○ people who are false prophets are wicked,
6:93, 6:143-144, 6:157, 7:37, 10:17, 11:18,
○ beautify (adorn) yourselves for, 7:31 29:68, 39:32, 61:7
○ content, 2:285-286, 3:8-9, 3:16, 3:147, ○ prophecy in language of target population,
3:191-194, 17:80-81, 17:111, 23:118, 59:10, 14:4, 16:89
○ purpose of, 2:213, 6:48, 6:130, 14:4-6
○ day of congregation (Friday), 62:9
○ some not mentioned, 40:78
○ for the right reasons, 107:4-6
○ some superior, 2:253, 17:55
○ of Abraham, 2:126-129, 9:114, 14:35-41,
26:83-89 ○ those who came before had wives and
children, 13:38
○ of Joseph, 12:101
○ wives
○ of Moses, 20:25-35
 rewards and punishments, 33:30-
○ of Noah, 23:26, 26:117-118, 71:26, 71:28 31

○ of Solomon, 38:35
 will be let go if they desire,
○ of Zachariah, 19:8, 19:10 • Psalms, 4:163
○ not while drunk, 4:43 ○ given to David, 4:163
○ prostration, 3:113, 7:206, 9:112, 15:98, Q
16:48, 16:49, 22:18, 22:26, 22:77, 25:60,
25:64, 26:219, 32:15, 39:9, 41:37, 48:29, • Qarun, 28:76-81, 29:39, 40:24
50:40, 53:62, 76:26, 96:19 • Quail, 7:160
○ restrains one from loathesome deeds, 29:45

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• Qur'an, 4:82, 5:16, 7:204, 9:111, 10:15, 10:37, 11:13, ○ draws together former enemies, 3:103
11:14, 12:3, 15:87, 15:91, 16:98, 17:9, 17:41, 17:45,
17:46, 17:60, 17:82, 17:88, 17:89, 18:54, 20:2, 20:114, ○ false ideas upon things allowed and
25:4, 25:6, 25:30, 25:32, 27:1, 27:6, 27:76, 27:92, forbidden, 16:116
28:85, 30:58, 34:31, 36:2, 38:1, 39:27, 41:26, 41:44,
42:7, 43:31, 46:12, 46:29, 47:24, 50:1, 50:45, 54:22, ○ falsely follow other people's conjectures,
54:32, 54:40, 55:2, 56:75, 59:21, 69:40, 73:4, 73:20, 6:116, 6:119
76:23, 84:21
○ falsely guided by ancestral concept of, 43:22
○ bestowed on a blessed night, 44:3, 97:1-5
○ is not play and transient delight, 6:70, 7:51,
○ clear ordinances, 98:3 47:36
○ completion of, 5:3 ○ is self surrender to Allah, 3:85

○ conveyed clearly, 5:16, 10:15 ○ no coercion in matters of faith, 2:256

○ distortion of, 5:41 ○ no hardship in, 22:78

○ divine nature of, 10:37 ○ same as it was for the ones before you,
○ don't approach it in haste, 20:114
○ try and penetrate deepest meaning of, 4:162
○ easy to understand, 44:58
○ use reason in, 3:65, 8:22
○ full of wisdom, 36:2
○ wickedness of attributing one's own lying
○ guidance to humans, 2:185 inventions to Allah, 6:21
○ invisible barrier during recitation, 17:45 • Religious

○ is not Muhammed's sayings, 69:44 ○ sects, 6:159, 30:32, 43:65

○ not from a satanic force, 81:25 ○ should stay together, 3:103

○ not poetry, 36:69, 69:41 • Resurrection, 30:27, 83:4

○ recite as much as you may do with ease, ○ Day, 2:113, 2:212, 3:77, 3:161, 3:180,
73:20 3:185, 3:194, 4:87, 4:109, 4:141, 4:159,
5:14, 5:36, 5:64, 6:12, 6:73, 7:32, 7:167,
○ revealed in Arabic, 12:2, 13:37, 16:103, 10:93, 11:59, 11:60, 11:98, 11:99, 16:25,
20:113, 26:195, 39:28, 41:3, 43:3, 44:58 16:27, 16:92, 16:124, 17:13, 17:52, 17:58,
17:62, 17:97, 18:47, 18:105, 19:95, 20:100-
○ sent forth "in waves" (gradually), 77:1 102, 20:124, 21:47, 22:9, 22:17, 22:69,
23:16, 25:69, 26:87, 28:41-42, 28:61, 28:71,
○ some verses direct, some allegorical, 3:7 28:72-81, 28:85, 29:13, 29:25, 30:40, 30:56,
31:34, 32:25, 35:14, 38:79, 39:15, 39:24,
○ source of health, 17:82, 41:44 39:31, 39:47, 39:60, 39:67-75, 40:46, 41:40,
41:47, 41:50, 42:17, 42:18, 42:45, 45:17,
○ upon an imperishable tablet, 85:21-22 45:26, 46:5, 50:42, 54:6-8, 58:6, 58:7,
58:18, 60:3, 68:39, 75:1, 75:6, 78:18, 80:33-
• Quraysh, 106:1 42, 85:2, 88:1
R ○ followers of Jesus above non-believers, 3:55
• Rabbis
○ of humans, 13:5, 16:39, 17:51, 17:98-99,
○ some 20:55, 22:7, 22:66, 25:40, 29:20, 30:11,
34:7, 36:12, 36:79, 41:39, 43:11, 46:33,
 devour people's possessions, 9:34 53:47, 56:61, 63:7, 71:18, 75:3, 80:22,
85:13, 86:8
 taken as lords, 9:31

