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Think! Communicate!


Using Technology and the Digital Communication to Inform

Professional Learning Unit

(1 PLU)
March 4, 11, 18, 2010

6:00 P.M. – 8:35 P.M.

Instructor: TaMisha

Contact Information:

Office: (555) 555-1212

Work: (555)555-5646

Office hours:

M, W, F:

8:00 A.M. - 9:15 A. M.

Course Description
The methods of communications have made a vast change. This course is designed
explore the electronic exchange of information via a variety of communication tools. Digital
communication includes using methods such as instant messaging (IM), emailing, cell phones
(texting), videoconferencing, blogs, and wikis to communicate. The course will help you to find
ways to incorporate different methods of digital communication in your daily lessons and make
you more aware of the changes that are taking place through technology. Some of these methods
may not be appropriate for your class setting. The course is intended to help with your
awareness and usage of digital communication.
Required: Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the
Classroom (Shelly Cashman Series) (Paperback)
Data Storage device (flash drive, jump drive)
(Supplemental, not required): Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for
Classrooms (Kindle Edition)

• Computer fundamental (ACED 2401)

• Computer with internet access

• Microsoft office or Open Office (free)

• Email address

Course Expectation
Participants are expected to read the required chapters and practice the given exercises to
make sure you are familiar with the procedures that are outlined in the handouts. You will have
to read so you are familiar with the terms used throughout this course. The contact information is
available for your use. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns. I am here to guide you
and make this an exciting creative experience. Your questions and concerns may also be
someone else’s questions and concerns.
There will be three scheduled class sections. These lessons are essential for your success
in this class. The lessons will be archived for you. I will keep in mind that we are all adults and
I understand that situations arise that may keep us from attending.
You will need to set up a wiki for the second course meeting. The specifics will be
outlined in the syllabus. Each participate should work alone and consider the copyright policy.
The wiki should be a way of using guided instructions in your class. When designing the wiki
please consider your audience and the information you want to them to receive. It is very
essential to your performance to practice, practice, and practice.
You may use PBworks to design your wiki. There is a free subscription that you can use
for the work needed in the class. I will post the information to help you access the free wiki. If
you know of another program you want to use for the wiki email me the details and I will get
back to you with my comments.
I have a wiki set up for this class. Participates are encouraged to visit the site and post
comments to each of the 4 topics on the site. This will be part of your final assessment score. If
you like the content posted lists the highlights of it and so for the dislikes. You will not be
penalized for your opinions.

This course has been designed to help participates learn new and exciting ways to captive
the minds of their audience. Everyone should leave this course with ideas that will help them to
share information in none traditional ways.

• Participants will demonstrate their awareness of digital communication.

• Participates will be able to use emails as a form of communication.

• Participants will create a wiki for their class.

• Participates demonstrate how to teach a lesson through video conference.

• Participants will discuss advantages and disadvantages of digital communication.

Academic Integrity
All participates are required to follow Georgia Professional Standards conduct code. No
one should copy or try to pass off someone else work for their own. The work turned in should
be original. If participates fail to abide by these rules and regulations they will not receive credit
for this course and their will not be a refund for this course.
Disability accommodations
If you need assistance due to any disabilities you need to call xxx-xxx-xxx. You are
entitled to assistance to aid you in the best way possible.

Class Wiki
The wiki that you are expected to create should focus on your class. You have to
consider the students that you are educating daily. If you teach elementary school with one
concentration area you will focus on that area and the topics that align with standards. If you
teach more than one concentration area, self-contained class, you can include all subject areas.
This would be a great place to set up weekly homework, vocabulary, examples of assignments,
or just to post links to help re-enforce what you taught during the week. You only want to create
a wiki and start links for your class. You will be able to personalize it later, if you choose. I
only want to introduce you to ways to communicate with your audience.
Example: If you teach a third grade self-contained class you may want to have links for each
class you teach. Under the spelling link you can add vocabulary for the week. You don’t have
to do the vocabulary for this course, just set up the links. Many of you teach one content area. If
you fall in this area you may only teach math. The links you can add could be daily assignments,
homework, rules, or examples for the problems. You are allowed to use your own creativity for
this project.

Course Schedule

Week 1: Reading: Chapters 1-3 Communication

March 4, 2010

• Emails
• Instant Messaging
• Cell phones
**last 45 minutes of class will focus on videoconference

Home assignment: Create wiki

Week 2 Read: Chapters 11

March 11, 2010 • adding appropriate links to your wiki
• Adding web blogs to your site
• Adding age appropriate educational links
• We will walk through this lesson together. It is of importance
that you read the chapter before you comes to class.

Week 3 Read: Chapters 4 & 5 Advantages and Disadvantages to digital

March 18, 2010 communication
• messages – emails, emails via text and vice versa
• attaching documents, making picture messages, sending text
messages from you email
• speaking the language of today’s students
• knowing the language to go with the audience
I will be using a grading rubric for performance to help with the assessing.
Successful completion of this course will grant give you one PLU credit. If you do not adhere to
the requirements of this course you will receive an assessment score of unsatisfactory and you
will not receive the credit that comes along with this course.
Please check your emails for the course evaluation forms, fill them out and send them back in.
Congratulate yourself you finished!

Grading Rubric

3 2 1
Original The word shows There is little effort There is no effort put
effort and originality put into the work and into the work, there is
there is little to none either no audio or the
originality minimum
requirements where
not meet
Organization of The content is well The organization of The organization of
content organized the data is the content does not the materials are
appropriate for the have an even flow poorly done
Design Design of images and Designs are present, There are little to
audio are adequate to but the quality is poor know designs to help
the content and age or inadequate for the with the
appropriate content/age communication of the
content images are
poor or inadequate
Use of enhancements Appropriate Some video, audio, or No video, audio, or
enhancements are enhancements are 3-D enhancements
present present are present

Total ___________/12
Shelly, G. (2000). Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrated Technology and Digital Media
in the Classroom. Course Technology.

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