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ible cJtaudaltd. . ISSUED MONTHLY BY ,THE

Christian Association for the Dissemination of the Truth of Life and Immortality through Christ alone.
Geo. A. BROWN,-Pastor of Mint Lane Baptist Church, Lincoln.
THE BIBLE STANDARD is devoted to the exposition of Biblical Truth, especially the doctrine of Conditional Immortality, the literal Resurrection of
the Dead, the Final Destruction of the Wicked, the Signs of the Times, the Second Coming of Christ, and His Personal Reign on earth.

" The Wages of Sin is Death; but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

No. 18. MARCH, 1879. Price Id.

LIFE IN CHRIST-WHAT IS IT? would not confuse his "standing" with his "state," if he
THIS is a question, if rightly answered, that will unfold to knew that in Eph. i. 6, the word "accepted" denoted that
the believer his true relationship to " the Life" whiohis at which God has made us by grace, lovely and acceptable, and
Christ's own disposal to whomsoever He will. When the that in 2 Cor. v. 9, " We labour, that we may be
expression is used by the majority of religious teachers, it is , accepted' of Him," denoting simply well-pleasing. He
understood to mean that" the life" received through Christ would see at once that we do not and need not labour to be-
is a happy state of existence, their previous conception of come accepted, but that we do labour to please Him well, be.
man's nature by creation forbidding them giving it any other cause we are accepted."
definition. It cannot mean with them life intensive, for The force of our remarks will be even more clearly seen in
that is received through the first Adam, under the supposi- our examination of the Greek words from which our English
tion that he was created immortal. Such teachers are under word " life 'J is translated.
the dire necessity of changing the whole structure of We find, on turning to our Greek Concordance, that the
language, and are chargeable with importing a meaning words from which our English word" life" is translated, are
into words which was never meant by the writers. This Zoe, Bios and psuclie, and, f~rther, we detect this fact that
we consider a solemn charge, and one which our theologians the word Zoe is always used when the future life is promised,
would do well to look into. psuche is generally used of this life, and Bios is used as to
The whole plan of Salvation is changed and made utterly the manner or kind of life the man is living.
unscriptural by this mode of interpretation, and none are able If the promise of eternal life was from the Greek word
to grasp the revealed will of God, touching the redemption of Bios, instead of the word Zoe, then our opponents would
man, who are in any way mixed up with the aforesaid mode have some show for their argument that life means
of thought. Our present article is written for the express happiness, for Bios is used to express the manner, or kind,
purpose of laying before our readers the reason why we or character, or position of the life.
cannot possibly allow the term" life" to be wrested from Archbishop Trench, in his Greek synonyms of the New
its legitimate meaning, and made to convey a sense which Testament, says that the Latin language, and the English
could not have been in the minds of either Christ or His not less, are poorer than the Greek, in having but one
Apostle's when they gave utterance to the original Greek word. The Latin" "iiita" and the English" life," where
words which are found translated into our English word the Greek has two, or more, when speaking of Zoe and
" life." Bios, he says, "There would, indeed, be no comparative
The Greek language was more prolific in words than our poverty here, if Zoe and Bios were merely duplicates." But,
English language is. The writers or speakers in that contemplating life as these do from very different points of
language were seldom under the necessity of making one word view, it is inevitable that we, with our one word for both,
stand for diametrically opposite ideas, but as a rule they must use this one in very diverse senses, and may, possibly,
had words to express every shade of thought, which is lost in' through this equivocation, conceal teal and important
a great measure to our English reader by our pocerts} of differences from ourselves 01' from others, as nothing is so
language. We will instance an example. We quote from effectual for this as the employment of equivocal words.
tlr: n-y,,- Bulliuger's Lexicon. H<3 says : " The Christian He then gOB3 ou to say tlw,t the true ct.'ttEt/lcoi6 '01' opposite

of Zve (life) is Thanatos (death).-Bol7l. viii. 38. by imperfect or colored reports, the learned pretty generally
But, while Zoe is life 'intensive, Bios is life extensive committed themselves to the view of a great antiquity. Sir
namely, the manner in which that life is spent. Thus, in Charles Lyell implied that man's age is 800,000 years.
Aristotle's Politics, it is said that the slave is Koinoiuie Zoes, Lubbock avoided figures, but expressed his views in such
he lives with the family, but not Koinonas Biou, he does not adjectives as" vast," "immense," etc. M1'. Vivian, with a
share in the career of his master. The distinction between fondness for round numbers, says man was living 1,000,000
the two words is a real one: it displays itself with singular years ago. Other antiquarians contented themselves with
clearness in our word" zoology" and "biography." We estimates of from two to three hundred thousand years.
speak, on the one hand, of" zoology," for animals have the Lyell's conjecture was founded upon the supposition that
vital principle; they live, as well as men, and they are man came shortly after the glacial age.
capable of being classed and described according to the But later discoveries have been made, and more careful
different workings of this natural life of theirs; but, on the scrutiny of previous" finds" instituted, and though archseo-
other hand, we speak of "biograpby," for men not merely logists, like other people, are unwilling to alter an opinion
live, but they lead lives. to which they, on what they supposed was sufficient evidence,
With this information before us, our readers will please had given their adhesion, yet the last four years have
take into consideration that the Greeks were particular in witnessed a great change in view on this subject. Lyell's
their choice of words to express thought, and had sufficililnt present view is unknown, but in his later editions he has
material in the arena of their vocabulary to be particular with, suddenly dropped from 800,000 to 200,000 years.
how can we then for one moment think that the writers of the A collapse from 1,000,000 years, which were insisted upon
revealed will of God to man would constantly use the word with confidence in the British Association in 1871, to 20,000
Zoe, which does not mean happiness, for the Greek word in 1873, ought to put our second-hand scientists upon their
makarios, which is the word used by them to express that guard.
needful constituency in every life? Perhaps in these vain-glorious days we ought to refrain
So far as the word Zoe is concerned as being connected from stating that the exposure of many of the mistakes upon
with the .believers' promise through Christ, in itself it does this subject is due to the common sense and industry of
not express the kind or character as to whether it will be Americans. Lyell's estimate of the Mississippi delta at New
an happy or miserable life, it only contains the SENSEOF Orleans was 100,000 years, and both Lyell and Lubbock
LIFE, living; but we are assured, in other parts of Scripture, approved of the estimate of 57,000 years for Dr. Fowler's
that the Eternal Life which is promised alone to the Red Indian, who was found buried sixteen feet deep in the
believer will be spent without pain, without sorrow, and its mud; but Mr. Fontaine found a skeleton in the same
positive position will be the enjoyment of all the glory which neighbourhood under fifty feet of earth, which had been
is so grandly and graphically delineated by prophet and buried but foul' years, and the United States' engineers,
apostle. It is shown us that God, "in the ages to come, after careful calculation find that the whole New Orleans
will shew the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness delta to the depth of forty feet is the product of four thousand
toward us, through Christ Jesus." When we speak of life four hundred and forty years.
only in Christ, we mean that none can LIVE in the ages to
To Professor Andrews of Chicago is due great credit for
come but those who are believers in Christ. The unbeliever in?reased knowledge in this matter. His masterly examin-
WILLNOT LIVE,for he will be utterly and totally destroyed, at~on. of the. probable d~te of the glacial age at Lake
there will be no place found for 'him in all the vast universe Michigan, which date he grves at from five thousand to seven
thousand years, has opened the eyes of scholars to the wild
of Goel. Amen. character of European guesses upon the age of ice, and his
exposure of the oft-repeated blunders about the cone of
Tiniere, secure-s him the gratitude of all seekers after truth.
ANTIQUITY OF MAN. This cone is at the mouth of the River 'I'iniers: which flows
into Lake Omera, Switzerland, and is formed' by the debris
annually brought down by the torrent. By a mathematical
ON the subject of the antiquity of man, it is a comfort to error, which, when explained, is obvious to everybody, Mr.
know that the minds of the learned are undergoing a rapid lVIoslet made the cone ten thousand or more years old and
gave the date of some stone implements found about half way
change. For the past thirty or forty years, archreological up the cone, as more than six thousand years. Prof.
evidence of the date of man's appearance upon earth has Andrews demonstrates that the implements are not three
been accumulating. For a while that evidence seemed all thousand years old, and that the cone began to form some
forty-five hundred years ago.
to point one way, namely, ill favour of a high antiquity.
The ultimate conclusions of science will, of course, be true
This was partly due, perhaps, to the natural desire of j]Hl
but it S8eUlS(0 be a l.r.v of i~.;Pl'0iSl'clSS ulwuJ's to ach-anc~
discoverer to make his "find" the most important. Deceived tlll~)ngh 8lTOr.-"TI/C Appeal."-(U.S.)

