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PERGAMON International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117

Stability of large excavations in laminated hard rock masses: the

voussoir analogue revisited
M.S. Diederichs *, P.K. Kaiser
Geomechanics Research Centre, F217 Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ont., Canada P3E 2C6
Accepted 8 November 1998


The voussoir beam analogue has provided a useful stability assessment tool for more than 55 years and has seen numerous
improvements and revisions over the years. In this paper, a simpli®ed and robust iterative algorithm is presented for this model.
This approach includes an improved assumption for internal compression arch geometry, simpli®ed displacement determination,
support pressure and surcharge analysis and a corrected stabilizing moment in the two dimensional case. A discrete element
simulation is used to verify these enhancements and to con®rm traditional assumptions inherent in the model. In the case of
beam snap-through failure, dominant in hard rock excavations of moderately large span, design criteria are traditionally based
on a stability limit which represents an upper bound for stable span estimates. A de¯ection threshold has been identi®ed and
veri®ed through ®eld evidence, which corresponds to the onset of non-linear deformation behaviour and therefore, of initial
instability. This threshold is proposed as a more reasonable stability limit for this failure mode in rockmasses and particularly
for data limited cases. Design charts, based on this linearity limit for unsupported stability of jointed rock beams, are presented
here summarizing critical span±thickness±modulus relationships. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction stress calculations [7, 8]. It is more common, however,

to encounter other joint sets cutting through the lami-
Rockmass behaviour dominated by parallel lami- nations. These joints reduce and, in the extreme, elim-
nations is often encountered in underground exca- inate the ability of the rockmass to sustain boundary-
vations in numerous geological environments. These parallel tensile stresses such as those assumed in con-
laminations can be the result of sedimentary layering, ventional beam analysis. However, where these joints
extensile jointing, fabric created through metamorphic cut across the laminations at steep angles or where re-
or igneous ¯ow processes or through excavation-paral- inforcement has been installed, it is possible to assume
lel stress fracturing of massive ground. This structure that a compression arch can be generated within the
can be the dominant factor controlling the stability of beam which will transmit the beam loads to the abut-
roofs in large civil excavations, in coal or other hori- ments (Fig. 1).
zontal mining stopes [1, 2] and can also dominate the It was noted by Fayol [9] that underground strata
stability of inclined open stope hangingwalls such as seemed to separate upon de¯ection such that each
those encountered in hard rock mining in Canada [3, 4], laminated beam transferred its own weight to the abut-
in Australia [5, 6] and elsewhere. ments rather than loading the beam beneath. Stability
of an excavation in this situation, it was concluded,
In rare circumstances, the lamination partings rep-
could be determined by analyzing the stability of a
resent the only joint set present in the rockmass. Roof
single beam de¯ecting under its own weight.
stability and de¯ection in this instance can be assessed
Conventional beam analysis, however, signi®cantly
using conventional elastic beam de¯ection and lateral
underestimated the inherent stability of such beams.
Even intact laminations would crack at midspan as
* Corresponding author. 105 William St. W., Waterloo, Ont.,
predicted, but would, after additional deformation,
Canada N2L IJ8. Tel.: +1-519-578-5327; e-mail: mdiederi@nickel. become stable again. The notion of the voussoir, while traceable back to the architecture of ancient Rome [10],

0148-9062/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 8 - 9 0 6 2 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 1 8 0 - 6
98 M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117

Fig. 1. (a) Jointed rock beams; (b) voussoir beam analogue.

was ®rst proposed by Evans [11] speci®cally to explain The primary modes of failure assumed in the model
the stability of a jointed or cracked beam. After gener- and veri®ed in laboratory tests by Sterling [15] are
ating a great deal of controversy when ®rst published, buckling or snap-through failure, lateral compressive
the voussoir beam analogue has been generally failure (crushing) at the midspan and abutments, abut-
accepted and has since been reworked and presented ment slip and diagonal fracturing (Fig. 3). Shear fail-
as a simpli®ed tool for stability analysis of excavations ure (Fig. 3c) is observed at low span-to-thickness
in civil construction and in mining [10, 12±14]. Fig. 2 ratios (thick beams), while crushing (Fig. 3b) and
illustrates two example cases where the voussoir beam snap-through failure (Fig. 3a) is observed at higher
analogue can be invoked to explain the inherent stab- span-to-thickness ratios (thin beams). An examination
ility of a laminated hangingwall (Fig. 2a) and cross of the model data presented by Ran et al. [16] shows
jointed back (Fig. 2b) in hard rock environments. that if the angle between the plane of the cross-cutting

Fig. 2. Voussoir beams encountered at (a) Winston Lake Mine, Ontario and (b) mine access, Sudbury.
M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117 99

joints and premature shear failure of the beam is

likely [16].
Stimpson and Ahmed [17] also showed by physical
modelling that for thick beams, external loading (sur-
charge) can produce diagonal tensile ruptures (Fig. 3d)
extending from the upper midspan to the lower abut-
ments (parallel to the compression arch). While this
failure mode is partially the result of the loading con-
®guration, it may also be an important mechanism
where weak or broken material exists above the beam
or where internal rockmass damage and bulking due
to stress overloads the surface beam. This paper deals
with thin laminations (span-to-thickness ratio greater
than 10) under the in¯uence of self-weight or moderate
surcharge loading. Therefore, only crushing and snap-
through failure are hereafter considered. Sliding stab-
ility is included in the analyses but does not control
limiting dimensions for thin beams.
The following is a summary of the voussoir analysis
procedure based on the iterative scheme proposed by
Brady and Brown [13], including a number of improve-
ments and corrections by the authors. Most impor-
tantly, a more realistic yield threshold is introduced
for snap-through failure, to replace the ultimate rup-
ture limit originally proposed [11, 12]. This procedure
is summarized in several design charts and is veri®ed
using a discrete element simulation.

