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Ethics and Human Behaviour

- Two Topics for Medical Engineering Students

Transilvania University of Brasov
Eroilor 29, Brasov

Abstract: The paper attempts a non technical approach at the importance of studying Ethics and Behavioural sciences in the medical
engineering students’ curriculum. This perspective is the result of the Medicine and Mechanical engineering teachers’ experience,
who is involved in the development of this program.

Key Words: behaviour, communication, ethics, curriculum, biomedical engineering education

1. Introduction for improving the quality of European higher education

There is a common law among engineers, stipulating was promoted at Lisbon: pushing for excellence in
that, in their education, study connected with techniques research & innovation, concentration & selectivity
and mathematics is very important. It is denied also the regarding European aria of research - ERA (2000).
role of the study upon the humanist disciplines, usually The European level development is also accorded to
included in the Medicine curriculum as Behavioural Berlin, Bergen and London documents (2003-2007). In
science and Ethics. 2000 in Lisbon, the European Council declared its
Technical modern university studies are often more and purpose for the European Union: “The Union must
more involved in product development, in the become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge
partnership of engineering and different fields aiming at based economy in the world, capable of sustainable
building multidisciplinary partnerships. [9, 13] economic growth with more and better jobs and greater
The development of Romanian medicine and its social cohesion”. [8, 10]
alignment to modern techniques required the design of It has been estimated that by 2010 almost half of new
new study programs and new faculties in Romania, too. jobs created will require tertiary level education and
These novelties have the purpose to train professionals almost 40% upper secondary education.
able both to restore existing machineries and hardware, The European Commission recognizes that meeting the
and especially to design and expand new materials and Lisbon challenge requires rethinking education and
apparatuses usable in modern medicine. training: how and where people learn; the roles of
learners and those who support them, and the tools that
will promote optimal learning. It is our view that a
radical re-thinking of education and training will mean
2. Problem Formulation an end to the ‘compartmentalisation’ of learning.
2.1. European content The knowledge society will recognise the organic link
During the last years, the Romanian high level teaching between the learning citizen, the learning organisation
system suffered a lot of changes connected to the trend and the learning territory: an open system of learning
implemented by the Common Declaration of the that embraces formal and informal, professional and
Ministries of Education of the European countries, cultural learning in the same dynamic.
signed in Bologna in July 1999. Romania consented to
this declaration, which provides a high compatibility and 2.2. The national context
possibility of comparison between different high level Curriculum development at national level evolves
educations systems. according to a national system of indicators, both the
Bologna settlements have ruled upon the development of educational system and the scientific research
specialisations for the last few years. A reform agenda
development. The education is correlated to quality Development of a system to assure the quality
evaluation indicators of ARACIS (Romanian Agency of based both on internal and external evaluation;
Research Accrediting in Higher Education). The Raising the licensed specialists’ degree of
scientific research is settled by the National Strategy of insertion in labour market;
Research Promotion and evaluated by Quality Indicators The University integration in the local community in
of Activity in Higher Education (settled by IC6- the purpose of the university integration as active
Research, Government Resolution 551/2007 for member in civic society.
approving the criteria and standards, the Methodology of
evaluation and certifying the capacity of research- 3. The development of the Medical
development activities in the research-development units
and institutions and accrediting the national interest
Engineering Program
units of the research-development system). This program was born as an open gate to a modern
profession, which the European labour market had been
asking for. This ultramodern profession represents the
2.3. The local context
Transilvania University of Brasov is one of the largest interface of medical engineering, mechatronic
universities in Romania. It is an autonomous State engineering, electric engineering, computer science and
engineering and medicine as a profession responsible for
institution that has the right and the obligation to create
the most valuable treasure as it is the health of the
its own regulations, structure, competence and selection
human beings. [3]
processes outlined by the Academic Board.
The students following this program of study have a lot
The medium and long term development strategy of the
of possibilities to express themselves and to gain fame
Transilvania University of Brasov is based on the
as they have both engineering knowledge and medical
academic objectives stated in the University Charter,
knowledge enough to understand better the human body
oriented towards the following fields of activity:
and to develop the engineering systems which has
teaching, scientific research, postgraduate training, inter-
university co-operation, university deontology, social become a precious help today.
protection of the university community members, Certainly, nobody thinks in these days that medicine is
development and upgrading of the material base. an apostolic profession based on the physician’s
supernatural capacities and the physician is now or will
be a simple user, driver or manipulator of medical
In this context, we consider that the collaboration and
partnership between these two professions and the
design and development of the team physician-engineer
since the period of the university studies is more and
more required.