A SEVEN-LINKED CHAIN; OR, THE OLD CREATION the beginning, of the written history of Old Testament
TO THE NEW. times.
How sublimely grand, yet tersely .simple, the divine utter- FIFTH LINK-The Gospel Age. Christ's ministry. His
ance of the stupendous fact of the original creation, "In the passion and death. His resurrection and ascension. His
beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." witness, by His chosen, called, and justified servants, sent
An uninspired pen could never have written so multum in forth to declare His message and will, to witness unto all
paTvo a sentence; it stands alone, unique. It reveals a nations, and to administer His two ordinances, until He
tact, yet builds a barrier to baffle man's enquiry; and is still should come to gather in the first- fruits of the harvest of
the limit of his knowledge, the goal of his utmost. efforts, sanctified humanity.
back of which he has not been able to pass. Backward of Thus are we brought through the past up to the present,
that unique revelation, there is impenetrable darkness- to this year of grace, 1879. Thus far we have spoken of
backward eternity; forward, there are floods of light point- history, according to the common meaning of that word,
ing to, forward eternity. The sacred pages contain the now we have to speak of prophecy, which is, how-
whole history of our land and race; and its and our ever, simply history unfulfilled. We share with many-
relation to God; and His will and purpose concerning it, as we write-the firm conviction that the sands of this
and us; the past, present, and future of man and earth' fifth link have near run out of their age-glass, and
" ' that we stand upon the very threshhold of the sixth link of
from, " Let us make man, &c.," to, " And there shall be no
night there." the chain of mortal life, of man's mixed history. Thus:-
Treating this history of the land, and the race, as a chain The Gospel has been witnessed to all nations. Many run to
connecting earth's first with its second creation, we proceed and fro, and knowledge is increased-witness, our ocean
to sketch its separate links and final result. steamers; world-wide rail ways; penny press; popular educa-
FIRST LINK=-Eden, or the First Golden Age. Its features tion; the many uses of electricity; the foretold phenomena
of nature-storms, tides, &c., foretold with wonderful M-
plenty, peace, love, joy, innocence, and communion with a
cnracy : the microphone, telephone, and phonograph-a
present God-the absence of all which could mar life's
perfectness, until the devil crept in with his temptation, and single year's trio of discoveries. Then, we have wars, and
his foul lie of natural immortality, " Ye shall not surely die," rumours of wars-Europe an armed camp, its solid earth
and the pl'esence of all which could secure that perfectness. shaking with the tread of seven millions of trained soldiers;
Truly, a Golden Age. But, alas! how short I So has it storm; plague; famine; with distress of nations, men's
been with all good things, in earth's history, hitherto. The hearts failing them for fear. To this we have to add :-The
next link forged was longer, but, by contrast, how dark and churches, lifeless with formalism, and rotten with the spirit
terrible! of the world; apostacy from truth, fearfully common;
SECONDLINK-The Antediluvian, or Corrupt Age-a time thus, the shameful spectacle of nineteen-twentieths of our
of darkness and of wandering from God-when men had not pulpits "teaching, for doctrines, the commandments of
His fear before their eyes, or His love in their hearts. When men," and nineteen-twentieths of Christ's professed disciples
self-will and lust were twin-lords reigning over the human " giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons."
heart, and each man did what was right in his own eyes, the Truly, then, we are warranted in linking our expectation
devil's part had been well done, his. seed well sown; the with that of those who are looking for the speedy close of
fruit was promptly born, and darkly bitter. So rolled time's this gospel-age, and the gathering out by Christ of His
waves in sullen violence, a very dead sea, until the fiat went watchful virgins. Then follows the-
forth to separate the tares from the wheat. How terribly SIXTHLINK.-The Antichrist, or Satanic Age. Then,
vile man's condition, when God owned but eight persons in Satan will be cast down from his aerial kingdom, where he
His ark" of refuge. But few were saved, the many were lost. now in some sort reigns, as the " Prince of the Powers of the
THIRD LINK-The Abrahamic, or Patriarchal Age. By Air,"-Dan. xii., 2 These, ii., Rev. xii.-when it shall be,
the descendants of the ark-eight, the earth was rapidly re- "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea, for the
peopled. The family and nation of Israel chosen, in the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because
person of Abraham. The covenant of favour and blessing he knoweth that he hath but a short time." The Scriptures,
made with him and his seed. which declare this time, paint it in saddest colours; and the
FOURTHLINK-The Mosaic Age. A nation delivered. A pen which would now depict it must be dipped in ink of
leader provided. A priesthood established. A Tabernacle, blood, and write on paper of black. ,Satan, lord of earth
and then a Temple furnished and founded. The moral and for a season; his cruel hand felt throughout its borders.
ceremonial commandments declared. The written word Men will give themselves up to work all uncleanness, with
provided, in place of oral traditions. The close, as well as greediness. Earth will become a Sodom, with a' Sodom