Fig. 3. Failure modes of the voussoir beam: (a) snap-through; (b)

crushing; (c) sliding and (d) diagonal cracking. 2. The voussoir model

Consider a laminated rock beam above an exca-

joints and the normal to the lamination plane (and the vation with a horizontal span given by S. The normal
normal to the excavation surface) is less than one third thickness of the single layer under analysis is T. For
to one half of the e€ective friction angle of these an elastic beam, with no joints and with constant cross
joints, then it is valid to apply the voussoir beam sol- section, a distribution of compression and tension,
ution. For shallower cross-jointing, slip along these symmetrical about the horizontal centreline of the

Fig. 4. Elastic beam with (a) ®xed ends and (b) simple (pin) supports.
100 M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117

beam, is found across all plane sections within the encountered in newly developed underground spans at
beam (Fig. 4a). The solution (Eqs. (1) and (2)) for the low to moderate depth. This initial elastic phase fol-
maximum stress values, at the abutments, for com- lowed by progressive fracture and deformation of
pression (bottom of beam) or tension (top of beam), laminated hangingwalls has been observed and is
smax, as well as the maximum beam de¯ection, d, can described in detail by Milne [18].
be easily calculated using closed form beam It is highly unlikely that any thinly laminated roof
equations [7]: structure will remain in a completely continuous and
elastic state after excavation. The transition from con-
gS 2
smax ˆ …1† tinuous elastic beam to voussoir beam is normally
assured and assumed in most cases. Failure is not
inevitable in this situation, however. When the tensile
gS 4 cracking, described above, or lamination-normal joints
dˆ …2†
32ET 2 crosscut the beam and render it incapable of sustaining
where E is the Young's modulus of the rock and g is tensile stresses, a compression arch develops within the
the speci®c weight. The maximum stress at the mid- beam, rising from the abutments to a high point at
span is one half of the maximum stress at the abut- midspan. For a half-span, this arch generates a
ments. Therefore, for such a beam with ®xed ends and moment between the reaction force at midspan and at
distributed loading, yield is assumed when the maxi- the abutments (Fig. 5) which acts to resist the moment
mum tensile stress, in the upper part of the beam at imposed by self-weight. Horizontal stress symmetry
the abutments, exceeds the tensile strength of the rock. within the beam is lost, making a closed form solution
Vertical tensile fractures form at the abutments and impossible without assuming an average thickness NT
the beam becomes simply supported (assuming no slip for this arch. This is the case for the solution intro-
at the abutments), as shown in Fig. 4(b), with a maxi- duced by Evans [11] and later by Beer and Meek [12].
mum tensile stress at the midspan given by In both cases N is assumed to be 0.5. Numerical exper-
imentation by Evans showed that this was an incorrect
2gS 2 assumption and that the equilibrium value was closer
smax ˆ …3†
3T to 0.7. Nevertheless, Evans chose the value, N = 0.5,
This stress is now higher than the previous abutment to simplify the practical solution which he was present-
stress, and therefore higher than the rock tensile ing. Investigations by the authors of this paper have
strength. This leads to subsequent fracturing centred shown that N is variable. While N is closer to 0.75 for
about the midspan as shown by Stimpson and stable beams at equilibrium, N drops to below 0.5 as
Ahmed [17]. This process of progressive cracking at the critical (unstable) beam geometry is approached.
the abutments, followed by cracking at the midspan In this formulation, the average thickness, NT, of
and other parts of the beam can be responsible for a the compression arch within the beam is initially
¯urry of low-level seismic emissions (rock noise), often unknown, as is the ultimate moment arm, Z0, between

Fig. 5. Voussoir beam (half-span shown) and nomenclature.

M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117 101

the horizontal reaction forces, F, at the midpsan and

at the abutments. Considering the half beam (Fig. 5)
and building on the algorithm introduced by Brady
and Brown [13] the solution procedure begins with an
assumption of the initial moment arm prior to de¯ec-
tion, Z0:
Z0 ˆ T 1 ÿ N …4†

