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In fact the definition of a circle is "the set of all points on a plane that are a fixed

distance from a center".

Radius and Diameter

The Radius is the distance from the center to
the edge.

The Diameter starts at one side of the circle,

goes through the center and ends on the other

So the Diameter is twice the Radius:

Diameter = 2 × Radius

The Circumference is the distance around the edge of the circle.

It is exactly Pi (the symbol is π) times the Diameter, so:

Circumference = π × Diameter

And so these are also true:

Circumference = 2 × π × Radius

Circumference/Diameter = π

The area of a circle is π
times the Radius squared,
which is written:

A = π × r2

Or, in terms of the


A = (π/4) × D2
It is easy to remember if
you think of the area of the
square that the circle would
fit inside.

Because people have studied circles for thousands of years special names have come

Nobody wants to say "that line that starts at one side of the circle, goes through the
center and ends on the other side" when a word like "Diameter" would do.

So here are the most common special names:

A line that goes from one point to another on
the circle's circumference is called a Chord.

If that line passes through the center it is

called a Diameter.

If a line "just touches" the circle as it passes

it is called a Tangent.

And a part of the circumference is called an


There are two main "slices" of a circle

The "pizza" slice is called a Sector.

And the slice made by a chord is called a Segment.

Common Sectors
The Quadrant and Semicircle are two special types of Sector:
Quarter of a circle is called a

Half a circle is called a


Inside and Outside

A circle has an inside and an outside (of course!). But it

also has an "on", because you could be right on the

Example: "A" is outside the circle, "B" is inside the

circle and "C" is on the circle.

1. A line is infinite and straight. If you look at the picture above, is a line,
is also a line and is a line. A line is identified when you name two
points on the line and draw a line over the letters. A line is a set of
continuous points that extend indefintely in either of its direction. Lines are
also named with lowercase letters or a single loswer case letter. For instance,
I could name one of the lines above simply by indicating an e.

Terms (Defined)

1. Line Segment
A line segment is a straight line segment which is part of the straight line
between two points. To identify a line segment, one can write AB or .
The points on each side of the line segment are referred to as the end points


The word geometry is Greek for geos - meaning earth and metron -
meaning measure. Geometry was extremely important to ancient
societies and was used for surveying, astronomy, navigation, and
building. Geometry, as we know it is actually known as Euclidean
geometry which was written well over 2000 years ago in Ancient
Greece by Euclid, Pythagoras, Thales, Plato and Aristotle just to
mention a few. The most fascinating and accurate geometry text
was written by Euclid, and was called Elements. Euclid's text has
been used for over 2000 years! Point
A point is a location in space. Points are dimensionless. That is, a point has no width,
length, or height. We locate points relative to some arbitrary standard point, often
called the "origin". Many physical objects suggest the idea of a point. Examples
include the tip of a pencil, the corner of a cube, or a dot on a sheet of paper.

As for a line segment, we specify a line with two points. Starting with the
corresponding line segment, we find other line segments that share at least two points
with the original line segment. In this way we extend the original line segment
indefinitely. The set of all possible line segments findable in this way constitutes a
line. A line extends indefinitely in a single dimension. Its length, having no limit, is
infinite. Like the line segments that constitute it, it has no width or height. You may
specify a line by specifying any two points within the line. For any two points, only
one line passes through both points. On the other hand, an unlimited number of lines
pass through any single point.

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