judgment hanging o'er it. The candle, salt, leaven, of burning world is witnessed, which destroys in its fierce heat
Christ's faithful ones, having been removed by their trans- and lava all the wioked.-Rev. xx. 13-15. Thus sin, and its
lation, what shall stay the tide of sin, lighten the gross agents, are effeotually destroyed; from its serpent-head,
darkness, or season the prevailing corruption? Then Satan, to its meanest subject.
comes the end of this darkly offensive age-Christ's Second The scene now changes; the painful, fierce, and lurid is
and Public Advent, when every eye shall see Him, and now past, not future, history. The full triumph and satis-
know Him' by His glory and His wounds. Then, at Arma- faction of the Lamb is now come. Like the fabled Phcsnix,
geddon, He shall lead God's embattled host, until the the earth now rises in glorious resurrection from its ashea-«
sword shall weary of devouring the wicked slain.-Rev. xix. 2 Petel'iii. Fair, bright, and beautiful, fit lesser bride for
Happily, this page of bloody horrors will be written in 3t Christ; fit home for Christ's true and greater bride-the
years, but, though brief, unequalled-" the great tribulation." Church. Not only purely beautiful, but eternal and perfect.
-Jlfatt. xxiv., Luke xxi. Short in length, but great in the Peopled with the resurrection race of holy incorruptibles,
depth and intensity of its dread wickedness, and of its the flower of humanity, its true chivalry, garnered by
terrible judgment. Then comes a second Golden Age, and Divine grace. Reigned over by the Christ, the "Bright
happily a longer one than that of Eden, with a happier and Morning Star," " the Wonderful Counsellor, the Mighty
result. God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace," and" of
SEVENTHLINK.-The Millennial, or Second Golden Age. the increase of His government and peace there shall be no
Then Christ" shall have the heathen for His inheritance." end." The seat of Christ's empire, where His throne" shall
Then, "at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow." Then be established for ever," is the" New Jerusalem."-Rev. xxi,
Israel and Judah shall be re-united in their own land, upon A glorious city, lying in height, breadth, and length, 1,500
the mountains of Israel, to be never divided more. Then, the miles. Flashing with the brilliancy of multiplied, precious
heralds of the reigning Christ shall go forth with saving stones, and rich with the precious metals. Around it on
grace, and all nations, and peoples, and tongues shall. every hand, to the utmost bounds of the" new earth," lies
believe in the once crucified, now glorified, and then reign- Paradise restored. Here, revelation ceases, and we dare
ing, present, and visible Christ. Then, the "sword shall not speculate. Human knowledge loses the guidance of the
be beaten into a ploughshare, and the spear into a pruning- written Word, and stops. "Eye hath not seen, nor ear
hook; "whilst "nations shall learn war no more." Then heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the
shall the leopard" lie down with the kid, and the calf and things which God hath prepared for them that love Him."
the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child To this point we have followed the given Spirit, Who hath
shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; revealed no more; and' here we stay, with eternity yet
their young ones shall lie down together: and the Iion shall before us.
eat straw like the ox." Then," They shall not hurt nor REMA.RKABLE ANALOGIEs.-These are three in number-
destroy in all My holy mountain: for the earth shall be full supposing our division of time into the sacred number of
of the knowledge of the Lord." Then will be realised the seven epochs, or ages, to be correct; and thus corresponding
angel-song, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth to the seven periods of time in God's creative work, the last
peace, goodwill towards men." Then, the universal prayer in this, as in that, being a Sabbath. First-The first and
(at least in its initial stages), " Thy kingdom come, Thy will last link of the seven correspond in this, that each is a
be done on earth, as it is in heaven." Then the world's golden age, an Eden. Alike, in nature, though unlike in
dream of a golden age-a good time coming-when God's duration. Second-The second and sixth links are alike
Fatherhood, and man's brotherhood, will be something more also, in that both are corrupt periods, times of Satanic
than, as now, an idea. power, and both close with terrible judgments-the former
Thus have we sketched the links of our chain of history, agent of retribution being water, the latter, fire. Morally
from Gen. i. to Rev. xx., from creation, to the last days of alike, but, in duration, again different, though reversed.
earth and its mortal race. Now, briefly, let us follow Third-The third and fifth links are alike in this; the
whither God's Word leads-from the Millennium, to the gathering out of a people, to serve God, and glorify His
Regeneration, or re-creation. name. In the one case, of the Jews, in the other, of the
REGENERATION,01' the E tern al Age. Guided by the Gentiles.
prophetic page, we are now the spectators of sublimely And now, courteous reader; thanking you for your patient
great- and, for Satan and his wicked dupes-terrible events. company; ere we part, let me ask, "Is it well with Thee ?"
The Judgment-seat is set up: the dead are resurrected, We speak not of bodily health, of mental vigour, of worldly
tried, rewarded, or punished, according to their works; the favour, and posession; nor even of professed Christian love
latter with many 01' few stripes. Now, the Gehenna of a and discipleship. We speak of the acceptance and practice of