The length of the reaction arch (horizontal reaction

force locus) is given by
8 2
LˆS‡ Z …5†
3S 0
This equation is based on the assumption of a para-
bolic compression arch. Numerical [16] and
physical [17] experiments con®rm this assumption.
Note that this equation is correctly reported by Beer
and Meek [12] but is in error in the summary of Brady
and Brown [13].
The solution proceeds on the assumption that for
stability to be obtained, the moment generated at the
abutment due to self-weight of the beam, given by Fig. 6. External beam loading due to (a) uniformly distributed sup-
port pressure; (b) linearly varying support pressure; (c) parabolically
gTS 2 varying support pressure and (d) parabolically varying surcharge
MW ˆ …6† loading.
must be exactly compensated, as the beam de¯ects a
for the case of a uniformly applied support pressure,
distance d at the midspan, by an opposite or resisting
p, illustrated in Fig. 6(a).
moment, MR. This moment is generated by the oppos-
If the support pressure is applied in a triangular dis-
ing horizontal reaction forces in the beam centre and
tribution varying from zero at the abutments to p at
at the abutments separated by a distance Z = Z0 ÿ d:
the midspan (Fig. 6b) as in the case of passive rock-
fmax NTZ bolts, then use
MR ˆ FZ ˆ …7†
2 2p
ge* ˆ ge ÿ …10†
where fmax is the maximum stress acting in the beam 3T
(at the bottom edge of the abutment and at the top
A parabolic distribution of support pressure (Fig. 6c)
edge of the midpsan section).
can be applied as
In Eq. (6), the speci®c weight, g, of the rockmass
can be replaced with an e€ective speci®c weight, ge, 7p
g*e ˆ ge ÿ …11†
given by 9T
ge ˆ g cos a …8† To introduce a distributed surcharge, q, replace (+p)
with (ÿq) in Eqs. (9)±(11) as appropriate. For example,
where a is the dip (angle from the horizontal) of the in the case of a distributed surcharge loading ranging
lamination plane. This analogue considers only the parabolically, as in Fig. 6(d), from 0 to q (due to bro-
component, of the driving weight, oriented normal to ken rock above the beam for example) the modi®ed
the beam. For inclined beams, therefore, the e€ect of e€ective speci®c weight becomes
beam-parallel loads due to settling is not considered.
In this model, as in reality, an inclined roof is more 7q
ge* ˆ ge ‡ …12†
stable under gravity loading than a horizontal roof. 9T
In addition, active support pressure can be con-
Assuming a triangular horizontal stress distribution
sidered in the equation by further adjustment of the
within the compression arch (of thickness NT) at the
e€ective speci®c weight:
abutments and at the midspan as illustrated in Fig. 5,
p the following equilibrium equation is obtained for
gep ˆ ge ÿ …9†
T fmax:
102 M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117

Elastic shortening of the arch can then be obtained

fav L 2 N
DL ˆ L ˆ fmax ‡ …16†
E E 9 3

where E is the rockmass modulus in the direction par-

allel to the beam.
This shortening leads to a downward displacement
of the arch midspan and a new reaction moment arm
given by
3S 8 2
Zˆ Z 0 ÿ DL …17†
8 3S

The de¯ection, d, at midspan is given by (Z ÿ Z0) and

a negative value for the term under the square root
sign in Eq. (17) indicates that the critical beam de¯ec-
tion has been exceeded. In other words, as de¯ection
increases, the resisting moment, MR, a product of
Fig. 7. Conventional assumptions for compressive stress variation
inside the beam compared with the parabolic variation proposed in increasing reaction force, F, and decreasing moment
this paper. arm, Z, passes through its maximum without achieving
equilibrium with the weight moment MW. In this case,
snap-through failure would occur for the speci®ed
…ge* †S 2 value of compression arch thickness, NT. If there are
fmax ˆ …13† no values for N (between 0 and 1) for which a stable
solution can be obtained, ultimate collapse of the
In order to calculate the elastic shortening of the arch beam is assumed to occur.
(and thereby calculate the central de¯ection) an In order to ®nd a solution for the equilibrium pos-
assumption must be made about the internal distri- ition of the beam, Evans [11] chose to maximize the
bution of compressive stress within the beam. Previous product of the resisting moment and the moment arm,
authors [11±13] have based their calculation on the Z, although by his own admission, this choice was
assumption of a quasi-linear variation of stress (Fig. 7) somewhat arbitrary. In the procedure of Brady and
along a constant arch section NT, yielding an average Brown [13] a two-variable relaxation technique is
stress along the reaction line, fav, given by employed to solve for N, the arch thickness and Z, the
  ®nal moment arm. The equilibrium solution corre-
fmax 2 N sponds to the unique pair (N, Z) which results in ana-
fav ˆ ‡ …14†
2 3 2 lytical equality through the sequence of equations
summarized in the forgoing discussion. This approach
Careful examination of this assumption shows it to be was found by the authors to be highly unstable and
in error. It is reasonable to expect that at some point convergence was often dicult. Fortunately it can be
the entire beam section must be under compression seen through examining the results of this process that
and that at the point where the reaction line crosses equilibrium solution also corresponds with the mini-
the centreline of the beam, this stress is constant across mization of fmax, the maximum stress at the abutments
the entire beam section T. It is also reasonable to and midspan.
assume that the variation of stress along the reaction In the approach presented here, N is varied in incre-
line is not linear. Numerical experimentation by the ments (e.g. 0.01) over its ®nite range (0 to 1). Z is
authors of this work and examination of numerical modi®ed in an iterative fashion and a convergent sol-
results obtained by others [16, 19] con®rms that the ution is thereby obtained with only a few steps for
distribution of stress along the centreline of the arch is each value of N. For a stable beam with a span well
in fact parabolic (Fig. 7). This yields the following cor- below the critical limit for the given geometry and
rected equation for average stress in the beam: rockmass properties, a solution for Z is possible for all
  values of N. Equilibrium corresponds to the minimum
fmax 2 value of fmax. As the critical span is approached, the
fav ˆ ‡N …15†
3 3 percentage of N values which yield rational results for
M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117 103

Fig. 8. Flow chart for the determination of stability and de¯ection of a voussoir beam.