 turn people away from Allah,

○ moon is darkened, 75:8
9:34 ○ of soul, 2:28, 30:25, 31:28
• Ramadhan, 2:185
○ sun and moon brought together (solar
○ and sex during the night, 2:187 eclipse or solar expansion?), 75:9
• Record of personal deeds • Revelation, 42:52, 43:4, 45:16, 46:12, 47:20, 52:2-3,
56:80, 57:16, 57:25, 57:26, 66:12, 69:43, 74:31, 74:52,
○ -, 17:13, 18:49, 36:12, 54:53 80:13, 98:1, 98:4, 98:6
• Red Sea ○ every age has had its own, 13:38
○ parting of, 2:50, 20:77-78, 26:63-66
○ from behind a veil, 42:51
• Refugees, 59:8
○ mentioning war, 47:20
• Religion, 110:2
○ nature of delivery, 42:51, 53:2-11
○ divergence of opinion, 3:19, 42:14, 45:17,
51:8, 78:3, 98:4 • Ruby, 55:58

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• Sabbath, 16:124 ○ still smoke, 41:11

○ breakers, 2:65, 4:47, 4:154-155, 7:163-166 • Slaves, 4:3, 4:24, 4:25, 4:36, 16:71, 23:6, 24:31, 24:58,
30:28, 33:50, 33:52, 33:55, 70:30
• Sabians, 22:17
○ aquisition only though war, 8:67

○ righteous will be rewarded, 2:62, 5:69 ○ don't force female slaves into prostitution,
• Sacrifice, 108:2 ○ freeing
• Salih, 7:73-79, 11:61, 11:89, 26:142-158, 27:45-52  after war is over, 47:4
• Samaritan, 20:85, 20:87, 20:95  as penance for a broken oath,
• Saul, 2:247, 2:249 5:89

• Sea, 2:50, 2:164, 5:96, 6:59, 6:63, 7:138, 7:163, 10:22,  as penance for death of believer
10:90, 14:32, 16:14, 17:66, 17:67, 17:70, 18:60, 18:61, fighting against you, 4:92
18:63, 18:79, 18:109, 20:77, 22:65, 24:40, 26:63,  charity is for freeing (among
27:63, 30:41, 31:27, 31:31, 42:33, 45:12, 52:6, 55:24, other things), 9:60
○ darkness in the depths of, 24:40
 is the act of a truly pious person,
• Sex  those who ask you to who have
○ conception and pregnancy (see Pregnancy) any good in them, 24:33

○ consort with wives in a goodly manner, 4:19 • Solomon, 2:101, 4:163, 6:84, 21:78, 21:79, 21:81,
27:15-21, 34:12-14
○ don't force female slaves into prostitution,
○ and the Queen of Sheba, 27:22-41

○ during Ramadhan, 2:187 ○ discovery of the death of, 34:14-16

• Sorcery
○ is what your spouse is for, 2:187, 2:222-223
○ is evil, 2:101
○ with slaves is legal (alternate interpretation),
23:6, 33:50, 33:52, 70:30 • Spider, 29:41
• Sexes • Spouses (a time when they are evil for you), 64:14
○ created from one living entity (soul), 4:1, • Stealing
○ cutting off hands as punishment, 5:38
○ each entitled to own earnings, 4:32
 forgiveness for (before
○ equality of, 3:195, 4:32, 4:124, 6:139, 9:67, discovery), 5:39
9:68, 9:71, 9:72, 16:97, 33:35, 33:58, 33:73,
40:40, 42:49, 42:50, 47:19, 48:5, 48:6, ○ is wrong even through the judiciary, 2:188
57:13, 57:18, 60:10
• Swine, 5:60
 in divorce, 2:228
• Synagogues, 22:40
○ guides for one another, 9:71 T
○ men provide for women, 4:34 • Tabuk