the whole of" The truth as it is in Jesus." Of that ancient(l'ate of Chelsea gathering, now of Ealing,) gave some
faith which was "once delivered to the saints." Of that,account of the spirit prevailing in other gatherings and
which is rejected by professing Christians generally. We denominations, and of the privileges of mutual edification
speak of Life as coming solely from, and through Christ; and encouragement. After him Brother Haughton, a
and death, as the wages and result of sin, using these words, physician, from Upper Norwood, entered into some account
not, as the hocus-pocus of an absurd and irrational party of the early principles of 'the founders of what is now called
theology; but as words possessing the simple lexical meaning the Denomination of "Brethren," stating that they never
of-being, or-not being. We speak also of the real, and, had the intention of founding a sect, as was also the case
near Second Advent of Him, who is our Lord and Life: to with John Wesley, when he commenced his ministry, a
punish His foes and to reward His friends. Do you believe principle from which he never departed. The glory of the
these things; if not, look them boldly in the face; enquire testimony was all taken away when a sectarian position was
into these things; be not careless, but careful. Grasp -them ;assumed, as to boldness in speech. There was no other
hold them fast; suffer for them, if need be. We urge you to course open to a conscientious man; for the very Gospel
this, by the importance thereof; be not a coward, but a itself could not be fully preached without a comprehension
Christian hero. On your faithfulness, here, may depend of the meaning of eternal life, or immortality, in Him only
your light, life, and immortality of being, hereafter. Who is the Way, the Ti;-uth, and the Light. He was the
We pray that all men, everywhere, may be led into the Magnet who would draw all men unto Him whom the
patient waiting for the Son of God; and joy with us in the Father should give unto Him, and all other principles of
"blessed hope."-C. E. B., Cheltenham. Unity were delusions and spiritual snares. Some Brethren
from the Meeting at Red Lion Square, London, also spoke
to the general edification and comfort, and expressed their
gratification at having been specially invited to fellowship.
The Meeting was so informal that the benediction was
Held at GAUDENROADGOSPELHALL,CLAPHAM, on WEDNESDAY pronounced by a comparative stranger; owing to which no
EVENING,22nd JANUARY, 1879. formal resolution was passed thanking those friends who
After a blessing had been asked, the proceedings com- had come from a distance for their kindly interest and
me~ced by partaking of the refreshments provided. It was sympathy; but it is hoped that they will accept this present
a bltterly cold night, and some had come from a considerable notice as an acknowledgement of the grace that is in them,
distance to testify their feeli~gs of sympathy, and to and of the encouragement which their presence has brought
experience the blessings of the Communion of Saints with it.
Brother Hammond, of St. John's Room Meeting, Lisso~ LONDON.-12, Red Lion Square.-Recently over 30 friends
Grove, gave an interesting account of the circumstances met here to take Tea and spend the evening together. After
that had, two years previously, led to the separation Tea was over, short addresses were given by Brothers W.
amongst those worshipping at Clapham, and the spirit of Kellaway, W. Davies, and H. Murray, interspersed with
which they all regretted. He was glad to 'see, however, that singing and prayer. At the close of a very happy evening,
those who remained were true to their colours, and that an invitation was received from the friends at Stratford, to
there was plenty of life left in the meeting, notwithstanding attend their Tea Meeting, which was cordially responded to.
the secessions. He further gave an instructive resume of
the principles of Church fellowship, the love, aims, and
feelings of the children of God. Brother Osborn, on behalf Washington, D.C.,
of the Clapham Meeting, bore witness that the principles to November 28th, 187$.
which they still adhered, were those with which they originally My Dear Bro. G. A. Brown.
started 12 years ago; and that they had no varied one jot I feel sure you will be very much pleased to learn that
as to the conditions of communion, though he hoped many such a "Convention" as the following reports from the
of them had advanced in the knowledge of God, and the "New York Herald," of October 31st, 1878, has really
doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ, Some edifying remarks taken place in this country. You will be pleased to observe
were made by Brother Smith, of Clapham, who also engaged that it was a Convention of those loving and longing for
in prayer. and he was followed by Brother Freeman, of Christ's second coming, from all sects and all parts of this
London, who made an eloquent appeal on behalf of an country:-
evangelistic spirit in connexion with th e newly-realized "THE PROPHETICCONFERENCE.-Afull attendance of minis-
ters and a large audience at its opening-Christ to come visibly
conceptions of eternal life in Christ Jesus only, and of bold-
and corporeally.-About one hundred ministers of the Gospel,
ness in delaring the whole truth. Brothel' J ohnson of all denominations, occupied seats upon a temporary

platform in the Church of the Holy Trinity (Rev. Dr. S. H. to curse and prejudice every denomination of professed
Tyng, jun., rector), corner of Madison-avenue and Forty- Christians, Protestant as Roman Catholic. So it is written
second-street, at ten o'clock yesterday morning. The body
of the handsome edifice was well filled with ladies and the Roman Harlot's wine hath made all nations-Churches
gentlemen interested in the 'Prophetic Conference' of be- -DRUNK. This immortal soul blasphemy is the very pillar
lievers in a second personal visible coming of Christ. Many and ground of the Papacy. I see by papers sent me, that
of the delegates had travelled far, as was attested by the
names of' Peoria, 111.,' 'Topeka, Kan.,' Kalamazoo, Mich.,' you have also had a like Convention in my own deal' native
and other equally distant places on their cards. Neatly City, held also in my native Church. I would have had
printed pamphlets containing the order of exercises for the very great delight to have been one among you and to have
three days' session, and copies of the hymns to be sung,
were distributed among the audience. After prayers had had the unspeakable pleasure of once again lifting up my
been offered and hymns sung, Dr. Tyng made an opening voice as a trumpet in dear old Mint Lane on so grand and
address." precious a topic. I rejoice, however, that though I was not
I wish I could have been there also, for I can say truly there, there were those present to speak on the subjects of
that with my soul I do desire and most devoutly love and the Convention, who were much better qualified to do them
long for the grand and most transporting " day of the justice than myself.
Lord's coming." A Christianity that is without an intel- May the Dear Saviour yet more abundantly bless both you
ligent Scripture belief in, and an anxious yearning for, the and your labours, those also of all your brethren who are
second coming of Jesus, is a sort of Christianity that I do our fellow-labourers in the precious cause, and for the glory
not understand. In early days, a loving longing for Christ's of our one Common Saviour.
second coming was looked upon as an essential make-up of I am deal' Brother, as ever, in hope and faith one with
Christian character; but in our day, and in but too many thee; Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.
localities in both hemispheres, an ardent, earnest love for, JOHN BRAY.
and outspoken anticipation of it, is simply to expose to
insult and persecution. We know whereof we affirm and

testify only what we have seen; but wherefore is it thus? SARCASTIC, BUT TOO TRUE.
We presume it is not so much the people's fault as it is the THE Church of Christ, as our Saviour organized it, was not
fault of the 'public teachers, "Like priest, like people." a respectable Church (in the modern sense). It was made
In the days of a pure Gospel, the strength and glory of the up of sinners, tent-makers, and fishermen, who were' not
Church was" THAT BLESSEDHOPE, &c." But as Antichrist shocked when Christ took the thief from the cross into His
got birth and gained strength, there came a most sad and favour and fellowship.
deplorable change; paganism got Christianised, Satan's If any modern, convicted, but repentant sinner can find
first and worst lie was ruled in the high ecclesiastical such a Church now, we would advise him to take sanctuary
councils to be orthodox Christianity; then to create immense there. But should Satan seize us, as the penalty of our
fevenues out of it by purgatorial furnaces and the saying of ignorance, we could not tell such where to find it.
masses for dead men's souls therein; there must be, to give True, be can run to the nearest house of God, and, cling-
consistency to the scheme, a NEVER-ENDING EXISTENCE to the ing to the altar, or table, or pulpit, or any other sanctified
said souls, and hence all men must have souls eternall!J projection, cry out, "Have mercy on me, a sinner." And
surviving the death of their bodies in order to be prayed out he will be received as a member, and be prayed over and
of purgatory and elevated to "a mansion beyond time and sung to, and admonished without ceasing. But they will
space!" As we said, all this to fill the coffers of a CRIMSON- not associate with or tolerate him for a minute, other than
DYED BLASPHEMOUS ANTICHRIST. Thus, also, as a conse- as the ex-convict.
quence, all need for Christ's return to raise the dead and And why? Because it would not be respectable.
change the living was dispensed with, and soon lost sight of, Is there a church, 01' chapel, 01' meeting-house, in all
in the churches. Satan never did the cause of Christ so Washington, in which Christ, with His twelve soiled and
much harm at one stroke as when he thus silenced the foot-sore disciples, would be received as associates?
popular pulpit on the subject of Christ's second coming. We have asked that before, and speculated to ourselves as
N or did the evil end there; for why is the second coming of to the effect of such an entrance on any respectable congre-
Jesus no longer desired or needed? The only answer to gation. What an elevation of noses and a gathering in of
this question is: Because every person that lives in this skirts there would be, and wouldn't that solemn sexton fly
world has an IMMORTAL SOUL,which leaves the body at death, round and notify our Saviour and his ragged twelve that
and is instantly ushered into HEAVENor HELL, in which they must get out?
case, what need remained for Resurrection, hence the second No, indeed-not much Christian charity in that direction.
coming of Jesus? This immortal soul heresy underlies The Church of to-day, like the Jews of old, wants its Saviour
nearly all the popular heresies that continue un til this day' to be respectable, and come in the glory of purple and