Z decrease, converging to a single rational solution The factor of safety with respect to crushing (com-
pair (N, Z) at the absolute critical limit. pressive failure) at the abutments and at midspan is
Finally. taking Z and Z0 (as determined using the given by the ratio of uncon®ned compressive strength
equilibrium value of N), the de¯ection, d, at the mid- of the rock with respect to the maximum compressive
stress calculated in the model:
span is simply Z ÿ Z0. The complete procedure for the
determination of stability and equilibrium de¯ection is UCS
F:S:crush ˆ …18†
summarized in Fig. 8. fmax
104 M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117

The factor of safety with respect to vertical sliding, of In order to obtain a reasonable yield threshold for
an unsupported beam under self-weight, along joints the buckling limit, the relationship between midspan
at the abutments is given by displacement, d, and thickness, T, was considered.
Fig. 10 illustrates summary results for several beam
fmax N sti€nesses. The de¯ection/thickness relationships are
F:S:slide ˆ tan f …19† log-linear for beam geometries with ample thickness.
ge S
As the thickness is reduced (or the span is increased)
the relationship becomes non-linear and eventually
A numerical buckling limit, B.L., is introduced here becomes unde®ned at ultimate failure. Ultimate failure
which is the percentage of values of N within the occurs at a buckling limit of 100%, corresponding to a
range of 0 to 1 for which a solution (i.e. a real value displacement equivalent to approximately 0.25 T.
of Z) cannot be obtained. Fig. 9 illustrates the The onset of non-linearity consistently occurs at a dis-
decrease in normalized equilibrium arch thickness, N, placement equivalent to approximately 0.1 T. This
and the increase in buckling limit, B.L., with increasing `yield' point also consistently corresponds to a buck-
span/thickness ratio. N consistently drops below 0.5 as ling limit, B.L., of 35%.
the critical span/thickness ratio is approached and The yield threshold determined in Fig. 10 more clo-
reaches a limit of 0.35 immediately prior to failure sely corresponds to the critical displacement limit of
(snap-through). Ultimate collapse and the critical span approximately 0.15 T obtained by Mottahed and
versus thickness relationships proposed by Evans [11] Ran [19] through numerical modelling. Beyond this
and by Beer and Meek [12] correspond to a buckling displacement the jointed beam model used in their ex-
limit of 100%. In other words, stability is impossible if perimentation began to exhibit unstable behaviour and
there is no arch thickness which yields an equilibrium failure became imminent. This limit was independent
solution. For a more conservative approach, however, of span and the modulus.
a threshold can be speci®ed for the buckling limit in The choice of buckling limit a€ects the calculated
order to obtain design dimensions for the beam. critical span or the critical thickness (limiting case for

Fig. 9. Variation of N and buckling limit with span to thickness ratio.

M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117 105

Fig. 10. Example determination of beam `yield' limit (example span = 20 m).

beam stability) as illustrated by the example in Fig. 11. the discussion which follows. Typically thin hard rock
These limits are obtained by including the analysis out- beams (signi®cant compressive strength) under their
lined in Fig. 8 inside a simple iterative bisection algor- own self-weight will tend to snap-through before they
ithm to ®nd the critical value of a speci®ed input crush (Fig. 12). If an otherwise stable beam is sub-
parameter (in this case, thickness) which gives a value jected to surcharge loading, however, as is the case in
(span) straddling the interface between stability and many of the laboratory experiments described in the
failure. literature, then crushing failure will result (as may
The displacement limit of 0.1 T (B.L. = 35%) is abutment sliding or diagonal cracking). The in¯uence
used forthwith, as a yield limit, due to its convenience of surcharge loading on the stability of the beam as
and to account conservatively for uncertainties in the well as on the failure mode is demonstrated in Fig. 13.
approach. This limit is important for monitoring appli- The transition line (snap-thru/crushing) indicates
cations since it is independent of the span and rep- which failure mode controls the critical limits as
resents a universal rule of thumb for determining the shown.
signi®cance of measured displacements. Displacements
of less than 10% of the e€ective lamination thickness
(determined using a borehole camera or from mapping 3. Field evidence of snap-through limit
data) can be con®dently assessed as being within the
elastic limit of the voussoir beam, independent of rock 3.1. Mount Isa Mine
modulus or e€ective span.
Fig. 11 indicates critical limits for snap-through fail- A limiting displacement (for linear voussoir beha-
ure of the beam. Crushing failure is also considered in viour) of 0.1 to 0.15 times the mapped bedding thick-
106 M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117

Fig. 11. E€ect of buckling limit on critical beam geometry for `snap-thru' failure of a horizontal beam (Erm = 10 GPa, g = 0.03 MN/m3).