• Sheba, 27:22-41, 34:15 ○ Allah's mercy towards those on expedition

to, 9:118
• Ships, 2:164, 10:22, 14:32, 16:14, 17:66, 18:71, 18:79,
22:65, 23:22, 29:65, 30:46, 31:31, 35:12, 36:41, • Ten Commandments, 2:53, 7:145
37:140, 40:80, 42:32, 43:12, 45:12, 55:24
• Thamud, 7:73, 9:70, 11:61, 11:95, 14:9, 15:80, 17:59,
• Shu'ayb, 7:85-93, 11:84-95, 26:177-189, 29:36 22:42, 25:38, 26:141, 27:45-52, 29:38, 38:13, 40:31,
41:13, 41:17, 50:12, 51:43, 53:51, 54:23-31, 69:4, 69:5,
• Sight, 41:22 85:18, 88:9, 91:11
• Silk, 22:23, 44:53, 76:12, 76:21 ○ rock dwellings, 7:74, 15:82, 26:149, 88:9
• Silver, 43:33-34, 76:15-16, 76:21 ○ she camel, 7:73, 11:64, 26:155, 54:26, 91:13
• Sin, 4:111  killing of, 7:77, 11:66, 26:157,
○ avoiding, 4:31 54:29, 91:14

○ blaming another, 4:112

 punishment for, 7:78,
11:67, 26:158, 54:31,
• Sinai, Mt., 2:63, 2:93, 19:52, 95:2

• Skin, 2:187, 41:22

• Time, 103:1

• Sky, 88:18
• Torah, 3:3, 3:93, 5:44, 5:46, 5:66, 5:68, 5:110, 7:157,
9:111, 48:29, 61:6, 62:5

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○ retribution in (also adopted by Muslims), 51:1-4, 51:41, 52:27, 54:19, 67:17, 69:6,
5:45 78:14

 forgoing it will be better, 5:45  to pollinate, 15:22

• Widows
• Treachery, 8:58
• Tree ○ provisions for one year, 2:240

○ at Hudaybiyyah, 48:18  year in husband's home, 2:240

○ of hell, 17:60, 37:62-63, 56:52 ○ wait four months and ten days before
remarriage, 2:234
• Trees, 22:18, 23:20, 27:60, 31:27, 36:80, 55:6, 56:72
 OK to plan remarriage during
• Trinity waiting period, 2:235
○ Allah is not a, 4:171, 5:73 • Wills, 2:180, 2:240

• Tubba, 44:37, 50:14 ○ amending forbidden, 2:181-182

• Twelve tribes, 7:159 ○ two witnesses when you declare it, 5:106
○ scattering of, 7:168  if those two should falter, 5:107
• Two Horned One, 18:83 • Wine, 47:15, 83:25
U • Wools, 16:80
• Uhud • Women
○ battle of, 3:121-123, 3:143, 3:152-154, ○ accept those seeking refuge from non-
3:166 believing husbands, 60:10
• Usury, 30:39 ○ gross moral depravity, 4:15
○ delay repayment (forgiving debt is better),  punishment for, 4:15
 repentence, 4:16
○ forbidden, 2:275, 3:130
○ ill willed, 4:34
○ forgive debt, 2:278
 punishment for, 4:34
○ Jews took it even though forbidden to, 4:161
○ lack of outer garments for older, 24:60
• Water, 47:15, 56:31, 56:68, 67:30, 77:27, 88:17
○ pledges of believing women, 60:12

○ two great bodies of, 25:53, 27:61, 35:12,

○ righteous guard intimacies revealed to them,
4:34, 66:3-6
55:19, 55:21
○ term (time) of pregnancy (see Pregnancy)
• Weather
○ clouds, 7:57, 7:160, 24:40, 24:43, 25:25,
30:48, 35:9, 52:44, 56:69 • Zachariah, 3:37-41, 6:85, 19:2-12

 and their patterns, 2:164

○ hail, 24:43

○ lifting, 30:48, 35:9

○ lightning, 13:12, 30:24

 striking people, 13:13

○ rain, 2:163, 2:265, 6:99, 7:57, 8:11, 10:24,

13:17, 14:32, 15:22, 16:65, 18:45, 20:53,
22:5, 22:63, 23:18, 24:43, 25:48, 27:60,
29:63, 30:24, 30:48, 31:10, 31:34, 32:27,
35:27, 39:21, 40:13, 41:39, 42:28, 42:33,
43:11, 45:5, 46:24, 50:9, 56:69, 57:20,
78:14, 80:25
 and fighting, 4:102

○ storms, 17:68, 17:69

○ thunder, 13:13

○ wind, 7:57, 14:18, 15:22, 17:68, 21:81,

25:48, 27:63, 29:40, 30:46, 30:48, 30:51,
33:9, 34:12, 35:9, 38:36, 41:16, 45:5, 46:24,

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