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How to Compare Eukaryotic and

Prokaryotic Cells
By Rachel Morgan, eHow Contributor

Prokaryotic cell (left) and eukaryotic cell.

There are two types of cells: prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Prokaryotic cells are the oldest; all
organisms were made up of these cells during the first billion years of life on Earth. For the
past billion years eukaryotic cells have made up most organisms. There are several ways to
compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Difficulty: Moderate

1. 1

Compare by size. Prokaryotic cells are significantly smaller than eukaryotic. In fact,
eukaryotic cells are typically about ten times larger than prokaryotic cells. The size of
cells is usually measured in micrometers, with the average prokaryotic cell being
around one micrometer wide.

2. 2

Compare by organization: Eukaryotic cells’ organization is quite complex, especially

in comparison to prokaryotic cells. They contain a nucleus as well as several
organelles that each perform a particular function. Some of these include the
mitochondrion (processes energy from food), smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(involved in creating carbohydrates and lipids), rough endoplasmic reticulum
(involved in the production of proteins), Golgi complex (the distribution center for
molecules), and the lysosome (the recycling center for old organelles). In stark
contrast, prokaryotic cells do not have these organelles performing functions within
them. They do not even have a nucleus.

3. 3
Compare by method of division: Cell division in prokaryotic cells is done through a
process known as binary fission. In binary fission the original or parent cell splits to
form two cells, with the second or daughter cell identical to the parent. As with other
characteristics, the eukaryotic cell uses a more complex method of division called
mitosis. According to Cornell University’s Department of Plant Pathology, mitosis is
defined as, “a sequence of cellular events that culminates in the division of a
eukaryotic nucleus into two genetically similar or identical nuclei whose ploidy is the
same as that of the parent nucleus.”

4. 4

Compare by presence of a cell wall: A cell wall can be thought of as an external layer
or structure that protects the interior of the cell. Bacteria, which are made of
prokaryotic cells, almost always have a cell wall. Plant cells, which are eukaryotic,
have cell walls as well, but the eukaryotic animal cells do not.

5. 5

Compare by kingdom: Organisms made up of eukaryotic cells are members of the

protista, fungi, plant, and animal kingdoms. In contrast, the only two remaining
kingdoms made up of only prokaryotic cells are archaea and bacteria.

Read more: How to Compare Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells |

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