ness is observed in the data, presented by Milne [18],

from numerous extensometers installed in the stope
hangingwalls at Mount Isa Mine in Australia. The dis-
placement data from one of the extensometers is sum-
marized in Fig. 14. In this case, the extensometer was
installed in the hangingwall, slightly above the stope
midspan and prior to mining of a 50 m high stope at a
depth of 870 m. The hangingwall consists of laminated
shale with bedding plane partings observed every 20 to
25 cm. The stope was mined via full face longitudinal
retreat. Measurements were recorded as the stope was
progressively mined past and beyond the location of
the extensometer.
The radius factor shown on the horizontal axis of
Fig. 14 is a scale and shape index developed by
Milne [18]. The details of this index are summarized
elsewhere [20]. For illustrative purposes, the radius fac-
tor describes the harmonic average of distance, from a
point in a excavation surface or face, to all abutments.
The radius factor, R.F., of the hangingwall at the
extensometer location increases as the stope is widened
along strike (constant height and thickness). The maxi-
mum R.F. prior to back®lling was approximately 14.
Milne [18] identi®es four displacement zones with
respect to increasing span including:

1. Elastic rock behaviour.

Fig. 12. Typical critical limits for the stability of slender beams (axis 2. Stable voussoir beam behaviour.
scales are identical for both plots). 3. Unstable voussoir beam behaviour
M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117 107

Fig. 13. In¯uence of surcharge loading on beam stability and failure mode.

4. Ultimate failure. beam thickness. A further transition to rapidly

increasing displacement occurs at around 55 to 60
Stage (1) is not presented in Fig. 14 due to the mm. This is consistent with the ultimate collapse
scale. Stages (2) through (4) are clearly apparent in limit of 0.25 T. No extensometer anchor displace-
Fig. 14. The lamination thickness, T, is determined to ments are recorded beyond 80 mm although it is
be relatively consistent and equal to 0.2 to 0.25 assumed that had mining and recording continued
m [18]. The onset of non-linear or unstable voussoir beyond a R.F. of 14, without back®lling, this stope
displacement (interface between stages (2) and (3) wall would have experienced signi®cant surface fail-
occurs at a surface displacement of approximately ure. This corresponds (given uncertainties regarding
20 to 30 mm (0.08 T to 0.15 T), re¯ecting the the local parting thickness) with the predictions from
proposed yield limit for de¯ection of 10% of the the voussoir analogue.

Fig. 14. Hangingwall response to mining compared with voussoir limits. Data from Milne [18].
108 M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117

3.2. Winston Lake Mine this study is used here to illustrate the voussoir beam
behaviour of the chert hangingwall. Borehole camera
A second case study from Winston Lake Mine in data [24] is also used here to estimate the e€ective
Ontario, Canada is used here to demonstrate the utility thickness of continuous partings parallel to the hang-
and validity of the voussoir analogue. The typical ingwall as the wall de¯ects.
stope geometry is similar to that in the previous The rockmass quality as indicated by the index
example except that the stopes are smaller (20 m high) Q [25] is approximately 7 to 28 which, using the
and less steeply dipping (458 to 608) and in this case, relationship [26]
shallower (550 m). Winston Lake Mine uses a modi®ed
Erm ˆ 25 log10 Q …20†
version of the longitudinal retreat technique called
modi®ed AVOCA, in which the stope is blasted in full indicates a rockmass modulus in the range of 20 to 35
height slices perpendicular to the strike of the ore GPa. The data set, collected from numerous sources
body. Rock ®ll is introduced by end dumping some contains a large scatter and according to variability
distance back from the active face, creating an open limits proposed by Barton [27] this rockmass quality
stope of variable open strike length. The ®ll is com- could have a modulus as low as 10 GPa and as high
pressible rock®ll and cannot be considered tight ®ll as 50 GPa. The lower modulus could apply if the rock-
until signi®cant closure has occurred. As a stability mass is relaxed due to undercutting as was the case in
analogue, therefore, the two dimensional beam is valid some of the stopes [28].
in this case. The displacement performance of the hangingwall
As previously illustrated in Fig. 2(a), the hanging- can be predicted by the voussoir analogue. The results
wall is composed of blocky chert with surface parallel for this case are shown in Fig. 16. The equilibrium dis-
jointing along foliation planes and two orthogonal sets placement is plotted as a function of lamination thick-
of cross-joints. Cablebolt support is installed from a ness and rockmass modulus. The critical displacement
remote drift to supply full coverage at the hangingwall. limits for yield (10% of the thickness) and for collapse
Fig. 15 shows the layout of drifts, stopes, cablebolts (25% of the thickness) are overlain on the plot. The
and instrumentation for an experiment investigating joints at Winston Lake were not fully continuous and
cablebolt performance in hangingwalls and the impact the e€ective lamination thickness, therefore, evolved as
of stress change [21, 22]. Extensometer data [23] from the hangingwall de¯ected and as joints propagated

Fig. 15. Plan layout and typical cross sections through study area, Winston Lake Mine.
M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117 109

Fig. 16. Measured displacements and observed lamination thicknesses (data points), compared with voussoir predictions, Winston Lake Mine.