fine linen, with a proper assortment of choice upholstery. Sunday Capital, Washington, It has evidently been written
We are nothing unless respectable. by one who has been driven from religi?n by the incon-
Unless the kingdom of Christ has a diplomatic gallery for sistencies of religious professors. It is probably a true
the higher circles of rich or respectable families it won't be picture of life in the Capital of the States-the greater the
heaven to a goodly lot of us in Washington. We shall say pity-but it would not be equally true of our own land, at
to St. Peter: large, though it is true of many a so-called Church, where
" Don't care to go in there. It seems to be a low sort of fashion has ousted true religion. As it may be useful, we
place. We prefer that other, where there is better society; insert it, having toned down some expressions calculated to
so close your toll-gate." grate on English ears.]
We talk a good deal about harps, white robes, and the
purer life of eternity, but we take precious good care to have
WHEN reading th : following account of a suicide committed
as little of that sublimated music of the future here as
by a dog, the inquiry arose in our minds, did he reason?
possible. On the contrary, we cast our earthly possessions
Is not thought as wonderful in a dog as in a man? If it be
as near the boundary of that other world as we can get them.
assumed that a man has an immortal soul because he thinks,
There is caste in the cemetery itself, and the aristocratic
then has not the dog one too, for the same reason? If
corruption seems to cry out against the impudent interment
matter can be organized in a dog so as to think, love, hate,
'of plebeian corruption.
and remember, why may it not perform the same functions
Understand us. The Church does not object to fellowship
in a man? If matter can be so arranged as to feel pain, it
with the sinner, provided the sinner be respectable. He
may be made to see, hear, taste, smell, and think. There is
must be a wealthy or well-born sinner, and pay his dues and
no room to doubt but the brain, in ·all animals, including
promptly meet his money obligations. In such case the sin
man, is the organ that does the thinking, and is the great
will not only be condoned, but forgotten.
centre of all sensation. Hence thought can exist in connec-
Bless your innocent soul, the Church of to-day-speaking
tion with man no longer than the brain exists. When that
generally-is made up of that sort, and at the great day,
is dead, man stops thinking. Says David, when speaking
when God judges the living and the dead, after sentence
of man, " His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth
two-thirds or three-fourths of the Church will drive down in that very day his thoughts perish." Ps. cxlvi. 4.
the smooth, broad way to Gehenna in their carriages. We now present the account of the suicide committed by
Then look at the woman of the Church. She is infinitely the dog, as gi ven iu the Pall. Mul! Gazette:
better than the man of' the Church; for while he has no " I was walking on the banks of the Loire when I per-
goodness whatever, she has every virtue under the sun but ceived a dog, something of a setter, trottinl? up and down by
humility and charity. She would die and be destroyed the water's edze. He went aud came with uneven steps,
sometimes hastenincr his movements, sometimes stopping
ere she'd appear before the congregation in a shabby bonnet
short as if he was °pondering some weighty matter. His
or an old dress. As for charity, let the chastity of one of proceedings roused my curiosity, and, concealin.g myself
the sisters be suspected, and see the woman of the Church behind some young trees, I determined to watch l11m: The
" go for her." dog, who was old, thin, and to a certain extent, deprived of
the use of his hind legs, went on in the same manner for
When a wolf gets wounded all the other wolves tear it to more than a quarter of an hour; then approaching the edge
pieces. That is the charity of the Church woman. of the river bank at a steep place, he sat down and looked
"Were you ever a prostitute?" asked ft poor girl of a sadly at the water. Presently, having finally resolved on
his course, he raised himself on his poor paralysed paws,
preacher who was urging her to reform her ways. made a spring, and threw himself into the Loire. I ran to
"No, of course not," was the answer" the place whence he fell, and saw him carried off by the
" Then you don't know what you are talking about. I stream, without making the slightest resistance. As he
came near the bank I called him gently, and held out my
can't reform, for I'm not permitted to reform. The women cane that he might take hold of it. He made no sign. I
won't let me. There are two houses open to me-one tied my handkerchief to the end of my cane and threw it to
where I live, and the other a prison where I can die. And him; he turned his head away sadly a~d drifted off. I lost
when I do die, I'll hunt up Mary Magdalene and the woman sight of him at the end of a few minutes, He must, no
doubt, have sunk.
taken in adultery, and we three will ask our Saviour to put "Feeling persuaded that this unfortunate dog had actually
us in a part of the kingdom where there are no good women chosen death by a deliberate act of his will, I mentioned the
to claw us." circumstances to several persons, and enquiries were made
which elicited the fact that the poor animal had belonged to
True, we have our Magdalene ana penitentiary associa- a gardener, who, seeing him infirm and useless, had
tions, but it is understood that the penitents must not only pitilessly driven him from his home. He had wandered for
be self-supporting, but convicts, till released by death. a whole month in the fields and about the farms, receiving
more blows than crusts, till he preferred a violent death to
[Our correspondent has clipped this article from the) his miserable existence.'