The reformation required in education is correlated with
the following objectives in the perspective of
Transilvania University:
Integrated development correlated to the reality of
three cycles of study: licence, master, doctorate and
continuous training (fig.1);
Transparency and equivalence of qualification all
around Europe;
Experience exchange between different European
areas and the possibility to establish partnerships
between students-future specialists, too; Fig.2a
Attention focused on student:
ECTS used to measure the students’ scientific
development not only as method of knowledge
Building a quality criteria system for admission in
a superior cycle of study;
A very important subject also should be connected to the
use of the medical apparatuses and machines in different
situations as transplant, cloning, endoscopies, etc. and
why not in situation of building simulators for the future
physicians’ training. The times when physicians
practiced on their patients already ended, this is why
today training the abilities of doctors and nurses has to
be done using simulators.
To this purpose, the role of engineering professionals is
to design such kind of simulators and to decrease the
tendency of exercising on patients the manoeuvres
which are not sure and absolutely without risk).
Ethically speaking, the licensed engineers in Medical
Engineering must understand the most important ethical
issues linked with medical gestures and manoeuvres and
to develop especially that projects which decrease the
risk of malpraxis (medical error) or are potentially life
savers and also require as accessible financial resources
Fig.2b. as possible.
Behavioral Sciences –A new subject offers a new
Building the very high level laboratories for study and
approach and perspective of Medical engineering
research (fig.2a and 2b) is the frame that certainly
New technologies evolution raises the risk of
ensures the adequate environment for study, training and
transforming the human relationships from direct,
technical preparation of future specialists in the field. [1]
unmediated relations into indirect, mediated by internet
relations and also the risk of transforming the physician
into a professional addicted to machines.
4. New subjects implemented into the Frequently, the physician is seen as a simple beneficiary
curriculum of Medical Engineering and the engineer as a simple apparatus producer,
The objectives for implementation into the curriculum of preconception that splits the two connected professions.
Medical Engineering for themes like Ethics and This rupture could be fixed if both professional
Behavioural Sciences are focused on helping students to categories remembered that they are focused on people,
understand better the complexity of the human being, to and the human being represents a unique, unrepeatable
ensure the possibility of development of those person, with particularly social capacity.
apparatuses and machines which are capable to increase These are the reasons why it is very important both to
the patients’ comfort level and especially to avoid their explore the modern ways of communication and
participation to experiments that do not comply with the investigation and to ensure a proper human relation
rules and regulations of deontology. between physician and patient. [5, 11]
Ethics – major importance subject of study Easy access to information which doesn’t presume a
The complex development of this subject requires hard work of individual searching, but the acquisition of
containing both magisterial lectures (which theoretically those tools and abilities selected by others, has both a
explain issues as professional secret, human wrights, beneficent effect due to time saving, and a maleficent
ethics of scientific writing, ethics of scientific one, linked to loosing the interest in realizing a good
experiments and research) and practical studies (of documentation. [4, 6]
studies upon ethical cases which the students have to The medical engineer specialist’s role is to create
discuss guided by specialised teachers). [6, 12] technical tools to the purpose of assuring good medical
staff - patient relationship in all possible situations (for
example when there is a barrier linked with geographical
conditions), to create the possibilities to increase the
patient’s comfort patient and to substitute his affected
fundamental needs [2]
At the same time Behavioural Sciences could ensure a
modern approach of the engineer’s role and place in the
development of human society in which the technique
couldn’t represent an aim by itself.
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