along the foliation planes or connected with other ing to the stability of the hangingwall by applying an
joints. The borehole camera surveys [24] can be used e€ective support pressure.
to crudely estimate the e€ective beam thickness at any
point in space and time. The measured displacements
are plotted against the estimated lamination thickness
in Fig. 16 for speci®c points along di€erent extens- 4. Numerical veri®cation of snap thru mechanism
ometer-borehole camera clusters (Fig. 15).
The results show that the rockmass behaviour corre- A discrete element model [30] was employed to
lates well with the predicted displacements. The data further verify the analogue. Other authors have per-
with higher beam thicknesses are from earlier in the formed similar analyses with mixed results. A recent
paper by So®anos [31] describes a simulation using
mining. As more partings form, the e€ective thickness
®nite elements which appears to show that the voussoir
decreases and the points move to the left on Fig. 16. It
model presented by Brady and Brown [13], which is
is interesting that while the earlier points correlate
similar to the model described here, poorly predicts
with a rockmass with low modulus, the later data
the simulated displacements and beam stresses, primar-
seems consistent with a sti€er rockmass. This can be
ily due to an over-prediction of the e€ective thickness
linked to two possible mechanisms.
of the compression arch at the midpsan and at the
The ®rst is that as the voussoir beam de¯ects the abutments. The numerical simulations of So®anos [31]
compression in the arch increases. The rockmass mod- predict a normalized arch thickness of less than 0.3 at
ulus of a jointed rockmass is normally pressure equilibrium and less than 0.1 near failure. These are
dependent [29] and therefore, in this case displays a low compared to the values 0.75 for equilibrium and
strain-sti€ening behaviour. In addition, plain strand, 0.3 to 0.4 at failure, predicted by the iterative
cement grouted cablebolts tend to require up to approach in this paper. Numerical simulations by Ran
between 30 and 40 mm of slip to develop their peak et al. [16] indicate an arch thickness more consistent
frictional capacity [14]. If the e€ective embedment with the predictions in this paper.
length of the strand, equal to the lamination thickness, Clearly, something is amiss. The answer appears to
is less than the critical length required to break the be the numerical boundary conditions and discretiza-
steel, the cablebolt can provide this capacity over rela- tion used in the model. It was found during the course
tively large rockmass displacements. It can be seen of this research that a UDEC model [30] composed of
that late in the experiment, as mining progresses rigid blocks and elastic joints (no tension) and a model
farther past the instrumentation sites, the de¯ection composed of deformable blocks and elastic joints (no
beyond 40 mm follows a more stable trend than that tension) both seemed to exhibit similar behaviour to
predicted by the model. Cablebolts must be contribut- the model of So®anos [31] if the beam had ®xed sup-
110 M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117

Fig. 17. Exaggerated displacement pro®le (top) for a typical UDEC voussoir beam simulation and contours of internal horizontal compressive
stress (bottom).

ports or was bounded by rigid blocks as abutments. potential in cases where lamination thickness and mod-
This creates problems with discretization which do not ulus is uniform.
seem to permit the formation of a stress triangle The beam was ®rst allowed to de¯ect elastically
(0 < 1) at the abutments. Instead, reaction forces are while maintaining a non-zero tensile strength within
concentrated at the bottom corner of the abutments the joints. If this initial elastic de¯ection is not per-
leading to over-prediction of the moment arm and in- mitted, sliding will occur before arch stresses are gener-
accurate de¯ection predictions. ated. It is assumed that excavation is a gradual process
The model ultimately used for this paper utilized de- such that beam deformations occur before the abut-
formable elastic blocks (discrete blocks with internal ments are fully liberated. After elastic equilibrium was
®nite di€erence zones), elastic joints (no tension) and achieved, the joint tensile strength was set to zero and
¯exible (elastic and internally discretized) but very sti€ the beam was allowed to continue deforming until
abutment blocks. This provided better displacement either equilibrium or failure occurred. The joints had
compatibility at the abutments. The results of this no cohesion but had a frictional strength. The initial
model correlate very well with the voussoir analogue elastic deformation stage allowed lateral stress and
as will be discussed presently. Simulations included frictional strength to accumulate in the joints, particu-
single beams only since the purpose of the model was larly at the abutments. Without this stage the beam
a comparison with the analogue model. Hatzor and would simply slip past the abutments under its own
Benary [32] have recently examined the in¯uence of weight.
multiple layers with interbed friction. The single beam Several con®gurations were tested, using di€erent
prediction represents the worst case failure initiation rock sti€nesses, Ei, di€erent joint normal sti€ness,
M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117 111

Fig. 18. Predicted variation of horizontal stress along arch axis (ABC) compared with UDEC results (top) and predicted and simulated stress dis-
tributions at abutment and at midspan (bottom).