WHAT ARE WE COMING TO? of the advent becomes a species of intoxication tha.t absorbs
the soul with its dreary perspective. To those who have
WE have before us an article written by the pen of a would- passed the prime of life it is equally pernicious. What is
be theologian, who deprecates the grand and glorious truth most required in age is an incentive to prolonged hopefulness
of Christ's Second Coming to reign on His own throne, and and labour. The mind, too, soon relapses into meditative
I inaction, and the experience and stability which should
thus fulfil prophetic utterances which have echoed down the guide and sustain the Church in its aggressive work is with-
ages and gladdened the hearts 'of many a child of God. drawn, and frequently assumes a doubtful attitude toward
The writer of the article endeavours to show that the the agencies of progress. Whatever, therefore, of selfish
comfort may be derived from a belief in the immediate
doctrine is pernicious in its effects upon, and coming of Christ, it cannot be recommended as a motive to
would, if adopted, produce the most baneful effects upon patient endurance in personal effort or growth in grace. If
Christian enterprise. We give the first and last part, in such are the legitimate fruits of the doctrine, it is our duty,
as ministers, to repel it and save our membership, and the
which you will discover the man utterly contradicts himself,
Church from its disastrous results."
for admitting, as he does, the wide-spread influence which From such a statement we turn with intense pleasure to
the subject is now exercising over the minds and hearts of the flowing and brilliant thoughts of inspiration, and from
many of God's people, he tells us that it is " calculated to them we gather, both from Prophet and Apostle, the fact
displace all other meditation, and paralyze all other motives that this subject stands as the highest conception of the
in the personal experience of Christian men." The article Christian's hope, it is made by them the haven of rest, the
is headed:- refuge, the day of emancipation, the day of Glory, of deliver-
" MILLENARIA::NISM." ance, it is opened out to us as the grand crowning event of
" ONEof the marked religious tendencies of the times is the God's plan of the ages. It is pointed to with marked delight
increasing interest which centres in the second coming of
Christ. Not only are the sects which hold this as their chief as being the only means by which man can attain the highest
dogma on the increase, but many prominent and leading and noblest blessing which heaven proposes to enrich
men, in the different Christian communions, are also humanity with. In the Sacred Pages it is used as a motive
earnestly propagating Adventism. The most significant
fact is, that the men who have become conspicuous as for Christian zeal, for Christian devotedness, watchfulness,
evangelists, those who lead iu revival efforts, and men of and separation from the world. It is the Master's desire
the greatest reputed spirituality, are foremost in this agita- that we should watch for His coming as those who watch
tion. We refer to such men as Moody and Tyng, and the
for the morning. In a word, it is the thrilling theme of
large class who, both in their faith and practice, accept them
as leaders. The literature of the subject is increasing, and prophetic utterance, the heart's longing of every Apostle,
the sale of its works among the masses is greatly on the and the Churches' only hope of redemption.
advance. It is therefore apparent that Adventism is re-
viving, and that its propagation is directed by the most
powerful and extended agencies."
Our readers will observe the confession for which we
feel heartily thankful, that the "marked religious tendency Go straight on and don't mind them. If they get in your
of the times is the increasing interest which centres in the way, walk around them, regardless of their spite. A man
second coming of Christ." This we regard with intense who has no enemies is seldom good for anything; he is
satisfaction, for we are persuaded that this interest in such made of that kind of material that is so easily worked that
an important subject indicates the fulfilment of many everyone has a hand in it. A sterling character is one who
passages from the Divine Word, which bear testimony to thinks for himself, and speaks what he thinks, the Christian
the fact that such would be the case on the part of the always endeavouring to think in harmony with the revealed
faithful watchmen prior to Christ's return. will and word of God, such a man is always sure to make
The writer especially shows surprise at some of the enemies. They are as necessary to him as fresh air; they
principal evangelists being employed with this great theme, keep him alive and active. A celebrated character who was
but he need not be, for we think that the flying messengers surrounded by enemies, used to remark, " They are sparks,
are now doing their work as recorded in the Book of Revela- which, if you do not blow, will go out of themselves." "Live
tion, crying with a loud voice, " Fear God, and give glory to down prejudice," was the Iron Duke's motto. Let this be
Him, for the hour of His judgment is come." your feeling while endeavouring to live down the scandal of
After telling us that men of the greatest reputed spiritu- those who are bitter against you, If you stop to dispute,
ality are foremost in this agitation, he miserably contradicts you do but as they desire, and open the way for more abuse.
himself in the following remarks :- Let the poor fellow talk; there will be a reaction if you
perform but your duty, and hundreds who were once
" The prevalence of this theory is calculated to displace
.all other meditations and paralyze all other motives in the alienated from you will flock to you and acknowledge their
personal experience of Christian men. The contemplation error.

LIGHT SHINING. statement, the Rev. Dr. Macrae, of Greenock, moved the
FROMvarious parts of the kingdom we are constantly hearing insertion of the following article :-
of men who are coming out from the bondage of theological " That in regard to the ultimate penalty of sin the Church
fetters into the glorious light of God's revealed truth of Con- does not commit itself to the Westminster interpretation of
ditional Immortality, thereby enabling them to throw off Scripture, and requires assent to nothing in these Standards
that awful nightmare, "the Eternal Torment ofthe Wicked," that belies, or is supposed to belie, the character of a good,
which has clouded the minds of so many of God's dear and just, and merciful God."
children for so many ages, and which has been a barrier in Mr. Macrae, in supporting his proposal, asked :-
their way of looking up to our Father in the full light of His
" What is the dogma to which we are practically asked to
eternal character of love.
pledge the Church again? It is set forth in the Brd and
Many of our correspondents are rejoicing in their new-
33rd chapters of the Confession, and under the 89th question
found light. Some, however, have to pay the penalty
of the Larger Catechism. It is to the effect that in regard
laid down by many of our Theological- Institutions,-namely,
to the destiny of the human race all but the elect are to be
branded as heretics, and expelled from the fellowship of
cast into hell, into eternal fire, there to be kept alive in un-
their God-fearing creed protectors. The other day, while
speakable torments both of soul and body for ever and ever
lecturing in Yorkshire, a young man, of no mean intellectual
-that is, as long as God Himself shall exist. Does the
power, came up to me, and stated that he had come some
Church believe this? By holding forth the Westminster
fifteen miles to hear a lecture on this all-important subject
Standards as an exhibition of her faith, she professes to be-
of man's nature and destiny. He stated that he had given
lieve it. Does she believe it? If she does, why does she
himself to the ministry, and had entered one of the Institu-
not preach it? Why does she evade it? Why is she
tions of learning, but had been expelled and branded as an
terrified to let the subject come up? Why is a neighbour-
heretic just because he could not believe that his Heavenly
ing Presbytery afraid to use even the word 'damned'?
Father was going to eternally torment part of His creatures.
Because of the meaning which a lurid brimstone theology
We bid the young man God-speed, and may he learn the
has put into it. If the Church believes that dogma, she is
true character of his God in His revealed Word.
guilty of flagrant violation of duty in holding it back-in
We hear again from an esteemed friend thatfour Wesleyan suppressing so vast and so vital a part of the truth which
Methodist local preachers, residing at Torquay, have lost she exists to make known. If, on the contrary, she does
their position in that body for the self-same reason. not believe it, why does she profess to believe it ?
Church officials are at their wits' end, as they behold the This motion deals with the dogma set forth in the Standards
spread of what they call pernicious doctrine in their midst. of the Church-the dogma of torment, torment by fire,
They find the seed lodged in hearts and minds of which they torment of both body and soul, torment unspeakable and
hitherto had no suspicion of being any other than strictly lasting for ever. That and no mere doctrine of future
orthodox; but such is the increase of God's truth in the punishment is what the Church is now recommitting herself
very centres of our large religious bodies, that we now and to-is by her very silence in this revision work saying she
then hear one raising the question at head-quarters as to believes, and requiring her office-bearers to say they believe.
whether they had not better leave the destiny of the wicked Does she believe it ? Can they believe it? Does anyone
an open question; but, alas! "Popes" are not 'all dead, who has thought of what is meant by a man or woman being
and they, as of old, hush the voice that would dare utter a thrust alive into a fire-who has seen a fellow-creature
thought contrary to the established creed of "THE CHURCH," writhing and shrieking under the excruciating pain of even
and quench the spirit of free enquiry which would, if allowed, a scald or a burn-can anyone who has read of the horrible
overturn many an hoary institute oftheological creedism. agony of men burning at the stake, or the sufferings of those
An example we have at hand, a circumstance which has who were tortured in the Inquisition with red-hot irons till
very recently taken place in the very heart of Scotch their eyes were starting out of their heads with agony-does
Presbyterianism,-truly the light must be getting more anyone who has ever thought, or seen, or read of such a
powerful. Truth must be rising to its meridian splendour thing, believe that God is going to keep countless millions of
when we take the following, which goes to show that even His creatures alive in such torments for ever-that after
bigoted Scotland is beginning to feel the warmth of Divine enduring unspeakable torment of soul and body for twenty
truth. millions of years, they are no nearer the end of it than at first."
A sharp protest against the fiendish doctrine of The motion was lost, but we feel thankful that the subject
eternal torment was made in the Paisley and Greenock is being taken up by such a powerful and far-seeing man in
Presbytery on the 21st inst. In considering the declaratory the very midst of dogmatic strength •


lecture in the Mechanics' Institute, Bradford, on February
26th and 27th, when 1\1:1'. H. J. Ward (President of the
LIVERPooL.-On Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 22nd and Association) will preside. Also, (by the Editor,) three
23rd, the Rev. G. A. Brown, of Lincoln, delivered two lectures at Gravesend, Kent, in the middle of March. At
lectures at the Concert Hall, Lord Nelson-street, subject, on Cheltenham, two lectures are arranged for, on March 24th
the 22nd, "TVhat is Man; 01', Is the Soul Mortal 01' Im- and 25th, by Mr. Thomas Vasey, of Bridgnorth. And at
mortal? " on the 23rd, "The Destiny of the Ungodly; or, Birmingham, one lecture, by Mr. Wright, on Feb. 24th;
Is Eternal Torment of the Wicked taught in Scripture?" the president will preside.
The chair was taken by Captain H. J. Ward, President of LINCoLN,-Annivel'sary oj Mint-lane Baptist Chapel.-
the Association. On the first evening there was a fail' and Sermons were preached on Sunday, Feb. 16th, in the morn-
very attentive audience; on the second, a considerably larger ing by 1\11'. Cyrus E. Brooks, of Cheltenham; and in the
number: in all" 800 persons must have attended the lectures. evening by Mr. Geo. A. Brown, the Pastor. An unfavour-
The only disturbance was caused by a character well known able day, but good congregations. On Monday following, a
to the police, who had, after much forbearance on the part public tea and meeting was held at the Corn Exchange.
of the Chairman and Lecturer, to be removed, This being About 500 took tea, and a much larger number attended the
done, silence reigned, and every word of the Lecturer told. after meeting. Mr. W. Bausor (one of the Deacons) pre-
One gentleman said it cost him 20s. each night for railway sided. The Rev. E. Metcalf (Congregationalist) offered
expenses to hear the lectures; and another gentleman prayer. Addresses were given by Dr. Wm. Leask, of
offered to give £5 towards another course of lectures. Votes London, Editor of 'the Rainbow, and by Messrs. C. E.
of thanks were given to the Chairman and Lecturer, being . Brooks and G. A. Brown. The meeting was attended by
carried most enthusiastically.-Mr. Brown is a speaker of many members of other Churches, and the speakers were
great power, and has done much to stir up enquiry. Our well received. The themes were "Life in Christ, and His
weekly meetings prove this. Several openly confess that Second Coming." This Church is one of the largest Baptist
they have received light and blessing from his lectures, and Churches in the county of Lincoln, having a membership of
there is a strong desire expressed to have him soon amongst above 200. The income, during the present pastorate (ex-
us again.-W. H. Miller, Lioerpool Secretary. tending over two years), has been over £1,000 for all
SKIPTON,YORKSHIRE.-Our Editor paid a second visit here purposes. It is evident 'that our brother, G. A. Brown, has
on Tuesday, the 11th February, and three following nights, a deep hold upon the affections of his flock, and has suc-
when he lectured at the Temperance Hall. The local ceeded in giving them intelligent convictions on the subject
arrangements were carried out by a committee of local of man's true :nature and destiny. We commend the study
residents, who had become anxious for further light on of the active and earnest spiritual life of this congregation
matters so momentous. The Chairman of each lecture was to those who say that the acceptance of " Conditional Im-
Mr. Geo. Walton .. First lecture, "The Gospel Hope; 01', mortality," and "The Second Advent," is destructive of
What is the promise to the Overcomer P " There. was a spiritual life and Christian usefulness. We have seen the
pretty fair attendance. At the close several questions were grace of God amongst them, and have been made glad
asked, chiefly by Mr. Jones, of Embsay (Swedenborgian). thereby.
Second lecture, " The Kingdom of God, and Reign of Christ SUBSCRIPTIONS.-Athousand thanks to "our kind friends
on Earth," illustrated by a prophetic chart. A large attend- who have so cheerfully responded to our request for aid to
ance. Questions were asked by Messrs. Roberts and W. consolidate and extend our glorious work; never was money
Haigh; the audience, as before, appearing well satisfied better applied; rarely, more carefully spent. To the pre-
with the answers. Third lecture, " The Signs of the Times." sent, about £40 has been received by the Treasurer, for the
Attendance showed no falling off, and Mr. Brown, on rising, first five months of our year (this is exclusive of the sales of
was received with cheers. Questions again followed, and our organ and literature, which sales are slowly but steadily
the order was not as good at the close as on the previous increasing). This sum is, however, very trifling in com-
occasions. Fourth lecture, "The Atonement." The at- parison to our needs. We pray that our friends and fellow-
tendance was larger than at the previous meeting, and the believers may be baptized with a large-hearted liberality,
lecture well received. Each day a Bible Class was held for and conceive great things for God. We shall also be obliged
enquirers, and well attended. The local committee have if our brethren, who have signified their intention to
decided to publish, in pamplet form, the last lecture, on subscribe, will forward their offerings at earliest con-
" The Atonement." This is already in the press, and we venience. He gives thrice who gives quickly. Grace,
hope will reach many who were not present at the meetings. mercy, and peace be upon you.