JKN, and joint spacings, sj. The rockmass modulus, bolic variation introduced in this paper. Again the
Erm for comparison with voussoir predictions, was cal- match is acceptable for engineering application of the
culating using the relationship: method.
Models of unit thickness (T = 1) with several di€er-
1 1 1 ent rockmass moduli were analyzed with increasing
ˆ ‡ …21†
Erm Ei …JKN†sj span, in increments of 5 m, up to snap-through failure
(blocks fall and beam disintegrates). Crushing failure
The de¯ection pro®le and the internal stress distri- was not investigated in this analysis. Fig. 19 illustrates
bution are shown in Fig. 17 for one example simu- the calculated equilibrium displacements in the UDEC
lation. The parabolic nature of the compression arch is models and the associated voussoir predictions. The
immediately apparent. Fig. 18 compares the lateral modeled de¯ections match the predicted relationships
stress distribution at the abutment and at the midspan well, with the exception of a slight over-prediction by
with the assumed triangular distribution and the pre- the voussoir model at higher sti€nesses. In addition
dicted voussoir arch thickness (0.65 T). The distri- the UDEC model failed in each case immediately
bution at midspan correlates very well, while the beyond the critical span predicted by the voussoir ana-
numerically simulated abutment stress distribution is logue.
more non-linear, resulting in a higher maximum stress The maximum stress occurred inevitably at the bot-
near the bottom edge of the beam. In addition, the lat- tom edge of the beam at the abutment. The midspan
eral stress variation along a parabolic path, ABC, in maximum stress correlated fairly well with predictions
the UDEC model is compared with the assumed para- (Fig. 20) while the abutment stress was consistently
112 M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117

Fig. 19. Midspan displacements (data points) from UDEC beam simulations compared with voussoir predictions (T = 1 m).

Fig. 20. Maximum compressive stress in UDEC beams compared with voussoir predictions (T = 1 m).
M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117 113

Fig. 21. Simpli®ed relationships for rockmass modulus as a function of rock quality and con®nement.

higher. If this is real and not an artifact of the model- and sample disturbance. The results have been further
ling, it is unlikely to devalue the predicted crushing modi®ed here to provide convenient functions for
limit for the voussoir analogue, since the area over modulus based on rock quality and con®nement
which the increased stresses occur in the UDEC model (Fig. 21). These functions can be used to estimate
is quite limited and any resulting initial crushing rockmass modulus for the voussoir beam. For most
would be highly localized. These numerical results, excavations where the voussoir analogue is valid, the
therefore, give us con®dence that the voussoir model lower bound moduli should be used.
can be used to predict the de¯ection and stability of Finally the compressive strength must be speci®ed.
rock beams which form in laminated ground. Crushing failure is local in nature and therefore relates
to the strength of the intact rock. However, in accord-
ance with recommendations by Martin [34] regarding
the strength of intact rock in situ, one third to one
5. Stability guidelines half of the laboratory UCS is used for this analysis.
The summary design limits based on yield (buckling
The results of this work can be summarized into limit = 35%) are presented in Fig. 22. If a beam thick-
normalized stability charts for use in design of under- ness is speci®ed, then a critical span is obtained for
ground openings. Parametric modelling has shown snap-through failure and for crushing failure. The de-
that the snap-through stability limits for critical span sign span is the lesser of the two values. Likewise, if a
and thickness can be related to the normalized rock- span is speci®ed, the critical thickness is the greater of
mass modulus, E *, which is equal to the modulus the two.
divided by the e€ective speci®c gravity, S.G.*(E * = E/ Actual spans are rarely fully two dimensional in
S.G.*). Similarly, the limits for crushing failure can be nature. In fact the two-dimensional beam represents a
related to the normalized compressive strength lower bound model for determining critical span. An
(UCS* = UCS/S.G.*). The e€ective speci®c gravity, upper bound is obtained from the model for a square
S.G.*, for a beam with a dip of a can be obtained span. Again, Brady and Brown [13] derive a relation-
from Eq. (22). ship for a square span by assuming that the span fails
as four triangular panels. The weight of each panel
S:G:* ˆ S:G:…cos a† …22†
creates a moment about the abutment edge:
In order to simplify the estimation of rockmass mod-
ulus based on rockmass classi®cation, the test data for gTS 3
MW ˆ …23†
®eld modulus presented by Barton et al. [27] and by 24
Bieniawski [33] was reexamined by Hutchinson and
Diederichs [14] to account for the e€ect of con®nement which is resisted by a reaction moment
114 M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117

Fig. 22. Stability guidelines for jointed rock beams (tunnel spans). E€ective speci®c gravity, S.G.* = S.G. cos a.

fmax NTSZ Combining Eqs. (23) and (25) yields a modi®ed re-
MR ˆ …24†
2 lationship for fmax:
This equation, however, is in error due to the assump-
tion of a constant moment arm, Z, through all sections ge S 2
of the triangular panel. The de¯ection at the hinge fmax ˆ …26†
6N…Z ‡ Z0 †
point is zero and therefore, the moment arm must
vary from Z = Z0 ÿ d, at the midspan, to Z0 at the
corners. Eq. (24) must therefore be revised to Eq. (26) is then substituted for Eq. (13) in the original
analysis. One ®nal adjustment is necessary, however.
fmax NTS…Z ‡ Z0 † For the square span, Eq. (16), for the shortening of
MR ˆ …25†
4 the beam must be replaced by