FREE CIRCULATIONOF THE STANDARD. - The Publishing LINCOLN-Mint Lane. Geo. A. Brown, Minister. Sunday,
Service at 10-30 and 6. Monday, Prayer Meeting at 7.
Committee are anxious to bring the organ of the
Wednesday, 7.
Association more prominently before the general LIVERPOOL-Club Moor Hall, Townsend Lane. Sundays,
public, it being, as yet, an unknown periodical to Services at 10-45 and 6-30. Mutual Improvement
millions of our British race. To secure this, they Society, Monday 8. Prayer Meeting, Thursday 7-30.
Applications to W. H. Miller, 11, Belmont Road.
purpose sending out, monthly, free parcels to centres of
LIVERPOOL-9, Clayton Square. In connection with "the
population, where we have friends who will judiciously
Association for the Dissemination of the Truth of Life
circulate the same; and one or two copies by post to and Immortality through Christ alone;" a Weekly
such individual addresses as may be supplied in answer Meeting on Friday at 7-30.
to advertisements. The friends in Lincoln have specially LONDON,N-Maberley Chapel, Ball's Pond Road, Dalston.
Minister, Rev. Dr. Wm. Leask, Editor of The Rainbow,
subscribed, for this purpose. about six pounds, and a
Sundays, Services at 11 and 6-30. Thursday, Service
Liverpool friend has promised one pound. We should at 7-30.
be loth to interfere in any way with the ordinary sub- LONDON-Clapham, Gauden Road Gospel Hall (opposite Clap-
scriptions to our general funds, but we think that our ham Road Station). Lord's Day morning at 11 o'clock,
friends generally might be able to divert a few shillings for W orship and Breaking of Bread according to the
• Scriptures. All Christians welcome.
from some secular purpose, and devote the sum thus
LONDON(North West)-St. John's Rooms, Lisson Grove.
saved to this. Thus our special purpose would be met Sunday, Worship at 11; Preaching at 7. Tuesday,
without hindrance to our general work.' Such donations Bible Reading at 7. All Christians welcome. Address
may be forwarded to us, or sent direct to the Treasurer, letters, "R. J. Hammond, 62, Maida Vale, Lonclon, rV."
Mr. W. BAUSOR,High-street, Lincoln.-Gyrus E. Brooks, LONDON-Holborn College, 12, Red Lion Square, W.C.
Worship and Breaking of Bread every Sunday evening
Secretary, 4, Oriel-place, Cheltenham. at 7. Bible Readings Sunday Afternoon, 3.-15.
Wednesday evenings 7-30. All Believers Welcomed.
NESTON,Cheshire-Neston Gospel Hall. J. J. Grylls,
Minister. Services-Sunday at 10-30 and 6-30.
VISITORS' GUIDE. Wednesday' 7 o'clock.
[HITHERTO, it has been common for those holding" Conditional Immor- N.B.-To make this guide really useful, we need the
tality," to have to heal' and support a ministry of which they eoul.I not
approve, and the teachings of which were utterly repugnant to them; insertion therein of all places of Christian Worship where
or, to come out and bear the Cl'OSSof isolation. Yea, in some cases, the pulpit teachings are in harmony with the truth of
even when there has been in the same neighbourhood others, holding the
truth; or, banded together to declare it. We wish to prevent this in
"Life and Immortality" in Christ alone, Who hath brought
future, and have therefore designed this Guide. By its help, brethren it to light. The Subscription fee is 5s. per annum. Address
can see at a glance where to find suitable fellowship, and enjoy a suitable -Gyrus E. Brooks.A, Oriel Place, Cheltenham.
ministry. Seeing that our aim is to make the circulation of the
Standard (as our Association organ), co-extensive with those holding our
common faith, to enable us to direct such to suitable fellowship, we EVERY-DAY RELIGION.-A coloured Georgia minister
need the co-operation of OUl' fellow-believers, and particulars of every
place in the United Kingdom where such fellowship and teaching may preaches the following practical theology :-" Brudderin,
be obtained. See foot-note.] my 'sperience is dat it ain't de perfessin of 'ligion, but de
BIRMINGHAn'I-19,Hagley Road. Christians meet for Breaking practice of it dat makes a man 'ceptable up yonder. When
of Bread and Fellowship on Sunday mornings at 10-30 ;
ye gits to de golden gates an' Peter looks yer right in de eye,
evening Service, 0-30. Wednesday, 7-30. Visitors can
apply to Mr. G. Whitehouse, 2, Yew Tree Road; Mr. A. and yeI' shows him yer long creed and says, pompous like, dat
Crosbie, York Road; or Mr. H. Brittain, 26, All Saints' yer 'longed ter a big church, de 'postle '11shake his head an'
say, 'Dat ain't nuff ter get yerthrugh.' But if yeI' takes all
BI1WLEY,YORKSHIRE-Sunday Services at Mr. R. Duxberry's
(opposite Mechanics' Institute), at 3 and 6. Mondays yeI' bills under yer arm, yer grocers' bills an' yeI' rent bills,
6-30, Mr. Harrisou's, Rook-street. Tuesdays 7; Mr. an' yeI' doctor's bills, an'he looks 'em all over an' finds 'em
Lot Moore's, Cottingley (Co-operative Store). all receipted, he'll say, 'YeI' title's clear,' an' unlock de gate
CHELTENHAM-Christian Assembly, St. George's Place. Cyrus an' let yeI' pitch yer voice for de angels' song. But 'tain't
E. Brooks, Minister. On Sundays, Service with Sermon
at 11 and 6-30; Bible Class at 3. On Thursdays, no use ter trabbel along dat narrer path less yer can carry,
Lecture at 7-45. folded up in yer creed, a good rec'mendation from yer
EDINBURGH-98, South Bridge. A Church of baptised be- creditors. Hebben ain't no place for a man who has to
lievers, looking for eternal life and the Kingdom of our dodge roun' a corner for de fear ob meetin' someone who'll
Lord Jesus Christ at His coming, meets here every
ask for dat little bill dat nebber was paid." [Our coloured
Sunday at 11 a.m. and 6-30 p.m.
brother's theology will scarcely bear close criticism, but his
HULL-Christians' Meeting Room, Protestant Hall. Room
No. 6, Up-stairs. 1st day, Sunday, 11 a.m., Breaking practical view of Christian life is certainly to be commended
Bread; 6-30 p.ll., Reading 01' T'raacbing. T;J:ln~')y to some, who bring discredit upon their profession, by the
evening, 7 -aV, Reading Meeting, at 7l), Hessle Road. ( laxity of their]

hand a number of last year's"
Bible Standards,"
paper Is. 2d., cloth Is. 6d., post paid.
have on
Price in
We have also a quantity of odd
numbers, which can be had at 6d. per dozen, post paid. Our
ASSOCIATION FOR THE SPREAD OF THE TRUTH friends will do well to circulate them.
a Magazine
(Late Prebendaj'Y of Cork, Ireland). of Christian Literature, in the sixth volume, treating especially upon
the truths of the Mortal Nature of Man-Life only in Christ-The
DURATION AND NATURE OF FUTURE PUNISH- Coming of Jesus-The Kingdom of God-The Destruction of the
MENT. 5th Edition, 340 pp. An elaborate argument touching Ungodly. Teaching also the precepts of the Gospel, endeavouring
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