Fig. 23. Stability guidelines for jointed rock plates (square spans). E€ective speci®c gravity, S.G.* = S.G. cos a.
M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117 115
…1 ÿ n†L 2 N erated by the active pressure created by mechanical
DL ˆ fmax ‡ …27†
E 9 3 rockbolts) resulted in a small increase in stability,
while cohesive resistance (no slip) generated by fully
where n is the Poisson's ratio for the rockmass. grouted bolts (or rock bridges) had a signi®cant sta-
The results for the square span are summarized in bilizing e€ect.
Fig. 23. . These charts are only valid if no low to mid angle
A few limitations with respect to these charts should jointing is present. In this case or in the case of
be noted: thinly laminated ground, support is necessary in
order to create a reinforced beam. Rockbolts or
. These charts can be used with con®dence in lami- (preferably [1]) grouted rebar should be approxi-
nated ground where the lamination thickness is mately equivalent in length to the desired beam
known and where the modulus can be estimated thickness [10]. Assuming a lower-bound rockmass
with some degree of reliability.
modulus, a reinforced thickness can be estimated
. It is imprudent to rely on such an assumptive
from Figs. 22 and 23 which will ensure adequate
method for very large spans (>100 m for steeply
stability. A factor of safety of 1.5 to 2 with respect
inclined spans and >60 m for horizontal spans)
(i.e. use half the span or twice the thickness) to is
where other in¯uences, not considered here, may
adequate for most situations [14].
govern stability. Consistent excavation quality is
. This method is not suitable for poor rockmasses
also assumed. Over-blasting, or uneven excavation
surface geometry will negatively impact roof stab- with a low RQD rating (<50) and more than three
ility. joints sets.
. The assumption in these charts is that the joints are . This technique is designed to predict the onset of
rough enough to provide frictional resistance under roof instability. Thus only the ®rst (lowermost) lami-
low to moderate con®nement (i.e. no slickensides or nation is considered and not a composite beam
low friction coating) and that the span to thickness structure. This is based on the assumption that, pro-
ratios are greater than 10. Sliding failure along joints vided the beam thickness is stability of the whole
at the abutments or within the beam is not con- roof is controlled by the stability of this ®rst beam.
sidered. . The in¯uence of the gravity load component parallel
. It is assumed that there is no frictional or cohesive to inclined laminations is ignored in order to achieve
resistance along the interfaces between the lami- a tractable solution. This leads to the apparently
nations. This represents a worst case assumption reasonable conclusion that inclined layers (dip = a)
since such resistance increases the stability of the are signi®cantly more stable than horizontal layers.
beams. Snyder [1] showed that limited friction (gen- The de¯ecting beam must still achieve the same

Fig. 24. Examples of parallel weight correction to critical span for inclined beams.
116 M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117

Fig. 25. Corrected equilibrium midspan de¯ections for stable steeply dipping beams (dip = 808), accounting for parallel weight component.

moment equilibrium (between the perpendicular 100% for near-vertical beam (dip = 808).
weight component and the compression arch reac- Undoubtedly, the in¯uence of the parallel weight com-
tion force) regardless of initial (gravitational) com- ponent is more complex than described here, leading
pression within the beam. The beam does, however, to assymetrical beam de¯ection and other compli-
settle under this imposed loading. The e€ect of this cations. A program of numerical experimentation is
additional compression can be considered implicitly warranted to investigate this in¯uence and provide
by imposing an initial shortening of the beam, DdC, more accurate stability predictions for inclined beams.
equivalent to the compression due to gravity (paral- Such a program is beyond the scope of this paper.
lel to the beam) given by Eq. (28). The beam must
®rst close this gap before additional compression
can be created during beam de¯ection. This gap is 6. Conclusions
used to calculate a new initial moment arm in
Eq. (29). This value is substituted for Z0 in Eq. (17). An improved iterative approach to a classic ana-
logue for stability assessment of laminated ground has
S 2 g sin a been presented with several improvements and correc-
DdC ˆ …28† tions including an improved assumption for lateral
stress distribution and arch compression, the appli-
  cation of support pressure and surcharge loading, sim-
3S 8 2 pli®ed displacement determination and a robust
Z *0 ˆ Z 0 ÿ DdC …29†
8 3S iteration scheme.
A linearity limit or yield limit has been identi®ed,
Examples of the in¯uence of this correction on critical corresponding to a midpsan displacement of approxi-
span are shown in Fig. 24. Given the bevy of simplify- mately 10% of the lamination thickness. This displace-
ing assumptions already inherent in the model, the ment limit appears to be independent of rockmass
impact of this correction is of limited practical signi®- modulus and is a useful guideline for performance
cance for rockmass moduli greater than one GPa and monitoring and observational design. Beyond this dis-
can be neglected in the interest of producing the sim- placement, stability cannot be assured. The yield limit
pli®ed and uni®ed charts in Figs. 22 and 23. On the and the methodology in general has been veri®ed using
other hand, according to this simpli®ed correction, ®eld evidence and numerical simulations.
non-critical equilibrium de¯ections are signi®cantly This limit is used to present stability charts for de-
a€ected as in the examples shown in Fig. 25, with sign. These design charts have been normalized with
increases, at one half of the critical span, exceeding respect to e€ective speci®c gravity which is a function
M.S. Diederichs, P.K. Kaiser / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (1999) 97±117 117

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